My Super God QQ

Chapter 1101: Earth's joyous ocean and tension

"Bloor Harris" is the head of the Indonesian region. When he entered the Earth Federation, he was also one of the best in Indonesia. He has the power in his hands and no one dares to object.

Today, he got up early in the morning and put on his most satisfying suit, ready to meet the aliens.

Because his academy of sciences has calculated that the aliens will arrive on earth in about four or five days in the afternoon.

How to meet these alien friends?

The Indonesian district government has attached great importance to it and made a plan. It is important that the other party feel their enthusiasm and sincerity and leave a best impression on the aliens.

"Dad, where are you going?"

At breakfast, his seven-year-old daughter asked.

"Welcome alien friends, maybe the history of the earth will be tomorrow, because these friends will take a big step into the era~" Bloor said happily, already in his sixties, he is rare today. It looks unusually young.

Seeing his husband happy, his wife also smiled and dressed beautifully and luxuriously.

His wife will also greet him as a sign of sincerity, just like in the past, some country leaders will take their wives and go abroad to show friendship.

"Aliens, don't they really eat humans?"

The little girl asked naively.

"No, there are so many foods that the universe can eat. How could they eat us? Hahaha~" Bloom touched his daughter's head indulgently: "If your father and I are better with them, maybe they will send small children How about Jonny’s delicious snacks~"

Thinking about the future, he was full of confidence, with a smile on his face full of spirit.

He and his subordinates are looking forward to the future. As long as the aliens come, then the earth can definitely get their help. By then, life will be more happy.

Of course, the most important point is that their lifespan may not be the same as before, which is definitely a blessing for Bloom.

To know that there is no worry about eating and drinking, there are several lovers of Bloor, but I hope I can live for thousands of years!

"Bloor, about Huaxia District, as well as Africa, Caoxian District... what do you think?" Suddenly, his wife asked curiously.

"Huh! Although the president doesn’t care now, let us prepare for ourselves, but I can imagine that after we get the benefits, they will regret coming to us. Maybe, if we perform well, let the aliens People support us in Indonesia. They gave us technology. It is not necessarily that we can unify the whole earth~" When he said this, the Bloor Eagle looked at the wolf, and a pair of owl's temperament came out spontaneously.

"So, what about the **** of destruction?"

"Oh, what god, he must be afraid of the appearance of aliens, ruining what he wants, otherwise, if he didn't come out before, how can he pop up now. According to Huaxia, he is a grasshopper after the autumn can't jump too much For a long time, why don't you wait and see..." Speaking of which, Bloor has run out of breakfast: "Good morning, to welcome our beautiful future."

Opening the door and looking at the warm sun, his face also showed a comfortable smile.

Riding on a levitating car, they arrived at a government-owned airport, and then, on a levitating aircraft, they flew into the sky.

Suspended flying vehicles, similar to spaceships, are only unable to perform spaceflights. This is a product of a certain degree of technological development within the earth.

As a tribute, they will wait for these aliens to fall in the atmosphere.

Almost all TV stations around the world are broadcasting such a scene, with government agencies in various countries and regions, riding on the aircraft to wait for the aliens to fall into their country.

Perhaps, who is fortunate to be favored, then these leaders will be ecstatic to dance, because they realize that they will be able to contact the aliens first and get more benefits.


"Mayor of Bloor, there is a phone call, coming from China United!"

Bloom sat in the aircraft, and suddenly the Secretary-General reminded him.


Immediately, a holographic projection appeared in front of him, a Chinese name.

"Bloor, don't you really think about it? As far as I know, your country doesn't have any precautions. If an alien suddenly bursts out, there will be countless deaths and injuries!"

"Hahaha! Mr. Huang, you don’t need to worry too much about this. In my opinion, aliens have such a powerful technology, even if you want to prevent it, it’s useless. If so, why don’t we be generous? , Not to mention, aliens will definitely be our friends, they come for peace..."

The two talked.

Hua Xia's opinion is to advise everyone to be a little precautionary, and don't take it lightly when it is not yet known that the enemy is a friend.

However, Bloor is determined to believe that aliens are here for friendship.

In the end, the leader of Huaxia hung up helplessly.

