My Super God QQ

Chapter 1107: Siege of the universe

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"Really spectacular...!!!"

Crazy bear sat on the roof of the hotel and looked around, amazed.

Originally, this starry sky had no creatures, nothing was dark, but at this moment, it was as bright as day.

There are countless spaceship lights, as well as the power of the powerful, illuminating and spreading across the starry sky.

The spaceship is only dozens of meters small.

The large one is 100,000 kilometers long, which is longer than the diameter of the earth.

They are scattered all over the starry sky, densely packed, layer by layer, and can't be seen at a glance.


Anyone who wants to get the treasures in Li Qing's body knows a few.

From the temptation in the front, to the assassination in the back, and even the long-range attack of the huge ship, when the attack came out, even the planet could not be blocked, it was destroyed and smashed, but it was blocked by Li Qing’s formation. .

This makes countless people even more daunted, afraid to move closer to the past.

As long as you think about these days, the mad bear will be like a dream.

Of course, it's good now, let these countless powerful people look at themselves, he just feels full of a special sense of superiority.

Extreme superiority.

Previously, he was an unknown **** on Krypton, but now, he is seen by the top figures of countless worlds. It is simply majestic!

"I don't know if the three younger brothers have seen themselves? Hey, if you see them, you must be envious of them. You can stand here in the world's attention."

"What are you laughing at?"

Li Qing heard the crazy bear's smile, felt a little panicked, and shook his head.

"It's okay, I just think your boss is a thief, so I'm with Yourong, so I laughed." Kuangxiong patted his ass.

"It's obvious that it's just a match, only to laugh"

Xiaohui interjected.

Since the qq book city came out, his realm has also advanced by leaps and bounds, and his strength has grown comparable to that of Li Qing. No, it is even more terrifying than Li Qing.

Or how to say the word "genius", Li Qing feels that the word is simply used to describe Xiaohui.

His black hole directly swallowed a lot of spirit stones. No matter how much energy it swallowed, it directly became its own strength. Therefore, Li Qing sometimes doubted that Xiao Hui was more like the protagonist in the novel than himself.

If there is no QQ system, then Li Qing may have lost Xiaohui.

However, good luck!

Thinking of this, Li Qing couldn't help secretly.

"Boss, do you say that they will stop like this?" Xiaohui looked at the lively, countless battleships and alien creatures with a slight grin, and smiled indifferently.

If you change to someone else, you might be afraid of this battle, like a mad bear, but Xiaohui, since on earth, thinks that after selling his life to Li Qing, he has no fear of anything.

Not to mention, his genius makes him maintain a normal heart for everything and is not arrogant.

"They are negotiating and besieging me together"

Li Qing said with a smile.

"Ah, boss, how would you know..."

Xiaohui remembered that Li Qing had been sitting in this house, but never moved.

"Avatar, change..."


That's right, Li Qing's avatar can also use the seventy-two Disha transformation technique. He has become a kind of small animal and is already in the other's camp.

At this time, someone on a certain spaceship was joining forces to attack Li Qing.

There are thirty-nine forces in total.

They come from various worlds, humanoid and non-humanoid, as well as Zerg and Beast.

They represent their own world, not an official, but a powerful private force. After attacking Li Qing, they felt that they could not waste time any more and decided to join forces together to kill Li Qing.

"I don't know what the ghost place is, as long as there is something, or we go in, it will disappear or die directly, even if it is an attack, everyone thinks this is the case?" An orc man, an orc person with a sheep head , Dressed in a blue robe, like a wise man, fluttering the goatee.

"Yes! Obviously he can sense his strength, at most it is a little higher than us, but it is such a evil door that no one can get close to things."

"He is standing there like a rock of gods, like countless waves, which can't be beaten! This can't be done, if we go on like this, we can't get close, I'm afraid it's a white run!"

"Is it a treasure on him? It must be!"

"That's nonsense, it must be some kind of treasure, so that he can stand in this invincible place. However, even if the artifact left by God is always consumed, I suggest that we attack together. There are always times when he can't hold it."

"Do you mean to destroy the artifact? You stupid!"

