My Super God QQ

Chapter 513: Finally caught

In the operating room...

The two nurses in white are packing up the surgical supplies, and after a little cleaning up, Xia Mocanyue will be pushed out and sent to the morgue.

This is the rule of the hospital.


Suddenly, the instrument cried.

At first, no one noticed!



A nurse in white turned her head and seemed to be looking for a call, and suddenly saw the curve on the heart rate monitor.


She exclaimed in silence.

They quickly notified the surgeon and let them enter the operating room again, that is, after some examination, they were surprised to see Xia Mo's heart again beating again.

Very slow but steady heartbeat.

Hearing Xia Mo Canyue regaining her heartbeat, the girls outside the operating room almost jumped up and cheered. Fortunately, Tang Yanyan stopped them.

Today, Tang Yanyan is the oldest of them, and naturally has this prestige.

"Don't quarrel inside! We'll wait quietly outside!" She compared the gesture of "hush".

"Sister Xia Mo is finally okay~ woo~" When she thought that if something happened to her, she couldn't imagine the consequences. Yan Di cried out and wept with joy.

"Let's take a look here in turn! Arrange it? Hey, it was a false alarm, and finally gave an explanation to Li Qing..." Ning Shishi suggested.

They divided up the matter of taking care of Xia Mo Can Yue according to the two men and one team.

Since Li Qing left, their feelings have not only faded, but because they are waiting for Li Qing for the same reason, they take care of each other and give birth to a strong feeling of sisters.

They stayed, and Ning Shishi left the hospital and returned to the island. She had to wait for revenge after the special teams of all countries were destroyed.


"A tan, you must pay attention to it later, as long as there is a stink tree attacking me, you must uproot that tree!"

Back to the original island full of stinky trees, Li Qing summoned A Tan again and kept telling him.

A tan waved his paw, as if speaking impatiently, know, don't be verbose, Li Qing scolded it, and then stopped.

He began to sway on the island.

One hour……

Two hours...

Three, four, five...

Li Qing stayed there for eight hours without any plants attacking him.

"Could it be said that the end of the celestial demon grass is in danger and evacuated this place?"

Li Qing wondered if this was the case, and was ready to take Ari to another island.

Coincidentally, at this moment, a branch as thick as a strong man's thigh waved towards Li Qing.

Its target is Li Qing's head, which is still so fierce and sharp.

"It's now! Atan!"

Excited light flashed in Li Qing's eyes and shouted.

He cut the branch directly with a flying sword, and his eyes swept back anxiously. I saw that the speed of the raccoon was fast, and it had turned into a golden light. He squeaked excitedly in his mouth, and his claws were waving there. Li Qing on the stink tree.


Waving his paw toward the root of the stink tree.

A raccoon is indeed a war beast with potential SS. The claws are sharpened like mud. I saw that a very fast residual image appeared, and the stink tree was directly intercepted by it. Then, I held the stink Ghost tree.

The picture is a bit inconsistent.

A tan is really too small, but it is holding a big tree.

Fearing that it would not move, Li Qing called out, "Come, I will!"

Li Qing was about to reach for it. At this time, the lower cut of the tree was cut, but a black light flashed through it and fell directly from the cut to the ground.

It was too late to speak, and then it was fast. When Li Qing reacted, he had seen the black light fall to the ground, and then digged into the ground again.

"I wipe!"

Li Qing was stunned, summoned a flying sword and shot towards the ground.

Ten seconds later, Li Qing sat down on the ground without words.


Really miscalculated!

Li Qing has fallen into the restraint of thought and made a big mistake.

Originally, he found that the "Continuous Demon Grass" can only be moved by plants or land, and thought that he could not escape by raising the stink tree in the air. However, it is forgotten that "Xu Tian Yao Cao" does not need to escape, just need to exit the stink tree and it will fall naturally.

After falling, touching the ground, of course, you can escape.


Li Qing was so angry that he patted his thigh, so he made such a mistake.


A tan also seemed to feel Li Qing's anger and dug madly towards the ground, but even digging the ground three feet, he could see nothing.

