My Super God QQ

Chapter 920: Miss Sister's Change

"There is more than one heaven and earth for one other than Yin and Yang. After going to Ninety-nine, the remaining one is heaven. My name is "Tian Ji Zong", which means that one of them is the way to live, so even heaven and earth are for it. Chaos, my sect can stay!"

Just before Li Qing had left Tianji Pavilion, a Taoist priest came a long way.

He was wearing a purple sun towel and a Taoist priest in a gossip suit. He was floating in the breeze. I saw him with a crane-top turtle back, phoenix eyes and sparse eyebrows. As soon as he emerged from the crowd, he felt that his temperament was extraordinary, like standing out from the crowd.

"Your Excellency is the one who took over the task?"

Listening to his introduction, Li Qing was a little inexplicable, guessing.


He nodded, a warm smile on his face.

His voice was very quiet, but in the noisy street atmosphere outside, it was very clear and sounded.

"Tian Ji Zong? It stands to reason that you have not taken the task. After we verify it, you can get the task reward. Why do you have to come here again?" Li Qing was puzzled and thought he had something.

"It's good to talk about it right from the beginning. It's a good thing. I hope you can let the Secret Star Palace pass and leave a way for it."

"Are you not an enemy of the Secret Star Palace?"

"No, the poor Dao just wants to prove that the Mystery Palace is not the best in the realm calculation, because recently the Mystery Palace is a bit overwhelming, Mu Xiu Yulin, the wind will urge it! The poor Dao just wants to Borrow your hand and let them know."

"Is it true that you are old with the Palace of Secret Stars?"

"The ancestors below are old with those in the Secret Star Palace, so they must uphold their orders and help them when they are in trouble."


"Yes, because it has been calculated that they will have the disaster of extinction, and the star-killing of this disaster will be on you."

"On me?"

Li Qing first thought that most of the people in the Secret Star Palace are female disciples. If they are older than the other's elder Tianji Sect, it must be adultery. Later, he listened to him and said that if he would destroy the Mistress Palace, could it be that the younger sisters were wronged in the Mistress Palace or were they in danger?

Thinking of this, Li Qing was frightened, and immediately, a rage was angry from both ribs, directly rushing out of the body, and the murderous gas was instantly spread like a precipitate of water mist throughout the hall.

"They are in danger?"

"Your Excellency is still too late, so the poor road appears at an appropriate time. I hope that you will be able to see the poor road and spare them a way of life."

"If they are safe, I will promise you."

"This is the seven-star beetle created by Poor Dao using metaphysics. It will take you to find a place." After that, he waved his hand slightly, and a small bug flew over Li Qing's shoulder.

Li Qing nodded, and he couldn't wait to disappear directly.

Teleporting, constantly teleporting, Li Qing was so anxious that his forehead was all sweat, he could not imagine what would happen to her if something happened to the younger sister.


The Mysterious Star Palace is full of lights and lanterns, loud lights and gongs and drums.

Today, it is the great joy of Prince Xing, the son of their palace master. He is about to marry two female disciples in the gate, the two female disciples are Murong Fengrou and Su Xiaoxiao.

Why did this happen?

Because, Prince Xing secretly went to see them, and the palace owner knew about it.

Originally, the palace owner did not allow anyone to visit. The Prince Xing was so courageous. On the spot, she would break the leg of the Prince Xing, who knew that Prince Xing had an affair with them.

This made the owner of the Mistress Palace like Thunderbolt, she also knew Li Qing's return, not only returned, but also killed everyone who dared to fight him. Isn't this just provoking this enemy?

She asked Murong Fengrou and Su Xiaoxiao.

Who knows, both women said yes, they also love Prince Xing.

"So, if they are really in love, maybe he has no reason to break them up?" The master of the palace thought, so far, it seemed that there was no way but to face it directly.

Besides, she is also lucky, but Li Qing does not know where the Mistress Palace is, so even if he is angry, it is useless.

The nature of mother and son makes her hurt her son, and it hurts in her bones. She is very angry on the outside, but she can't help her heart. In the end, it can only be low-key, let people recycle all the industrial resources of the secret star palace to the palace, and perform happy events for their sons.

Because it was the happy event of the palace's son, many outside managers also returned to the palace to participate.

Sister Hua is one of them.

She had been to the earth and had contact with Li Qing and Murong Fengrou, and even their guides.

When she was on Earth, she had seen that the relationship between Li Qing and them was like a knee, and it was definitely the best lover. Now, how can they marry the daring radish of Prince Xing?

She didn't understand, so she quietly contacted Murong Fengrou and them.

"What do you think? Is it true that you don't really love Li Qing anymore?" She was a little angry, and she was not used to this kind of woman.

"Yes, I love Prince Xing." Murong Feng Judo said: "For him, I would prefer nothing else, everything..."

"Me too, unconsciously, he actually entered my heart, I only love him now, the other people, I do not love anyone." Su Xiaoxiao said seriously.

"Are you crazy? Li Qing is back, he is not dead, he is back to the real world, and now his strength is already under 10,000 people, it can be said that the real world is invincible, you are now this... this is simply It will hurt the Secret Star Palace!" She was a little crazy, and she really did not expect that the Palace Master would do such a thing.

Killing fathers and wives is the two greatest hatreds in life.

She didn't dare to imagine the revenge of his wife, if Li Qing knew that the secret star palace could still leave a tile. At that time, the palace owner is the sinner of the entire secret star palace.

She didn't want to do this, she wanted to stop all this, so she kept persuading the two of them, thinking that the two were ghosts.

"Xiaohua, why are you here?"

Suddenly, someone walked into the marriage room from the outside.

It is actually the palace master.

Sister Hua was stunned, and then she was shocked and hurriedly gave her a gift.

"Are you a Li Qing's lobbyist? I heard that you and Li Qing are friends, and you have already made him in the lower realm. However, both of them are now fond of my son, and I hope you don't do much business." The palace owner of Star Palace said, looking at Sister Hua strictly.

Speaking of this, Sister Hua did not want to deny it, and persuaded to persuade.

"Princess, you must think twice! Li Qing has returned from the outside world, and his strength is invincible. A large number of people who have hatred against him have been given by him. Now, we still do this, just like it is. It is really not a wise move to declare war with him!"

"Whatever is said, boys and girls love, as long as they are in love, what will Li Qing do? If he really loves them, he will let go."

"No, no, Master, you are wrong, not every man will let go like that..."

"Hugh will mention it again."

"But he really will..."

"I know what you want to say, the premise is that he can find our secret palace, otherwise, everything is said in vain."

As soon as the two had mentioned this, there was a loud noise, and the whole house shook it several times.

The two were shocked.

Just ask again, there are already some people crying outside.

"Palace, there are enemies!"

"Here..." Sister Hua heard this, her face pale as paper, her legs were weak, and she fell down on the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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