"Idiot, it's just shit... But, you are the same, otherwise, we may have another competitor, ha ha ha ha!" Bloor looked at him disappeared, smugly.

During this period, Bloor also from time to time connected with the bigwigs of other countries to discuss things.

They will talk about some issues related to aliens. In the end, they even make a lot of noise in order to fight to please the aliens.

If Li Qing saw this scene, he would be speechless.

He really wanted to ask, how are you so confident? Who gives you confidence and believes that aliens will definitely benefit you?

Before getting the benefits, arguing about the benefits by himself is definitely the most stupid thing in his eyes.

Time, in their anxious waiting, continually elapsed second by second.

The major TV news all over the world are also staring at the sky.

How many people do not work anymore, took leave and waited to see this scene of prosperity.

Some company bosses even spontaneously celebrated by directly announcing the one-day leave for everyone to let them enjoy the scene of the science fiction coming to reality.

If Li Qing’s consciousness can sweep around the earth, he will find that this is the case.

Countless people came outside and waited for the arrival of aliens.

Some are on the roof of their own house, some are at the highest part of the building, and more are gathered around the square. They are holding flags in their hands, with friendly or hand-in-hand designs on them, waving from time to time. a bit.

Everywhere has become a sea of ​​joy, as if today is a major festival.


With the help of some naval forces on the Internet, some people have already proposed that today should be a celebration anniversary.

What is the name of the anniversary?

"Alien Day!"

"Cosmic Friendship Day!"

"United Day!"


There are many kinds of water stickers.

There are joyous crowds everywhere, only some people who support the alien evil theory are hiding at home, anxiously waiting for the alien invasion.

They were determined to protest the march, but they were forcibly suppressed by various countries and regions. Most of the leaders were also invited to prison for tea, making them afraid to march again.

Some rich people directly expand their basement and move everything they eat to the basement, because if the aliens are going to invade, it is definitely a disaster, and it is only possible to survive this robbery if they hide inside.

Of course, in China, India, and Caoxian District, all people are at home.

The army is also waiting in line, with all kinds of weapons, tanks, planes, aircraft, and air-to-air weapons all turned on.

They are just waiting for the moment of tension.

Is it friendly?

Still fighting!

In the end, the leaders of the Huaxia District contacted Li Qing.

In the name of their Chinese compatriots, they invited Li Qing to sit down.

Originally, they were just puzzled. They didn't know how powerful Li Qing was. They wanted to check his opinions. By the way, ask him how much he knows about aliens.

Who knows, just after Li Qing's teleportation, they were shocked by Li Qing and they believed him completely.

"Are you a fairy?"

The leader waved all his bodyguards back.

Because he sees clearly, with the strength of the other party, no matter how many bodyguards are useless, he simply talks openly with the other party.

When talking about the fairy, his breath paused a bit, as if expecting something.

"Yes!" Li Qing randomly found a chair and sat down.

He was a little puzzled. Although it was Zhongnanhai, the decoration was too ordinary. It was no different from a few hundred years. What was revealed was that it was unpretentious and solemn.

Head No. 1 was affirmed by the other party, and the whole body shuddered with excitement.


He couldn't help but ask carefully.

"Well, it seems that you are also very popular. I will give you this panacea, which will allow you to live for fifty years, and it won’t work anymore~" Throw the medicine over.

He quickly caught it, thought about it, and swallowed it.

In less than five minutes, he was surprised to find that he smelled bad and smelly.

"Let your hospital staff wash it for you~"

Li Qing frowned.

"No, I feel that my body is now as strong as a cow..." As he said, the chief was also a natural person. He walked outside the gate of this large courtyard and picked up the faucet to rush towards Ah, Chief... ! ! "

His anomaly attracted many people running around and exclaimed, but just found that his head seemed to be much younger, like a middle-aged man, all stunned.

When he came back, he had no doubt about Li Qing's words.

"Xianchang, have you ever seen those aliens?"

"Yes, they are very powerful both in technology and personal strength, and the earth has no resistance."

"Ah! What shall we do?"

"Relax, I will keep the Huaxia District. As for those who like to stick their faces with cold ass, let them go. Without any lesson, they don't know what a face hurts." Li Qingdao.

Ask for tickets~

(End of this chapter)

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