My Super God QQ

Chapter 261: Death dream

"Actually still..." Li Qing was stunned for a while, then, annoyed and said: "It's endless and still..."

His appearance was also discovered by several people present.

"Someone came out!" Duan Yue first discovered Li Qing, and said with amazement, the axe in his hand shivered.

"Uh, where did he come from?" Liu Changqing realized that there were other problems, his eyes full of thought.

Only the mother-in-law, when she saw Li Qing, immediately covered her mouth with a red handkerchief, and made a weird smile: "Gquack, there is a mouse in the hole! Now, I don’t have to wait too long, it’s good. The play can be watched... Didn't you kill the disciple of Cangguang Sect?

Li Qing was annoyed. He came out because he suddenly worried about the safety of the younger sister. But I didn't think about it, not only the beam of light, but also five strange people.

A soldier, a strong man with an axe in his upper body, a middle-aged man wearing a robe similar to "Ancient Teacher", a masked woman, and a sick old lady.


It was disgusting, especially with the red handkerchief in a pose, and the laughter of "flowers twitching" made Li Qing disgusted to the extreme.

So, without knowing the identities of these people in front of me, Li Qing was upset about the old lady saying that she was a mouse, and responded to this annoyance directly: "Mouse? I think you are a mouse! No, your entire family is mouse!"

So many people are scolded directly at mice, and the whole family is mice.

"You!" Yue Po's face was green all the time, and she stomped her feet and was angry.

To change before, she didn't agree with each other, she shot long ago, only to meet her style. but now……


Although she was very angry, she did not dare to do anything, because she was afraid of approaching and happened to chase the death of Bao Fu.

Therefore, she controlled her impulse and scolded resentfully: "Boy, just wait for death!"

In her heart, locked in the chase of death, Li Qing is already a mortal person, and there is really no need to take this risk.

"Dead?" Li Qing sneered coldly, and laughed again: "Haha, I'm not dead, it's your fart thing! I don't look at how old I am, I still dress myself up so fancy, really ugly. Be blamed!"

As the saying goes, hitting people without hitting faces, exposing people without shortcomings, being ugly is obviously the pain of Yuepo.

At the moment, she couldn't bear it anymore, her face was red with rage, all the way to the roots. Staring at Li Qing with two eyes, at the same time these eyes darkened, flickered suddenly and became dark again, and then ignited an unstoppable anger.

A terrible coercion burst out of her and spread like waves.

The major standing next to Liu Changqing couldn't help it at the moment. I just felt like there was an invisible pressure face on my body, and I couldn't breathe. I quickly shouted, "Hey, who are you? , Or lose your life later, don’t blame me for not reminding you."

It turned out that he regarded Li Qing as an ordinary person.


At first, Li Qing lost his life, and he lost it. He didn't want to control it. But this time, he was really uncomfortable, and he hoped that Li Qing would not be involved in himself, and screamed quickly.

"Huh? Are you a cultivator?"

Li Qing's eyes narrowed slightly, and she knew her identity from the momentum she exuded. Not only was she a self-cultivator, but also a self-cultivator who was stronger than herself.

But even if the self-cultivator behaved like that and scolded himself, Li Qing would of course have to get back the court.

This is the character of Li Qing, who eats everything but does not suffer!

"Boy, you are dead!"


Yuepo gritted her teeth and scolded, and finally couldn't help it, throwing up the red handkerchief and spinning it, like a knife on all sides, and slashing towards Li Qing.

This is her magic weapon.

Originally, she was worried that if the mortal magic weapon flew to attack Li Qing, the chasing death symbol would happen, then, if the mortal magic weapon was destroyed, she would also be contacted, causing serious injury. But now, I can't care about this!

"Wipe it! If you can't scold, you're going to kill? It's too much to cheat!"

Li Qingji came out of the flying sword, stab it like lightning, and struck the handkerchief.


Only the sound of the ripped cloth was heard.

The handkerchief is soft, the flying sword is sharp, and a hole is directly poked out.

