My Super God QQ

Chapter 910: Kong Lao defeated, the leader retreated, Li Qingxian

There is a terrifying force colliding violently, even if the realm is large, it has a vast territory, and it is vast. It is said to be flying, and it can't fly to the end in a lifetime. It is also swaying in this vast power.

As if the end of the world is coming, the sky will fall, the whole sky is dark, and it is swept away by countless colors of light.

"Mom, what is that?"

In the Star Nest, a four- to five-year-old girl put her thumb in her hand and a finger in the sky, asking curiously.

"That's the most powerful Cultivation Realm fighting, fighting for death... Fortunately, we are in the Star Nest, and if we are outside, we don't know if we will just..." His mother hugged herself with fear in her face Daughter, I just feel that the protective cover of Star Nest looks a bit fragile under this force.

Because, it actually trembles, the rippling of one spreads continuously.

Many people in the city were terrified and trembling. Fortunately, their wrestling went away quickly, which made the protective cover of the Star Nest stable.

Above the tower...

Almost all the high-level members of Xingmeng arrived, and they gathered their eyes in the air, looking at the shocking battle.

"Horrible! Very horrible!" The eyes of a star elder were shaking, na n said.

"Both have powerful immortals, that is, the elders of Confucius Master Kong are immortal immortals. They are kept upright every year, otherwise they are absolutely no match for the ancient emperor's seal!" Xing The deputy leader of the League exclaimed.

The deputy leader must have white hair, which seems to be older than the leader, his eyes are solemn, and there is no trace of warmth. It seems that he has already known everything.

Although some people say that the deputy leader of the Star Alliance is not as powerful as the regular leader, as long as anyone familiar with the deputy leader knows that he is definitely a personal master, and because he is too smart, he will let him manage this huge Star Alliance.

"Vice lord, does there really exist an immortal ancient dynasty?" a newly-joined star elder asked curiously, because he looked at the fairy tool used by him, and turned out to be a city with nothing. The emperor's weather on the site made him very curious.

"Yes! The immortal ancient dynasty used to be the most powerful existence of this land. Its territory and prestige even surpassed our Star Alliance countless times! At that time, the most powerful emperor was the Emperor Zan, who had faced the infinite. The universe has vowed that as long as there is a place where the stars shine, it will surely become the territory of the ancient dynasty, unfortunately, unfortunately..."

"What a pity?"

"Although they were extremely powerful, they also created an incomparable staircase and directly rushed to the fairy realm. However, they were still unable to compete with the more powerful heavenly court and were directly destroyed. Some people said that this is a must-have phenomenon in the realm of truth, and it is in line with heaven. Sheng Ji will decline, however, if the immortal ancient dynasty did not attack the fairy realm at that time, and once again cultivate the foundation for tens of thousands of years, what would it be..." The deputy leader of the Star Alliance yearned for authenticity.

"Doesn't Cultivation Realm limit our strength?" Another elder, starry, was puzzled.

"When the self-cultivation world is directly pierced into a hole by the heavenly ladder, naturally, there will be no restrictions, and it may be that the immortal ancient dynasty's move is too far against the sky, and such a heavenly destiny will happen... , Heaven and earth circulation, sincerely don't bully me~" Xingmeng deputy leader sighed.

"Vice lord, then this is not the blood of the emperor of the ancient dynasty?" Suddenly a star elder suddenly surprised.

"No! It is most likely that he has inherited the ancient dynasty. Of course, there may also be ancient civilizations outside the earth, because there is a documentary history that the immortal ancient dynasty used to be in many small worlds, that is, Many civilizations have established their own civilization."

"Just looking at this introduction alone is endless, and I don’t know how powerful the immortal ancient dynasty is. It has such a strength and an unmatched oath. As long as the starlight shines, it is the immortal ancient dynasty. The territories are really arrogant, but still powerful..."

"Yeah, I can't help but look forward to seeing how powerful that is?"

A group of people with a longing look actually forgot the war in front of them.

In fact, just as they thought about it, the war between the two had changed, and Confucius Master fell from a height.

That symbolizes the power formed by the enlightenment of all things-the boat of enlightenment has been directly smashed and disintegrated. After all, the power of enlightenment is no match for the power of domination!

