My Super God QQ

Chapter 950: The mortal situation of fairyland

"It's not easy to want a fairy stone. You can wait a while, and I'll go when I go~" Wang Lin said with a laugh, his expression extremely relaxed.

"Wait, aren't you going to grab it? Don't forget, this is Immortal Realm, there are too many powerful people who are even stronger than us, not to mention, we just came to explore the way." Li Qing Hurry to catch him.

Wang Lin reacted this way, and it was true, but he still said deadly: "Well, we are here to explore the way, don't think I'm afraid of those people."

"Oh, yes!"

Li Qing smirked, but did not expose him, but he was constantly embarrassed.

I think he is in the realm of cultivation, but it is the person who controls and integrates all the demons, and even the power can counterattack the monster race, but now, what can be done? They are still too weak in the fairyland, he is only a junior golden fairy, only a little stronger than the most common Tianxian.

"Then you say, how are we going to get Xianshi? Do you have a way?" He looked at Li Qing suspiciously: "Unless you sell things..."

"Do not believe it? Just follow me!"

Li Qing's mouth twitched with a smirk and pulled Wang Lin away.

That is, as soon as they turned around, they missed two people from the town.

A middle-aged man, dressed in a magnificent brocade robe, looked angry and fierce, while the other young man was only in the robbery period, and was dressed in the costume of a guard soldier.

"Go straight to my wife!"

He walked to the smallest teleportation array and disappeared in place, while the young man waited in place.

Five minutes later, the middle-aged man returned again.

The young man hurriedly asked: "What's going on, Lord Mayor?"

"Huh?" The middle-aged man didn't seem to want to respond to him. He glanced at him, making him tremble.

"That guy is too cruel, he hit our brother, the younger is just curious, what can he end?"

The middle-aged talent threw a sentence: "Mrs. said, since it is not sensible, it is useless to stay, it will be dealt with in a while."

The young man was overjoyed and overjoyed, with a thrill in his eyes: "If Mrs. Zifeng gets a shot, it will come, Hahaha!"


Fenglin City is a very prosperous city, which is almost a hundred times larger than the town of Kengnei. Just ask a passer-by, which shop in the city is the most gorgeously decorated, and Li Qing and they came to the south of the city.

The street is paved with white jade-like stone slabs, and the shops on both sides are also four or five floors high. Even if they are passers-by, most of them are beautifully dressed or decent, walking leisurely back and forth.

"Isn't it said that Nanzhou Chau is very desolate, poor and backward? Why is this city looking good too?" Wang Lin walked on the street, watching the surrounding buildings left and right, puzzled.

"Maybe compared to Dongsheng Shenzhou, is it relatively poor here?" Li Qing thoughtfully said: "In this way, Dongsheng Shenzhou must be gorgeous and extremely rich."

"Huh, are those hunters? It seems that some strange animals have been caught?"

Suddenly seeing something, Wang Lin skewed forty-five degrees to the south, and walked to a closed shop, where a few people in colorful beasts were shouting and selling something.

"What animal is this?"

Wang Lin looked at a beast on the ground.

It's like a sheep, but it has the shape of a horse, with a single horn on its head, crystal and jade.

"I don't even know? Rhino horn beast, after eating his meat, you can look clear and clean, especially this horn can also be used to scrape the body of the person, wherever there is pain..." In view of Wang Lin's problem, there was doubt in his eyes.

"Where did you capture it?"

"Hey, in the mountain forest three hundred miles behind our village, the men from half of our village hunted for a full half a month before we finally caught it."

Li Qing walked to the side and glanced at the two middle-aged men and the two young men, and concluded that they were only mortals, and the greatest strength was the Jindan period.

"Oh, is the meat delicious?"

"It's okay, mainly because it's very good for the body. If those hotels like to squeeze our prices, we've thrown it away. However, we finally caught this rhinoceros, but we can't let them arbitrarily reduce the price. "" The middle-aged people seem to be telling how difficult the people in their village are.

"Is there any other delicious food? Is it simply delicious?" Wang Lin continued to ask.

His character is to play in time, and his favorite things are food and women.

"Yes, I'm just afraid that you can't afford it..." He whispered, as if afraid of hearing.

"What? We can't afford it?" Wang Lin heard his contempt and angered him, releasing his coercion.

Suddenly, they knew they were innocent immortals.

