My Super God QQ

Chapter 908: Dogfight

"It's ridiculous. Do you think you can kill me in the Mahayana period with a fairy? It's childish!" His face was arrogant and sneer, disdainful.

"You kill me if you have a species, I will wait for you below!"

Fang Jitian roared wildly, and the anger in his chest erupted from it.

Vow to kill, not to be humiliated!

He has always been so personality, otherwise, he will not follow Li Qing to the present.

"Kill you? No, no, you don't have to die, as long as you obediently tell Li Qing's traces, or, I take your life directly for the poly-pot that he got?" Thinking in his eyes, the situation seemed as if everything was under his control.

"You are delusional!" Fang Jitian couldn't help turning his head, it was "Bah".

"OK, very good, very good~~"

He smiled naturally, his left hand reached Fang Jitian's arm, and he just pulled it at will.


As if the cloth was torn, Fang Jitian cried out from the depth of his throat.

Fang Jitian's left arm was directly torn off.

"Let him go!" Master Li Xing heard this and turned around, his face changed drastically, and he called urgently.

"Tell me, where is Li Qing, in that case, I might listen to you..." He looked at Li Xingzhu with all his attention. It seemed that what he had just done was a very casual little thing. Indifferent, very obvious.

Perhaps, in his eyes, a person's life is nowhere near that of ants?

"He is on the earth and has been killed by a monster..." Speaking of which, it seems that he recalled the scene where Li Qing's head fell, and Master Li Xing was in pain.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha……"

He seemed to listen to the most humorous joke in the world, and he kept laughing. Then, his eyes widened, almost awkwardly saying: "I am not satisfied with this answer!"

It's another rip!

Fang Jitian's other arm was pulled off again, blood spattering.

Master Li Xing's heart almost jumped out. The situation in front of him was really bad. In the sight he saw, only Xiaohui was better. Others were beaten and beaten by the other party.

"Don't--I'm telling the truth!"

"Not to mention? Yes, yes, it seems that your Qing Emperor's Gate is not the heart of the people. For the sake of a treasure, even the doormen's lives are not cherished. I have read more about this kind of thing!" He kicked in the leg.

Fang Jitian's leg broke off directly and flew out.

"The last time, the last time, if you don't say it, he will become a stick!"

"It's true!" Li Xingzhu's eyes were dripping with blood and grief and anger.

Fang Jitian's limbs were completely torn after the word "的" just dropped.


Suddenly, at this moment, a shout came from afar, shattering the clouds in the sky and rolling in.

Everyone was pleasantly surprised, because after hearing this, it seemed to be reinforcements.

Sure enough, Fang Jitian looked over, and a sick Confucian man was rushing from a distance, as fast as a meteor, with an old man in a robe.

They were the old Huang and Zhengling Taoists who had been rescued by Li Qing, and two brothers.

"Two more to die?" The Mahayana period strongman looked at the two, smiling indifferently, showing arrogance.

"Hello, you are bullying the small ones today, are you going to succeed, are you afraid of the joke of the real world?"

When Lao Huang arrived, he glared at this mahayana powerhouse.

"I don't know you, which school are you from? Confucianism?"

When I talked about Confucianism, suddenly, there was a tremendous singing from the distance, as if it was the voice of countless people reading books.

There is a golden gleam, which continues to spread to the Qing Emperor Gate.

An old man holding Ben Bamboo Bamboo in his hand seemed to be singing something, and came slowly from the void.

Every time you take a step, it will disappear and reappear, just four or five steps, from the horizon to everyone.

It was Mr. Kong.

"Zi said no harm? There is a curse, but Li Qing is one of the enlightenment enlightenment I have received. I dare not come."

He said it eloquently, but Li Xingzhu understood it. It seemed to mean that Li Qing once let him break through the "Li Bai's Peach Blossom Ange", so he came to pay this kind of favor.

Unexpectedly, he also came, and Li Xingzhu they were overjoyed.


Because, I heard that Kongfu Confucius has broken through to the Mahayana period. In this way, they are considered to be strong in the Mahayana period.

They are all acquaintances known by Li Qing.

That is, when Mr. Kong Lao appeared, five men dressed in black flew from a distance.

"Trusted by Mr. Zhengdong, a friend of Master Li Qingmen, come to Baoqing Emperor Gate once, and ask everyone to come from and where to go back!" gas.

It is actually a person in the magic road, or a strong man during the robbery.


Lord Li Xing was still a little stunned. Where did he come from? He thought of Li Qing later. It seemed that he was very good with a Tiandan Master. It seems that this is the friend of Zhengdong Tiandan Master.

As long as the Celestial Master, they are very popular with the comprehensionists, because although they are not strong enough, they can save the disease, and they can also refine the elixir to improve their cultivation. Is a profession.

In front of me, it seems that these five men, good friends of Zhengdong, came to help us.

Li Qing's friends came in batches, which greatly boosted the morale of Qing Emperor's morale.

"The mighty master!"

"The door master is domineering!"

"The master is good..."

"Master 666, ha ha ha ha!"

For a time, they shouted loudly, shouted excitedly, and their morale skyrocketed.

"Hang, look at the old face, and spare the Qing Emperor's Gate today, can you?" Master Lao Kong approached and smiled gently at the powerful man of the Mahayana period.

He no longer has the old posture, his face is shiny and smooth, and there is a dusty and elegant temperament all over his body. There is a faint flash of gold in the back of his head, which is the performance of Haoran's righteousness.

"Hehehe... You are respected by old Kong Kong, that is to give you a face of Confucianism, could you really think you are old? Junior, why do you let me listen to you, ridiculous!" It was this Mahayana strong who threw Fang Jitian to the side just like throwing garbage.

Seeing this, the disciples of Qingdimen were tragic and angry, because they could not hold their hands to hug Fang Jitian.

Many people screamed, their voices were dumb, and their words were like sand rubbing.

"In this way, have you talked?" Mr. Kong shook his seemed to sigh slightly. Then, he suddenly raised the bamboo slips in his hand and said: "Speak out, suppress!"

The bamboo slips are called "Hao Hao jade slips". It is Mr. Kong Lao who has kept a treasure for thousands of years with a breath of positive temperature. Now with his breakthrough, it has become a fairy-like existence, or a celestial weapon.

It can be said that now his fairy is probably the most powerful of all.

There is boundless awe-inspiring righteousness spouting out of his mouth...

The sky was all dyed with gold, and he seemed to be a blazing sun.

I can see that countless lines continue to converge from this world, no, not lines, it is clearly a word, they seem to be alive, jumping, flying from all over the world, gathered in Kong Laozi The sky above his head.

Then, it turned into something as big as a grinding disc, spinning slowly and slowly pressing down.

More and more fonts, more and more condensed, and finally swallowed the mountains and rivers, forming a dark lacquer sky, like the dark clouds pressing down the city.

Han Shao seemed to be struggling, and there was a struggling color in his eyes, which immediately, like a burst of Mars, turned into a meteorite.

"Damn, could you think that you can press me with the might of the world? The emperor's seal starts with me, and I want to go against the sky!"

A domineering voice was passed through the mouth of Zhishao, and there was a wave of shaking in the surrounding ocean and the sea, like a real dragon was born, transformed into a person, and walked out of the space of the ancient great desert into the body of Zhishuang.

In an instant, an extremely majestic figure overwhelming Sun and Moon emanated from his body.

He seems to be like a heavenly emperor, with a dragon spirit around him. He glances at the world. There are eight, lack, five, and together, but I am the solemn spirit.

(End of this chapter)

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