At this time, Mr. Kong's face was bloodless, pale as paper, and finally fell to the ground. Fortunately, a small book held him up, so that he would avoid the scourge of death.

Confucianism, no cultivation, if people have lost consciousness, even if it is the Mahayana period, it will die even if it falls from the sky!


In the supreme sky, Han shouted a violent laughter, beating two monsters.

The two monsters also seem to be in the Mahayana period. Originally, they were still combatable. However, as the surrounding cities around the palace continued to appear more clearly, the body of millions of people was more realistic, and the power of the palace was also Soaring constantly.


Master Kong is defeated!

Seeing this, many disciples of Qing Emperor's Gate were disheartened.

However, what people get is the inheritance of the immortal ancient dynasty, then what can be done?

"Waste, everything here is waste!"

He was very loud, like thunder and thunder spread to the wild and wild.

He is high above!

He seemed like a **** came, and a **** born!

There are countless dragons bursting out of him, and the sky can't bear to burst, trembling.

"It seems that the self-cultivation world is the strongest. I'm afraid I can't escape his hands. I don't know if our leader can overcome him..." A star elder sighed and said: "Our human power is still very strong, but none of them Willing to work against monsters and beasts, nothing to do with yourself, hang high, sad, sad, but unfortunately ~"

"Vice leader, was the immortal ancient dynasty destroyed by heaven?"

"Some people say that the Zunlin tribe of the Heavenly Court was destroyed, but some people say that the Zunlin tribe does not belong to the Heavenly Court. This matter is not very detailed in ancient times."

"Zunlin tribe?"

"The first of all things, the unicorn, is the first mythical beast since the beginning of chaos, because it has the signs of the green dragon, the appearance of the white tiger, the power of the basalt, and the fire appearance of the Suzaku! Bloodline, in my opinion, the Zunlin tribe should not be restrained by the heavenly court." The deputy leader of the Xingmeng thought now, slowly said.

"So powerful?"

"Well, it is indeed strong, extremely powerful, but unfortunately later, I heard that the Zunlin tribe was also cursed by the immortal ancient dynasty in exchange for the disaster of extinguishing the top. There is no record of this matter."

"Shall we save the Master?"

"No, the goal of Zhishao is still Qingdimen and Li Qing. Unfortunately, even our power cannot save Li Qing, but we must live up to the wishes of an elder. We must not let humans fight civil war for Li Qing. ."

"Yeah, the Qingyun Sect is also part of our Star Alliance. We are not too biased, but I really can't bear it!"

"Ah, look, it's the lord!"

Suddenly, the leader appeared, and the old man with white hair and chubby appearance appeared in front of Mr. how? You want to stop me? "

Han Shao slightly stunned, the corners of his mouth bent, not afraid of authentic.

"Hang, is it enough? Robbing treasures is not a good thing after all, it will affect your heavenly blessing."

"Don't tell me what's not there. At that time, Li Qing snatched a sword from our clan. That's the beginning. Is it possible that you will give him justice?"

"I can't match you, you can do it yourself!" In the end, the old man took a deep look at him and pulled Mr. Cai Kong's books away from the place.

The leader of the Star Alliance actually took the initiative to admit defeat and retreat?


Countless people who saw this scene have set off uproar in their minds.

"Li Qing came out, otherwise, I will destroy your Qingdimen and let all of them be buried!"

He did not take the opportunity to clean up the two monsters, but the figure disappeared in the air, and appeared on the small island of Qingdimen, in a high way.

"Big dump..."

The Zhengling Taoists, their brothers and sisters, as well as the five people of the magic road, had their scalp heads in front of him.

"Go away, you are not qualified to tell me!"

He shook his sleeves, fearing that something would happen, they had no power to fight back, they were directly hit by something, and flew thousands of miles.

It’s terrifying, it’s so powerful!

The disciples of Qingdimen were shaking because they found that they could not beat each other, but they wouldn’t be so dead, that Li Xing mainly took them desperately...

An angry voice came in.

"Then am I qualified?"


Han Shao saw a young man in white suddenly appear in front of him. He wanted to say that you are not qualified, and his heart jumped and stopped abruptly.

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