My Super God QQ

Chapter 488: Top 10 "Dao Feng"

Li Qing didn't know how he got behind him, like a ghost.

Thinking of his sudden start, Li Qing's entire body of hair was instantly horrified, and the roots were erected into needles.

"It seems so!"

Li Qing raised his vigilance to the extreme.

As long as he changes, Li Qing will never hesitate to fight back immediately.

"You don't have to be nervous, I won't do anything with you, because I'm practicing Dafa, because I'm in a bottleneck, I can't kill...but hey!" he sighed heavily, and it seemed a pity.

such a pity! Dragon Scale is definitely a treasure. With it, adding it to the refiner can definitely increase the quality of a piece of equipment by one step. Not to mention, Dragon Scale can also bring the dragon power effect to the monster. The role of suppression. But think about it, it takes decades of effort to make up for Dragon Scale to break his own life-killing Dafa. He still thinks about it, not being greedy.

The most important thing is that ten days later, he still has to die with his life.


Li Qing also lamented his good luck, and at the same time blamed himself for being careless, so he didn't notice the second-level star behind him.

Damn it!

Thinking about the consequences, Li Qing just wanted to slap himself.

In fact, what Li Qing didn't know was that it was not his fault at all, but that Longwei here was too heavy, which would depress people's five senses, that is, five senses. The strength of the other party was already in Tiande or Tiande On top of his strength, if he didn't find it, it was really too normal.

"How do you sell me this dragon scale?"

Suddenly, he spoke again.

"sell to you?"

"Yes, the price is up to you, and you are absolutely satisfied."

"I'm sorry, I don't know how much this dragon scale should be sold, so..." Li Qing directly rejected him.

Now, he doesn't even know how many contribution points can be exchanged with Xingmeng. If it is sold like this, wouldn't it be a fool's act.


He didn’t sell him, but he smiled without any anger: “Okay, I’ll just try it. By the way, my name is Dao Feng, and you can call me Blade! If you’re free, remember to watch me duel.”

Dao Feng?

Li Qing has never heard of it.

What Li Qing does not know is that Dao Feng is one of the most outstanding new disciples in Xingmeng. It is already a new star emerging.

The life-killing Dafa he practiced can be called a stunt. As long as the murderous spirits are together, the strength can be continuously improved, which is called abnormal.

After obtaining the dragon scale, Li Qing greedily wanted to get the flower.

But it was impossible to do it countless times, because the flowers were too big. Unless Li Qing could kill the giant dragon ant, there was really no way to slowly pick the flower and pull it up.

In desperation, he could only give up the flower and look for other benefits.

One day passed...

Li Qing searched to no avail.

The next day, Li Qing wanted to leave here, but after seeing the three-headed spirit beasts all seem to have entered a "closed door" state, they all closed their eyes and seemed to have spiritual power fluctuations constantly increasing, but they still stayed.

But just when he closed his legs and had to practice, he found that it was wrong.

He seems to be practicing here, and the practice of Qilin Zhiren Qingyun Jue has also risen slightly.

"What's going on? Is it possible that Kirin will also react to Longwei?"

Only this result can be explained.

Therefore, Li Qing no longer wasted a good opportunity, and took advantage of the reaction to practice again.

Li Qing remembered that Kirin Zhiren Qingyun Jue encountered a bottleneck last time, but this time, this bottleneck did not appear.

One day, one day, Qilin to Renqingyun Jue progressed from the early stage of the second layer to the middle stage.

If it weren't for the so-called Aura, Li Qingding could improve his strength.

On the third day...

Li Qing is also cultivating, cultivating this second level of exercise to a later stage.

In this way, seeing that there was not much time left, Li Qing put away the three-headed spirit beast and was ready to go out of the hole.

"Going out?"

When passing by Dao Feng, he suddenly said again.

"Yes, brother~"

Li Qing thought about it and still called it that way.

It seemed that he was very satisfied with Brother Li Qing's voice, and he said again: "Let's go to the place of the robbery before leaving, maybe there will be any benefits for you!"

"Okay, thank you brother for reminding me!"

"Well, go!"

Li Qing was about to leave, and suddenly remembered something, and asked, "Brother, you seem to have been in for a long time?"

"Yes, I was rewarded because I was in the top ten in the list of the three people in the world. I can stay here for ten days!"

Heaven and Earth people list?

It seems that this brother is very powerful!

Li Qing is really kind and has the feeling of not knowing Taishan: "Disrespect and disrespect!"

"Hahaha, you're afraid you haven't seen the top three list of heaven, earth, and people...I went up and happened to take advantage of the loophole. The tenth place had an accident. Otherwise, I can't go up yet. There is a tricky challenge to me..."

It turned out that the three rankings of the three places are all based on battle, that is, on the ring.

He went up to the tenth place. Of course, the following people were not reconciled, thinking that he was not strong enough to sit on this ranking, and challenged him.

If he didn’t enter the land of the Green Dragon, he would have to accept the challenge within three days, or he would have dropped ten. This is the rule.

After saying a few words, Li Qing decided to go to see the three lists of the world, and left the cave.

He swore that he would come again.

The next time I came, it was when I took the fairy medicine "Nine-turned Dragon's Blood Flower".

The land of the Qinglongdu robbery is also scorched black. For this reason, the ground is one thousand square meters, and all of them have collapsed.

Li Qing was sitting in the place where he collapsed, feeling something.

However, no feeling!

"Maybe the strength is not enough to touch the reason of that world!" Li Qing finally thought of a possibility, no longer nostalgic here.

But just about to leave here, he remembered something and entered the Dragon Cave again.

"Brother Dao Feng!"


"I have a ruthless request."


"Are you able to pretend to be spirit beasts, or animal treasures, can you lend me a bit?"

"Storage bag? If you give me a reason, I will lend you!"

Li Qing knew that there was such a thing as a "beast storage bag". There was no way. If he collected his pet, he couldn't charge too much. Not to mention the small size of the dragon ant, it was really inappropriate to occupy the pet's position.

"I want to catch some dragon ants out!"

"Ah?! These dragon ants have no value, why do you catch them?"

"I want to refine the beast!"

"No, I have inquired about these dragon ants. The body is too small to be used to refine beasts!"

"I have a way!" Li Qing cut the nail down.

"You are kidding me..."

"We make a bet!"

"Oh, what bet?"

"I bet that I can use this dragon ant to refine something. If I bet, I would bet 10,000 contribution points!"

"Ten thousand? OK! Haha, in order to earn your contribution points, it seems that I really have to lend you!" He smiled helplessly: "Your way~"

Finally, Li Qing charged a hundred ants and beasts before leaving the land of Qinglong.

Ultra long distance transmission array...

Upon passing, Li Qing appeared in the main hall of the Star Alliance.

As soon as he appeared in this hall, Li Qing felt that his strength was loosing. He rushed out of the hall and sat outside.

The guardian disciple outside the door was also surprised, so he would be there.

Immediately, a large amount of aura around roared like a strong rushed to Li Qing's body...

Li Qing's strength is constantly surging.

One hour……

Li Qing has transformed into a five-story strength during the foundation period.

The land of the green dragon is really not in vain.

After his strength rose, Li Qing didn't stay much, so he went to the main hall for redeeming points.

He would like to check his own experience, that is, how many Dragon Scales can be exchanged for contribution points. If it is exchanged, he can buy a house in the city and exchange it.

"How much can I change?"

Li Qing is now anxious to find a place to settle the good world jade sister, so under the guidance of the staff, Li Qing looked at the exchange list.

Seeking a recommendation ticket,

(End of this chapter)

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