My Super God QQ

Chapter 512: Painful touch

Go directly to the teacher's "Xia Changsheng" home...

Due to Xia Changsheng's trust, Li Qing had the authority to enter his house and went straight into the laboratory.

In this chaotic laboratory, Li Qing found the needle for testing and took some blood from the spirit beast.

"Hope is that the potential reaches A level!"

Li Qingxin looked forward to the mid-term.

ten minutes later……

He shook his head. It seemed that success was not so easy. A B-level spirit beast horned bear could not synthesize an A-level spirit beast with dragon ants.

"Is the dragon ant's level too low?"

Li Qing suspected.

"Or, the spirit bear is not snake-shaped. Since the dragon ants have absorbed the blood of the blue dragon, maybe they will be snake-shaped? Are snakes and dragons close relatives?"

"It seems that it is necessary to find a new spirit beast!"

Thinking about this, Li Qing came to the place where Xia Changsheng cultivated spirit beasts.

This is a small garden!

There are many little spirits held or stocked.

According to Xia Changsheng, this is the spirit beast he wants to cultivate with his heart.

At this time, Xia Changsheng, as he said, was trying his best to take care of a horse-shaped spirit beast, bathing it with a brush, which caused the spirit beast to sizzle from time to time.

"Teacher, are you here?"

After a period of careful guidance and help from Xia Changsheng, Li Qing has sincerely regarded him as his teacher.

"Yes, in a hurry, what happened?"

"No, teacher, I just had a whimsy and needed a snake spirit."

"Snake~" He thought for a while and said reluctantly: "I have a fire-shaped golden beast that has been raised for seven years, but you won't kill it?"

The fire-shaped golden swallowing beast is a spirit snake with fire properties.

It has a very magical ability, that no matter what you eat, it will bring out a little gold when you pull it out. For this reason, people like to say that it eats gold, so it is called a gold-swallowing beast. As for the fire shape, it is because the markings on its body are red, like the same flames, so it is called the fire-shaped gold-swallowing beast.

Li Qing saw the disappointment in his eyes, and it was not easy to win the love of others. He could only say: "Then I will find it again..."

"and many more!"

Suddenly, just when Li Qing was about to turn around and leave, Xia Changsheng stopped him.

"What's wrong, teacher?"

"Are you hiding something from me?" Xia Changsheng stared at Li Qing and asked: "Originally, everyone has secrets, and I don't want to ask you, but maybe I can help you not necessarily." ?"

It seems that Li Qing may be a certain aspect or action, causing his suspicion.

The older the better, the better!

Li Qing didn't really think of it, so he saw something.

Say it or not?

Li Qing fell into a dilemma for a moment, and then thought of Xia Changsheng's character and his love for spirit beasts, and he was also a scholar who really wanted to be ideal, and finally decided to say.

"Do not hide the teacher, I am born with a special ability to make two spirit beasts into one, it may be a failure, it may be a success!"


Suddenly, he fell into shock.

It wasn't until ten seconds later that the unbelievable and surprised face asked: "Is it supernatural power?"


"Yes, like many geniuses in Cultivation Realm, they have great luck. They were born with magical powers. I have seen a young and handsome man whose song can eliminate anger and affect everything! I think you must be the same Wonderful person!"

"Singing voice? Are you talking about a genius named "Songs"?"

Li Qing once heard Liu Changqing mention such a genius who cultivated the real world.


"Then maybe, maybe, I am that kind of person!"

"Then you will show it to me quickly, rest assured, the teacher will not tell others!"

He flushed with excitement immediately, like a child who saw candy, full of surprise and excitement.

"Uh, teacher, I also want to show it to you, but I need a snake spirit beast, because, I want to synthesize a new spirit beast with dragon ants."

"Dragon ant? Do you want to use the blood of the blue dragon? No, no, the dragon ant has been tested by countless beastmasters, and it is completely unfeasible. Don't waste the spirit beast!"

"Teacher, the reason why the dragon ant doesn't work is because its size is too small? And my ability is synthesis, so there are no obstacles in this area..."

So, Xia Changsheng was stunned for a long time and nodded ecstatically.

"Yes, yes, that line, I immediately brought my fire-shaped golden beast!"

