My Super God QQ

Chapter 807: Routine tricks

"Hey boy, I said to you, what did you see, didn't you take a look? Didn't you see me, I want to get close to the girl, let me get away, get out of here!"

Li Qing's fire!

In an instant, he rushed straight from the bottom of his feet to the celestial cap, and then rushed from the celestial cap to his chest, completely exploding.

He turned his head and glared at the guy, but when he saw that the woman had a playful smile in his eyes, he endured it.

Li Qing doesn't want to worry about this guy in general. Really, it's just to insult himself and reduce his identity. However, this stupid hack insisted on touching Li Qing here, even if it was scolding, seeing that Li Qing didn't move, he took out a black knife...

Seeing that he was going to rush...

Suddenly, something amazing happened, and he turned to the woman as soon as he turned around.

The woman was also a little surprised, all stunned, waiting to react, the chest has been split, from the shoulder to the stomach, let alone clothes, even the body was cut out of a blood, It looks scary.

"Hey, there is a personal treasure armor, it's a pity..."

At that moment, the man looked cold and smiled lightly.


All the routines!

In Li Qing's heart, there are really ten million grasses Nima galloping past. He never thought that there would be such a routine here. He didn't want to beat himself, but to kill the woman!

If it weren’t for the woman who had the body armor, this knife was enough to break her belly.

"help me……"

With a knife, she flew out, and as she flew, she shouted angrily at Li Qing.

"Hello, brother, I have a bit of an enmity with her. Don't mix it in. Otherwise, don't blame us for hurting us." The man turned his head and stared at Li Qing, all the threats in the triangular eyes. Sassy.

"I have no personal enmity with him... he wants..."

The woman shouted anxiously, but the man rushed over and interrupted him.

"I know!"

Li Qing responded, and Feijian appeared immediately, slashing towards the man.

He is not stupid, does he not know the routine of this man, as long as he is a routine, basically Li Qing can already guess what he thinks-that is to kill everyone here and devour everything here.

That's right!

I haven’t eaten pork, and I should have watched the pig walk, facing a woman who is not at all familiar, but saying that he has hatred against him. There is no other possibility except that he wants to swallow the treasure alone.

"Boy, I'll come to clean you up later!"

His knife chopped out countless black rays and swept towards the woman.

Although the woman was seriously injured, she still took out a colorful round wheel, yes, there was a blade on the wheel to fight against it.

Plus Li Qing's sneak attack.

During the battle between the two, he suddenly fell into the downwind, and within two minutes, he was in danger.

"You forced me!"

He shouted, and actually took out two black swords.

Throwing into the sky and waving, his face began to pale, as if manipulating these two knives, it would cost him a huge amount of true energy or life.


In fact, his two knives are really powerful!

At this time, he waved up, not just the effect of one plus one equaling two, that is directly doubling equal to three!

In the sky and underground, there are scary swords everywhere, and the pool of water is splashed upright.

The terrible murderous gas also spontaneously emerged, and the temperature in this place dropped a dozen degrees directly.

"My knife, named Shuangyin bone-bone knife! Wait a moment, you will find its beauty!" He waved the knife while laughing, his voice was a little weak, a little reluctant, but he felt confident. full.


Without waiting for a while, Li Qing noticed that the QQ system's memo was already beating slightly, as if warning.

Of course, Li Qing is not afraid.

Wait a while? does not exist!

Li Qing took off his sword, waved her air tightly, and constantly invaded his direction.

"You can't do it. I have practiced this technique for a thousand years, a thousand years..."

Looking at him, Li Qing seems to be about thirty years old, for a thousand years, is it always the guy who has maintained his appearance?

But what about a thousand years, Li Qing relied on the sharpness of his flying sword.


Then, his knife broke, and he knocked on Li Qing's flying sword, knocking himself off.

At that moment, the corners of his mouth were twitching, apparently not expecting this to happen.

"That's when--"

Li Qing sneered and cut off his right arm with a sword.

With his right arm broken, he fell into a bachelor and blew himself a knife directly to Li Qing.


It is conceivable that his knife is not a mortal thing, and a horrible flame exploded. Li Qing quickly entered the third floor of QQ Book City.

And the woman flew so far away, unaware of life and death.


The man had just escaped 3,000 kilometers away and turned around, only to find that Li Qing had disappeared.

So, he glanced in all directions doubtfully, seeing that there was no shadow of Li Qing, and walked towards the woman again, apparently trying to kill people and win treasures.

He had just squatted down to take off the storage ring of the girl who had passed out.

