My Super God QQ

Chapter 830: Catastrophe, leave

"Thank you for your patronage, my little monster, you are the most beautiful love letter I've ever written~ Button to hold the happiness of a family, love you, unstoppable~"

Xingguo, Zhang Min hugged his little grandson and walked around happily.

As for the outside world, she does not care.

"Hello, is this Mrs. Zhang?" At this moment, a reporter came over.

Zhang Min has bodyguards, because on the earth, Li Qing also has a lot of enemies. When he comes over, a human being synthesized by a robot will be blocked.

"It's okay, let him come over~"

In this way, the reporter approached a little flattered.

"Excuse me, do you have anything?"

"Regarding, the host of Xinguo Kingdom sent someone to China to kill a young man. What do you think? I heard that the young man is afraid that it will be difficult to even have the next generation..." It is the mother of the founder of the country. The reporter is afraid that he will be sent back to China immediately. He still considers the words between his speeches and is afraid to annoy the lady Zhang.

In Xingguo, he had a great time. Not only the scenery is good, but life is also beautiful. Even if the reporter's instinct wanted to use a sharper language, it was time for him, but he still remembered it.

"Young people fight for jealousy. I think this kind of thing happens very often in the people. Although my son is the head of a country, he is no different from ordinary people. He also has emotions. Others want to seduce my daughter-in-law. I can understand how he did this.” At this point, she paused before continuing: “In addition, I would like to talk about the current social atmosphere. The young people now have impetuous thoughts, and they only love each day. , But you ignore the morality of human relations, if you say that this is in ancient times, this kind of thing that seduce others' wives, I am afraid that I will be killed long ago? what!"

Speaking of Confucianism, she immediately stood at the highest point of morality.

Zhang Min was very surprised and admired herself. She didn't talk much at ordinary times, but today she said such a decent and reasonable word for her son.

Probably because they are attacking their own son, is the potential of their motherhood great? She thought so.

"Mrs. Yes, it's just too cruel, isn't it? It's too much to say a system of society, first..." The reporter spoke with discretion.

"No, in fact everyone does not look at things from their own point of view. Do you think it is your daughter-in-law, if you are so, will you still think of cruelty?"

The reporter was speechless.


He thought about it for himself, and if he was replaced by someone else to seduce his daughter-in-law, it would be impossible not to kill him.

The reporter didn’t dare to ask any more, so he faced the camera at the back and said, “Yes! Mrs. Zhang is right. Each of us looks at things, especially the news. The angle is entertainment, but if we change to us What about myself? I think those who criticize the host of the Star Kingdom really have to reflect on it. This kind of social atmosphere must not be long. For this matter, I want to say it! I am the anchor of the news talk. The news is finished. "

This news quickly spread to the whole world.

Originally, many experts said that Li Qing was too cruel. This method should be used on monsters, not on their own human beings. At this time, they could not speak.

Even a few of them were quickly drowned in the saliva of everyone.

The whole network is full of applause, that reporter is right, this trend can't be long, who doesn't have a wife, who is replaced by his wife, who can bear it!

Soon, the father of the son-in-law, an official, was also inspected by the Commission for Discipline Inspection and soon fell off.

Among them, in addition to one reason, the official attitude of China is to form a good alliance with Xingguo, this official is really not clean. But think about it, how many officials have been able to do things cleanly since ancient times?

"Little elephant, let's go~"

Zhang Min hugged his grandson and looked at the peace on this street, and he really felt very happy.

Although his son is not around, he has a doppelganger, which is also equivalent to his son. The son has a successful career, so many lovely wives, and lovely grandsons.

"Is that the mother of the sovereign? So young~"

"Now it looks like the twenties, uh, really his mother?"

"Don't you know? The sovereign is an immortal, and the immortal gives his mother some medicine for longevity and immortality. You all envy you and don't come."

Passers-by kept looking at Zhang Min, and there was a lot of discussion, but most of them were envious. From time to time, they would greet Zhang Min, and the roadside boss would also give him something to eat.

This is the treatment of the hero's mother!


After leaving the light gate, Li Qing found that the light gate had all disappeared.

Not only that, in this white jade palace, even the stones on the ground were dug out, but those gates did not, and it seemed that a magic circle was fixed.

In addition, there is this disciple who only has Yuanying.

After leaving the Guangmen, he was afraid that Li Qing would flee like them.