The ritual weapon was damaged, and the eyes of Yuepo's eyes were wide, and she seemed to be unable to believe it. She spit out a blood and quickly recalled her handkerchief.


The major froze in place, his eyes blinking, showing a shock.

He never imagined, how come a young man again, is such a terrifying monk.

Others were stunned.

They did not expect Li Qing to have flying swords, not only flying swords, it seemed to be pretty good, otherwise how could he directly pierce Yue Po's handkerchief.

"My handkerchief is made of **** silk!" Yue Po called out insanely: "You, you ordinary world, where is the flying sword!"

"Flying sword?"


Several other monks also used their eyes to stare at the flying sword in Li Qing's hands.

There was greed in their eyes, but it disappeared quickly.

Like Liu Changqing, he thought he was a good man, and he couldn't take away the flying sword in his hands. So he was shocked and envious, and he recovered this greedy color.

Duan Yue thought about it, although Feijian is good, but he is not as good as an axe, and he also withdraws this kind of greed.

Only Yueyue Po was greedy and hated very much!

"Hehehe, I really don't know who you are from the realm of the realm. Where do you have so much superiority? Only you have a flying world. Can't we have it?" Li Qing sneered.

"I don't know who your friend is?"

Liu Changqing spoke, clenched his fists directly, and interjected.

"My Master?" Li Qing instantly knew that he had been misunderstood again.

After thinking for a while, he said: "My Master is an expert at the world. I don't want people to know his name. I'm sorry!"

According to Li Qing's current thinking, the intentions of these four comprehension practitioners, whether they are good or bad, just happened to be able to raise a "master" to deter them. Otherwise, on the one hand, it is necessary to be careful about chasing the dead, and on the one hand, it is necessary to guard against them.


When they heard Li Qing's words, there was a sense of vigilance in their eyes. Obviously, they all believed that people who could give Feijian to Li Qing were definitely not idle people.

Just like the mother-in-law!

The complexion looks green for a while and green for a while. The "sweet body" is trembling constantly, and I don't know if I'm angry or trying to control some emotions.


After Li Qing appeared, it was a long story, but it was only within a few minutes.

Suddenly, the world and the world changed color, and a terrible pressure appeared without warning, and it was pressed down.

too fast!

Everyone only felt as if the sky had been pressed down. Everyone on the scene was instantly bent down, as if the major was vomiting blood and fainted.


There was a horrified look in Liu Changqing's eyes.

Others also realized this and quickly retreated.

Li Qing also felt a breath of terror and death that instantly enveloped his heart, making him cold and deep into the bone marrow of his body.

He wanted to enter the qq book city, but hesitated, for fear that these monks knew their secrets. This is the point of hesitation, the **** beam of light has disappeared instantly, replaced by a beam of light from the sky!

It was a light, as if falling from the stars, coming from the sky, this light exudes a strong breath of death, as if there is no resistance, the place passed, even the void trembles, unable to bear this light.

So dazzling!

Then, Li Qing seemed to see a lot of people around him, but he couldn't see his face. They exclaimed, their faces all showing extreme fear.

It's strange that this second, he seemed to be able to see the surrounding land.

These figures ~ ~ remove the four innocent people nearby, as well as the Murong clan who hid in the distance, a group of soldiers who are far away...

Panic and fear appeared in their eyes, as if the most incompetent ants felt death and were helplessly waiting for death.

The earth seems to be shaking, the sky seems to be twisted!

As if it were the end of the world, a voice sounded at the end: "People wait a little, don't be impatient, the poor will only attack the first, and everything else will be fine!"

His high voice sounded, and then the light hit Li Qing.

Li Qing had thought about hiding, but it was too fast, and even gave Li Qing a kind of shot that seemed to pass through space and time directly, and shot directly on his chest...

At the moment, Li Qing thought of the dream he had dreamed.

Yes, the dream of death reminded in the qq memo is finally revealed!

It's a new week, everyone, please throw away the recommendation ticket in your hand, Li Qing begs!

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