"What should I do? This guy is so slippery, how should he catch it?"

For a time, Li Qing fell into thought again.

"It's hard to grasp because it seems to have escape technique, and it can escape through plants and the earth, just like the earth-going grandson in the **** list... Can't you put the ground on an iron plate? Isn't it so? , The earth and the earth are so big, it is not afraid of any means at all!"

Li Qing had thought about catching himself, but every time he shot himself, he didn't have to destroy the stink tree, and "Fu Tian Yao Cao" would run away in time!

It's too cautious and too cunning. Where it looks like a plant, it's so smart.

The sea breeze brushed slightly...

If the stink tree is not so stinky, the environment is still very comfortable.


A raccoon doesn't seem to be able to bear the smell for so long. He yelled at Li Qing as if to say that he would return to the pet space.


Looking at Atan, Li Qing thought of a way to flash his mind.

Fairy grass becomes fine, can it be caught as a pet?

He immediately summoned the QQ system,

Click into the pet capture, and a red line pops up on the qq interface. This red line is similar to a sight and can move around with Li Qing's ideas.

Exist as if to block the gun!

Now, Li Qing uses this idea to move to the ground continuously.

It's useless!

This pet capture is aimed at the target. It is buried deep underground and is useless.


Helpless, Li Qing can only give up this idea.

So he looked for new ways in the QQ system.

It was this search that he once again had a new way.

That's right!

He still has QQ Book City to bring things in.

Isn't it able to use the earth, use plants to move? Li Qing took it directly to the QQ Bookstore. He wanted to see if there was any medium for "Continued Demon Grass" to use escape technology.

As long as you enter the QQ Book City, it will fall into the palm of Li Qing.

Counting on the exercise countless times in his mind, Li Qing ordered Alive.

"A tan, wait, you still do that! Do you understand?"

With a doubt in Ah Li's eyes, it seemed to be saying that it wouldn't work anymore. Is that still the case?

Li Qing nodded, Ah Li was still like that, but he had to change his strategy.

carry on……

Li Qing kept swaying.

One hour, two hours, three hours...

Until the past ten hours or so, new spirit beasts have been synthesized, Li Qing has no intention to check, he is still wandering.

He does not give up!

Success pays off!

Perhaps it was "Fu Tian Yao Cao" was scared once, and it was not so easy to come out, but Li Qing thought that it seemed to be hateful, and was almost caught, he would definitely avenge, and he would not give up.

What a dozen hours!

For fairy medicine, and for breaking records, he can persist even for a few days.

So, one day passed, two days passed...

Li Qing was still sloshing. In the end, he couldn't stand it a little, and then he thought of an idea and pretended to sleep.

He lay down directly.

There was also a snore, but in private it made A Tan stare at it.

Just two hours after Li Qing lay down, he heard a strange sound from the ground, very subtle.


He was a little nervous, but full of confidence.

Li Qing didn't move, so as not to hit the grass and startle the snake, he had been waiting for the attack of "Continued Demon Grass".

About half an hour later...

When Li Qing thought that "Fu Tian Yao Cao" didn't dare to attack, suddenly, behind his head lying down, the stink tree waved branches and hit Li Qing's head again.

This time, Li Qing is useless!

He opened his eyes violently and blocked the branch with his hands. At the same time, the raccoon flew in two cut off the roots of this stink tree.

Just cut, Li Qing thought, and took the stink tree into the third floor of QQ Book City.

"Ha ha ha ha... caught it!"

As soon as Li Qing came in, the stinky ghost tree was still turbulent. It is conceivable that "Continuous Demon Grass" was still controlled in its body.

If you change to someone else, you may not be able to move, because Xutian Yaocao drops directly from the cut of the root of the tree, you have to run...

It was a black, seemingly humanoid grass!

But when it fell to the ground, it was slightly short, and it was about to drill down, but it was shaking all over, and it seemed to be hindered and could not go down.

It's in a hurry, jumping everywhere, just looking for a ground drill!

Li Qing looked at it with a big slap and ran around in a hurry, and gave a triumphant laugh.

"This time, I finally broke the record, ha ha ha ha..."

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