My Super God QQ

Chapter 808: 2 pet's striding growth

At first Li Qing thought he was wrong, maybe it was not Yuanying?

Maybe just a baby-shaped beast soul?

Until it speaks: "You didn't die? Not only did you die, but also ruined my flying sword, and killed me here. Today, don't want to leave here alive!"

That anger, that madness, Li Qing saw them stunned for a moment, really did not expect that Yuan Ying could wrap the strange and malicious flame here.

Is there such an operation?

Before thinking about it, it threw flames at them.

"Hey, have something to say!"

Li Qing was really too curious and didn't know how he did it, so he wanted to know.

"Say what, now I am like this, only Yuanying is left, what else can you say? You all go to die!" the Xingmeng disciple shouted angrily.

"No, it's impossible that you don't want to live anymore? Want to know that Yuanying can also live through others' bodies and survive again?" Having said this, Li Qing saw that the other person's body stagnated for a while, and it was even worse. Jin, in a bewildered tone, said: "Do you really want to die like this? Don't give yourself a chance?"

Who wants to die?

No one wants to die like this, let alone a comprehensionist who has lived for a long time.

They are not like Li Qing's evil spirits, but they have been cultivating for hundreds of years. Thousands of years have it now. !

"Can you help me?" He was persuaded, obviously still wanting to give himself a ray of life.

"Yes! If you tell me, what are you doing now, and how to leave here, I will promise you that I will find you a body grab in the future."

"I don’t know, it seems that after I was killed, my soul was automatically stripped out into Yuanying, maybe this is normal, after all, I haven’t been away from Yuanying... Then, I was fired I was hit, but it was found that the energy of Yuanying could actually absorb those flames, and also let my Yuanying not have the performance of losing energy..." He seemed to be thinking, recalling, intermittently authentic.

"In this way, the flames here are really the original infants left by the spirit beasts before, no, the soul is transformed?"

Dao Feng suddenly inserted: "If this is the case, the beast soul is a good thing!"

Beast soul, good thing?

Yes, Li Qing once also followed a beast master, as if they could strip the soul of the spirit beast, and then, combine this soul with other spirit beasts, increase the talent of the spirit beast, or give the soul to others Make a puppet.

"Even if the beast soul is a good thing, we can't strip that flame!" Xia Fan said arrogantly.


This is the most difficult.

In addition, there is a problem, they also did not collect the container of the beast soul.


Li Qing suddenly thought of the QQ system. He hasn't checked its functions in a long time, it seems that other icons have appeared.

He silently clicked on the QQ system. This time he carefully clicked into each pet bar to check. He saw the pet bar, as if there were more functions to "cultivate".

Within the training function, there are two options, namely "soul synthesis" and "nedan synthesis".

In the spirit beast, some have inner dan, just like the monster is very powerful, there will be inner dan.

This discovery made Li Qing's mind even more alive. If he could get some beast soul to close the raccoon, wouldn't they be able to improve their talents?

But even with this function, there are a lot of beast souls, and they can't be captured by the poisonous fire?

Looking at the baby-like flame in front of him, Li Qing decided to ask him, "Do you feel anything now?"

"Very comfortable. I heard from my master that if Yuanying is away from the body, the energy will gradually dissipate and return to heaven and earth, and the soul will also disappear. But now, I don’t just feel dissipated. I am surrounded by fire and a little warm. Feeling comfortable..." he said by himself.

In that case, there seemed to be enjoyment. Li Qing really wanted to vomit, then you should just forget about it, but still thinking about annoying him.

"Other than that? Do you think about it again?" Li Qing urged.

Then, it floated in the air, motionless, as if really feeling.

"Yes, there is one kind of bad, that is the wind. If the wind blows, I will feel very insecure, as if the wind will blow off the fire, and I will be exposed to the air." It said seriously.

Li Qing gleamed in front of his eyes: "So let's try?"

"Don't!" he cried in fear.

To be honest, he was absolutely worried, because he worried that Li Qing would blow off the fire, and then directly kill his Yuan Ying.

"I have a way!"

Seeing Li Qing still to be persuaded, Xia Fan suddenly intervened.

"Is there any way?" Li Qing was puzzled first, and then, thinking of her newly acquired fairy exultation: "Yes, you try with your fan!"

"it is good!"

"I'll stand behind you when I wait, if not, I'll get you in."


Xia Fan said, the two went forward, watching a sudden deer-like flame pounce on them.

