My Super God QQ

Chapter 1102: slave? Where does the earth belong?

"Thank you, Xianchang, for sheltering our countless lives in Huaxia, and having unlimited merit!"

As soon as the Chief Executive heard Li Qing say this, he felt emboldened in his heart and thanked him quickly.

This action made Li Qing could not help but stunned.

But I also didn't expect that such a head would still do this action, and the other party was a little shy.

"Everyone is Chinese, and I can't just watch so many people in distress. Can you help me a little, as for the whole earth, huh..." Li Qing shook his head.

"Yes Yes Yes……"

The chief quickly nodded like a chicken to peck rice.

I casually talked a few words, the head has some questions, I want to ask Li Qing.

Of course, if he asked Li Qing, Li Qing would ask him in turn.

Such as technology problems, such as people's livelihood issues...

Li Qing originally thought that the issue of people's livelihood was ZF's lack of attention. It wasn't until after he asked that he knew that a big boss was not good enough. He had to consider every aspect, not to say that he would fix it.

When governing a big country, it is necessary to cook slowly and slowly, otherwise serious things will happen.

Chatted for a while...

"Otherwise, Xianchang will sit here today?"

He asked boldly.


Li Qing thought about it, and let Daier appear here with the old housekeeper, lest his villa be attacked, and nobody sheltered them.

After knowing that there was news of the arrival of the fairy on the side of the chief, many of the big men in the Huaxia District also visited.

They are not for others, even if they look at the legendary fairy.

As a result, this resulted in a weird picture.

Li Qing and the chief are drinking tea, and countless people at the door look around.

It doesn't matter if the young man walks over and walks over, and some old people follow suit, especially when they wear it very grandly. It feels weird how they look.

A bit status, of course, can come in, but it is only limited to a handful.

If other people say, the head will not let them in, so as not to cause the head's anger.

"I don't know, does the fairy have a fairy?"

A head of state affairs in charge could not help asking.

Hearing this, Li Qing knew that they must introduce themselves to women again, nothing more than their own granddaughters and daughters.

For this, he was also crying and laughing, how Chinese people like to come to this trick, can only nod, saying that he already has several celestial buddies.

However, his answer is wrong.

Because, they can hear the meaning, which one is not an old fox, so they all said that they also have a daughter or granddaughter to be married at home, they can introduce to Li Qing, even if they become a maidservant who serves tea Row.

"No no no..." Li Qing refused politely and quickly opened the topic: "Please watch the news quickly, the aliens will arrive soon..."

As he said, at this time, the holographic image in front of them played, it was the aliens who finally arrived.

Of course, they are divided into ten teams.

Their spaceship is also a sign that Li Qing is familiar with, and it is precisely the Jingji people.

Each team went in one direction of the earth.

Coincidentally, no aliens landed in China.


After seeing the alien fleet divided into ten directions, Bloor was very nervous.

Fortunately, he believed that the goddess of luck was for him.

A fleet actually came to the Indonesian area. He shouted excitedly to make everyone meet, and the sound of joy rang, and they approached these fleets.


The opposing fleet simply ignored their plans and flew to the Indonesian capital, the most prosperous and lively place, to land.

"A big spaceship, there are tens of thousands of meters..."

"My God, this is the technology of aliens? They are down, ah, welcome, welcome you..."

"Earth and aliens, friendship survives forever..."


On the ground, countless Indonesians waved a small flag of friendship in their hands while shocking each other's scientific and technological power.

In the end, the fleet stayed on a football field in Indonesia, and there was only one.

The other nine ships are like an escort, still suspended in the sky, completely covering this place.

The football field is not enough to put down this spaceship.

In the end, it was completely overwhelming, almost not overwhelming the football field.

"Hurry up……"

Bloor hurriedly ran down from his own aircraft and led a group of people into the football field to meet their friends.

Although, they almost crushed the huge football stadium, but Bloor believes that this loss is nothing.

The beam of light fell from above the spaceship and landed on the ground.

Everyone saw a Jingji tribe and nine steel machines appear in their vision.

"That's their mecha, with powerful defense and attack capabilities. Don't underestimate this mecha, this should be their worst and the lowest model. Their strongest mecha is the strongest in the universe. Forged metal, even if I may have to work hard to destroy it."

Huaxia, Zhongnanhai, Li Qing pointed at the mech and explained to the leaders on the side.

Hearing that even the immortals are hard to deal with these mechas, these leaders have changed their faces.

"Fairies are not omnipotent..." It seems to know what they are thinking in their minds, Li Qing said with a smile: "Fairies are also humans, but they are much stronger than humans and have a long lifespan."

"This is a race, a very fine race, and the most technologically advanced race I have ever seen in the universe. In addition, there are some races that are very powerful in themselves. They have extraordinary powers. I am afraid they are not worse than me..."


Li Qing explained there, and Bloor finally stood in the eyes of a so-called alien.

The alien is talking to him, but unfortunately, he can't understand.

Only Li Qing moved his heart at this time, took out an interpreter, put it on his ear, and understood their words.

This Jingji people, let the people above the spacecraft scan here, that is, the strength of the earth's body and the development of scientific and technological strength...

"It seems that they are doing things very well..."

Li Qing narrowed his eyes.

However, they also want to be so careful.

Because, they are a condemnation team, who is responsible for finding the way, so it is only such a lineup.

If they find that the earth is strong, they will definitely dispatch a large army, or find that they are invincible and retreat directly.

Both languages ​​are not available.

Bloor looked a little embarrassed, so he reached out and wanted to shake hands with each other.

At this time, almost everyone on Earth is watching this scene with nervous They want to see if these aliens will shake hands with Bloor...


Finally, doubts flashed in the eyes of the Jingji tribe, and they reached out and held hands with Bloor.

Seeing this scene, countless people on earth were so excited that they burst into tears.

They scream, they cheer, they think a new era is coming.

Only Li Qing, with a squint in his eyes, had a cold look, because, while holding their hands together, he clearly heard a smile in the eyes of this Jingji tribe who was talking.

"These human powers are okay and qualified to be our slaves. I think the elders will love it!"


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(End of this chapter)

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