My Super God QQ

Chapter 1170: Nothing will happen

The place where Li Qing lives now is an island outside of Xiamen City.

Even in the future, Li Qing is still used to this city.

The greenery on the island is very beautiful and belongs to a private island. In front of it is a clean beach, and occasionally you can see coconut trees, behind the island is a cliff, and a villa is built on the cliff and has eight floors. The height is extremely luxurious, as if Xianxin Quetian Palace.

At this time, Li Qing was standing at the highest point of the island, behind his negative hand, looking at the whole island.

His eyes narrowed, and thousands of thoughts were still turning in his mind, thinking about the number of fate. He wanted to break the mystery of this fate and make himself stronger.

Do not!

Maybe he wants to be beyond the fate, not in the five elements. In that case, he may be beyond the limits of the universe and control what he wants to control. Only then can it be truly powerful.

Otherwise, what kind of fairy are you?

The fairy in his mind should be omnipotent, but in his realm, he is still constrained by this world.

His relatives and friends may still die of life.

What he wants to eat, he still needs food, and he cannot change it out of thin air.

He needs a bed, a house, and transportation.

And what Li Qing wants is to be omnipotent, to get what he wants, to achieve nothing, that is what Li Qing wants.

It is also possible that this is not a fairy, but a god!


Suddenly, a huge wind wave blew on the edge of the cliff, rushed to the old high, and headed towards Li Qing.

Li Qing's eyes narrowed slightly, and the waves bounced back as if hitting the glass.


This made the old housekeeper who came to persuade Li Qing to go back and felt that he was dazzled, rubbed his eyes, and saw nothing again.

So he stepped forward: "Master..."

"Don't call me lord, I'm not used to it, call my boss!" Li Qing said casually.

"Yes! Boss, these two days may bring a big typhoon from the sea, with a level of nineteen, a huge typhoon that has never been seen before. A call from the family wants to ask if the boss transfers and returns to the land , Otherwise it is very unsafe." The butler stooped and bowed.

"No, even if the land is flooded, this small island will be fine." Li Qing's eyes flashed with a trace of surprise, and immediately said at will.

"But, that's level nineteen..."

"Uh..." Li Qing thought for a moment: "If the people in the villa are going to leave, and you are worried, you can temporarily evacuate..."

"Master, I can't go, I'm your steward..." He said seriously and seriously, butler is a very sacred profession in his mind, even senior stewards must use their lives to block them even if the master is in danger Down.

"Then make your own decision!" Li Qing doesn't care: "Yes, let the patriarch's daughter come here. I have to tell her something."


The head of the Childs family, his third daughter, almost did not jump when he received a call from Li Qing's housekeeper.

"Isn't it a typhoon, let me go, is this asking me to die?!"

The news of the typhoon was that she called the housekeeper. Who knows that the housekeeper called back, not only withdrawing, but also asking her to go to the island.


It must be crazy!

However, thinking of the seriousness and dignity of her father, she could only get up and let the driver take her to this island.

When she arrived for an hour, Li Qing was still standing.

"I listen, you listen!" Li Qing said indifferently.

But indifferently in the eyes of "Ai Weiwei", it was awkward, very annoying, even if Li Qing looked very handsome, it was useless.

After Ai Weiwei nodded his head, Li Qing said: "In the future, help me take care of the Li clan. In addition, Qingyao, the girl, will take care of me. This small island is named Future Island, and no forces and The ship landed on this island or within ten kilometers of the island. Otherwise, they will be responsible for any problems."


Aiweiwei nodded.

"Also, tell your father that when I promised that his conditions have been fulfilled, then I will look for a spokesperson to stay in this world, which will allow him to pick a hundred outstanding young people from his family, and I will consider his talent cultivation One..." Li Qing finished speaking, closed his eyes, and stopped talking.


Ai Weiwei nodded. Seeing that there was nothing wrong, there was a little MMP in her heart, just to say a word, is it necessary to bring yourself over?

She returned to the clan with the grievances in her heart. She wanted to talk about it, but just after Li Qing said, her father actually danced in surprise.

This makes her very ignorant...

"I immediately held a meeting to study, to distribute one hundred of the best young people of our race, and to call back all the people all over the world, those under thirty, outstanding..." The patriarch of the Childsd family went crazy. Call quickly.