"Anyway, I didn't come for the treasures on him. I heard that he kills people like hell, and kills them for fun. I came here on behalf of the glory of our god. Such demons should be judged!" The young man who is no different from humans, but wears white wings on his body. He looks very handsome, with a holy light on his face. He is the archangel of the angelic family.

Archangels have a total of eight pairs of wings, and their angel king has nine pairs of wings.

In the universe, they generally refer to themselves as the angel of justice, and the judges in the universe, wherever there is sin, there is their figure.

"I think you are stupid. What do other people say, what do you believe in?! He has been here all the time, killing the people who covet his treasure." A shadow elf said, belonged to the elf family, the whole body is blue and black , Very beautiful and sexy, and also said a rare remark.

"Don't he devour the world?"

"The Devouring Clan does nothing, and that is what they deserve." The Shadow Elf said disdainfully.

"Then the foreigners who were eating the world at that time?!" The golden light flashed in the eyes of the angels, and the justice was awe-inspiring.

Shadow elves suddenly choked.

"Okay, okay, don’t talk about this anymore. Let’s just talk about things and talk about how to set fire to break through his realm, yes, this should be the realm of God. For more than ten thousand years, my family has come to a god. In his field, everything is omnipotent, and everyone is just ants under the feet of God. I think this may be a field that is about to take shape."

"Impossible, he can't be a god. Although his strength is a little stronger than my wait, that is one point, it can't be a god!"

"Then kill him. I hope he is a god, so that I can have the name of the **** of slaughter!" An orc grinned, exposing the blood.

"Relax, we will definitely be able to kill him. Which of us is not the best in our own world. If we can't kill him with our lineup, then he may be really a god!" The human race said that he was wearing mechas and small mechas directly, which was enough for him to have enough courage to stand among these jackals, tigers and leopards.

What he said undoubtedly made many people nod their heads.

Here, which is not the most powerful leader in his own world, which is not the s-class strong.

It can be said that their forces, whichever world they want to attack, may directly break through. This is a force that is enough to make people desperate.


The next day...

Finally, the crowds of people and spaceships outside withdrew tens of thousands of light years.

And there are only spaceships with about one hundred people left on the spot. One or two figures are standing above their spaceships. Their figures are as phantom as reality. Only the powerful coercion is real. After forming a piece, it seems to freeze the entire starry sky.


Suddenly, at a place of 10,000 light years, a starry sky monster appeared. This is a starry sky monster similar to a scorpion. After seeing this direction, his eyes flashed with vigilance and he slept.


Their power even makes the starry sky monster feel dangerous.

Li Qing also felt that their coercion was like a shadow that enveloped the sky, which made people palpitate.

"It seems a little pressure, I can't take it lightly!" Li Qing secretly said to herself.

He looked at these people, and some people were very strong. They never lost the Buddha masters of Western Buddhist countries, and they did not know where these guys came from.

"I'll come first!"

Suddenly, a tauren appeared with a roar, holding a pillar full of totems in his hand, and slammed down into the void.

It is strange to say that this void was originally nothing, but this smashing, it seems to hit the ground.

In an instant, with him as the center, the voids shattered like mirrors, and spread toward Li Qing.

"This is a broken cow, nerves, how can there be indiscriminate attacks..."

The people on the side scolded and hurried away.

Fortunately, this fragmented void was conscious, and only after spreading towards the tauren did not far out, all attacked Li Qing.

"Come well!"

Li Qing's eyes glared slightly, his voice narrowed, and he tried his best to open the nine days of ten extinctions.

Because these people who come here are all famous top powerhouses in the universe. If they are not treated with care, they will definitely overturn in the gutter.

Just before the power of the Fragmented Void reaches the formation...


A monstrous atmosphere of destruction rushed up to block this fragmented void.

"You haven't shot yet, when will you wait?" Someone shouted, the sword in his hand cut forward.

Jianmang is about one foot long, cut into the void, but it is more horrible than a star falling down.

There was another punch, this was a Kryptonian, just a punch, plain and unremarkable, but squeezed the sword mandrel abruptly, rolled out a golden channel in the starry sky, seemed to destroy everything and rushed to Li Qing.

Someone started, like a chain reaction, shot one after another...

At the moment, all the most violent forces are chaotic and surging, surging and turning into a storm of destruction.

There is no light!

The stars are shaking!

End of this chapter

(=one second to remember)

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