My Super God QQ

Chapter 420: Then upgrade QQ

"Who becomes?"

Li Qing thought hard.

Suddenly, a flash of light flashed in his mind, thinking of the emperor Boya in One Piece.

As soon as his thoughts arrived, his facial features slowly melted, and as if he was slowly fabricated with a clever hand, his facial features really became a woman's appearance.

Exquisite facial features, cold and sexy, sexy, extremely charming, and even a heaven and earth, only the domineering of my solemn spontaneously emerged.

"Huh, right, this figure..."

Li Qing discovered the embarrassment here, that is, this mask is only useful for his face, but his figure is useless.

After all, it's a mask!

"Go tease them!"

Li Qing rarely gave birth to a naughty heart, so she went to ufo, and specifically found a worn-out clothing store, bought a set of more neutral clothes to put on.

In this way, he came to the castle and said to find Li Qing.

"Sister Murong, no good!"

Didi ran into the castle in a panic, saying that a guard told him that a very beautiful woman was looking for Li Qing.

"A beautiful woman? Very beautiful? What's wrong with that? Make you so anxious..." Murong Fengrou poured a glass of water and handed it over.

Flute flustered for a moment. Of course, she was embarrassed to say directly that a woman was coming to grab Li Qing, and her big eyes slipped twice, changing the saying: "But she is really pretty, just like coming out of a cartoon The same!"

"It's also very rare to make you boast beautiful. Our flute is so beautiful...well, let's go out and see together!"

Murong Fengrou also became interested.

She is also a very confident woman, and of course she has the mind to compare.

So she took the flute to the outside of the castle.

At the door, she saw Boya, the incarnation of Li Qing.

At first glance, it was really a bit dazed.

First of all, in terms of temperament, Murong Fengrou found that the temperament of the other party looked like herself, and in appearance, she had to fight with herself, even if she didn't have enough confidence to win the other party.

It's the figure...

She was suddenly full of overwhelming pride.

Murong Fengya was looking at "Boya". At the same time, the soldiers on the side of the gate also saw their eyes straightened. To say that women, the first type of men that attracts the most, it must be **** or cold. Yan, two of them appeared all at once, and they really looked like they were all ignorant, eyes straight, saliva could not help but flow down, ugly.

"You come to Li Qing? Are you his friend?"

"Yes! Can I go in?" Li Qing laughed, how strange this smile was.

However, fortunately, Murong Fengrou thought that "Li Qing" was only a woman, and there was no threat. Then, let her come in and wait.

After Li Qing entered the castle, Murong Fengrou was busy with Didi, but she was watched by two soldiers. On the surface, it was protection, but secretly, it was surveillance.

Li Qing does not matter, just in the castle, looking for them everywhere.

None of them recognized Li Qing. Ning Shishi saw Li Qing’s first reaction was beauty, and the second reaction was that the figure was so bad. This is a bit illogical!

This made Li Qing a little disappointed!

Is there really no woman who can have telepathy with yourself?

Shouldn't there be any love in the world?

Just when Li Qing was a little frustrated, but when she was comforting herself, she had a surprise. Xiao Guoguo jumped out of a corner and recognized her.


Xiao Guoguo walked over, blinking his eyes wide, squinting his head cutely at Li Qing, and cried with a milky voice.

She felt that the aunt in front of her gave her the feeling that she was a dad, but she didn't seem to be a dad. This made her feel weird and a little afraid to recognize her.

"Hahaha, Xiaoguoguo..." Li Qing laughed and picked her up, turning around twice: "It's still my daughter's intimate, I recognized my father at once."


Xiao Guoguo giggled: "Dad, how are you doing this?"

"Daddy got a new toy..." Li Qing said, and took off the colorful mask, and immediately returned to the original state, scaring Xiao Guoguo.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, good~" Li Qing slaps her on the back quickly: "My good daughter Xiaoguo, how do you recognize me?"

