My Super God QQ

Chapter 487: Dragon Scale

"No one can do it, it doesn't mean I can't!"

Li Qing heard their remarks and couldn't help but responded.

"Are you still an animal master?"

"That's right!"

"Brother, don't care about him. Let's practice. Don't waste time like him. Huh, if you want to find treasure, you're crazy..."

Li Qing didn't reply, and didn't bother to explain to them. After opening the dragon ant, he found it all at once, and it is very likely that he could not study the cause of the dragon ant-that is, there is too little blood in the dragon ant's body.

Originally, the dragon ant is the size of a fist, and the blood inside is even less.

Just the amount of fingernails!

"However, this can't help my synthesis function...right!" Li Qing said, suddenly looking at something.

After thinking for a while, he caught a live dragon ant again, and implemented catching skills.

Successful arrest!

Immediately, Li Qing used his own mind to attach a trace to it, controlling it and walking towards the dragon's nest.

After observation, the walls of the dragon's nest are all burned out, and I don't know what has been experienced here.

He controlled the dragon ants slowly walking towards some small cracks on the ground...


This is Li Qing's ultimate goal.

Although it has been digged three feet by countless advanced people to find the treasures, but there are rumors of treasures in Qinglong, Li Qing now wants to see if there will be anything under the dragon's nest.

The dragon ant crawled slowly down the crack.

The gap is really too small. Fortunately, this dragon ant can continue to shrink its body shape, like a bone contraction, and finally drilled into it.

Keep going!

Continue to go down, like the 18th turn of Foshan Road, Li Qing's dragon ants continue to follow the traces of other dragon ants crawling down.

I don’t know how long it took to climb. Li Qing forgot about it.

The dragon ant fell down, and finally, Li Qing saw a flower.

A fiery red is like a fire burning with real flames. The petals are transparent and fiery red, still glowing.

"What kind of flower is this!" Li Qing froze, crawling towards the flower.

However, before reaching the edge of the flower, a huge ant kicked over.

The dragon ants controlled by Li Qing were kicked out.

In this way, Li Qing controlled the dragon ant's field of vision to scan around, only to find that there was a huge dragon ant beside the strange flower.


It is no different from a calf.

There are fierce red in the eyes, as long as there is no attention, the dragon ant approaching the flower will be kicked out.

"This must be a strange flower..."

Li Qing put the dragon ants there, entered the third floor of the bookstore, and looked for information about the flower.

In the end, he discovered that this was actually a fairy medicine "Nine-turned Dragon's Blood Flower". After consumption, it can increase human strength and spiritual power, that is, the realm.

It is a fairy medicine that is rare in the realm of comprehension for thousands of years.

"If this is taken to redeem the contribution points with Xingmeng, I don't know how much I can get..." Li Qing thought heartbeat.

Of course, that's just thinking about it. It's impossible for Li Qing to get it.


But at this moment, he found another treasure.

It was actually a cyan scale, just beside the flower, with a flash of luster.

"Good thing!"

Li Qing thought to himself, this is a dragon scale.

That is, the scales that the blue dragon sloughed off, and then dragged here by these dragon ants? Li Qing manipulated it to move forward, but before he approached, he was kicked and flew out by the giant dragon ant.

Then, it stared at Li Qing's dragon ant violently, with red light in his eyes, as if threatening to scold: "Go away, where will you go!"

Angrily Li Qing scolded in his heart.

"Good guy, you beast, wait for me!"

It seems that with its presence, Li Qing's dragon ant cannot get close to them at all.


Li Qing was angry and kept trying to find a way.

If you want to get the dragon scale, you must first lead away the dragon ant.

"How to do it?"

After thinking for a while, Li Qing thought of a way.

Are not all ants attracted by smell? Li Qing let the dragon ants come up.

Then, spread the food on the dragon ant's body. These foods are all in the storage space before.

That's it, it will have the smell of food.

"Brother, what do you think of that guy?"

"Is it hungry? What did he get?"

"I don't know, but I smell the scent!"

"Damn it, disturb us! Don't care about that guy, let's continue to practice!"

Li Qing spent half of an hour this way!

After his smearing, the dragon ant smelled the smell of food, so that there was a situation where the dragon ant went, there will be other dragon ants smell the fragrance and follow it.

When walking, a lot of dragon ants gathered.

These dragon ants have no wisdom. When the dragon ant controlled by Li Qing walked to the flower, a lot of dragon ants followed.

The dragon ant controlled by Li Qing was kicked off for the first time, and then there were endless dragon ants that followed the flood like a torrent.

This is the time!

Li Qing quickened the speed of the dragon ant, and rushed over, dragging the dragon scale while chaotically, and dragged it backwards.

Fortunately, ants are the most powerful of all creatures.

Dragging the dragon scale, it slowly returned, and when the giant dragon ant found it, the dragon scale was gone, and there was a harsh squeak.

Finally dragged back to the ground, the dragon ant bit the dragon scale and slowly approached Li Qing.

However, Li Qing is not alone at this time!

Two other brothers were watching from the side. When they saw a shiny scale actually being dragged by an ant to Li Qing, the two brothers almost cried in surprise.

"Brother, how is it? This may be the scales left by Qinglong, and I don't know how that guy controls the dragon ant, actually let him find the treasure!"

"Well, this is Qinglong's scales, which is definitely worth a lot of money! Grab it!"

With that said, the two approached Li Qing.

However, Li Qing was ready to say that it was too late, and then it was fast, and when they showed greed in their eyes, Li Qing immediately set off.

The Mirage Fairy first controlled one with the illusion.

Li Qing's flying sword immediately turned around and brought up a head.


The remaining one, "Zeng Feng," was dismayed and shouted, blocking Feijian from stabbing again.

That is when he was like this, Li Qing already shot a punch on his back, directly blasted him up and rushed to the wall of the cave.

A series of attacks...

When he hadn't fallen, the flying sword had spun into his heart again.

No effort to fight back!


Maybe they don’t have any fighting experience. It’s like Li Qing fought all the way from the earth.

Under Li Qing's first move, they had no chance at all and were killed directly.

Li Qing went up and searched them, and found only two useless So, Li Qing sneered: "Find death!"

Pick up the dragon scale and take a closer look.

The hard dragon scales, Li Qing didn't move at all, and tried to cut it with a flying sword, it was difficult to cut it, unless Li Qing used vigorous force.

This is harder than Wan Hengbing!

If it really belongs to the Green Dragon, I dare not imagine how terrifying its defense is with such a dragon scale.

"Dragon scale?"

As Li Qing checked, suddenly, there was another voice behind him.

Li Qing was startled and turned his head.

I saw the second-level star just sitting outside, silently standing behind Li Qing.

Seeking recommendation tickets

(End of this chapter)

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