My Super God QQ

Chapter 1106: Alien catastrophe

South Bianzhou!

In this catastrophe, it became the most miserable and cruelest place.

As if the earth's happy land turned into hell, countless human beings were killed, captive, abused, and even used as food to be slain.

"The resources of this fairyland are okay, not surprising. However, the humans here are delicious... Gee, especially the little baby, that meat is really crunchy." A crocodile's alien race, holding in his hand There was a trident with a piece of meat on it, and his mouth was full of saliva.

If you look at the ground carefully, the meat has a human form.

"You orcs are really disgusting, how can we comfortably devour the soul directly, ah, the soul here is simply a big supplement, and there hasn't been a world for us to devour the soul so arbitrarily for a long time." A woman saw that the undead clan sucked **** the woman's eyebrows. The woman's body was originally normal, gradually deflated like a leaking balloon, leaving only skinny.

In the end, the woman was thrown on the ground like garbage, no one cares.

On the other side, there is a cauldron, in which a female doll is screaming and crying constantly.

At about three years old, she kept crying and shouting at her mother, waving to her mother lying on the ground with her small tender hands, but her mother had already died, and she would also become a snack for the orcs.

Half an hour later, the aroma came from the pot, which is the smell that humans can smell, but in the eyes of these foreign races, it is all bright.

"Fuck, my orchid..."

In the distance, a man rushed over, carrying a **** on his shoulder, as if returning from the field.

But he hasn’t rushed near. His neck has been pierced by a gun. The blood is sprayed out like a fountain without money. He is still waving his hand vigorously, with tears in his face, waving his hand forward with all his strength. Embrace your wife and daughter. Finally, the hands hung down weakly, and was thrown aside by an alien.

In the fairyland, there are countless more terrible things than this.

Alien races do not treat humans as humans at all, but as animals, and they can freely eat slaughtered animals.

Occasionally, there will be foreign races, such as dragons, that will plunder women to the side, poke them into the crotch of the woman with that terrifying giant, and directly stab them to death, still continually shaking.

It is miserable.

Even when the Xianmeng people came and looked at the scene nearby, they could not help but feel chilled.

For five days, most of the foreign races were wiped out under the direction of Hongyun Taoists.

Seeing that Li Qing has not returned, this is only the first wave. I am afraid that there will be continuous invasion of foreign races in the future, and Xianmeng began to hold meetings to start the Tinder Program.

"Fire kind" means human civilization and continuity.

In this case, only a part of humans can be moved to another space. This is the space where all the treasures and powers of Xianmeng have been refined. About 100 million people have been moved into it.

Most of them are children, and some are young men and women, as long as they have smart or good potential, they can be selected.

From the perspective of Xianmeng, now Xianjie is afraid that they can't keep it, and their last hope is to keep the fire.

Why are you afraid to keep it?

Because, in the past five days, the Western Buddhism was first destroyed, billions of people died in the hands of foreigners, and even the Buddha of the Buddha Kingdom also died in nine out of ten.

The same is true for Heavenly Court, but fortunately, Heavenly Court's strength is spread across many parties, and with Heavenly Court's array of blessings, Heavenly Court's Great Emperor reluctantly guarded Lingxiao Mainland.

In the fairyland, there is a lot of grief, and the sorrow cloud is bleak.

"Xianjie's disaster will definitely pass, don't worry..." Xianmeng, Hongyun Taoist looked at all the big men below and shook his head: "As long as Li Qing comes back, we won't have to be afraid of these aliens."

"Is it possible? These aliens are not afraid that we will deal with them by destroying the world..." A leader of the power, mourning from the heart, his power has been destroyed, only his bare commander escaped one Life.

"I think that these aliens may not be dominated by their world, but private behavior. It is more likely that they don't care about the destruction of their world. This kind of humanity is not without us..." Helplessly.

"Yeah, it seems that this deterrence is completely useless." The owner of Hongtaling grimaced: "It's hateful that we haven't been able to travel to other worlds, our eyes are dark, and we can't take the initiative."

"It seems that unless we have strong individual power, or some kind of outstanding power, otherwise, we can't stop their continuous aggression..."

"What power?"

Discussing the topic, everyone finally looked at Hongyun Taoist. He is the longest living fairy and the most prestigious predecessor.

If he can't help it, other people are afraid of it.

"Actually, the power at the top of our fairyland is not worse than them. The most important thing is that our family has a great cause and can't take care of the entire fairyland..." Hongyun Taoist shook his head and said: "What's more, this is our fairyland, if it is true Fighting with all your strength, killing one thousand enemies, you have to injure yourself 800. In my opinion, we better defend the enemy to Yuwai, where they are blocked..."

"But they are so many people, so many worlds, many races, we are also unbearable..."

This is indeed a problem.

Fairyland is just a world, and Yuwai also has so many worlds. Even if they only send a top-notch strongman, Fairyland may not be able to bear that huge amount.

"Do your best, listen to the destiny, only... Now, I will go out and invite the Four Elephants Zhuxian array, with our eyes, covering the whole fairy world, we are here, we are here, we are broken... At the end, the Yun Dao Ren paused, almost exhausting all his strength.

Since there is a direction, it is also possible to protect the fairy world, almost all the big brothers agree.

They paid almost half of their storage, all used to arrange this formation.

The Four Elephants Zhuxian Array is a formation passed down from ancient times. The Four Elephants are the four legendary beasts in the ancient legends, the White Tiger, Xuanwu, Suzaku and the Blue Dragon.

With them as the main, they are transformed into four elephants, and the four elephants can be thousands, which is the Zhuxian sword array.

It took five days to lay it out. Finally, the fairy world was completely enveloped. Presumably, by that time, unless their formation was broken, outsiders would absolutely not be able to enter the fairy world.

And after their arrangement was completed, there was a second wave of strongmen, starting from various worlds, and found the place of fairyland.

There is a separate spaceship, something like a sphere, falling from the starry sky.

There is also a spaceship, very huge, like a gigantic beast, coming from the starry sky.

Even also has a fleet, they are composed of countless spaceships, and they are vast and mighty.

Looking around, sometimes, the entire starry sky is the appearance of countless spaceships, which is simply covering the sky and covering the sky, dense and numb, making the scalp numb...

So, the second wave of havoc from outside Yu came to the fairy world again.

Sixiang Zhuxian array is also fully opened.

Like a **** grinding plate that kills and destroys the world, countless alien life enters the formation and is destroyed into a blood **** scattered in the floating universe.

But in their opinion, the fairy world is a new world, and they may still have a lot of resources. In the eyes of some big forces outside Yu, they are the sweets, so they are dead, and they are going to rush here later.

It's almost a succession of succession, endless...

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End of this chapter

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