My Super God QQ

Chapter 1106: Do not eat this 1 set

"No, I don't, I really didn't look for aliens, not me..."

In the United States of America, a white man was caught on the street and learned his identity as a space station scientist who has been active in the news these days. The crowd on the side is crazy and angry, like a beast that eats people. His eyes were flushed, and when he stepped up, he punched and kicked.

In less than ten seconds, he was beaten to death on the street.

There are even more cruel things, some of which were directly divided by chainsaws. Anyway, these foreigners directly showed their violent side, and all the anger of alien invasion was leaked on them.

In less than half a day, most science guys have been killed by angry people.

Some are not dead yet, that’s almost the same. I believe that what awaits them will be a tragic fate.

They regret it!

I regretted that my intestines were all green. I didn't understand how I was covered with lard at that time. I actually believed that aliens would be friendly.

It was at this moment that they suddenly realized that someone else had such a powerful weapon system. Who would be willing to be friends with them? This universe is still dealt with by the law of the jungle. Whoever has the biggest fist is the boss, and those who don’t listen will die.

"It smells good~"

Li Qing is now in a single apartment, the house is not big, but the decoration is very warm.

The ground is a yellow blanket, and the wall paint inside is green, full of active colors, not dull, which is what Li Qing likes.

"Uncle, are you really a fairy?"

The child had been afraid for a long time, restored to the original innocence and liveliness, stood in front of Li Qing, and asked happily.

"Ha ha ha, right?"

"Will you do magic?"

Li Qing smiled: "The fairy is called a spell."

"Then will you?"

"Hmm~ I gave it to you, little obedient." Li Qing changed into a red fruit as soon as she changed it. It was so red that she was drooling, and the whole room was full of fragrance.

Smelling the fragrance, Lin Zhiling turned her head and looked in surprise.

Little Loli did not expect this, and took the fairy fruit that Li Guoguo gave to Li Qing, and took a bite.

With a sip, she smelled bad.

Two or three more, she has an extra fairy spirit on her body.

Li Qing has been secretly observing, if she can't stand the power inside, she will act in time. Fortunately, it's okay. After eating, her whole eyes are brighter and she looks full of spirit.

"Thank you~Fairy~"

Looking at her daughter like this, Lin Zhiling would never know that Li Qing had given her benefits. Her eyes turned red with excitement and she knelt down.

"It's okay, this child is also pitiful, and he has this incurable disease at a young age."

It turned out that he saw that the child had a disease, and it was still difficult to cure hepatitis B. If it were not Li Qing's fairy fruit, I am afraid that Lin Zhiling would have to suffer for the disease for a lifetime.

"Thank you anyway~"


Lin Zhiling exhausted all the strengths of the nine cows and two tigers and almost used all the tricks he could use, and cooked them before putting them on the table.

Li Qing was quite leisurely eating. After chatting, it was known that Lin Zhiling's husband had long since passed away in a car accident, and she took her daughter and grew up alone.

I just talked casually, but I did not expect that in the next, Li Qing finished eating and wanted to wash his face and enter the toilet, but the door was not closed...

There was a beautiful woman in the mist, the lingering figure looming, she seemed to see Li Qing suddenly come in, she was stunned, realizing that her habit made her not lock the door.

"Uh, sorry~"

Li Qing was about to withdraw, and anyone who knew she rushed up, knelt in front of Li Qing, and pulled down his pants.


She is such a person who dares to love and hate, and will do it whenever she thinks about it.

She wanted to go crazy with Li Qing.

Finally, the screams from the bathroom rang through the building, so Li Qing left in a refreshing manner.

He won't take this woman away, but he will confess that the big brothers of Zhongnanhai will treat her kindly. For this, Li Qing also gave her a fruit, enough for her to add a hundred years of life. I have to say that she still earned of.


Li Qing returned to Zhongnanhai, and it was here that he received many national districts for their help.

They bitterly faced and bowed to Li Qing with a holographic projection to admit their mistakes. Everyone knocked their heads on the ground and bleed, they begged Li Qing to see if he could save them.

"I'm afraid it can't be saved..."

Li Qing stared coldly at their behavior: "Do you think this is their full strength? No, this is only their first force to explore the way, and the spaceship they use is not the best. If you let them be the most Powerful, that is, the largest spaceship coming, the spaceship is longer than the earth..."

Longer than the earth? !

Everyone heard this and was so shocked that even the big brothers of Zhongnanhai had never heard it, and when they heard it, it was a heart suffocation, as if caught in vise tongs, and almost jumped up in pain.

The whole hall was silent.

"Now, except for me to go to their world to warn them, there is no other way..." Li Qing thought for a while, as if except for his initiative to attack, it was just like destroying the Devouring Clan World, warning them otherwise, they would definitely Will come to attack the earth.

"could you?"

They all shined.

"I think it should be possible..."

For hundreds of years, Li Qing doesn't believe that he can't deal with them now.

"Okay, then trouble you, you are now the patron saint of the earth, you..."

"Okay, don't give me a hat, I won't eat this one!" Li Qing waved impatiently.

"Then the top priority now is to invite you to save us..." Mayor of Oros begged They have been destroyed by aliens in several cities now. The population is sparse and the damage must be very serious.


Li Qing thought about it, and their relationship with China was not bad. Then, at this time, Zhongnanhai gangsters looked at themselves with prayer eyes and could only nod.

"Then I will go by now!"

"Welcome to you, we will greet your arrival, our supreme god!" The head of Oros was grateful, and all cried out, so called Li Qing.

And here is live broadcast, live broadcast to the whole earth, all the people over there cheered when he heard that Li Qing was going to Oros.

"No, God, how can you only focus on them, we are all human beings on the earth! You can't be like this, we are about to be wiped out..." An Indonesian acting leader cried and cried.

While saying this, he also showed some pictures beside him to show how miserable it was.

There are broken walls, there are wives and ions scattered, there are countless children crying, **** pictures of the whole body...

"Oh, don't kidnap me with morality, I'll be happy with me!" Li Qing hates this kind of person most. So, directly, coldly, he doesn't care what others think of him.

"You can't do this!"

"How can I do it without your turn, hum!" Li Qing disappeared in place, leaving such a sentence echoed: "If you want me to go, there is no time!"

In an instant, the leader's face was pale, and he fell to the ground.

He felt that he was wrong. If he went out, he might be beaten to death by his own citizens. Didn't this anger the other party?

And is it a **** who is irritated?

He kept beating his face, and his face was swollen into pigs, and then he cried with regret...

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