My Super God QQ

Chapter 808: Kill?

The two did not know how long they had fought, and when they saw their panting, they were clearly the end of the crossbow.

"Destroy you while you are sick!"

Li Qing controlled Feijian's approaching slowly, waiting for the chance of a kill.

"Dao Feng, you will definitely die today. This is the imprint that my master gave me on the verge of leaving. I will not believe it. You will not die!"

Suddenly, the other party took out a square with simple patterns on it.

Li Qing has heard of this thing, it is a small formation, it seems to be able to seal the blow of the strong in it, and then release it to attack the enemy. The formation container is very expensive, and it is worth the money of a high-level magic weapon, so that few people will buy this kind of thing.

"If there is one, we will pick one by one and take what the master gives..." Dao Feng's eyes flashed with worry, and he took a deep breath and exclaimed loudly.

"Hahaha, I'll bully your master to die early, yeah?! If you were **** luck, today, let alone qualified to enter here. However, there is nothing, the old grudges many years ago, We just ended up together today!" As he said, he squeezed hard against the square blasting mark, urging it.

It was at this time that Li Qing knew that he could not wait any longer, so he could only shoot in advance to summon the Mirage Demon.

The illusion appeared in the guy's mind, making it lag for less than three seconds...

The cold light flashed, and Li Qing's flying sword had pierced the back of his head.

So, the man turned his head in horror, but he couldn't do anything anymore and fell to the ground.

His Yuan Ying flew out and was also crushed by Li Qing's flying sword.

So, Li Qing was relieved.

"Who?! Who is..." Dao Feng's whole body became nervous again, and sadness flashed in his eyes.

If he hadn't met this enemy who was a long time ago, then, he had no fear of others here, and he had not been given up even after being chased and killed by the infinite bone beast for half a year. But now, he feels that he has run out of water and can never stop another person's attack.

Is it really about to die here?

Thinking of his ideals, the master asked him to have a strong unwillingness in his eyes, and turned this unwillingness into anger, looking at the coming person.

Just seeing the face of the person coming, he was relieved and his **** was lying on the ground.

"You are here..."

The simple and simple four words said the ease and joy in his heart.


Li Qing also responded with a gentle smile, slowly walked over, squatted down calmly, and searched for the body of the man who had just been killed.

One storage ring contains three top-level magic weapons, as well as Ruogang debris and healing elixir, and the "Blasting Mark" in his hand that should be used in the future should be his last card.

The weapon he used was a flying sword, which was inferior to Li Qing's. He pouted his lips. Li Qing also bought it as waste, and then took it and sold it.

"Are you okay, would you like a panacea for healing?"

Li Qing asked Dao Feng.

No response was received. After Li Qing raised his head, he saw that he had entered the fixed mode and was working hard to restore his true energy.

"Really assured me..." Li Qing smiled bitterly, but he was undoubtedly very moved when he was so trusted.

Full half an hour...

He opened his eyes, stood up weakly, and thanked Li Qing: "If it weren't for you, this time, I'd be less fierce. I don't have much to say, I'll remember it here. If you have any future assignments, go to the chase..." "After he finished, he patted his chest hard.

Li Qing obviously looked at him, and the blood spewed out "zizily", so that his face was pale and pale.

"Well, I believe you believe you!" Li Qing really convinced these people, not taking his body seriously: "If you want to take a few more shots, you may be desperate to send me..."


Dao Feng struggled to squeeze out a smile.

"Forget it, I see if you haven't healed the panacea. Come on, this one goes on!" Li Qing took out the bottle of panacea and carefully poured out one and threw it at Dao Feng.

Originally, Dao Feng didn't care a little. Seeing Li Qing was so serious, he took a look at the panacea in his hand and suddenly saw the extraordinary of this panacea.

"It is the rumored Yulu Rejuvenation Pill?"

"Yes, that's right!"

"Okay, I owe you a greater favor. I have nothing to say, as long as here, I'm on the side, I die first, then you..." he said solemnly.

"No need to exaggerate?"

Li Qing laughed.

"Yes, because Yulu Huichun Pill is basically no one can be refined, and there is nowhere to buy." Said that he did not accept it, and threw it into the storage ring.

This makes Li Qing very hurt.

is it necessary?

Isn't medicine used to cure injuries?

Seeing Li Qing's amazed eyes, he smiled embarrassedly and nodded, as if responding to him.

"Forget it, I'll give you a few more ordinary rejuvenation pills."

Li Qing handed him a few more, so he took it.

"Shou Shou, this is..." Li Qing was really grinning and murmured.

