My Super God QQ

Chapter 511: Found the fairy grass? Fairy grass?


Suddenly, Li Qing's mind flashed a flash of light to think of something.

It seems that in addition to fairy medicines becoming sperm, ordinary plants may become tree spirits after thousands of years!


The more I thought about it, the more likely it was that he was a tree spirit. After feeling the hot pain on his face, Li Qing pulled out his flying sword and shot at the tree spirit.


The flying sword pierced like lightning.

When he wanted to come, if it was really a tree spirit, it would definitely defend or dodge and make a noise!

However, in the next scene, he felt very strange.

The flying sword was cut, and Li Qing directly cut his waist, but in the process, without any resistance, he was cut into two pieces, and the above piece fell to the ground with an overwhelming "squeak" sound.

Smoke filled up!

Li Qing fanned the smoke with her hand, not to enter her mouth and nose, and walked past.

"There is no blood and no sap, which is no different from ordinary trees! However, just now it can wield a branch and gave itself a fierce look. It is impossible for him to fall into a illusion?"


Thinking of these two words, Li Qing's hair stood upright instantly.

He will never forget how many people died in the brutal illusion of the phantom monster when he was sealed in the magic city. That was terrifying!

"Magic monster, come out!"

After all, he immediately summoned it by waving.


As soon as the Mirage Fairy came out, he shouted to Li Qing.

Since the last time I went to the Land of the Blue Dragon, it has benefited a lot, and it has been able to make a cry.

It seemed to be asking, what happened to the owner?

"You help me see, are we in a illusion?" When Li Qing wanted to come and play the illusion, the Mirage Demon Jiao was the ancestor. If there is a problem, it cannot escape its eyes.

The mirage monster wriggled around the little snake-like body, turned his head to look around, and shook his head undetected.

"No?" Li Qing wondered: "Am I wrong? Really hell?"

Li Qing thought about it.

He was thinking, what the **** is going on!

Thinking about this, he grabbed his head and kept walking around!

"call out--"

Suddenly, as Li Qing walked over the edge of a stinky tree, an unknown object attacked Li Qing.

After losing once, once again, Li Qing thought that he really had to go home to farm. He said that when he was soon, he moved his mind, and the flying sword in his hand was released, and he voluntarily went back!

Feijian keeps turning and stirring at a very fast speed!

"Bang Bang Bang Bang--"

Only bursts of sound were heard, and the unidentified objects hit immediately were scraped and shattered.

Li Qing turned his head to look at it like this, and froze again.

Another stupid tree!


It’s so weird!

"Your uncle, what is it, come out, give me out!" Li Qing was so angry that he was violently thundering, and immediately roared.

However, except for the cool wind blowing past, nothing responded to it.

Angrily, Li Qing used the flying sword to cut off several stinky trees, and the anger in his heart slowly subsided.

It was during this cessation that he calmed down again and began to analyze.

"An ordinary stink tree must be immobile, so why did it attack me? First, rule out the possibility of falling into a phantom, then there must be something to do with ghosts!"

What is it?

Li Qing touched his chin and thought, "Is it a spirit beast or a human? Or is it a magic circle here?"

Some magic circles are trapped in it, and they also produce various unexplainable things.

"Xingmeng won't allow private individuals to set up formations on their Yaoshan Mountain? This can also be ruled out!"

"Spiritual beast? The spiritual beast that controls the plants is not without it, is there a human that let the spiritual beast control me to attack me?"

Li Qing jumped directly, stepped on the flying sword, and rushed into the sky.

Fortunately, there are stinky trees here, which are not covered by leaves and leaves, so that Li Qing has no trace of anyone.

No explanation?

No no no!

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon!

Well, if it wasn't for their blame, Li Qing thought of something.

He immediately entered the third floor of QQ Book City!

Turning over the jade jade, he looked up all the materials of the fairy medicine.

The information of Xingmeng is not complete enough, and the knowledge here is all-encompassing, and Li Qing looks over it.

A total of one month was spent in it, and Li Qing used it all.

Hard work pays off!

Finally found a special fairy medicine.

"Hahaha, there is such a fairy medicine!" Li Qing was overjoyed.

The fairy medicine is called "Continued Demon Grass"!

Although the name carries a demon word, it is actually a kind of fairy medicine.

