My Super God QQ

Chapter 809: Huge gain

The stronger they are, the happier Li Qing will be.

Because, sometimes he is alone in supporting the overall situation. If they are strong, it will be Li Qing's help.

Just like the Mirage Fairy, that is, the little demon, it helped Li Qing several times.


So, Li Qing looked forward to its growth, and another person, wrong, a beast fed a pill to send them to QQ Bookstore, let them continue to digest.

"Next, it's up to you!"

Li Qing and Xia Fan smiled authentically.

"Are you useful?"

"It seems to be useful for my exercises." Li Qing lied casually.

Xia Fan heard and nodded.

The two helped Li Qing find a powerful beast soul.

Originally, these flames, they were as fearful as a viper. At this time, it became Li Qing's biggest supplement for his pet.

"That is the biggest, it should be the most powerful!"

Xia Fan has been looking for the biggest group of flames.

Li Qing is constantly thinking about how to see which beast soul wrapped in flames will be the most powerful.

This kind of crazy capture of the beast soul made the Star Alliance disciple, who had only a baby in her infancy, feel extremely frightened and almost fled. Fortunately, Li Qing stopped him in time.

"Relax, we won't treat you like that, haven't you told us the exit of this place?"

The Xingmeng disciple was relieved and no longer shivered.

But the beast soul inside was really suffering, and the big mold was poured, as long as it was a big body, Xia Fan would not let it go.

"If the soul of the dragon is still there, then that's fine..." Li Qing has been thinking about this, looking at the huge dragon bone.

too big!

It's so big that it can reach the sky. Such words as a dragon are powerful and scary fairy beasts. No, the level of the **** beast is possible.

"It may or may not exist. If it exists, such a large figure should have been discovered by us. Now, it has not yet been seen, then it is only possible, that is, it has dissipated between heaven and earth. Also There is another possibility that its soul has long been made into a puppet." Dao Feng thought about it, touching the **** of the jaw.

"You said, what is hiding underneath this ground, why is there such a flame?" Li Qing suddenly thought of this question.

Dao Feng couldn't help but suddenly laughed out loud: "Hahaha, I finally know why you are so rich. You are like this. You want to dig the ground for three feet. Whoever is not rich is qualified to be rich... …"

Li Qing thought so too, and laughed with empathy.

"Otherwise, let's dig in?" Xia Fan suggested.

Three people are about to dig. However, just digging the ground less than one meter, the whole world seems to shake.

Shi Yi, a huge and incomparable flame emerged from the ground.

It seems to be a coiled snake, no, snake dragon, the shape of the whole flame is like a giant mountain.


It seemed extremely angry, screaming loudly.

Dao Feng smiled bitterly: "It seems that you are right, this guy is still... It seems to have become the patron saint here, but, so big, do we have a way to take it?"

"I didn't..." Li Qing looked at Xia Fan: "It's up to you!"

Xia Fan bit her cherry lips, and wasn't sure: "I'll try it. I can only try my best. If it works, if it doesn't work, you must quickly get me into your space magic weapon."

Obviously, they thought that QQ Book City was a magic weapon of space, and did not realize the magic inside.


"it is good!"

Xia Fan bit his silver teeth and sprayed his fan on the fan.

"Qiankun Liduifeng!"

This is the maximum wind she can use now with her strength.

When she went forward, the horrible roar sounded. In the second second, everyone's ears were deafened. Then, a horrible storm swept up and rolled up the sky and sand, as if a sandstorm of tornado rushed to the huge group of dust. flame.

The wind and fire finally intertwined, seeming to be tearing constantly.

The flame wants to continue burning, and the wind keeps blowing it away...

The field of vision in front of him is already blurred. Li Qing and they are also violently retreating in the opposite direction. If they do not retreat, they all feel like they are involved. Xia Fan seemed to be able to control himself, but just stood there, even if the wind was strong, she could not shake her figure.

"I can't open my eyes!"

Xia Fan shouted.

It turned out that she would be uncomfortable.

"Look at things with the spirit..." Li Qing smiled, closed his eyes, and kept detecting with the spirit.

It took about ten minutes to blow, and finally, the wind disappeared and the fire went out, leaving only a spirit like a dragon to be there, seeming to stay there.

The soul is blue all over, why is it a dragon, because it has antlers and three-legged gold claws...

"Ding, the system detected the beast soul, is it captured?"


