My Super God QQ

Chapter 1105: 2 times to solve

"Fairy, it is the fairy who came to save us, we are saved! Ah~~" Tim Bao's mother is obviously a devout. At this time, she actually struggled to stretch out her dusty hands and folded her hands together. What's more, he kept praying to the sky, with words in his mouth.

His father was also shocked in his eyes. Obviously he didn't expect that there would be a fairy going down to save the world.

At this time, several satellites around the world are all paying attention to this, especially the one of China.

When the scene was aired on TV, almost everyone was stunned, thinking they were dazzling, and when it was true, they all exclaimed.

"There are gods, my god, what the hell!"

"Dad, come and see the fairy, mom, don't clean up, some fairy comes down to clean up the aliens!"

"How could there be a fairy, is this the world I know?"

"Aliens are all there, why can't the gods be there!"

"I have a mmp in my heart that I don’t know when to sleep. I’m sleeping now and the world is all changed. What the **** is this~"

"Wow, this fairy is so handsome!"

"It's really handsome. I'm so wet. If I can do it with him once, I'm willing to die~"

"I think too, but I still want to give him a mouth..."

"Ah, are you so sao? But, I think the fairy must be very fragrant, and I want to. I want to lick him all over."

"You are more sao, hold on a little, don't do it!"

"You all sao, hey, this world is really over, the world is in the sun, people's hearts are not old, I just want to say something about your shameless behavior, please bring me..."

"Sisters, kill him!"

"Wife, don't be afraid, we have been saved, we have fairies in China~"

"Tf, why doesn't our Lord come down to teach us? Has his glory already abandoned our world? Then I will believe in Chinese Taoism, it must be a fairy!"

"Isn't it Buddha? I saw a golden light of merit in him!"


The whole of China, no, the whole world is boiling.

Especially for some TV stations, they will still have people carrying fears, insisting on their jobs, and once their screens are different, they will immediately transfer their TV programs to this.

The exclamation sounded one after another, and there was a loud noise everywhere.

Of course, this is not enough!

After Li Qing shot, this even reached a climax, yes, Li Qing shot.

I saw him lightly and quietly, extending a hand to the next beat, as if the golden giant palm that had fallen from the sky covered the whole world, and then suppressed.


The spaceship was pressed directly to the ground, and the protective cover was barely broken.


Li Qingji took off the sword, forefinger forward, and the movement was free and easy.

The flying sword stabs like light and lightning, and the protective cover is completely broken.


Li Qing took a sip in his mouth again, and the giant palm turned upside down. This time, the palm was ten times larger than the original one. It straightened the darkness below and shattered the surrounding clouds, just like the suppression of the towering mountains.

It seemed that the spaceship below wanted to escape, spraying a large amount of airflow to stir the void, but it was too late. The giant palm photographed it, just like the palm of a person on a grasshopper.


There was a tremendous noise, this spaceship was photographed directly into pieces, not only that, but also deeply embedded in the ground, a few meters.

"Actually, there are still evils! Don't try your best!"

After Li Qing watched the spaceship being destroyed, several mechas rushed over here, seeming to kill himself, his eyes cold.

The sword light blooms...

"Nine Nine Nine Nine Swords!"

There were tens of thousands of swords, which turned into a torrent of steel, appeared from above Li Qing's head, like the Milky Way rushing upside down towards these mechas.

Wherever they passed, they destroyed Laku, and all these mechas were smashed into pieces.

In this way, Hua Xia was helpless, even if ZF was afraid of tigers, but Li Qing went to the ground three or two times and was directly destroyed into fragments.

"It's just the first army, if the Jingji clan is sent later, it should be more powerful..."

Li Qing floated in the void, her eyes lowered, and her heart darkened.

At this time, this picture directly persists in many people's memories.

He stood in the void, as if the eternal magic, like the gods, saved China.

Many people were so excited that they couldn't restrain themselves, and tears shed silently.

Especially the leaders of Zhongnanhai, all tears are falling down, covering their hands with their faces.

Just now, when their weapons had no effect on the spaceship, all of them were pale and gray, and their bodies were trembling, and they were thrilled, thinking that today China will be ended by this, and the Chinese people will become slaves to others. But Li Qing turned out to save China and became the patron saint of China.



There are screams of girls everywhere. Compared with the dullness and reason of men, girls are much more emotional and have screamed beyond their control.