Li Qing was too lazy to control him. Since he was looking for his own way, who would blame him.

Bai Yugong Que should have nothing better, Li Qing and they continue to wander aimlessly here.

From time to time, they will stop to repair and sacrifice their own treasures.

After half a month, the raccoon and the phantom monster have changed a lot.

Perhaps their potential has improved, and more and more potions can be taken.

Today, the strength of Atan is equivalent to the early stage of humans' out-of-earth period, and the phantom monster is faster, and it may be about to break through the robbery period. However, Atan's potential is huge, and it's justified that it's slow to improve now.

What makes Li Qing happy is that now he has two helpers. I believe that with them, it will be much better if there is any danger.

Is it dangerous?


Just two days later, the sky was actually raining meteorite.

It was like a meteor, a boulder that burned the flames at high speed through the air, and hit each piece of it, it would be smashed and smashed for a full ten kilometers.

If it happened on earth, this would be catastrophe!

Li Qing immediately opened the live broadcast to let everyone watch the catastrophe.

"I'm here, live version of the end of the world?"

"Anchor, are you still running?"

"Husband, will you be okay?"

"Run fast, my God, live broadcast, still live?"


On the barrage, everyone was surprised.

Not to mention, Li Qing they really can't bear this kind of catastrophe.

Xia Fan was screaming in shock.

Dao Feng also couldn't restrain himself, trembling constantly.

This is the power of heaven and earth, and even the power of heaven and earth that the comprehension cannot control, perhaps only the fairy can control it.

Li Qing is not afraid, but just put his hands on the shoulders of the two. If there is danger, directly enter the QQ Book City.

"I finally know why they would say that it would be nine deaths to enter this place. Before, I thought that the bone beast tide was the most terrifying. Compared with this, it is simply a little witch! What a nine death is a life, a ten death is no life!" Dao Feng sighed with emotion.

"Yeah, if there was Li Qing, I'm afraid I would have died! Hee hee, prove that my luck is still very good~" Xia Fan said, actually kissed Li Qing: "This is to reward you !"

Li Qing really wanted to say, this is the reward? Is it too stingy, right? Do you dare to come a little more violent?

However, even if so many people watch the live broadcast, they still dare not talk nonsense.

It seems that the catastrophe catastrophe is just like the appointment, just after the meteorite rain, it is the terrestrial fire catastrophe, and the terrible magma is sprayed everywhere, and every spray is like a golden pillar of light, soaring in all directions.

Then, there was a red rain in the sky. It was a downpour that was extremely venomous enough to corrode everything. As long as there were bones on the ground, even if it was a magic weapon for the innocent, it would gradually corrode if it was drenched.

"You said, was it because the palace was found by The treasure was emptied, and the gods here felt that this kind of punishment was lowered?" Xia Fan tilted his head and hid with Li Qing In the QQ Book City, doubtful.

"In the midst of everything, everything is connected, maybe~" Li Qingdao said.

"It seems that the days are almost the same, should we go back?" Dao Feng suddenly said.

"Then go back!"

Xia Fan took out a jade card with a red light flashing on it. Listening to her, the master came in and explained that when the red light was all on and no longer blinking, they would open the door again and let them out. If the opportunity is missed, then they will die here.

For a month, they followed the jade signs and came to the place.

At this time, there were only five people alive.

Sixty-six people came in, but now there are only five people left.

If it weren't for Dao Feng and Xia Fan with Li Qing, now, Xia Fan must have hung up already. Dao Feng's words are not necessarily.

It is less than three or four in such a serious calculation.

Did not see Zilong...

"I'm dead, okay~" Li Qing thought to himself, saving him from coming out to make trouble again, although it was a pity that he didn't kill him personally.

After waiting here for two days, suddenly, the world shook and the light appeared.

The door was opened, and Xia Fan shouted, "Master!" He jumped over and jumped into the arms of an old woman. .

The old woman looked very surprised, holding her straight was too blessed, too lucky, this child.

The same is true of the others, except that Dao Feng has no one to pick him up.

Hedingtian, Master Li Xing, and Fang Jitian also came, but, unlike others, their faces were ashamed, and there seemed to be some hidden words.

As soon as Li Qing saw the situation, he groaned in his heart, screaming badly.

He had an ominous hunch and began to worry about getting nervous...

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