My Super God QQ

Chapter 1101: Regretted suicide by jumping off the building

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When I found out that the teleporting star gate was not there, your reaction was too bland. Although you were crazy, you were trapped here for hundreds of thousands of years. If you were just crazy, your heart would be too good. Right? This makes me doubt. "

"……anything else?"

"You want to sum up more experience, and then deal with another person next time? Okay, then I will complete you. The second point is that you have been worried about being afraid of my injury. You said how long we have known each other, you will So good? If it’s normal, I’m going to search for my memory early. How can there be such a good person in this world, let alone mention you who have been trapped for hundreds of thousands of years, you are so good, but it makes people Puzzled."


He was silent.

So, Li Qing continued: "There is one more..."

"What, you say!"

"I won't say it, I'm going to mad at you, who made you lie to me, although I didn't lie to you, hahaha!"

"This seat swallows you!"

He was angry and angry, and the whole cloud was like a sky, pressing down.

"Qq system, you will not watch me swallowed by people, you know you are in my soul," Li Qing said easily.

As he envisioned, just as the dark clouds fell, a golden light surged and rushed towards Li Qing's entire sea of ​​knowledge.

"Ah, what is it! How could this thing be stronger than my soul, my soul is already a god..."

Li Qing lay on the ground, his eyes slowly opened, looking at the starry sky of the dark universe.

At this time, his eyes seemed to be able to understand everything. He saw many and many things appearing in the universe, and these things were like a line, curved in the world.

If the guess is correct, it is the energy structure.


At this time, if someone could see Li Qing's eyes, his eyes would be a pair of crystal-clear eyes flashing with divine light, emitting terrifying and violent fluctuations, shooting like a galaxy, scanning the entire universe. .

Like a deity, patrolling his territory.

"Is this the biggest soul on Yuanyuan Star? Sure enough, it is extraordinary! Now look at this body, there are many loopholes..." He exclaimed, and entered the qq book city.

After entering the inside, he began to mobilize the force, changing his structure.

After having such a powerful soul and memory, he has gained huge domain knowledge.

The first time, he found that his body structure was wrong, so he used energy to transform his body.

The first is blood. Under his reformation, the blood circulates faster and faster. The latter is contaminated with divinity and has turned into golden blood.

Come again is bone!

Under his transformation, the bones were already as crystal as jade. As long as they vibrated slightly, they would make a thunderous sound.

Come again is muscle!

Equivalent to cell reorganization, his muscles are also under his energy transformation, and the density becomes stronger.

That's half a year...

Six months later, Li Qing was satisfied.

After the successful transformation, he was gleaming and radiant, as if he were going to fly away, the golden blood was surging, and the spirit of Wang Yang was boiling.

He felt the inside of his body, as if it was enough to form another world. As long as he had thoughts and thoughts, he could immediately transform a world. However, he did not dare to do that, because he got a lot of information from the soul, that is, if he has transformed a world from within, he can no longer enter the fairyland.

That is to say, when a small world enters another big world, it will definitely encounter eviction.

Because the small world will seek to absorb the nutrients of the big world, so Li Qingxin is moved, but he dare not let his body transform into a small world.

That means that he may not be able to enter the fairy world, not to mention, he dare not conclude that he must succeed.

At this time, his eyes are divine, as if God can see through all the light. If he can feel his own eyes, he will surely find that his eyes have already been seen in the town of Luoyuan. Like the old man, it's almost the same.

The strength is a bit embarrassing, but only one step, that is, the late stage of Taiyi Jinxian. But in spite of this, he had already determined his divinity and felt the power at the highest level of the fairy world.


At the level of Taiyi Jinxian, the highest level is divinity.

Divine nature, that change is the transcendental universe, and at this level in the fairy world, some are unable to transcend, others are not dare, or rather unwilling to transcend, because no one knows where to transcend the universe, where one can go.

Transform yourself into a world and become the master of that world?

Then it may really become the master, or it may be completely transformed into a consciousness, that is, heaven.

"It seems that the legend is not groundless. Pangu turned the heavens and the earth. It may have been unsuccessful. It turned into the sky." Li Qing thoughtfully, looked at the teleport gate, withdrew his divinity, and stepped into it.


"Ah, back!"

That is, when Li Qing walked in, he saw the three-eyed **** looking at himself like a ghost.

"Yeah, come back, Master Three Eyes, how are you?"

Li Qing said hello to him, in fact, he had a killing thought in his heart.

Because he almost killed himself.

It was just at the beginning of this killing idea that he quickly accepted it, because he discovered that the emperor had already appeared.

"You're back?"

Li Qing found that he could already see clearly the appearance of the emperor. It was a look in his twenties, with long eyebrows in his temples, black hair, black eyes, and cold eyes. He was not handsome, but he was imposing. A divine monarch, the lower realm, does not anger himself.

Of course, Li Qing's eyes still behaved the same as before, that is dazed.

"Yes, Xiaguan is back"

Li Qing saluted and responded.

At the same time, he was also looking at the strength of the emperor. It was just that, as if facing the bottomless sea, he could not see anything at all.

"Is there any gain?"

"Yes, there is a crippled soul brand there!" Li Qing lied and opened the story.

The meaning is like confessing to him, I have become stronger, but not much, you don’t have to worry.

He frowned and looked at Li Qing with suspicion. He thought Li Qing could not see him. Of course, this suspicion was only fleeting and nodded.

"Tell me about the situation there?"

"Okay, there's nothing there. The earth is covered with lifelessness. If it wasn't for luck, it was almost killed by meteorite rain..." Li Qing talked a little Hmm. He answered, and then looked at Tianjun three times: "Now, do you still want to go?" If you go, wait ten days, Ben Emperor will help you open the teleport again. "

Three-eyed Tianjun was entangled there.

"Oh, Li Qing..."


"Sometimes ago, Xian Ting's jail cell escaped a recidivist named Li Chuan. Now the Emperor has a task for you to take him to justice. I wonder if you can't take it?"

"The Great Emperor has his life, and he will obey it!"

A moment of sigh in Li Qing's heart, why his father's affairs came out, but he was prepared in his heart, which is also the only reason why he anxiously thought of Yuan Yuanxing. Go to Yuanyuanxing.

Facts have proved that Li Qing's vision is successful.

End of this chapter

(=one second to remember)

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