My Super God QQ

Chapter 921: impossible!

Talking about tiger discoloration!

Li Qing’s recent campaign to eliminate the enemy in the realm of truth is well known. His resoluteness and resoluteness are his resoluteness...

Thinking of the secret star palace actually wanting to hate him for taking his wife, Sister Hua was so scared that she was trembling straight, only to feel that the fear was like a tide, drowning her completely, choking into her nose and mouth constantly, so that she could not breathe .

Aside, the owner of the secret star palace was also shocked.

However, she looked at the two daughters, remembered her son again, determined her face, and strode out of the door.

At this time, there was a mess outside.

Because, since they were born, they have also seen the things that the Secret Star Palace has been invaded by people, and they are in a panic.

That's right!

When Li Qing found this place, he discovered that the Palace of Mysterious Stars was really built in the middle of the abyss, but the cave is shown here, not the building.

If it weren't for the seven-star black beetle, even if he had this address, he would never have imagined that the Secret Star Palace actually opened a small world here and hid in it.

"Come out, the people in the secret star palace listen, if you don't release my younger sisters and sisters today, I will level this place to the ground."

Li Qing shouted, and his voice was full of thick killings, which was daunting.

"You are Li Qing?"

Finally, the Palace Master of the Secret Star Palace teleported and appeared in front of Li Qing.

"Yes, what about my younger sisters?"

"They don't love you anymore. Let's go to see you in this palace?"

"What do you mean?" Li Qing was stunned and smiled angrily: "You say that it is possible to deceive three- or four-year-old children, but now it comes out of your mouth, don't you find it ridiculous?"

"This is true, there is no need to lie to you in this palace."

"Are you the owner of the Secret Star Palace?"


"Then you call them out, I want to see them with my own eyes, and I hear what they say, then I believe it."

"it is good!"

Li Qing did not expect that she promised to be so simple, just waiting here.

After a while, Sister Hua took them out, at this time, Sister Hua's body was trembling, because looking at Li Qing, she had a feeling of oppression, it was an illusion as if the rabbit was standing on the face of the tiger, making She dare not breathe.

Li Qing was relieved when she saw that the younger sisters were safe.

"Sister, let's go~"

He came over to embrace Murong Fengrou, but who knows, she actually pushed away Li Qing.


Li Qing is puzzled.

"Let's go, we don't love you anymore, Li Qing, whom we love, has died on the earth, and now we love Prince Xing..." Murong Feng Judo.

As soon as the words came out, Li Qing's heart seemed to be stuck in a knife, so painful that he could not breathe.

He thought he had heard it wrong, and he still had to ask. Su Xiaoxiao had said it again, just like Murong Fengrou.

"No! Are you kidding me? Miss, don't make trouble, let's go back..." Li Qing's face was pale and bloodless, and he didn't expect to hear such words, but he was still strong, thinking Listen again and think they are joking with themselves.

"Did I say enough? You go, we love Prince Xing." Murong Fengrou said coldly.


Li Qing suddenly stepped back two steps, the entire eyeball lost focus, all confused.

"Am I dreaming?"

He gave himself a punch in the stomach, but he did not wake up. At this time, his heart was more painful than anything, so much so that he did not want to live.

"Impossible, you, what the **** is going on? Impossible!"

Li Qing does not want to believe that this is reality, this is definitely a dream, yes, it is likely to be an illusion, they are not young ladies, but illusions.

"Magic monster, come out to Lao Tzu!"

He summoned the phantom monster, and if it were said to play, the phantom monster was the ancestor level, he would not believe it, these people can get axe in front of the phantom monster.

However, the phantom monster Jiao shook his head at Li Qing.


Like being struck by thunder in his mind, Li Qing was stunned.

Until two minutes later, he felt so painful that he wanted to die soon.

"why why!!!!"

His voice was hoarse and hoarse, and he almost growled from the bottom of his throat.

It was at this moment that Sister Hua felt that Li Qing in front of her had become even more terrifying. If she was just a rabbit and he was a tiger, then the tiger has now turned into a wild animal.

An extremely tyrannical negative atmosphere burst into all directions, as if to fill the world. She smelled of death, and the next second, the idea that she might die suddenly emerged and could not be erased.

"No why!"

"No? No why? Ha, haha, hahahaha..." Li Qing laughed, his eyes were so red that he was about to bleed, and finally, he spit out a blood and sprayed three feet high.

"Impossible, impossible, hahaha..."

He vomited bleeding, still smiling miserably.

The whole abyss, the dark abyss, is his smirk, full of hopelessness in life, complaints and dissatisfaction with this world.

"Ah, it hurts me too!"

He stretched out his hand to insert it into his chest, as if to dig out his heart, so as not to be so uncomfortable, however, his hand was just about to touch...

The seven-star black beetle that followed him suddenly became a common avatar, transformed into a lot, and then turned into a firefly, and transformed into a human figure in the air. It was the old appearance of the original Tianji Sect.

"No need, they are just bewitched by the demon's disenchantment, no one can see it, only hiding in their hearts..." It said.

Upon hearing this, Li Qing was stunned again.


"The devil's charm is the natural ability of the devil. As long as it is a monk who is not in the Mahayana period, it can be used by him. It seems that the Mystery Palace has fallen like this, and some people have traded with the devil, sad, Sigh..."


Li Qing laughed again, but it was just a smirk, but now it is a new laugh.

He was already lifeless in his Now he has become radiant again.

"Tianmo, okay, the secret palace that is one of the best in the realm world has actually made a deal with Tianmo, very well, then your secret palace does not need to exist anymore!"

After talking, Li Qing forcibly photographed the two women with their hands, and brought them into the QQ Book City. With a slap, they fanned towards the main palace of the secret star palace.

Even if she looks very beautiful, but with such a slap, she could not hide.


Her face swelled immediately, and her face was red.

"Bullshit, what has something to do with the heavenly demons, it's just blood-spitting people, where are you monsters, and here the demon confuses everyone!" The owner of this secret star palace is also a wonderful flower. At this time, he was not angry at himself. It was because they colluded with the heavenly demon, pointing at the humanoid figure out of the seven-star black beetle, and spoke angry.

"The 113th generation of Tianji Zong!"

One hundred and thirteen generations?

If an ordinary person lived between seventy and eighty years old, that is, there are already seven or eight thousand people in this sect, not to mention the age of the cultivator. Most of them may have existed for more than a few thousand years. It seems that this sect can really be After being destroyed several times by human beings, they will still survive.

"Heavenly Sect!!!" The palace master of the Secret Star Palace was dumbfounded and speechless.

"If it weren’t for the predecessors in the Mystery Palace and my ancestors are old, the poor will never appear here, the Mystery will die, the heavens have already appeared, and I haven’t awakened quickly!" The figure shouted loudly. .

"Do not!"

When the owner of the Secret Star Palace was still struggling or arguing about something, Li Qing had already slapped it again, and she directly flew out, hit the vertical wall of the abyss, and fell deeply.

Chill a little better, force code words! ! Seeking recommendation tickets

(End of this chapter)

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