My Super God QQ

Chapter 421: New in the mall: Future City

Waited for a full night!

Until Li Qing had trouble sleeping, and almost couldn't bear it, he finally reminded the system.

"Congratulations to the host, the qq system has been upgraded to level 18!"

"Finally good!"

Li Qing got up from the bed, leaned against the back of the bed, and observed the upgraded QQ system.

QQ has been upgraded to level 18!

After opening, Li Qing saw five random qq functions appear, let him choose.

It used to be three, and it has been five random function options since it rose to level 17.

The five functions are "qq whirlwind", "qq official website", "qq game", "qq movie", "qq housekeeper".

"These five functions seem to be different from last time. Are there more "qq whirlwinds" and "qq movies"?"

Li Qing immediately distinguished the differences.

First of all, is qq Shifeng?

In those days, this function was very powerful, and it could be called an artifact for watching movies.

Many students stay up all night, screaming and using offline download, downloading many small movies, relying on the QQ whirlwind.

At that time, Wang Lin liked this feature very much.


Now, what function will this QQ whirlwind have in the future QQ system?

Li Qing thought about it carefully.

With this contemplation, he had many, weird ideas.

Is it possible to speed up?

So, what is the speed to speed up?

Could it be the speed of "popping", right? When Li Qing thought about it, there was a sudden chill. He didn't want to be a premature **** guy, and quickly put this ridiculous thought behind him.

Cultivation speed?

It is possible!

Or the speed of recovery from physical injuries?

This is not bad!

After thinking about it, Li Qing couldn't decide, and followed the afterglow of the corner of his eye, he observed the function "qq movie" again.

As a result, I found that this function is also very powerful!


If he had this function, as long as it happened in his own body, it would be recorded.

That is to say, in the future, he wants to get his life experience at any time, which can be observed in it.

More than that, Li Qing will be recorded what he sees.

In other words, Li Qing has completely become the protagonist in a movie, from which he can see his life after having this function.

He wanted to see everyone in his life.

Even his opponent and his opponent's abilities can all be observed.

"It's still very memorable~"

Li Qing thought about it, and hesitated suddenly, not knowing how to choose from it.

Forget it, let's make a qq movie!

Li Qing has a strong hunch. This qq movie will have a great effect on himself in the future. As soon as the hunch comes, he orders it.

Suddenly, he has another qq movie function.

"Look at this feature!"

Li Qing clicked into this function, and suddenly he saw a colorful 5d screen in front of him, and Li Qing stood in the middle of the screen.

As Li Qing dragged and dragged with his hand, the scope of this screen could be larger and larger.

Among them, Li Qing can also continuously operate this screen, zooming in or out at a certain point. For example, Li Qing now has an ant at his feet. When Li Qing zooms in, he can even see the tentacles and mouthparts of the ant.

Feeling quite novel, Li Qing played for a while...

Then, he clicked into the qq mall.

Originally, Li Qing had a desire to shop, that is, he loved to buy East and West, and chop hands. So since he had this qq mall, he has come to check it out from time to time.

at this point……

He actually found that the merchandise in the qq mall has been updated.

"Qq system, is this?"

Can't help it, he asked.

"Report the owner, the things in the qq mall can be replaced randomly, and after the upgrade, it will also be fixedly replaced once!"


Li Qing nodded and looked at the five new things.

As soon as he entered, Li Qing saw that the six items were arranged in two rows, and there were signs under the six items.

One sign is gold.

Another sign is a yellow cloud-like symbol.

This is a commodity that can be bought for gold and merit.


As soon as he saw the first piece, Li Qing shone brightly.

The first item is "Strengthen the Needle!"

The above description is that future products can stimulate the potential of human beings and produce functions for strengthening the body, even if it is a minor illness or a small pain, it can also be eliminated.

To say that Li Qing wants to go to the realm of truth, the most worrying thing is her mother, who is worried about her health. Then, Li Qing, a physical fitness needle, must be bought.

"One hundred million and one stitch? It is cheaper than the health of the mother~"

Li Qing, who is a filial son, did not wrinkle his eyebrows and bought it on the spot.

Once bought, there are only two caps left on the top, that is to say, this product is limited to only three.

If it were not for this thing, only one needle would be used, and then it would be immunized. Li Qing wanted to buy all for his mother.

The second item is "Class A Superman Serum"!

This is interesting!

Looking at this Superman serum, Li Qing raised his eyebrows, only to feel that the whole person was excited.


It is the most powerful existence in science fiction movies, not only can fly directly, but also has a copper wall and iron walls, binocular s-class rays.

If you don’t see any hidden dangers marked on the back, Li Qing would like to give yourself a shot. Yes, hidden dangers will change the human lineage and become aliens.


In other words, when the time comes, it will no longer be possible to cultivate.

Of course, Superman's life is also very long, and living a thousand years is not a problem.

"I want to go to the real world, and my friends and relatives can't be left unattended? Or else, choose someone to help protect them?" Li Qing looked at the serum needle and immediately gave birth to such thoughts.


Li Qing also has enemies on earth.

Then, if he really leaves, will these enemies come to the door, this is also a hidden danger.

One billion!

Li Qing also bought it without first bought it, and then decided who would use it.

The third item, Li Qing is useless. It is actually a small armor. Er, it can also be called armor. It looks very bulky and ugly.

The fourth item, which can only be purchased for merit, is a flower.

This flower is called the hope of hell, it is a kind of natural material and treasure that can be used for healing medicine, and it needs merit worth one million!

"It's useless to me, pass it!"

The fifth item is a book of exercises called "Da Nu Yi Tian Jing"!

After learning this exercise method, you can temporarily obtain the space transfer, that is, the ability of short-distance teleportation, which also requires a merit value of one million.

Li Qing looked at this exercise and was coveted.

However, his eyes were quickly attracted to the sixth thing, and his heart jumped wildly.

What is the sixth thing!

It is a 3D thumbnail of a smart city!

Someone just brought a pillow when they just wanted to doze off!

This QQ upgrade is really right!

"Smart city!"

Li Qing looked at the instructions carefully.

The usage of this smart city is that you can choose a place to directly develop into a steel, future technology city, all the functions of the city are equipped.

Automatic cleaning, automatic management, automatic defense, even automatic attack, and equipped with automatic robot police...

"It's just a city from the future..." Li Qing felt more and more interesting.

Seven days after being discharged from the hospital, there was an outbreak of renewal, and now I can only cultivate myself. I keep two more changes a day. The doctors and nurses still give me a good rest, but I can’t let you down... Really, I don’t want to update. Good ticket

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