"I don't know! Guo Guo sees his father, and he has a thought in his heart. You are my dad, and Guo Guo doesn't understand..." Xiao Guoguo tilted his head and was very puzzled.


All the time, what happened to Xiao Guoguo is quite magical, such as finding a strange stone to let Li Qing escape, and if she absorbs the aura, she can deprive Wan Cao of anger... Well, you can see through One person is less surprising by comparison.

After thinking for a long time, Li Qing had no choice but to give up.

"Dad, can you lend Guoguo to play?"

"it is good!"

Li Qing handed it over to Guoguo.

However, Guoguo cannot be used. It turns out that this still has the function of binding the master.

After playing with Xiao Guoguo for a while and agreeing with her that she could not expose herself, Li Qing carried her around in the castle.

Even in the evening, they didn't find Li Qing when they ate on the table together. Several females have always been hostile to him, making Li Qing laugh inwardly.

These little women, really jealous!

"Why doesn't A Qing come back! I have cooked his favorite sweet and sour pork ribs..." Di Di grumbled, unhappy.

"Maybe visit the people's sentiment, you know, he is the king now! Giggle, as long as I think of building a kingdom with him, I feel so romantic!" Tang Yanyan's face was full of happiness.

"Well, I have to say that there is such a feeling, so everyone is helping him so hard, isn't it?" Jie Yu nodded.

Li Qing looked at them chatting and talking funny. Sometimes, they also mentioned themselves and mentioned some women's privacy issues, which made Li Qing's desire to overhear enough.

Of course, he also learned from these women's true feelings about themselves.


Li Qing never thought that they would love themselves so much now.

Just look at them to discuss their own attitude, it is not just a boyfriend and a girlfriend, but a casual attitude of treating yourself as a wife and husband.

After dinner, Li Qing was arranged into a guest room.

"I'll wrong you first tonight, we have already subscribed a lot of living materials online, including accessories like mattresses..." Didi said with embarrassment.

In their view, the living environment of this castle is still very bad, because too many things are too rough, so they will temporarily renovate this castle.

"It's okay!" Li Qing laughed, and suddenly had a plan, he pulled the flute into his arms at once.

Flute scream!

Li Qing has kissed her.

Didi was terrified, and she didn't react until she saw Li Qing's face return to its original state...

"Don't be afraid, this is a magic weapon for me..." Li Qing's voice also returned to its original Suddenly, Di Di's body was soft in Li Qing's arms.

This was the first time Li Qing took the initiative to be intimate with Flute, touching her child-like milk skin and holding the dissatisfied cotton candy. Soon, Li Qing separated her legs when she was shy, Holding her thin waist and peach tun gently into it.

"嘤~" Didi is still a little bit uncomfortable, but soon, this discomfort becomes shy enjoyment.

After a full hour, flute fled the room embarrassedly.

Li Qing didn't understand why she had to escape...

Didi said he was afraid of being suspected by other sisters!

Li Qing had no choice but to follow her.

Next, he was a little bored, I don’t know why...


Otherwise, come to upgrade qq, this is Li Qing's fundamental foundation, absolutely can not be underestimated.

Anyway, there are many merits now.

"Upgrade qq!"

Relentlessly popular, Li Qing immediately summoned the qq system.

"Okay, master! Now your level is one sun and two stars, level seventeen! Are you willing to upgrade the qq version with 10,000 merits?"

Ten thousand points, which is ten times more than the previous one thousand points!

However, Li Qing still has 35,000 merit merits, not bad money!

Very cheerfully, Li Qing waved generously: "Sheng!"

The system immediately entered the upgrade, and a scale table appeared.

One percent, two percent, three percent...

Too slow, this upgrade!

Thanks to the boss of "Clown", please drink 399 coins. Originally, the author only wanted you to smoke a cigarette, but actually got into the water, I'm sorry. But after being hospitalized for two days, I really can't smoke, thank our clown god!

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