"Leave the wind, get up!"

Although Xia Fan was a little nervous, he still waved his fan.

In an instant, the flame was blown away and then disappeared.


Li Qing hurriedly used the soul to observe, and really saw a deer-shaped spirit beast floating in the air in confusion.

"Did you use all your true energy to blow off the wind?" Li Qing asked Xia Fan.

"No, there are several types of wind in my fan. This wind is the smallest. I only use one tenth of my true energy once."

"it is good!"

Li Qing nodded.

Now, he knows how to deal with these beast souls wrapped in flames, but even if there is a beast soul, there is no container?

Just thinking about this, the system sounded a reminder.

"Ding, the system detected the beast soul, is it captured?"


Li Qing should be quick, shouldn't it be thinking of the dogs.

"If you catch, master, you need to pay a thousand merits, and depending on the quality of the soul, this price will increase or decrease."

"Death costs money!"

Li Qing was uncomfortable.

"Master, do you need to capture?"


Then, Li Qing saw that the beast soul disappeared directly and appeared in Li Qing's QQ pet system.

"The highest quality of the beast soul is a low-level fairy beast? Does it mean potential?" Li Qing looked at the extra display above and thought about it.

"Yes Master."

"That doesn't seem to be a good thing, this time the beast soul?"

"No, master, you can choose to devour or merge. If you devour, it directly improves the quality potential of your pet. If it merges, it directly allows your pet to receive that quality potential."

"Is it like this? Okay!"

Li Qing immediately entered the QQ Book City.

At this time, the two creatures' spirit beast Dan was almost used. After digestion, the phantom monster had grown up, and it was almost impossible to install it on the first floor of QQ Book City.

As for raccoon dog, the entire hair has become golden, and it has become much larger. The eyes are boring, and it seems that there is a fire burning in it, which is very clever.

It seemed to see Li Qing frowning at himself, and A Tan yelled a few times, then he became smaller, actually became the size of a slap, and jumped on Li Qing's shoulder.


Li Qing will not let it please, the next second, they will receive them in QQ pets.

Suddenly, the above shows that their ranks are all about the strength of human infancy.

Li Qing also looked at the potential of the mirage monster, and it was also a low-level fairy beast potential, but A Tan was unbearable.

"Swallow Atan!"

Li Qing still likes Atan because it looks good.

As for the Mirage Monster? To describe it with a song title, it is "it's not because you don't look good".

"It takes ten minutes for the synthesis to proceed?"

Li Qing withdrew and could only wait.

Ten minutes later, the strength of A Tan has declined, but Li Qing is not surprised, because, Spirit Beast, the higher the potential, the harder it is to grow.

"Come out, raccoon!"

Li Qing summoned it.


As soon as it came out, it seemed to be complaining that Li Qinggang was about to talk and shut it in, screaming and screaming there.

"Good boy, show me your current strength?"

A Tan froze for a moment, tilting his head as if thinking.

Then, next second, its small mouth slightly spit out a red inner dan Okay, take it back, is there any more? "

It nodded its head, started running and jumping again, the speed was too fast, the naked eye could only see a golden light unceasingly outlined in the void.


Its small paws waved, and elephant-like bones were torn to pieces.

"Are there any?"

Li Qing asked again, and afterwards, it thought it was trying to imagine that the adult showed himself as a powerful child, throwing the fragments and throwing them around.

At first, its movement was slow, and it was nothing, but after the movement was fast, it became the bone fragments.

If it was replaced with a hidden weapon, then it was a stormy attack. I thought Li Qing was almost killed by its stone.


So, Li Qing nodded in satisfaction.

Seeing Li Qing laugh, A Tan squeaked twice, and the golden light flashed, and then stood on Li Qing's shoulder like a fist.

"Okay, Mirage Fairy, I changed it for you, hey, I won't call you this name, just call you a demon!"

Li Qing also summoned it up and showed it his ability.

As a result, it spit out a lot of bubbles.

Li Qing was a little dumbfounded, but when he saw those bubbles, there seemed to be a small world, something happened, and he couldn't help but feel horrified.

This is clearly an illusion!

In other words, it can now control multiple and different illusions simultaneously.

In the end, the bubbles were superimposed, and according to the news it sent to Li Qing, it means that as long as it is a human in its infancy, it can let him die directly in a dream, that is, self-mutilation.

"Okay, then I will help you a little more and make you stronger. Anyway, the soul, you still have the panacea, hahaha..."

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