My Super God QQ

Chapter 1105: Ready to leave

This archaic atmosphere pervaded, as if the wild beasts were about to get out of it, and the feeling of terror fell overwhelmingly.


Many people who looked up looked shocked and felt a terrified feeling, as if they gripped the heart with vise, suddenly tightened, pale, and collapsed directly to the ground.

There are also some people who suppress the strange things in their hearts, but they are all sweating, trembling and falling down at any time.

"Brother, I feel uncomfortable..."

A little loli, about six or seven years old, was watching this scene in the square with his brother, uncomfortable.

But his brother, who was only seventeen or eighty years old, couldn't bear it anymore and could only comfort: "It's okay, it's okay, don't be afraid, brother is..."


Everyone was so scared that they fell and sat on the ground.

Perhaps it was affected. The current and voltage on the ground all followed abnormally. In many places, the voltage devices buried deep underground exploded, causing a comprehensive power outage in nearby cities.

Suspension cars and motorcycles flying in the sky also failed.

Some are better and can land, while others are directly out of control, falling directly from the sky and exploding directly, causing countless casualties.

There were screams, followed by crying, screaming...! ! !

It's a mess!

At this time, many satellites have also monitored this scene in space.

Many of the personnel at the satellite monitoring stations were stunned, watching this incredible variety.

What is that light?

Who is that person?

How could he float in the void, unless Li Qing covered himself with energy and cut off all his sight, I am afraid they could find Li Qing quickly.

"It seems that mortals can't resist..."

Li Qing's consciousness swept down, and saw that many people could not bear this kind of breath, and some of them were suffocating and died, such as some who suffered from heart disease.

He saw a little loli wearing a sick suit passed out directly. When he was about to faint, his small hand was pressed against the heart. Obviously it may be congenital heart disease.


Li Qing quickly exhaled his breath and resisted under the wormhole of that time and space.

But just when he resisted below, something happened again.

A huge explosion occurred in Li Jun's son, Li Xiang, where he was.

"What's the matter! How about the space-time machine?!"

Li Qing's consciousness spread downward, and he saw a huge explosion at the original location of the space-time machine.

"It is inevitable that this space-time machine has committed the taboos of the sky and should not appear in this world?!" Li Qing's mind flashed a flash of light, just thinking about it.

Just when Li Qingsi reached this point, the chip wrapped in the light changed again-it actually flew towards Li Qing and was about to crash into Li Qing's body, but at this time, the QQ system emanated from Li Qing's mind Huge amount of light.

Like a rebound, it flew back to the wormhole again.

The wormhole disappeared, so the whole world settled down again.

Of course, Li Qing finally knew the future. After spending decades, he clearly saw who sent the QQ system to his side. But the magical change that the QQ system experienced on this road was Li. The youth institute cannot find out.

In the end, what time and space has it just penetrated into?

Is it possible that the space-time machine is in disorder and sent it into the era of floods, and then it has changed its time trajectory to come here, feel its own breath, and want to drill into its own body?

The QQ system was already in the body when it was about to get into his body, so the repeller flew away, and it entered the time channel again?

Go back to the time you were in, and enter your body?

There are many questions that Li Qing is not sure about!

Li Qing never expected that such a result would eventually come.

"Of course, I finally know which descendant sent me the QQ system, but I still can't see clearly. What happened to the QQ system..." Li Qing shook his head, very helpless.

If he knew where the QQ system was going for the first time, then he would definitely use a time scroll to go back and look at it.

But it's too late now...


The explosion of the time machine, Li Xiang did not have an accident, because Li Qing was afraid that he had an accident, and had already posted a life-saving fusi on him.

Feeling that Li Xiang helped him change his destiny, Li Qing took him back to his villa.

"Are you an ancestor?!"

"Do you recognize me?"

"Yes, I was there when the ancestors meeting, but I was a kid at the time, but I didn't think you were still so young..." Li Xiang said excitedly, slowly kneeling in front of Li Qing.

It can be said why he was attached to his father's will and sent the QQ system back to Li Qing's ancestors. It may be the scene where Li Qing saw his great power in the child.

"Oh, I have to thank you and your father. If it weren't for your words, I'm afraid that my life, as recorded in your ancestral tree, really spent the rest of my life in hardship and pain."

