My Super God QQ

Chapter 409: Start with 7 colorful masks

These soldiers are quite good!

Li Qing touched his chin, thinking with satisfaction.

"See King!"

Su Xiaoxiao also happily jumped up playfully, turned the corner of her skirt, and smiled sweetly.

Li Qing Yile, she took her in his arms.

Ashamed, Su Xiaoxiao blushed again and dared not move when buried in Li Qinghuai's arms.

"If it could be like this with you every day, how good it should be~" she hummed.


Li Qing didn't hear clearly.

"No~" Su Xiaoxiao didn't dare to hope. In fact, she thought that it would be enough to have such a time.


Li Qing didn't think about it, glanced at all the soldiers and said: "Maybe now, you will think I'm kidding, I don't say how far I can develop this island, but at least follow me, I'm very popular Without you spicy..."

Su Xiaoxiao quickly translated.

The soldiers shouted again, "Thank you King!"

Just shouted, but it seemed so weak.

"Have you not eaten breakfast?"

Li Qing was a little angry, and took a handful of pounds from the space and threw it over: "Take it for breakfast!"

A handful of pounds, it looks like tens of thousands!

It is also equivalent to about one hundred thousand yuan. The reward is just such a handwriting, which makes these soldiers' eyes suddenly red.

"Long live the King!"

A guy hissed.

Other soldiers also roared loudly: "Long live the King!"

With the money split, their morale rose at once, and Li Qing's eyes were full of anticipation and worship. The appearance of hitting chicken blood was like letting them rush to the front, let countless soldiers turn, and the chrysanthemum did not wrinkle.

Li Qing nodded in satisfaction: "Now, this Richard is left to your disposal. Anyway, he is not the owner of the island anymore. You have complaints, you have revenge..."

The next second, Li Cha couldn't even scream, but was covered by a charming soldier and dragged to the door.

It seems that he was really not very kind to these soldiers before he was retaliated. The fact is that casual killing is not a standard island owner.


Now that this island has become its own territory, Li Qing must first solve the hidden dangers.


The source must be found!

Immediately, Li Qing was continually searching for radioactive sources on this island, and also used UFO to help detect!

One day passed!

The next day, continue...

On the third day, Li Qing finally found the radioactive source.

Those are two stones, one is full of Jin Geng's breath, and the other is harder.

Li Qing felt that these two stones were interesting, and entered the third floor of qq book city. After searching for a while, they knew these two things.

I didn't expect them to be babies, one called Wuxing Jinjijing, which was the top refiner material, and the other one was also a coincidence. It was actually a mixed rock needed by Duan Yue.

Put away these two things and put them in the space, all the radioactive sources will disappear.

to this end!

Li Qing also got unexpected joy, and actually gained something. The merit of 7,000 points!

It seems that God is rewarding, he saved the residents of the island, saved their lives or later lives!


Originally, Li Qing's merit value was 33,000, and it increased to 40,000 points in one click!

"Double Happiness is coming, haha, in addition, Duan Yue is also good luck! It seems that I have a master's name on it, it is stable..." Li Qing chuckled.

After dealing with the island, Li Qing had new troubles, that is, how to build a kingdom.

Before construction, the livelihood of these residents must be done well!

Give them money to feed? Li Qing will not do such stupid things, he does not raise waste!

So, next, how to build and improve people's livelihood is a very serious problem.

Li Qing let all the women discuss.

"The scenery is very good, I think we can build this island into a tourist country, it must be very good!" Didi preemptively said, looking like a child waiting for Li Qing's praise.

Li Qing nodded with a smile.

"I think that as long as our intelligent robots are produced, it will be enough to maintain the expenses and build the island better and better! I dare not imagine how great the world would be if intelligent robots were in the human world. And change!" Xia Mo Can Yue is confident and authentic.

This can monopolize the global technology industry!

With this gadget alone, she has confidence that the money she earns is enough for the island to develop, making the island a country, or the top richest country.

"Actually, I think that a country's optical industry and technology are not good. Since we want to build a perfect country that belongs to us, we must consider all aspects." Murong Feng Judao said: "So, this is also the case The key point must be considered."


In their opinion, Li Qing agreed: "Just, where do we find this kind of talent?"

"Find it online!"

"I can let my steward come to help manage it first!" Su Xiaoxiao said.

"That would be great, otherwise, these things will trouble you? How? You assign it yourself?" Li Qing had a headache and simply said lazily.

"it is good!"

All the girls were eager to help Li Qing, and quickly agreed that Li Qing's gleeful look made him warm.

This is love!

Then, apart from Li Qing wandering around the island, all the girls were busy.

Purchasing the purchase of living materials, sorting out the castle's sorting, some hire people online, and some are learning about people's livelihood...

Almost everyone was so busy that Li Qing turned around leisurely on the island.

"Oh, otherwise, go to the qq mall and have a look again, the colorful mask may really be used in the future!"

Li Qing sat on the edge of the island and suddenly thought of this.

What he is facing right now is to go to the cultivation realm. Then, if he wants to come back, he must get the Void Spirit Stone, which is also a contraband. Then, Li Qing must do it in a very concealed manner.

Colorful masks are a must.

Five thousand merit merit!

Li Qing waved his hand and bought it A colorful light also appeared in front of his eyes.

The light was too strong, and almost attracted the attention of others, Li Qing quickly let the UFO in the sky inhale himself.

When entering the ufo, the colorful light shining brightly on the entire ufo, shining it incomparably bright and beautiful, is really enough to brighten the eyes of blind people.

After a long time, the light gradually disappeared, and Li Qing could see clearly the structure of the mask.

It is transparent and crystal-like, with colorful light flowing faintly.

Li Qing put it on his face. Suddenly, the mask seemed to be inhaled and automatically absorbed and integrated into his face.

There is no slight discomfort and discomfort.

Then, Li Qing knew its usage.

There are two functions.

One is to change their facial features.

The second is to change the breath of the body, just like Li Qing's current state, you can go up two levels, or you can go down two levels.

In other words, Li Qing used this to transform himself into a mortal, and also allow himself to exhale the power of Jindan period.

"Turn me into One Piece..."

Li Qing tried it for a while, which was of a strange nature.

Unexpectedly, his face really changed slowly, changing to Luffy's facial features.

"Crayon Shinchan..."

Well, when it slowly became that way, Li Qing couldn't stand it, and quickly cancelled it.

Only then did he know the magic of this colorful mask.

Really great!

"By the way, become a woman..."

Li Qing is also addicted to playing, thinking about it and saying again.

Ask for votes~ The author himself is still in the hospital, er, the doctor said, let me rest now, but I just feel a little unrenewed, I hope you can understand and support!

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