My Super God QQ

Chapter 909: No half stone

"Actually, other people... they don't have much ability, they just run fast, jump long, and disappear all at once~" He made a shy look.

Li Qing pointed to the deserted land in front of him: "Go, try!"

Alive disappeared suddenly, only to see the shadow dragged by the golden dragon tattoo of those arms, drawing a straight line.

It is getting faster and faster, faster and faster, and finally jumped up, actually writing three words with the residual image, Qingdimen.

"It's really fast!"

Wang Lin sucks.

"Well, this speed is probably faster than ours, because the afterimage will soon disappear, and at this speed, it may soon reach the speed of light."

How terrifying is the speed of light!

Just like the Flash in the movie, it is almost at this speed, and it can also draw a light and shadow in the air. This is the speed of light.

"Okay, stop!"

A tan walked away with a gust of wind and stopped in front of Li Qing, blowing Li Qing's hair fluttering.

"Good ability, is there anything other than this?"

"Yes, it should be, yes..." Atan said, and then, his big eyes rolled around and slammed his big eyes.

Suddenly, a strong, high-level animal breath came across.


Even if Li Qing's strength was already a golden fairy, he was still affected, and his soul was a little stagnate. Until his spirit and strength burst out, he did not offset this uncomfortable feeling.

"Are there any?"

Li Qing continued to ask.

"It's gone, it's really gone..." A grimacing face, as if to say, you, Yang Bailao, who is squeezing child labor, want to kill me?

In this way, Li Qing gave it a disdainful glance and continued on the road.

Atan lowered his head grievously, and he didn't know what to say, but it really only had speed and no stronger ability, blame me?

"Phantom Dragon, you take us away, it's too slow!"

After another walk, Li Qing let it carry himself and Wang Lin.

Still, it's fast and windy, just one hour is enough for them to walk for a few days.

After about three hours, they finally found people.

It was slowly rising smoke, and it seemed to be a small village, standing on the head of the Mirage Dragon, and looking down from the height, it was the house of more than 20 families.


Li Qing they asked for news in the past.

Seeing that Li Qing had such a powerful fairy beast, the farmers in this village were terrified and trembling.

It took me a long time to ask that this is the outskirts of a large town. If I walked another hundred kilometers to the east, I would reach a town called "Keng Nei Town".

Hang Nei Town...

The town, as its name suggests, was built in a pit. This pit, when viewed from a height, is a palm imprint. It is huge.

The palm print rumor was left here when the immortal emperor fought against others, so many people wanted to come here to observe the palm print in order to realize the Tao. There were only a few people at the beginning, and there were more and more in the back, so some merchants came here to sell food, and then came to the rest hotel to form a market...

Eventually, the bazaar became the size of a small town again. This is the origin of the small town.

When Li Qing arrived, there were many people sitting on the edge of the palm print, closing their eyes and feeling what they were feeling until the Mirage Dragon appeared.

Perhaps it was feeling the enchantment of the Mirage Dragon. These fairies stood up and looked at Li Qing with a bad look. It's just that no one dared to come out first, because, being able to ride on such a powerful monster, then Li Qing is definitely not annoying.

"It seems that we have some pretends..." Wang Lin laughed as he watched those people stand up.

Li Qing glanced at him and put away the Mirage Fairy, before entering the town.

This town is very poor. Although it is very big, the building is very dilapidated. Occasionally one or two restaurants are more upscale. It seems that this town is not poor, then it is really like the ones introduced in the classics, the South Island is really poor.

Looking at the road, this road is what Loess did. It may have just been raining, and it was a bit muddy. From time to time, there will be children running in groups in bare **** or in rags.

"Look for someone and ask for directions, is there a teleportation array..." Li Qing's eyes are looking for people.

But without waiting for whom he found, Wang Lin had directly and fiercely grabbed a person from the side of the road, as if he was pressing and asking: "Is there a teleportation team in this town?"

"Ah, the fairies spare their lives!"

The man arrested was an old man of about seventy.

Li Qing knocked off Wang Lin's hand and glared at him angrily, before gently saying, "Old man, I'm sorry, my friend is a bit fierce, can you tell me, is there a teleportation team in town?"

The old man shivered and said: "Yes."

Just now, he was almost scared. If they were really killed by the fairy, they would have nowhere to go. The lives of mortal people in Nanbuzhou are not worth much at all, just like ants.

"To go to Dongsheng Shenzhou."

"That's not there, only the road to the wind is close to the city."

"Feng Lincheng is?"

"That is the largest city in our place, there may be a teleport to Dongsheng Shenzhou~"

According to the old man's guidance, they found such a square, and there was a teleportation array in the square, and there were two guards beside them. Just glancing at it, Li Qing could see that they were in the robbery period.

Only the fairy world has this kind of handwriting, and the incumbents who have survived the robbery period can only guard the teleportation array here.

"If you want to use the teleportation array, please hand over twenty fairy stones."

Just as the two were about to step inside, suddenly one of them stopped them.


Li Qing looked at Wang Lin, and Wang Lin also looked over, looking at each other.

Where did they have the immortal stone? This is the first time I came here. I haven't even seen what immortal stone looks like.

"If you don't have Xianshi, just let it go, don't disturb us!" One of the strongmen during the robbery looked at Wang Lin, a bit disgusted.

"Oh, my temper!"

Wang Lin could not stand the treatment of others, so he had to start his work and was stopped by Li Qing.

"We just flew up from the realm of integrity, can we get along?"

"Just soaring up?" He glanced at the two, even if he was only in the robbery period, he was not afraid of awe at all: "So, if you have any treasures on your body, you can use them instead."

Li Qing thought about it and took out some equipment.

"Please don't use **** to obscure us!" But who knows, in exchange for this sentence.

Li Qing was furious and took out his collection, flying sword, Wushuang ring, mysterious shroud...

That is, they were taken out, and suddenly a strong breath was felt by them.

"It's okay, take one, you guys!" One of the guards' eyes was greedyly.

"Yes, you give us one, twenty immortal stones, we will help you out!" Another guard also came to help, and even had to stretch out his hand to get it.

Wang Lin couldn't bear it anymore. When he saw the fire, he kicked him towards him.

"Lao Tzu has endured for a long time, what are you guys, get out!" Then, even another guard was kicked off.

Then, pull up Li Qing and enter the teleportation array.

That is, after they walked in, the light of the teleportation array lit up, and the two disappeared.

"Damn, dare to hit us, go and inform the mayor, and go find them!"

A guard cried out with pain and grin.

The other went to a mansion in the town, in addition to the hotel, the most luxurious house.

They saw a middle-aged man in the house. After reporting the incident, the middle-aged man was furious and rushed out into the teleportation array.

"They are looking for death!!"

Light and shadow flashed, and he disappeared.


Fenglin City...

There is a rumor that a **** phoenix descended from the sky and got its name from this place. Coincidentally, the present city owner is also a woman named "Mrs. Zifeng".

When Li Qing came here, they saw that there was a larger teleportation array not far from them.

After inquiring, I learned that there was a great joy to send to Dongsheng Shenzhou, but there are ten heavenly guards here.

The cost of using teleportation array is a thousand fairy stones.

Suddenly, the two looked at each other, Wang Lin wanted to go up, and Li Qing stopped him.

"Let's inquire about the origin of Xianshi in the city? It's better to see if you can get a little, otherwise, if you go all the way and cause any turmoil at that time, you will lose the meaning of exploring the path to Xianjie."

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