Why, Li Qing would suspect it?

Because the body of this demon grass itself is a plant that can be softened into a liquid at any time. How to say it is a bit like liquid metal. Its characteristic is that it can be integrated into various plants and manipulate various plants.

At the same time, it can also escape into the ground and walk freely.

It's amazing!

Cultivating the world is indeed nothing strange.

Assuming that there is a group of fairy medicine, then, "Continuous Demon Grass" is definitely the most difficult and cunning thorn in it.

Some medicine collectors in the classics also say that the reason why it is called Yaocao is that it possesses the spirituality of Duozhi near demon.

"Dare to tease me and beat me, you are done!"

Li Qing thought of being pumped into the face, hated the tunnel, and began to turn his brain, thinking about the countermeasures.

It is difficult to catch, can mix into other plants, and can walk away.


What Li Qing thought of, immediately returned from the QQ Book City to the world of cultivation.

"call out--"

Just when he first appeared, another branch came towards him.

Li Qing hid dangerously, and looked around, but he didn't see where he flew from.

"A tan, you come out!"

Finally, Li Qing decided to call it as his helper.


A raccoon seems to be asking what to do.

"Wait, seeing that a tree is going to hurt me, you shoot, and cut off the root of that tree!"

"Xu Tian Yao Cao" is very likely to flee!

But Li Qing has long seen through its fatal weakness, that is, it needs to be in contact with objects to escape, such as the body of a plant, such as the land...

As long as Li Qing is used as a bait, it will cause the stink tree to move, and then, let A Tan cut it off and lift the tree high, Li Qing can pull it out.

That's right!

At that time, go directly to the third floor of QQ Book City!

Next, Li Qing ran blindly between the stinky trees, and continued to shuttle back and forth, trying to cause its attack.

But it really seems spiritual!

After seeing that there were more raccoons besides Li Qing, I dared not do it again!

Li Qing walked for several hours without waiting for it to start.

"It seems that the IQ is very high! It's a bit tricky..." Li Qing said helplessly: "Forget it, let's go back and rent a jade box. Then, if you catch it, there will be a jade box that can be used to hold it. The medicine is released!"

Li Qing stepped on the flying sword and flew from the sky to the main island!

Just after Li Qing left, in his original position, a stinky ghost tree "danced and danced", as if celebrating Li Qing's enemy's failure to return, as if clamoring "There is a kind of running!"


Back at the Herbal Medicine Hall, Li Qing went directly to the "Treasure Office".

"Government, hello, I want to rent a jade box!"

"I'm sorry, we only sell here, not rent!" The female steward sitting behind the counter said facelessly, with a little contempt in her eyes.

"Okay, I will buy it!"

Li Qing didn't care about her, and she bought a jade box of medicine with 100 points.

"Buy a jade box? Oops, did you pick up a treasure medicine again? No, it seems that you have also collected a treasure medicine before, but you didn't buy a jade box. Is it a fairy medicine? Great!"

Lin Guanshi of the Distinguishing Medicine Department had long seen Li Qing, and the grievances accumulated in her heart immediately made her exit to laugh at Li Qing.

"Oh, I haven't found any medicine for you?"

Li Qing said coldly.

This woman, regardless of her, is screaming more and more fierce, which makes Li Qing's disgust in his heart become heavier and heavier.

"It's none of my business. I just adore you. I actually want to break the record. Is it impossible for me to worship?" Lin Guanshi made a surprised look.

People who looked at her like this could not help being laughed at.

Why can't they see Lin Guanshi is secretly satire Li Qing, but they just hate or even envy Li Qing, this is the case.

Originally, they hated Li Qing's bragging.

Later, when he saw that Li Qing had really taken so many medicines, he became jealous!

If he is not as capable as him, he naturally develops jealousy, and then strikes against Li Qing.

"Yes, then you continue to worship, I'm gone!" Li Qing picked up the jade box and left blankly.

He was really annoyed and left the Herbal Medicine Hall directly.

At this time, if you go back to Skull Island, you may not dare to appear in the "Continuous Demon Grass", so Li Qing chose to go back first and test what level of spirit beast he synthesized.

If it has good potential, Li Qing will immediately have contribution points credited!


The Great Wall of China will never fall, can you recommend a ticket?

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