"No, I can't stand it anymore. He's so handsome. He looked back and smiled. It was so cool, I want to marry him!"

"Marry, do you have that status qualification? I just want to love him, oh~ that must be so great!"

"Uh, I want to do it with him in the air, that feeling is really ascending to heaven."

"Can't stand it, can't take it anymore, how can you say this, I can't say that my whole body is hot, ah, no way, if there is running water, I have to take a bath!"

"You sao hoof, wouldn't you want to close it in the bathroom? No, I'm going to enter the bed."

This is a girl's dormitory in a school.

And in some companies, some big and small women also screamed.

Although, this envy killed those men, but they only have the envy, they can't be envious at all, because people are immortals and god-like existence, they can only worship.


Just when Li Qing was thinking about it, an aircraft slowly rose from the ground and flew towards Li Qing.

Everyone thought that they wanted to attack Li Qing, the remnants of aliens, and suddenly, it stopped in front of Li Qing.

Li Qing was a little puzzled.

I saw the flying machine open, and a beautiful young woman sat inside with a cute little loli.

The beautiful young woman's face was flushed, and she seemed very nervous. She said: "Fairy, thank you for saving us, where are you going, or do I want to give you a ride..." When she finished, she lowered her head.

In fact, her character is the kind of woman who wants to do it when she thinks about it, but when she has done this, she is also embarrassed.

"Uncle, you're tired of hitting bad guys, let's take you home~"

Little Loli is also timid and authentic, but the bright and lovely big eyes are still staring at Li Qing.

This scene has made countless women in front of the TV crazy and jealous. This is simply a sin!

"Don't go!"

"This woman is so stinky and shameless, who will get in her car, the fairy will fly away."

"Yes, this flying machine is so bad, it's not as good as mine~" The jealous eyes of a group's female president, hate authentic, high heels are constantly drilling **** the carpet.

"Go away, dead woman, vixen, not as pretty as I look!"

"All have babies, and all of them grow up below. How come there is such a big face, dare to invite others!"

A lot of jealous women scolded, it was even more ruthless than men.


Li Qing looked at the beautiful woman in front of her and was a little surprised. Just standing here seemed a bit pretentious. She nodded and got into their aircraft.

The aircraft is very nice, just the size of a car, but spacious, and the layout inside is very warm, all pink.

"Xian, Xianxian... Xianren, where are you going?"

The beautiful woman is still a little bit inseparable.

"No destination at the moment, you are free~"

"Oh, let's go to my house, I will thank you for making a meal, you saved us, we lived here..." Lin Zhiling said quietly, she glanced at Li Qing secretly, just a glance at the heart The thief jumped fast, unbearably fast, and was about to suffocate.

"Okay, feel free~" Li Qing readily accepted: "Then trouble you~"

"No trouble no trouble!"

Lin Zhiling hurriedly said Just breathing is still very fast, her chest is constantly rising and falling, in fact, she is still beautiful, from small to large, no matter where she is, she will be watched, especially like to practice yoga, the body is very Okay, just like the gourd figure that the otaku said.

Li Qing didn't think so much, but Lin Zhiling thought a lot, thinking blushingly and thinking about her legs being soft.

Just follow along?

Countless women almost wailed in their hearts. They hated, hated themselves, and hated themselves and weren’t there!

If I were there, I would rush up even if I was dead!

Slut, big slut, **** slut!

They kept roaring and roaring...

But the big brothers in Zhongnanhai were a little stunned. It seemed that Li Qing killed the aliens directly in two or two, and left with a beautiful woman. Shouldn't he come to discuss with the big guys again? ?

And the Internet is also a mess!

A large number of foreigners kept calling, begging, and crying to let Li Qing rescue them.

In addition to begging Li Qing, they are also constantly criticizing their own zf, who let them speak publicly, supporting aliens is friendly, is the words of friends, clearly they are not welcoming friends, but the devil!

Among them, it belongs to those scientists!

Especially those scientists who advocate that they should be attracted to find aliens.

Several of them were beaten to death at home, and their deaths were extremely miserable. Otherwise, they could not calm their indignation.

For a time, the science guys were in danger of themselves, like rats crossing the street, everyone shouted and beat, hiding everywhere.

Ask for tickets, uncles, come to the ticket, call your grandfather, Li Qing cried all~

(End of this chapter)

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