Li Qing quickly should be.

"If you catch, master, you need to pay ten thousand merits, and depending on the quality of the soul, this price will rise or fall."

Some improvement!

Li Qing quickly should be, but he was very worried, because his merit is not much left now.


Fortunately, the reminder followed, reassuring him.

Li Qing was overjoyed, and quickly looked at the captured soul. Unsurprisingly, this soul actually showed the potential of top-level beasts.

"Merge, merge with Atan!"

Li Qing doesn't care if Atan is still digesting that medicine, he just takes it in and merges it. Then, the fusion takes an hour, Li Qing had to wait again.

At the same time, the little demon, that is, the phantom demon larvae, was also merged by Li Qing, and the soul of a high-level fairy beast was fused.

It is worthy of the fall of the gods!

Regardless of what gods die here, Li Qing thanks them for leaving such a great benefit to them.

This trip was too big and too big, it was his biggest ever, except for the QQ system.

No wonder, Hedingtian they will highly recommend it.

As for the danger?

It was also very dangerous. Li Qing didn't know that the Star Alliance disciples were still alive, there could be a few of them, and then I didn't know how many of them became like this guy in front of him.

Li Qing stared at the Xingmeng disciples: "Okay, now you take us to the exit, rest assured, I will definitely find a good body for you to help us find this place and study this flame. You succeeded."

"Okay! Come with me!"

They followed the flame and walked away for about one day. Finally, Li Qing also served. The exit was actually in the void, that is, if they did not look up, they would not see it at all, and it was almost transparent.


"Actually dare to soak up our Li Shao woman, do you want to die!"

Zhang Sangou, with two disciples of Qingdimen, is beating a second-generation official who looks like Gao Fushuai in a province and city in China.

Under Zhang Sangou's severe confession, he asked why this guy was so.

It turned out that he had watched Xia Mo Can Yue on TV and had always been very fond of her. With his many years of pick-up routines, he constantly wrote love letters to Xia Mo Can Yue.

Transnational love!

He seemed unable to control his emotions, so that Li Qing's avatar became furious when he knew about it.

Immediately, he sent Zhang Sangou, meaning that he did not have to kill him, but he must be made the last **** of China.

Someone said, Li Qing is too domineering, right? !

But I believe that no man, when faced with this kind of thing, can still calm down.

No, Zhang Sangou directly landed on the top floor of his house in a flying hover, no matter what level of senior officials his father drank loudly, grabbing this guy was a fight to death.

"It's impossible, is love wrong?"

He was still repentant, and he kept calling there.

"Love is not wrong, but you fall in love with our Li Shao woman, that is wrong, do you know? We Li Shao married Mrs. Xia Mo, what are you, just rely on your sweet words and want to treat us Was the wife robbed? It’s too naive? Is it still Are you just trying to get big money and power in this way?"

Now most of Xing Guo's affairs, even government affairs, are managed by Xia Mo.

Li Qing is a shopkeeper, even if he is the sovereign, but other countries are in communication with Xingguo, and they know that Xia Mo Can Yue is the one who speaks.

Zhang Sangou felt that this guy had ulterior motives?

After all, in this disgusting society full of routines, there are too many of these people. For the sake of money for power, it is not the love of marriage but the power of money.

"I don't have it, I don't have it, I can learn from it!" He fell to the ground and swear: "I am blue, really love her."

"I love you, my head, love!"

A disciple of Qingdimen's temper, kicked it, kicked off his front teeth three.

Now, Xia Mo Can Yue is also the most respected and loved by all his disciples, because Xia Mo Can Yue is responsible for their food and accommodation, and not only that, even their guys have been properly and comfortably placed by Xia Mo Can Yue. clothes.

Now, in their eyes, this guy is defiled Xia Mo.

"You are like this, aren't you afraid that I will call the police and film this incident and pass it on?" His father, a high-ranking official, was constantly struggling, but he put his hand on the shoulder of another disciple of the Qing Emperor After that, it was unmovable.

"Shoot, you can shoot if you have a species! Li Shao said, our star country is fearless, don't restrain us with that worldly vision, since he dares to do that, he must pay the price!"

Afterwards, the senior official really uploaded the video taken by the hidden camera in the living room to the Internet for theft prevention.

Suddenly, a huge sensation...

The Great Wall of China will never fall, so subscribe, OK...! !

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