My Super God QQ

Chapter 1105: Fairy World's Tribulation


Have you become a demon killing yourself?

When Li Qing heard the news, it was also a stunned expression of "day dog", and then he couldn't help laughing.

"These people are really too. If they can't get it, they want to use the tactics of the sea to destroy themselves?" Li Qing thought to himself: "Or, most of them just look at the bustling and not afraid of big things?"

Anyway, Li Qing was shocked by the news.

Facts have proved that both human beings and other races have the potential to gossip or even mix water.

"Okay, then let's make trouble. The bigger the trouble, the more earning my reputation."

Li Qingxi was pleased to hear and was ready to take over this big surprise.

As long as he has the strength to come next, then no matter how big the waves are, he need not be surprised.


Just as Li Qing was in the universe, the bigger and bigger it was, on the easternmost coast of the South Zhanbuzhou in the fairyland...

A meteor descended from the sky and fell into the sea, setting off a huge wave.

This wave turned a thousand feet high, and I do not know how many fishing villages were drowned. The next day, ten outland creatures of different shapes walked from the sea to the land.

Their appearance is humanoid, but they all possess the characteristics of beasts.

Some of them are elephant-like human bodies, some are human beast arms, and some are completely beast-like bodies, but carry human heads...

With the coercion of the strong, they walked inland while looking around with curiosity.

"You can't reveal your identity on this trip, you know?"

Headed by a guy with a leading body, speaking, buzzing, as if drumming and gongs, it is very harsh.

"Yes, boss, we know."

"But, he really wouldn't know our origins, would we go to destroy our world?" A person, his arm is like a mantis's arm.

"Oh, if this is the case, this world will definitely become a public enemy. I don’t believe it. They dare to face so many worlds at once. Don’t forget, except for our world, we get news, and other worlds come. It is a wasteland here. If this is a world with many treasures, although we may not get the core source, it is also good to get these treasures."

"Well, some native worlds are very powerful, I hope we can gain something~"

"Green sword, you go to grab a native and ask where there are more powerful forces, we can get some information about the world."


"Hope this world is like Li Qing's, there are many treasures, don't let us run in vain!" The leader of the leader said.


In the universe, Li Qing promoted the name "Humanity".

But at the same time, good things will be subject to disaster.

No, because many rumors of Li Qing's treasures were known in some other worlds, they stared at Immortal Realm, thinking that this is a small world that has not yet gone through the wasteland of other worlds, and came to explore treasures.

This scene, at the same time, happened in many corners of the fairy world...

A large number of outland creatures are coming.

To be honest, this disaster was not caused by Li Qing. At the beginning, the invasion of the ten major races proved the rules of the universe's weak meat and strong food.

The fairy world was discovered by the major civilizations of the universe, then, the fairy world has already been equated and entered their vision.

Which world is not always plundering resources outward, Xianjie can be said, is a piece of fresh meat, sooner or later will be targeted by these people, Li Qing's behavior has only accelerated this kind of thing.

The biggest crisis in the fairy world is coming...

On the first day, these exotic races did not destroy the world much.

The next day, some small forces have been wiped out by these foreign races.

On the third day, Xianmeng finally got the news and sent a lot of power to wipe out these alien races.

At this point, the fairy world has opened a war against the invasion of foreign races.

The flames reappeared and ignited the entire fairyland.



In Wushuang City, Dashuang watched his father besieged by three foreign races, and had fallen into the downwind. His eyes were flushed and he shouted.

"Dashuang, I'm going to Xianmeng for help. I can only hold it for a while..."

The master of Wushuang City resisted the attacks of the three powerful men with difficulty, continually procrastinating and running while fighting.

At this time, half of the city under his name had been destroyed. Countless people died directly under their power. Half of the city was turned into broken walls. There were desperate crying, crying for help, and swearing. .

The people are suffering!

In Immortal Realm, although they once enjoyed a lifespan that was dozens of times higher than that of the lower realm, ordinary people, however, at this time, in the case of alien ethnic invasions, they also became the first line of defense, the first batch of people who easily died in war .

Tens of millions of people were killed in a single blow by an alien race.

If it weren’t for the city master of Wushuang City to go out in time, to block other attacks, and to evacuate them in a timely manner, I am afraid the entire city had already been razed to the ground.

"Come on, hand over the treasures, as long as you hand over all the treasures in this city, you can leave your life..." A man is full of lead color, but his head is octopus-shaped, and there are many foreign races with tentacles like hair. Smiled insidiously.

"We have no treasures!"

"Mine, like the weapons in your hands, the minerals, as well as all kinds of medicinal materials, and spirit stones, are all what we need," the race said.

In fact, they also saw that the city owner's weapon was really good.

However, they will not use this weapon. At that time, they can only kill him, and then take this weapon back to melt it and turn it into a new weapon.

"What kind of people are you? Some kind of say it!"

The main character of Wushuang City is full of blood. He feels that if the Xianmeng people will not come to support him, he is afraid to die here today.

Even at this time, he still wanted to ask what race the other party was. When the leader of their Xianmeng came back, he would have revenge on them.

"Oh, even if I tell you what world we are from, do you have the ability to go? Even if I tell you what world we are from, is that true? Innocent and stupid humans, huh~" This The foreign race laughed, eyes full of contempt and pity.

In his view, things like humans are too weak, even if there are individuals who are very powerful, it is like that.


A bunch of words were despised by this foreign race, and Wushuang City Master thought of this, so irritated that he could no longer bear the injury and vomited blood.


"Dashuang, you go!" He spit out the blood, he felt his body was weak for a while, afraid that he could not withstand the other side, and now he just wants his children to leave safely.

"He can't go, sorry..."

The alien race raised his head and motioned to his companion, and his companion now came behind Dashuang in a very fast, almost teleportation.

The big pair picked up the pair of hammers to bombard each other.

The tentacles on the head of the alien race are directly entangled, which not only binds the big pair.

Even if the big doubles used thousands of dollars, they could not break free.

As for Xiaoshuang, there is no trace at all and nowhere to escape.

The other party's ability is very strange, that is, soft and resilient tentacles, sometimes soft, sometimes sword, soft when it can be long or short, can be **** a mountain to pull up, when hard can be transformed into a sword, nothing is indestructible.

Seeing that the city master of Wushuang City was already full of holes, and when he was beaten, he suddenly felt a figure landing in the sky.

The fingers turned into thousands, as if the white galaxy hung upside down, sweeping towards these two alien races.

Hongyun Taoist!

" is there a terrible thing?"

The foreign race glared and sneered, the tentacles on its body also turned into thousands, greeted the Buddha Dust.


He glared at the diamond, and the dust in his hand turned into ten million steel needles, instantly piercing the other's tentacles.

"The **** silk that has been formed for thousands of years, can you stop it..."

The alien race is like sky fire, which has caused countless disasters and drowned the lives of a large number of immortal people, causing the big brothers of the Xianmeng to fight fire everywhere.

Li Qing is not aware of all this. He is still in the universe and has no way of knowing.

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(End of this chapter)

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