"No, filial piety first, this is what our children and grandchildren should do..." He flattered his head on the ground, facing Li Qing.

"Anyway, you changed my destiny."

"You mean, you just received my QQ system, and you...?" He looked up in surprise, and he was immediately confused: "But with that QQ system, it seems that you can't do this?!"

"Oh, I haven't figured it out yet, Li Xiang..."

"Yes! Ancestor, I'm here!" He put his head on the ground again.

"Do you have any wish? In view of you changing my destiny, other children never thought about me, and I should give you some good fortune."

If you change to other children, I am afraid that the next son will be ecstatic, and the lion speaks, but Li Xiang does not.

"This is what your children and grandchildren should do."

"Let you say, you just say~" Li Qing pretended to be unpleasant.

"If you have, you will increase my life a little bit. I don't know if I can do it. I want to make the time machine again. I want to make some technological contributions for the people of the earth." He prayed.

Longevity is his biggest limitation. As he gets older, he finds that his physical strength gradually disappears, and his memory gradually deteriorates, which affects his experiments and progress.

"Yes!" Li Qing took out ten fruits: "Here are ten fairy fruits, one can increase the lifespan of one hundred years, all rewarded to you."


Li Xiang originally thought that as long as he could live an extra ten or twenty years, he would be satisfied, even if he didn't, he would just be a little disappointed. Unexpectedly, Li Qing shot a thousand years, which is far beyond his expectation.

"what's wrong?"

"Ancestor, this is so precious!"

"No, this is all you deserve, but it's a pity your father, in order not to go against the fate of the time track...take it!"

"Elders don't dare to say anything, thank you ancestors!"

After he took it, he couldn't help smelling the fairy fruit with the big fist of the baby.

Tears also poured down, swallowing their tears while eating.

Li Qing touched his head and sighed: "Go back after eating, remember, it's mostly China, and it's more to contribute to the clan."


Obviously, a young man touched the head of an old man, but the old man was very happy, like a child crying holding candy.

The scene is very strange.

This made the female mayor who was looking far away, that is, Dai Er, and the old housekeeper very puzzled.

"Soon, I'm leaving, Daier, come here!"

Li Qing confessed to her and the old housekeeper some problems and what to do later, before preparing to leave.

"Then teacher, when will you come back?"

Daier was a little reluctant.

It was Li Qing who led her along the path of spiritual practice. She couldn't help but have a reluctant thought, even if she and Li Qing had a skin kiss.

"Probably a few hundred years later, by then, you may have a chance to see me..."

Li Qing does not know whether this world is now a parallel world of his own If not, there is still a chance to meet.


The old housekeeper also shed tears.

Li Qing is ready to leave, just tomorrow...

It was also tonight that Li Dai’s pleading was that Li Qing would stay for another night before going back.

After dinner, Li Qing returned to the house.

But Dai Er didn't know when Li Qing was already in the house, or was wearing the customary OL suit, just in front of Li Qing, took off, exposing the devil-like curve.

"Teacher, I..."

"You don't have to do this, as long as you do things for me."

"Let me serve you teacher for the last time~"

With that said, she squatted down, unbuttoned Li Qing's buttons, and with her exquisitely beautiful face, cherry small mouth came up.

Seriously, Li Qing is also kind of grateful to Li Xiang and their father and son.

If it were not for them, how could they change their destiny, or how could the mayor of a continent in the United States serve them in this way, and if they wanted to compare the fate of the past with the fate of the present, it would be more than a world of difference. .


Feeling the soft, snake-like fragrance, Li Qing exhaled comfortably.

But at this moment, he heard the sound of the old housekeeper downstairs watching TV, and in the dark, his consciousness swept away.

I saw a news broadcast above, that is, a scientist in the United States of America actually received a mysterious message from an alien. After interpretation, it is apparent that an alien has responded, which has made the scientific community of the whole world do it. shock.

Li Qing frowned, feeling an unprecedented sense of crisis rising to his heart, and uncontrollably flashing the shadow of Jingji people from his heart.

Seeking a recommendation ticket to change fate in the new week, Li Qing tears up~

:. :

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