My Super God QQ

Chapter 901: Li Qing VS Han Shao

At a glance, it is unforgettable.

The young man appeared in the distance, dressed in white, with a misty posture, three thousand ink hair, flowing down his shoulders, and shimmering slightly.

His face was like a crown jade, but it was so cold that it was shocking to the heavens. Even if he stood there quietly, he also gave birth to a cold and brilliant, and it was blasphemous to look at it more. The black eyes are as deep as a pool of ancient springs. Looking at those eyes, they are weak and unable to take steps. Is this a fairy?

Many women in the realm world saw him, even the oldest lady-in-law, could not move her eyes.

They did not dare to have a heart of blasphemous play, and could only look up humblely, as if looking up at the moon.

This is now Li Qing.

After absorbing the power completely, and regaining consciousness from getting out of fire, his mood and strength once again made a huge change in his image and temperament.

Maybe the fairy is like this? !

"who are you?"

Han Shao looked at Li Qing, frowning, his eyes narrowing, revealing his concentration and caution.

Strange to say, he clearly saw that Li Qing was only during the robbery period, but he felt that there seemed to be more terrifying power in him. This made his heart beating faster, and there was no ominous and dangerous hunch, which made him afraid to carelessly again.

"No? How could he feel dangerous during the robbery period? He must have felt wrong. Similarly, he couldn't teleport. It must have been a magic weapon or appeared quietly, which he didn't notice."

Han Shao thought in his heart.

"I am not the person you are looking for, Li Qing?"

Li Qing first saw the Hedingtian with his chest penetrated, which was originally angered, and then saw the Fangjitian like a human stick, with no limbs, and then saw the disciples of Qingdimen who suffered heavy casualties. Strangely, he suppressed the anger in his heart instead.

However, the calmer it becomes, the more weird it becomes.

"You are Li Qing, quickly hand over the juling treasure bowl, I can spare you not to die!"

"who are you?"

"You are not qualified to ask who I am!"

"Great tone, do you have friends?"

Hearing this, it was stunned: "What do you mean?"

"I mean you pretend to be so pretending, I'm afraid you don't even have friends, right, do you have parents?"

"No, quickly..." Han Shao said furiously, but was interrupted by Li Qing.

"Okay, then I don't have to worry about hitting you so your parents don't know you..."

Just after the fall, Li Qing suddenly moved and disappeared.

Blinking Kung Fu, no, not even this Kung Fu, he appeared behind Han Shao, and slapped it on half of his head and face.


Loud and thorough.

In this way, there are many people who have discovered a shocking event without understanding.

Li Qingming is in a period of transition, how could it be teleported, if it is a magic weapon, it can't be so fast? The innocents of the authentic Mahayana period did not respond, so they were directly drawn?



It's really good to hit the face, Han Zhi was directly beaten silly.

I just said that people are not qualified to ask their origins, but I didn't expect that they would be beaten in the face and stupid in less than a few seconds.


He roared like a beast, angry incomparably, his mouth widened as if to be swallowed, and his nostrils widened like a cow.

Immediately, he pounced on Li Qing.

Li Qing responded, the two hands were fighting together.


Such as the spring thunder, the flat land exploded, and it was obviously just such a collision that it made such a huge noise.

In the next second, their speed is not clear to everyone.

Even the master Li Xing, who was a strong man during the robbery, opened his mouth in amazement, as if frightened by heaven and earth, he couldn't believe it.

Too powerful, beyond their imagination, to have such performance.

The two also fought, compared to the impact of Fangcai's spell, and at this time, it was directly physical.

"I have the seal of the emperor of the ancient dynasty, which is equivalent to having the body of a real dragon. The dragon is a powerful family of flesh and blood in all things in the world. How can you, how dare you, dare to fight me like this?!" , Eyes full of disdain.

"Oh, is it really the strongest body in all things in the world?" Li Qing sneered, reluctantly: "So why, why does it seem like we are compared, but it is only half a catty?"

In this way, thoughts reappeared in Han Shao's eyes.

He is very tangled!

Li Qing obviously can't infer from the common sense, obviously, during the robbery period, the exclusive moment of the Mahayana period is used to slip more than anyone. Obviously it is just a mortal body, but its physical body is so horrible, it can withstand his true Dragon body attack.

"what happened?!!"

He was puzzled and mad at heart. He really wanted to find a wall to hit his head well. Is he already stupid? How could this world be like this.

The two's flesh is really strong, and whatever they touch will break.

When the mountains are broken and the water meets, the aftermath of the two people's fighting can hit the water splashing high. It happened that the two of them hit the protective cover of the star nest. Because they are close, they are just two or three blows. The shield was shattered directly, shattered like a glass.

"This is no longer a human, is it a fairy-level battle?"

An elder star was swallowing and stunned.

"It's over, we have to stop it, otherwise, if the star's nest is destroyed, there will be countless creatures painted on it!"

An elder star star yelled.

Immediately, above the tower, there were a total of more than 30-year-old elder stars, a dozen star owners, uh, among them, the purple star owners went together to resist.

Aftermath was finally stopped!

However, a total of more than fifty strong men were beaten continuously by the aftermath.

"Good time... kid, die!"

Lord Zixing was still thinking of attacking Li Qing. When there was a leading cane in his hand, he shot a purple light from the dragon's mouth and hit Li Qing.

Li Qing was shot behind and a blood hole appeared directly.

"Who?!" He was so angry that he turned to look at Zixing Lord. She would be staring blankly at Li Qing's blood hole.

She really couldn't think of it, her attack only got a blood hole, not even a blood hole the size of a baby's fist.

That is, Li Qing glared here, as if the temperature of the entire space had dropped by tens of degrees, everyone was frozen, and then saw the Purple Star Lord, one after another, avoiding the viper, and quickly spread out.

In their view, the Purple Star Lord is dying!

You are just a strong man during the robbery, UU reading www.uukanshu. com you dare to sneak attack on a guy who is inseparable from the Mahayana strong? Isn't this death?


Li Qing was furious and teleported directly, and came behind her and grabbed her neck. It was just a pinch to see the movement. The old lady was like a chick, and her whole body was unable to be lifted by Li Qing.

"Five times and five times, you and your grandson both want to kill me. Could it be that they have no temper to bully me?"

"I, I, I... Master Lord!!" The Purple Star Lord was terrified. She only felt that a powerful force penetrated into Li Qing's body from her hand. She couldn't move anymore. Fortunately, She saw that the leader was coming from afar, and cried for help.

"Li Qing..."

The leader called in due course.

"The wife dare to intervene in our battle, it is simply to find death, you solve it first, I am now a real dragon and do not do small things."

Han Shao put his hands on the side, and didn't seem to want to mix them in. Then he was still thinking about it, and he continued to look at Li Qing with his strange eyes, as if he was looking for his weakness.

"Master Lord, you don't need to say, even if her grandson keeps asking me for trouble, even if this old thing has been helping me to abuse, just when she actually attacked me, she will definitely die today!" Li Qing's eyes appeared blood-red. Some evil spirits sprang up spontaneously.

It was at this moment that a shroud appeared on Li Qing's shoulder. In an instant, a monstrous strange evil spirit appeared behind Li Qing.

It was gray, as if all the annihilated evil spirits appeared suddenly, everyone was jumping in their hearts, somehow they felt that Li Qing was terrible now, and he didn't even dare to look directly at it...

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