A terrifying breath of death came, he had to react too late, only to see that the field of vision in front of his eyes suddenly turned, he went up high...

His head was cut off by Li Qing, and Yuan Ying was even crushed by Li Qing's flying sword before he even ran out.

"Routine dog!"

Li Qing scolded, and then picked up his storage ring.

Only, he looked at this **** woman and frowned, somehow...

Jin then kill?

If Wang Lin is here, there will be such a thought, but Li Qing will not work!

Li Qing couldn't kill her for no reason.

So, for the sake of one-sided fate, it was fate. Li Qing gave her three rejuvenating pills. As for the best, I'm sorry, Li Qing can't be such a good person.

In this way, he soaked himself into the pool again.

"The people here are really crazy, kill them if they don't agree..."

Li Qing sighed.

Perhaps this is the real situation of the cultivation world. Weak flesh and strong food, everything is based on interests, what kind of friendship is the same, it is a joke, it does not exist.

An hour later, she woke up.

Only then did I notice the abnormality, looked at the spring light that appeared in front of me, screamed, quickly put on my clothes, and then sat down to heal the wound.

"thank you!"

She walked to Li Qing's edge and could hear the sincerity in her words.

"No need to thank, one side of the relationship~" Li Qing smiled gently.

"Well, then I really want to thank that side of the relationship. Otherwise, I'm afraid I had to die here just now, maybe you have to get everything on your body." Speaking of which, she stopped and seemed to feel herself This chat is not good, and there is a shy smile: "I'm sorry, I speak a little straighter."

"It's okay~"

"What's your name?"

"Li Qing!"

After a while, she said unhappily: "Hey, you guys, why don't you ask my name? Don't think you look good, you can play arrogance."

"I'm fine~" Li Qing smiled bitterly.

"Then ask me~"

"Okay, what's your name?"

"To say, may I ask the girl's name, hey, forget it. At first glance, you are a piece of wood. My name is Xia Fan, not a fairy, it is summer in summer..."

Li Qingwaner.

"By the way, how did you rise to this level so quickly, are you a monster? Don't tell me, you are the star alliance that this strength joined, I don't believe it, I thought you were just the foundation period..."

This girl, it is proper to talk about a tuberculosis, which is even more powerful than Li Wenming. Li Qing also has a gentlemanly manner and can only answer her with one sentence.

"I was promoted later."

"Are you a monster?" She looked surprised to eat a small fist.

Suddenly, Li Qing was amused, well, this little girl is still very cute.

"Have you encountered anything strange since you came here?"


"How do I feel that there is always a voice calling me and calling me to come here, so I found it here, didn't you hear it?" she asked doubtfully.

"No, I really didn't hear..."

Li Qing shook his head.

"I thought you heard the sound before you came from here~ It seems~ Somewhat~" She tilted her head in doubt, thinking about things.

Li Qing was intently practicing again.

After about such a day, Li Qing's current strength has already gone from the sixth floor of Yuan infanthood to the seventh floor.


With the muffled sound in Li Qing's body, he finally broke through to the seventh floor.

Yes, originally he was in the middle of the sixth floor. Now, after soaking for a day, he actually reached the seventh floor.

This spring water is more than any fairy, even more!

If he is not afraid of getting out of his way, Li Qing believes that staying here for a year, he can definitely be promoted to the robbery period, and the Mahayana period is not an impossible dream.

Xia Fan hasn't bothered Li Qing for a long time, and Li Qing is practicing seriously.

I don't know how long it has been in the past. Li Qing heard someone fighting, and Xia Fan was hiding behind Li Qing's injury.

Because of the lesson in front of her, Li Qing didn't let her hide behind her, and took a few steps forward.

The battle over there was very fierce, and the dusty boulders were flying all over the sky, and some even flew here.

Li Qing still doesn't care...

Until he heard a familiar voice, he suddenly opened his eyes and rushed out.

It was Brother Dao Feng's voice.

He still remembers that when he caught the dragon ant, he helped the animal storage bag, not only that, but also supported himself.

This relationship must be paid!

When he rushed over, he saw that Dao Feng was covered in blood, and his hair was scattered. His movements were a little slow. On the contrary, the other party was only slightly injured and was smugly laughing...


Li Qing wanted to stop, and then swallowed back hard.

He is going to attack, to kill this guy...

Li Qing: "Two chapters a day, 3,000 words per chapter, top three chapters from others, ask for a recommendation ticket, subscribe is not OK, you guys who don't feed children..."

(End of this chapter)

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