Limit them to rush back after three hours.

Then, Ai Weiwei found very silently that his father might be crazy, even if he was in a high position in the Federation, when a general's cousin was called back by him.

Three hours later, they had a meeting!

An hour later, they decided that any objections were forcibly suppressed by the patriarch.

An hour later, when it was getting dark, they were sent to "Future Island".

When they came here, all the outstanding youths of the Childs family were full of complaints.

Even if the patriarch said that there was a great chance of luck waiting for them, they didn't believe it and thought it was crazy!

Because, they know that the typhoon may be tomorrow, no, it will come in the middle of the night. Is sending them here to let them come to death? However, the family's orders are like a mountain, they can only obey or imagine in their hearts, this small island may have powerful scientific and technological forces to block the typhoon.


After they arrived, they saw that this was an island without any fortifications, almost collapsed, and they cried out to their parents, wanting to go home...

You know, after they got off the aircraft, they saw the huge waves take off, and they could cover up the whole sky.

This is just like sending them to hell...

Especially the old British housekeeper who left the restless people in the center of the villa left and returned to the land, and was dumbfounded to see these people appear.

"One hundred, take turns in the villa..."

Li Qing was sitting on the highest floor of the villa and passed the order.

When one came in, Li Qing confused the Mirage Dragon and directly told them their life stories. In their powerful ability, no one could hide things in their hearts. , Also exposed in Li Qing's eyes.

One hundred people left 20 people at the end, and Li Qing remains to be seen.

The sky finally became dark...

The waves have already flown from the bottom of the cliff, and are about to scour into the villa...

"Boss, we really want to evacuate..." The old housekeeper persuaded again.

"No need to!"

"The young people below are all in trouble, they are clamoring to leave here!"

"Oh, does anyone leave without saying?"

"Yes, three, one man and two women."

"Okay, let these three stay, the other get out!" Li Qingdao said.

Next, those who are clamoring to leave, happily preparing to wait for the aircraft to come, can leave this ghost place.

Li Qing called the three people.

One man and two women, both around 30 years old. The men are very powerful, and they have become major generals in the Federation. The women are also incapable of keeping their eyebrows. One is the mayor in the United States and the other is a senior secretary. .

"If you have any complaints to say, just say..."

Seeing that they stood there in a serious manner, but their eyes showed a strange look, Li Qingdao said.

"There are no precautions here. I would like to ask you to evacuate here with us quickly." The major general said quickly.

"what's your name?"

Although he was very depressed and even crazy, he was still asking his name at this time, but he remembered the patriarch's words and replied very respectfully: "Charles."

"Yes, the other also said!"

The other two women, also anxiously, wanted Li Qing to evacuate with them.

"No, I said, it's okay. If it's dangerous here, then there is no safer place on earth..."

When I said this, a thunderbolt sounded in the sky, and a wave rushed onto the glass, making the glass click.

There was still water rushing in below, and the people waiting for the evacuation downstairs were screaming in shock and making a mess.


The old housekeeper was anxious and solemn.

"It's okay! I said it's okay..."

Li Qing opened the window, threw out a few pieces in the eyes of the old housekeeper and one man and two women, and then shut it up.


The thunder roared, as if a gangster was smashing the door, smashing the door, and the loud noise continued.

"It's really impossible not to go!"

The old housekeeper persuaded him again that he couldn't think of how difficult the host was in front of him. Although it might be said that the background is extremely powerful, but now it is a natural disaster outside, maybe it is dying!

"Hello, sir, I want to leave!"

Finally, a woman spoke, her eyes full of fear.

They are still Don't want to die yet!

"I said, nothing will happen..." Li Qingdao said.

"I can't stand it..." Suddenly, the crazy man named Charles rose like a cat stepped on the tail: "I don't want to die, I want to leave, I don't care about anything, you are arrogant, You will kill us. Do you have any hatred against our clan, are you going to kill us all here?"

He wanted to scold, but he didn't dare to scold, and in the end could only growl.

Li Qing froze for a while, then smiled bitterly, why no one believed what he said~

They waved their hands down the stairs, except that the woman who had left did not leave, and the old housekeeper did not leave...

"You are lucky..."

When Charles left, he heard Li Qing talking behind him, and there was a trace of disdain and sarcasm in his mouth, and he went downstairs in anger.

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