My Super God QQ

Chapter 948: A tan and the phantom morph

"What's the matter?" Li Qing looked at him exaggeratingly and yelling, puzzled.


Wang Lin pulled his hands directly and pulled out a Xuan Bing light mirror, reflecting Li Qing's image.

As he said, there was golden light behind Li Qing.

"You try to release the pressure and look at the real energy in your body?" Li Qing nodded.

The golden light is getting stronger.

"Become too, you are too much, really a golden fairy!" Wang Lin yelled again, an unfair look.

Li Qing smiled and told the truth, his experience, even Wang Lin was unclear.

After dying twice, he fully integrated those forces that are not his own into his body. If he is not yet strong, he is not stronger than him, is it not to die twice?

"According to what we see, the spiritual energy in our body has been gradually transformed into the spirit energy of the fairy, and we will work harder and directly convert them all!" Li Qing said.

"Okay, I didn't believe it and turned around. I'm not a golden fairy!" Wang Lin gambled.

The two sat on the ground, constantly absorbing the fairy spirit in the void.

That is, after they are absorbed into the body, the true qi in the body is slowly replaced by the spirit of the fairy. Especially in Li Qing’s body, after he opened up another vein to absorb the spirit of the fairy, he may no longer be affected. The shackles of the Cultivation Realm, his Qilin Zhiren Qingyun formula actually broke through to the fifth floor.

Li Qing's body was shocked, just like the existence of a black hole, constantly sucking the spirit of the fairy into the body, actually making the surroundings into a whirlpool shape, bringing a violent whirlwind and scraping off the stone.

"It's too much!"

Wang Lin gave Li Qing a disdainful look and got up to hide a bit. Originally, he thought he was a genius, otherwise how could he become the master of the Holy Bone Sect in a short period of time and dominate the magic path. But only then did he realize that he was really nothing. Still, Li Qing was the most genius guy.

After the body's fairy spirit was completely replaced, it gradually filled up, and immediately, surging and rolling, just like a real river running, thundering and thundering.

In particular, Li Qing’s heart beats more powerfully and becomes slower, however, every time it beats, there will be a huge force transmitted to Li Qing’s limbs and flesh muscles. The heart beats like a giant hammer, Hitting his body with a hammer will make his body more condensed and firm, so that the cells on his body will continue to split and reorganize, and the more strict.

Under the influence of this fairy spirit, his blood also gradually radiated light, and when flowing through his bones, the bones gradually became more transparent and gleaming, shining divinely.

And Li Qing’s Yuan Ying has also undergone changes. Now Li Qing’s Yuan Ying has been regarded as a fairy infant. I don’t know how many times stronger than before. Located in Li Qing’s Dantian, it is equivalent to giving Li Qing one more firepower support. Ku, as long as he can't catch up, will immediately fill Li Qing's flesh and give him a stronger firepower.

When he opened his eyes, Li Qing's eyes shot out, as if two electric lights flooded the entire world. At this time, everything was clearer.

The consciousness unfolded, Li Qing's consciousness has exceeded the limit.

Li Qing stretched out his five fingers and was watching his own changes. Now the five fingers are as exquisite as Wenrunmeiyu. With one hand, he actually broke the void directly and made a sound of air explosion.



Li Qing feels that he is several times stronger now.

Golden fairy?

He felt that his strength must be more than Jinxian, maybe his spirit realm only reached Jinxian, but with his own strength alone, he dared to leapfrog the rumored Daluo Jinxian.

"All right? My mother, what was the situation you just practiced there? Why have you heard the sound of explosions in your body all the time? If it’s normal to look at your soul, I think you are It's not that you've gotten into trouble..." Wang Lin cried exaggeratedly.

"Oh, this is a state similar to physical training. The sound of bone sound and blood collapse, when the bones are strong, even if you move it randomly, it will make a popping sound, and the blood collapse is like the sound of firecrackers, crackling..." Li Qing explained with a smile.

"Just blow it! My holy bone sect, my evil Buddha's bone-building technique, wouldn't it be better than you to be a bone?!" Wang Lin refused, but he couldn't make a sound when he made it.

