My Super God QQ

Chapter 909: Battle of faith! The Wanhua boat and the emperor's seal

"The imperial seal of the immortal ancient dynasty?!"

Mr. Kong Lao's eyes were condensed, full of solemn colors, it seems that he never thought he had such treasures.

The immortal ancient dynasty is an ancient century where rumors existed before the cultural realm had no cultural faults. Originally, it was thought that it was only rumors, but it was not thought that there was such a thing.

last century?

Yes, just like the Chinese civilization before the earth, there was the case of Maya civilization and Atlantis civilization.

According to rumors, the self-cultivation world is a magical world that will automatically cycle through the world, and this world also has obvious relevance to the Yin and Yang resurrection of the Tao.

Like the day and the night, like a yin and yang, when the cultivation realm is overcrowded, there will be natural disasters that will wipe out all humans and civilizations, and let the whole world enter a vacuum period to cultivate and breathe. Then after a period of time, humanity reappears and another civilization begins.

That is to say-

It is now a civilization of self-cultivation.

Before, there was another civilization exclusive to the immortal ancient dynasty.


That is, when he held the immortal ancient dynasty's seal in his hand, the world suddenly dimmed, the wind raged, and the sandstone was rolled.

"Long live long live, long live long live!"

First, there was a voice.

Then, something happened that made everyone present on the ground stand still. There were countless shadows of ancient cities standing around him, and his seats were as majestic as if they were boundless.

There are also countless figures appearing in the void, densely packed, countless, kneeling on the ground, shouting in the mountains and shouting: "Long live my emperor, long live long live!"

Looking at the scene, none of the people present had scalp tingling and hair standing upright.

Too weird, so horrible!

It's unbelievable.

"I am a real dragon, born in the form of a green dragon, who is waiting to teach, what face does he have to fight with me?! Even this day, it will not cover my eyes!"

He shouted.

There seemed to be a real dragon chanting from his body, stretched it out, and pressed it down again. It seemed that the emperor was angry and shot in front of the jade case. Mr. Kong Lao's black grinding disc seemed to be shot, and kept spreading out. .

Mr. Kong Lao’s face changed slightly. However, he was still elegant and smiled and said: "Confucianism is Taoist, it can be educated, and even this world can be educated. Why don’t you have a face? You need to know that Wanmin is the Lord. A boat above the people's water! Water can carry the boat or it can overturn it!"

"The boat of all things!"

After he finished speaking, the sky was full of awe-inspiring righteousness, and turned into a giant boat.

On the giant boat, there are countless creatures, people, animals, plants, swimming in the water, enclaves in the sky, walking on the earth, everything, like the ark of the earth's mythology.

It was vast and mighty, seemingly shattering the void, and rushed towards it.

"Bold, dare to offend the Holy Drive!"

He shook his head and drank, his right palm stretched flat like a knife, and he swiped from the front to the right: "Sun and moon are my emperor's heart, and everything will be determined by me!"

After reading it, the real Qiqiu floated on his body and turned into a purple, inexplicable sun and moon.

"Quick, open the protective cover!"

The Star Nest, which is not far from here, yelled violently and was the deputy leader of the Star Alliance.

At the moment, a protective cover rises.

That is, when the protective cover rises, the terrifying aftermath of the radiation radiates in all directions, as if to wipe out the world, and the world is in chaos and destruction.

"Retreat, retreat!"

Just now, Master Li Xing and the others already knew that the two men's war would explode with terrible power, pulling people, and had already retreated. However, it was still not as good as Yu Wei's eruption. They could only retreat desperately and run forward desperately.

The hundreds of millions of people's opinions of the dynasty and the hundreds of millions of people in the cultivation world, the power of two different beliefs turned into a fierce collision!

A thousand miles...

Two thousand miles...

Three thousand...

Ten thousand miles...

The two battled each other, and the aftermath of the explosion even flooded the Star Nest and the city outside, and continued to spread outward.

Countless strong men in the realm world, who are in a deep sleep, are in retreat, all have feelings in their hearts, opening their eyes one after another, showing surprise.

"Who did the fight? Damn it, so much noise? Is it possible that the monster will try again?"

"Awesome, it's not ordinary true energy. On the one hand, it seems to be awe-inspiring, on the other hand, it seems to be an inexplicable true dragon breath?"

"Is it a Confucian person? Damn, those who confessed to the Confucian people, those who hold the book in their hands, if they are angry, will they pick up the knife and desperately?!"

"This magnificent and immense dragon spirit is gone for thousands of years? Is it possible that it is from the previous world?"

"The two **** in the Mahayana period, don't you know, if the fairy fights, will mortals suffer?"

The fight between the two, just that breath spread throughout most of the cultivation world.

The self-cultivation world is also shocked, and many powerful people are also surprised when they are curious.

Especially the monster side, after discovering the destructive power here, they retreated one after another, as if seeing the death chasing them in the rear, the roar shook the feet and ran away.

However, the monsters were embarrassed and started...

Because Confucius Confucius said that human civil war cannot consume cities that destroy humans.

"I want you!"

He nodded, and the two disappeared.

Subsequently, the base camp of the monster became the main battlefield between the two.

Of course, the monsters will not allow them to spoil and destroy them. Why do you beat you to death? Our race will suffer, so they will be sent out.

The war was earth-shattering and attracted countless Xeons to watch in secret.

The terrain and landforms of the realm they have changed have changed. The sea has turned into mulberry fields, and the mountains have turned into deserts.

The Mahayana Powerhouse is so scary!

They already existed almost like a fairy, calling for wind and rain, moving mountains to fill the sea but little Dole.

During their battle, the Qing Emperor Gate also suffered heavy losses. While licking claws to recuperate, a young man in white walked outside the storm stronghold.

The upper body is wearing the ancient Tang style coat made by China, embroidered with the word "green", wearing white cloth fine linen trousers underneath, stepping on slippers, he walked slowly and comfortably so slowly The clothing was designed by a certain brand in China. Li Qing thought it was pretty. Many people liked it and bought a suit.

Not to mention, it's quite comfortable. When he returned to the realm of comprehension, he was in a good mood and seemed very elegant.

But, soon, the breath of the war shocked him, making his sword eyebrows slightly wrinkled.

"What a shocking power, where did this fight start? Could it be the monster attack?"

He shuddered first, then thought of this.

The people on the edge asked, and passers-by did not know.

Unknown to the mortal, he saw a comprehension passerby riding on the head beast.

He reached out and stopped.

Seeing that Li Qing looks like this, the self-cultivator thought it was a noble son. He didn’t want to take it into consideration. There was a soft whip in his hand and he still had to pump it out. However, just when he was going to pull it, a force that almost choked him Come and blow him up.

Although, it only exudes a little coercion at will, but it is also used to restrain the middle-aged self-cultivator.

He didn't dare to ask any more, and he ran away in fright, and asked tremblingly, "Senior, what did you tell me?"

"What happened, is this?" Li Qing looked at the sky and asked thoughtfully.

"Rumor has it that the Qing Emperor Gate was jointly besieged by the thirteen Zong Men headed by the Qingyun Sect..." He had yet to say that the teenager in front of him had disappeared silently.

Hell? !

Do not!

He looked at the crowd on the side of the crowd, they all looked like hell, and then he thought of the teleportation of the Mahayana, and the sweat of the forehead was dripping down.

Thank you Boss Meng Xing for your 100-dollar reward, I wish the boss a great fortune in the new year and marry a hundred mother-in-law... Great gods, please recommend tickets, subscribe~

(End of this chapter)

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