My Super God QQ

Chapter 202: Be my apprentice?

"Dead!" Yue Po grinned her black teeth and smiled, the wrinkles full of dead flies seemed deeper.

"Hey..." Liu Changqing shook his head and sighed deeply.

Duan Yue looked at the light, as if guessing, he couldn't stand it down, and finally reached a conclusion, shaking his head bitterly.

As for the masked woman, after feeling the terror of the terrifying light, her calf shook and quickly returned to its original state.

Shine, hit Li Qing!

Just when they thought that Li Qing was bound to die, there would be no other result, a miracle burst forth, that when the light hit Li Qing's chest, as if it was blocked by something, he rebounded to the other side...


Bounce back to Li Qing's right hand, about a kilometer away.


Where the light passed, the woods disappeared as a result of high temperature evaporation, and finally shot on the ground, making a loud explosion.

The earth shook violently!

This is not the case for a magnitude 8 earthquake!

The situation seemed to be like numerous plastic bombs exploding at the same time, the red light soared into the sky, and the tongue of fire spewed out a thousand kilometers high!

"No good, rewind!"

Liu Changqing saw that the fire was still like a raging wave, rolling over a thousand kilometers, spreading towards herself, and quickly pulling the major to jump on the ring and fly out of the distance.


Duan Yue's face also changed drastically, and he felt a scorching breath of ruining everything, screamed in shock, and ran away.

In fact, without them saying, the masked woman and Yue Po have already felt that the explosion will not be simple, and they have turned around when rapidly inflating.


Seeing that Li Qing was about to be engulfed by the sea of ​​flames, in an instant, he saw these people turned around and fled, disappearing directly into place, and entering the qq book city.


As soon as he entered the QQ Book City, Li Qing fell directly to the ground.

Don't look at Li Qing's death, he just killed him in the first blow.

That's right!

Although the light was blocked and rebounded in other directions, Li Qing's chest was still seriously injured by the impact.

He almost thought that his entire body would be directly shattered into pieces by that force.

so close!

Really dangerous!

In the end, he looked inside, his bones were broken, and his internal organs also moved a lot.

A mouthful of blood surged straight up to the throat, and Li Qing almost choked to death.

"Oh~~cough cough..."

Finally, he couldn't help but spurted out blood, coughing constantly.

At this time, due to the pain, Li Qing's whole body was already covered with cold sweat. The pain made his body very weak. Finally, he grinned and endured this severe pain before removing it from the qq hard disk space. Ground fluid.

Going down a bottle, I didn't feel it.

Two bottles, three bottles...

Li Qing almost drank ten bottles of make-up liquid, only to feel the same. He could no longer hold on, lying on the ground lying on the floor, breathing heavily.


Just when that light shot at Li Qing, the coercion was not only making his whole body difficult to move, but even his spirit seemed to be deterred, unable to generate any thoughts.

This is the real reason why Li Qing did not escape into qq bookstore.

Even Li Qing's emotions of fear were suppressed so that they could not be produced.

Now, he finally felt a little bit of the rest of his life, just thinking of the situation just now, his scalp tingled and creepy.

"Everything closest to death..."

Li Qing secretly said.


He had never been in a situation where he could not even grow up with fear and was almost killed.

If not...


Li Qing remembered something, and quickly looked at his chest.

Then I realized that the light was blocked by the stone in front of my chest and bounced aside.

The stone is a black piece of rock.

It was a bit like a stubborn stone and a bit like a jade. It was the stone that Xiao Guoguo gave him. For this reason, she even made a rope to let Li Qing hang it!

"I didn't expect it to be such a stone... Could it be that this was caused by Xiao Guoguo's lucky attribute?"

Li Qing thought of this in his mind.

Otherwise, Xiao Guoguo just picked a stone, let him put it on, and then blocked the blow for Li Qing.

This is completely Xiaoguo's luck, affecting Li Qing!

Well, it can also be said that Xiao Guoguo's luck changed Li Qing's fate.

"I am fortunate that I had adopted Xiaoguo Guo, otherwise, I might not be gg today!" Li Qing said, Xiaoguo's lovely face appeared in his mind, and a warm smile appeared.


outside world……

The sea of ​​fire is constantly spreading in all directions, not only spreading beyond a kilometer, but also sweeping towards the Murong family's villa.


After the explosion sounded, the poisonous mother-in-law found out and hurriedly rushed out of the house in horror. Two seconds later, she quickly hugged her mistress and Murong Fengrou.

But their speed is really too slow and too slow!

After all, walking on the ground is not the same as flying in the sky, there will be obstacles blocking.

"Miss, go away!"

Seeing that the drug-in-law couldn't escape, she grabbed Murong Fengrou and threw her out.

First Murong Fengrou, then her mother.

The next second, the poisoned mother-in-law was swallowed by the flames.

"Do not!"

Flying in the air, and watching Murong Fengrou scream from the poisonous mother-in-law, tears came out.

But she dared not sorrow any more, because the poisoned mother-in-law was swallowed, the flame had not stopped, and she rushed towards her like a tsunami.

Seeing that Murong Fengrou and her mother were about to be swallowed again, a net fell from the sky, and they were netted together and flew upwards.

It's a masked woman.

She finally shot and rescued Murong Fengrou and the two of them.

As for the net, it might be her magic weapon. When two people were caught in the net, they were rescued from the flames.

Finally, the sea of ​​fire spread across several hills, and the burned area was tens of thousands of mu!

"It's an overbearing fire, Liu Daoyou, can you see what kind of fire this is?"

Looking at the place where the fire had burnt, there was no grass, everything was left, and even the stones were burned into magma. Duan Yue only felt that the scalp was numb for a asked.

He knew that Liu Changqing had read more books and he must have known them.

But Liu Changqing shook his head: "I have never seen such a strange fire, it can become a light when gathering, and it can burn stone as a slurry when it bursts. This flame has never been seen."

"Is it Jiutian Jihuo?" Suddenly, Yuepo interjected.

"No! Jiutian Jihuo is a blue light, not a red light, and when you look at this fire, you think it is small, but it is the result of the firepower compressing tens of millions of times! Maybe it is not the cause of the fire, but the result of the practice. Yeah..." Liu Changqing slowly analyzed.

"Thank you……"

Murong Fengrou came out of the net, still full of mist, and didn't understand how he got here, but thanked instinctively and quickly hugged his mother.

Perhaps it was her voice that attracted Yuepo’s attention. Suddenly, Yuepo lit up, jumped to her, and put her hand on her shoulder.

It seemed to be touching the bone, and it seemed to be discerning something. Her hand quickly groped over her, which attracted Murong Fengrou to exclaim...

The next second, she had her eyes wide open and said: "Girl, good qualifications, shall I be an apprentice?"

Murong Fengrou refused!

Because her mother hasn't awakened yet, how could it be possible to do someone else's disciple.

But who knows, she said the reason for the rejection.

Yue Po said: "That's okay, wait for me to give her a medicine, she will naturally wake up, you just follow me!"

Murong Fengrou refused and refused again.

Yue Po was so angry that she stretched out her right hand like a claw and grabbed at Murong Fengrou: "It's hard to know what's wrong! How can you let me refuse?"

That action was to force Murong Fengrou to become a disciple.

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