My Super God QQ

Chapter 1106: Earth exposed location

  Despite the movements under him, Li Qing turned on the TV and sat on the bed.

   Although the child did not know what happened to the teacher, she nodded cleverly as a chicken pecked rice, followed her on her knees, and continued her efforts to please Li Qing.

   was broadcast on TV by a female reporter who was shooting at a group of ecstatic scientists.

   And those scientists are shouting insanely, seemingly winning the lottery special prize, endless carnival, celebration.

   Maybe it's a different field!

Li Qing didn’t know that there was anything ecstatic about it. For the foreign races, Li Qing only had the intention of killing, because no matter where this big universe is, the forest rules are the most important, the strong are respected, the weak are to be The strong serve.

   "A bunch of idiots!" Li Qing looked at this scene, his eyes cold.

   He had thought about it for a long time, knowing the hidden dangers of the earth, but he did not expect that it would explode at this time.

   Fortunately, I am still there. If I am not here, then the earth will become a slave properly.

   "No! I have to let them cut off all this..."

  Li Qing thought of this, and pushed the child under him.

   "What's the matter, teacher?" Daier thought that she was uncomfortable, hurt Li Qing, and said in a panic.

   "I have something to go out!"

   "Okay, let me clean the teacher..."

   She worked hard for a while, causing Li Qing to erupt with passion, so she cleaned up.

  Li Qing disappeared instantly.

   left Daier with a look of admiration alone, watching Li Qing disappearing into the void, swallowing the smell in his mouth.


   United States of America, Florida City...

   Just as the news was being broadcast on a straight line, a Chinese man opened the door and walked in.

   This makes many people who are watching the news very puzzled, how could a Chinese man enter.

   is enough to enter, he actually let these scientists turn off the super-electric ion wave information that is constantly being emitted towards the universe.

  Understand, this super-electron ion wave message, but many scientific guys bear the origin of their dreams!

   Not to mention, now that this super-electric ion wave has been responded, to turn them off, it is equivalent to killing scientists!

  So, this group of scientists not only did not agree, but also asked the security guard to blast away the person in front of him.

   "If they come, they will kill you!"

  Li Qing said coldly, looking at this group of dead and alive guys.

   These guys looked at Li Qing funny.

   Among them, an old man who seemed to be in charge came out to speak.

   "How is it possible, since there are creatures in the universe that are more technologically advanced than us, then they must be more prosperous than us, and how could they be killed?"

"Have you forgotten how Columbus treated America's creatures after they discovered America?" Li Qing sneered. In fact, he wanted to say that he had already seen these alien creature races, but if he said it directly If they did, they would definitely not believe it.

The old man faced Li Qing's words, thought, and was not angry, but just said mildly: "If aliens can come to the earth, it means that their civilization is far more than our humanity. The higher the civilization, the more likely it is to be violent. The lower it is. Therefore, it is completely unnecessary to worry about the threat of aliens, because as long as it is a high-level intelligent life, their intellect determines that they must treat other intelligent life bodies in a fair manner, so aliens and earthmen will be able to Peaceful coexistence, friendly cooperation and common development."

   "I think, if aliens visit, I will treat them well!" a scientist said in a funny way.

"If there is a resource on Earth that they cannot obtain in their homes, technologically advanced aliens can choose an easier way to obtain or manufacture this resource, rather than plowing resources from the earth. Moreover, space travel requires investment A lot of manpower, material and financial resources, they do not need to invade the earth." Another scientist said Li Qing.

  Looking at their optimism and looking at their ideas, the aliens may be peace messengers and will be friendly and lovely. Li Qing is really cold-hearted.

   Of course, with the strength of Li Qing now, there is no need to reason with them.

  So, Li Qing waved his hand and all the instruments inside were damaged.

  Li Qing like this, it is like stabbing the horse honeycomb!

  Because, this group of scientists has already prepared a history of fame and fortune, and wants to let the earth enter the universe across the ages. Isn’t Li Qing trying to make the aliens unable to find the earth?

  Thinking about this, they were angry, crazy, and rushed to Li Qing.

  Li Qing disappeared directly, leaving everyone in this place, as well as everyone on the TV, stunned.


When Li Qing reappeared, he was already in the Childs family.

   "Now, using the power of the Childsd family, stop all scientists around the world from sending super-electric ion waves to the universe!!"

  Li Qing directly entered the patriarch's office.

  At this time, there is also a 5D holographic projector in the office, which is broadcasting the scene in the news.

   It was just that the patriarch didn't think about it. Li Qing just disappeared and came to himself.

   is simply God-like means!

  Thinking about this, he couldn't help but feel awed and stood up quickly from the office chair.

   "Why? God? Have you said that you have foreseen the disaster that our planet will face?"

"Yes, I have fought them once!" Li Qing said seriously: "If you let them come to the earth, not only will the earth be colonized, but the earth will be completely destroyed, and then there will be no such The existence of the planet!"

   Others will not believe Li Qing’s words, but the Patriarch of the Childschild family who has seen Li Qing’s means is completely convinced.

   Hearing this, he was dumbfounded and his face pale.

   He dare not imagine that if this is the case, let alone the Childsd family, even he will be killed in this alien accident.

   "They will not bring peace messengers, but **** messengers!"

   He was terrified. When the reaction came, Li Qing was no longer there. He quickly called to operate.

  He wants to use all the power of the Childs family to control these scientists.

  Facts have proved that the Childschild family is still very strong. It has continued for thousands of years. They have a very strong background and have incomparable influence in the Federation.

   Soon, newspapers began to publish the alien evil theory. Then, some senior officials of the Federation also came out and began to declare, shutting down all equipment related to contacting aliens and sending signals to the universe.

   There is conflict, then there must be friction.

There are also many people who believe in the theory of scientists.

   So, after the emergence of the alien evil theory, another group of earthmen who protested about the alien friendly theory began to protest.

   They protested to the Federation, to senior officials, to protest their freedom of speech, to protest against their hegemonic rights, to protest against their "discriminatory" hegemonic practices.

   And the network has become a severely affected area.

  Almost 80% of the people supported the alien evil theory and believed that the federal initiative was correct.

   There are only 20% of the poor people who think that aliens are friendly.

  If this is the case, these scientists have no way to dominate public opinion and stick to their ideas. But just after a scientist published a may have technology to extend human lifespan, the event heats up again and erupts.

   Almost a day, more than 60% of the total number of people on earth support the alien friendly theory.

   Even some officials controlled by the Childs family, in turn, questioned the behavior of the Childs family, why control the earth to send super-electric ion wave signals to aliens.

   "Greedy... This is the original sin of greed..."

  Li Qing is concerned about all these developments. In the end, he can only resort to violence!

   He dispatched Dyer to destroy the whole earth, all about machines that can send super-electric ion wave signals, for this reason, she also increased her strength to the Mahayana period, and also had the ability to teleport space.

  Del must definitely support Li Qing unconditionally, and now, immediately go to sweep this technology of the entire earth.

   It's just that after Li Qing and Dai Er swept these technologies, they ignored some things.

  That is, after the machine that sent the super-electric ion wave to destroy the message, there are still some scientists who are still sending signals to the universe, using the technology of radio telescopes hundreds of years ago.


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