Originally, he was not willing to give up. Now when he hears that Li Qing has this ability, he can no longer care about his feelings. This is a real scholar who is working hard for the beast refining career and for the ideal.

It's crazy for "beast refining"!

After a while, Li Qing saw him bring the fire-shaped gold-swallowing beast, and then, Xia Changqing watched that gold-swallowing beast disappear, and immediately believed Li Qing a few points.

Li Qing synthesized the fire-shaped golden beast with dragon ants.

"Teacher, it takes a day!"

"Okay, if you are okay, then stay here with me for a day?"

"No, teacher, I may have found a fairy medicine. I'm going to catch it and break the record of the medicine collection hall?"

"Breaking the record of medicine collection? Hahaha..." Xia Changsheng also thought that Li Qing was joking: "It seems that the current record is a fairy medicine! My dear student, you should refine the beast well, don't pick it What medicine, even if my teacher is down now, I should be able to support you!"

"Teacher, I really want to break the record!"

"Teacher is old, don't joke with the teacher!"

"Do not believe it!"

Li Qing handed him his identity brand and talked about the medicine he had collected.

Upon learning that Li Qing was so talented, Xia Changsheng was stunned, his mouth wide open enough to plug an ostrich egg.

He didn't expect that Li Qing was really about to break the record. That's right, with the medicine Li Qing picked, it was really possible to break the record.

"However is the fairy medicine so easy to catch? You didn't catch it today, and it will go to another place tomorrow!" Finally, he shook his head and didn't think Li Qing could succeed.

"I believe I can do it!"

Li Qing has the Qilin Zhiren Qingyun formula, he is confident that the fairy medicine can be found after running, as long as it is still on Skull Island, he is not afraid of it.

"Well, then you are busy with you, remember to come at this time tomorrow!"

"it is good!"

After Li Qing got off, and was not ready to rest, he went to the Herbal Medicine Hall again.

Once I entered the medicine collection hall, it was annoying to say something annoying. Li Qing was a little bit bored with this feeling. I just felt that these people were really like dog skin plaster, not only sticky but also stinky.

Fortunately, after entering the teleportation array, he came to Skull Island again.

"Xu Tian Yao Cao, this time will not let you escape my palm!"

He looked at everything on the island and cheered for himself.

There are more than ten days before a month, and he will be able to do it.

Li Qing stepped on the flying sword and had to go to the island again. "Uh" Suddenly there was a heartache from a needle stick, which made him stop.

what happened?

He had an ominous hunch, as if something happened to friends or relatives around him, which made his heart almost suffocate and extremely uncomfortable. It didn't recover until half an hour later.

"Did Jieyu have an accident? Or the earth...they?"

Thinking of this, Li Qing's face suddenly gloomy.


Kyoto Hospital, on the aisle...

"Woo~~Xia Mo sister, you can bear it, you must hold it, it will be fine!" Didi followed a moving bed and cried while running.

On the mobile bed, Xia Mo remnants lay.

At this time, her face was abnormally pale and bloodless, and her face was white, and her breathing was extremely weak.

She was fatally injured!

That's right, just a little while ago, she was attacked by an unknown weapon and penetrated her chest directly.

Why is it not known?

Because she has a superhuman steel body! This is simply unimaginable, what weapons can let her suffer such a fatal injury.

That is, after she suffered this injury, the women were furious and finally activated the UFO that Li Qing left behind. They cleaned the army of all the countries, and then sent Xia Mo Can Yue to the best hospital in Huaxia Kyoto.

There is no good hospital on the island, so I can only come here. Fortunately, UFO is fast.

Lowering nearby, they came directly behind her.

At this time, several women were also covered with tears.

They dare not imagine If something happened to Xia Mo Can Yue, what would Li Qing say when he came back!

Will Li Qing go crazy or go crazy?

No matter what Li Qing would do, they blamed themselves fiercely in their hearts.

The surgical light is on...

An hour!

The door to surgery was opened!

As the surgeon walked out of the room and opened the disinfection mask, the women hurried up to ask what happened.

The doctor behaved like he did on TV, but shook his head with a helpless look in his eyes.

Suddenly, the women were terrified and their faces changed dramatically.

Yan Di only felt that his eyes were turning in front of him, his eyes straightened, and he collapsed.

The corridor outside the entire operating room was dead...

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