"Uh, it belongs to the witch's way of physical training..."

Li Qing said so.

Wang Lincai looked up at him, looking up and down at Li Qing: "How many secrets are there in this guy's secret, you didn't tell me?"

Li Qing spread his hands, only to die himself twice, and was rescued by the dead grass.

"For the dead scarecrow, I have heard of it!" Wang Linning solemnly said: "The Devil Sect has been introduced in this ancient book. That is the magical technique of the Wu people, it really leaves that power on you, stealing the sky to change the day. , It’s not without exception."

The two chatted for a long time before continuing to hurry.

The fairyland is divided into four continents, that is, four continents.

The fairy on Dongsheng Shenzhou is the most powerful and the most, and Xianting stands there.

In addition, they are in the most impoverished Nanyongzhou, where the fairy people who have risen from the realm of the realm first arrived. Most of the people here are mortals who are born and raised. Occasionally there are fairy people who are mostly poor in rank but poor. Falling ground.

Because of poverty, the power of Xianting is difficult to convey to this, and Xianting is also difficult to control, so the order of this continent is equivalent to nothing, the most chaotic, as long as you are not desperate to fight ordinary mortals, it will not be a problem.

Xi Niu He Zhou, where there are many goblins, most of them are plants or animals, after years of cultivation, turned into the location of the adult form of goblin. As in the beginning, Guoguo's little classmate "Fire Lotus Fairy" was such a goblin.

Beiju Luzhou is a terrible place with many natural dangers. If the climate is not suitable for people, even the immortals are not comfortable. To say that the most rare human trace is this continent.

"Shall we go directly to Dongsheng Shenzhou?"

"Yes, is there any problem?"

"Aren't we here to explore the way? Want to go directly to Dongsheng Shenzhou?" Wang Lin was a little uneasy.

"I'm afraid, if we can't beat, we will run! I have to find Guoguo. I have been dreaming recently. My good daughter shouted for help every day..." Li Qing's eyes flashed with sorrow, and then remembered something: "You put Is this place recorded?"


"If we encounter something that can't beat each other, we will flee here and meet."

"it is good!"

Hearing this, Wang Lin felt a little uneasy in his heart, which made him feel exactly the same when he first entered the real world and felt very insecure. But in order to fight hard, for his fairies, he is willing to fight.

"I don't know how long, UU can read the book to reach the city of mankind. Presumably, there should be a teleportation array directly to Dongsheng Shenzhou?" Li Qing murmured.

Otherwise, if you run away so far, how can you cross the continent?

"Are there any tools to travel?"

"This is there!"

Li Qing said, and got the Mirage Fairy out.

Who knows, as soon as it came out, it may have also broken through the limits of the realm, and it has also begun to break through, uncontrollably.

Clouds rose from its body, which caused thunder and thunder to fall. Then, it bathed the thunder dragon and became a dragon.

In other words, in the future, Li Qing can't call it a phantom dragon, but should be called a phantom dragon.

Li Qing simply summoned A Tan, and as a result, it was also transformed into a human form, and turned into a four- to five-year-old child. His skin was white and rosy, and his facial features were as beautiful as jade, but his eyes were bright. The color of the spot flashed continuously before Li Qing confirmed that he was Atan.

There are two birthmarks of the five-clawed golden dragon on each arm of the raccoon, which are actually gold, and a dragon scale grows on the forehead. The hair style is a little black like that of the red child, and he smiles cleverly.

"Clothes, just put them on!"

Li Qing looked at it disgustingly.

He didn't say anything with a grin. When the clothes were about to be thrown on the hand, the hand continued to move forward, and the robe thrown by Li Qing was quickly divided into the shape and size suitable for him, and he was put on casually.

"Now, you are all transformed, are there any new abilities?"

Li Qing looked at the Mirage Demon Jiao and A Tan.

"I don't know yet~" A Tan promised first, still grinning.

But the Mirage Demon Jiao also said, "Master, I have already made the illusion reality, but it is not a good thing..."

Li Qing frowned and looked at A Tan: "Leather again?! Hurry up, are you beating?"

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