"You don't know how poor I am. All my strength is made with a knife in my hand!" Dao Feng looked like a man who was hungry and hungry, and despised Li Qing: "Yes, it's you , How come you have reached this strength so quickly? My God, Yuan Yuan's consummation is complete?"

"Uh, yeah, that's because it was valued by a senior, and the strength was promoted..."

"If you don't mention that your strength has risen so fast, how can you enter here during the infancy period?" When he got closer, he sensed the momentum of Li Qing's body and couldn't understand it. Is it possible to enter? If I hadn't acquired a jelly grass not long ago, my strength has greatly increased, I am afraid I will not be able to enter."

"Hey, came in by a little relationship. Are you just getting promoted?"

"Well! I have to say you are catching up with me!"

"Don't say this first, there is a pool over there, which is very useful for restoring invigoration. Come with me and go to the water and talk."

With that, Li Qing took him to the pool.

At this time, Xia Fan had washed away the blood from his body, and was very curious about Dao Feng's arrival.

"this is?"

"He is Dao Feng, my friend, this is Miss Xia Fan~ er, it is also my friend~" Li Qing introduced to the two.

Dao Feng nodded indifferently, as if all but his familiar people were of this nature.

Xia Fan was not happy at all. He jumped like a cat stepped on the tail and shouted: "What is it... Ah, so unwilling? I don't bother to be your friend~"

"Yes Yes Yes……"

Good guys don't fight women, Li Qing has always adhered to this loyal purpose, just grinning bitterly.

Xia Fan was sulking there, and Li Qing was too lazy to coax him, so calmness returned to here again.

Li Qing continued to practice, absorb energy, and then refined into strength.

"Good place, the water in this pool actually contains more advanced energy than the true energy of the world..." Suddenly, Dao Feng said, and then turned his head to look at Li Qing: "Yes..."

"Ah, what's wrong, Brother?"

"You are all perfect, is it useful to absorb again?"

"I thought it was useless at first, but I always felt that I didn't reach the limit, so I just continued!" Li Qing scratched his head and smiled.

In fact, he had an idea, which was summed up by his previous games. That is, the deeper the foundation, the better. Since this elementary period can continue to absorb energy, then there must be a limit. After reaching the limit, the promotion period will definitely be several times stronger than the ordinary period.

It seems that Li Qing has always been like this.

Thick and thin hair.

"Well, what you said makes sense, but who can resist the temptation of promotion like you, hey~" Dao Feng sighed: "I couldn't hold myself back when I got the border-breaking Dan Direct breakthrough."

"To me, it seems that the realm is almost the same!"

"It doesn't make any difference. Your spirit will grow ten times when it comes out. You will be able to monitor your surroundings by relying on your spirit, which is especially useful when fighting enemies."


Li Qing nodded, it was only so.

He still knew about this in detail. The soul can monitor the surroundings, but it takes a lot of energy. Whoever will do it all the And if there is no such thing, the sneak attack comes, but it still does not. use.

"Did you have the breakthrough pill that broke through to the out of the period? This is a rare medicine. If it is not my luck..." The words were not finished, because Dao Feng had already seen the green pill in Li Qing's hands. Jing Dan.

"I bought..."

"Where are you so much money?"

"Kill the monster beast and earn it." Li Qing made up an excuse at random.

In fact, he bought it directly at Wanbaozhai, and with the VIP token, it is okay for him to ask them for help.

"How many monsters did you kill?" At this moment, Xia Fan suddenly inserted, surprised.

"I don't know, I forgot, I can't count them..." Li Qing smiled.

The two were shocked, and they couldn't believe it.

While chatting, suddenly a roar of broken air came...

Li Qing and the three of them were immediately vigilant.

The comer is a middle-aged disciple, a first-class star, and his appearance is very ordinary. No, it should be said that it was very vague. He had blood on his face, and he didn’t know who killed it or splashed it.

Seeing there were three in the pool, he hesitated for a long time before finally coming slowly.

"Did he kill him?"

Dao Feng made no secret of his murderous intention.

In his view, this is the place to kill people and gain treasure, and there is no sympathy.

Upon hearing this, the middle-aged man fixed his body and brought out a strange weapon, which was actually a blood-red rope chain.

Suddenly, the two sides dagger.

Li Qing didn't want to fight. He came here just to improve his strength. If he killed, he didn't think that the good things in them could attract himself.

After all, Li Qing's wealth makes a different perspective.

(End of this chapter)

Recommended reading: The new book "Yuanzun" of the **** of the silkworm potato

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