Don't look at Li Qing, they are in the town of Hang Nei, they met many fairy people, but that is because of the specific place, they can meet those fairy. What's more, in the eyes of these mortals, that is, innocents, the celestial immortals of Nanyuebuzhou are very rare. Of course, sometimes even if it happens, Tianxian does not take the initiative to identify, and they do not know, so they think Tianxian is still very rare.

Just like Li Qing, they came here all the way, and they didn't see a fairy.

"Adults are angry, they are small, they don't know Mount Tai. In fact, we still have a Ding Frost Beast, which was a beast that slaughtered the three villages next door to us. Picked up a cheap one. If you want, we can also give you, this kind of frost beast favorite food is the animal with fine skin and tender meat, even if it is drinking water, it is not the cleanest one." He is mysterious Xi authentically: "We dare not sell the hotel, so we are afraid to attract friends and relatives of Xian that day."

"One Ding Frost beast killed three people in the village?" Compared to Wang Lin, Li Qing paid more attention to these people's livelihood issues and wanted to know more about the fairyland.

"Oh, these are people whose lives are thinner than paper, and they will die even if they die. Don’t look at us wearing beast clothing, we can still enter the city. Our thousands of miles, our Dawang village is the strongest, and the other villages have to rely on us. Breath alive."

"Are you poor?" Li Qing asked again: "Isn't this city very rich and prosperous?"

If it were not to see that both of them were gods, this middle-aged man wanted to be scolded. They came here to sell goods instead of chatting, but only because of their strength, they could only explain it patiently.

"This Fenglin City is the land of thousands of miles, the only city that gathers all the good things within these miles, of course it is rich and prosperous~ Guest, are you from outside?" he doubted. .

Wang Lin glared at him, only then did he react, and he shouldn't have lived much, showing a begging look. Don't look at the rules in this city. If the gods kill them in a rage and leave the city directly, then they die in vain.

"I'll answer you if you ask, and your benefits are indispensable." Li Qing said coldly.

"Yes, yes, the little one knows everything and talks endlessly~" He quickly said pleasedly.

"You say this is the only city in this 10,000-mile range? What would the ordinary mortal, that is, the living condition of the fairyland people look like?"

"Poor! South Chau Chau is not like the legendary Eastern Shenzhou where everyone is prosperous. We all live hard to live. There are places where farming can be better, and most people can survive. It is by hunting these spirit beasts and monsters that they survive, but these spirit beasts and monsters are not easy for mortals to capture, so if they die, if they cannot find hunger, they will have to grab the ground... Then, The South Island Chau is not all like Futian like the eastern Shenzhou. We are all thin fields, and there is no fairy care. We all survive on the face of the sky. If it is happy in the sky, let us live. , Unhappy, natural disasters can make us unrecoverable. In addition, there is the battle of the heavens, as long as they affect our mortals, ranging from ruining the fields and covering houses, and from heavy casualties..." He also seems to have fallen Bitter water, it is not easy to talk about these mortals.

Listen and listen, Li Qing actually thought of this period of war in ancient China ~ ~ as in the Warring States period, such as the Three Kingdoms, those civilians seem to live so hard.

"There is no one here to help you mortals in Shenzhou in the east?" Li Qing continued to ask.

"Oh, no one wants to come to our poor place. Compared with the places where the legendary gods can only stay, who wants to come to our mortal land, even those monks and buddhists who perish all beings, are too lazy to come to us. "He smiled bitterly, his eyes full of vicissitudes."

With his strength, if Jindan is placed on the earth, it can definitely live a life of mankind, but there are many strong people here, and force is useless at all. It may not even fight those spirits and beasts, so he It is the poor people. Don't look at him as the Golden Pill, it is also because of the practice of those big road goods, plus the natural supply of fairy gas.

how to say? The mortals in the fairy realm can only live for hundreds of years.

"It seems that if you don't have a high level of strength in the fairy world, you don't have a good time~" Wang Lin sneered: "Like those mortals on the earth, everyone wants to come to the fairyland. Are even more impoverished than on earth."

"Okay, I know. This is a bottle of Elixir that I reward you. It should be enough for you to practice for a while."

Li Qing handed over a bottle of immortality.

After he took it, he was overjoyed and seemed to know that it was of great value. Although it was not a panacea used by immortals, it was extremely valuable to mortals.

After thinking about it, Li Qing threw it over, threw it into the storage ring, and saw that the spirit beast disappeared, making this middle-aged man a good envy again.

Storage baby, he has no money to buy.

"If you are free, take us by the way to Wanshengbaoge, know the way?"

"Know! The little takes you away!" He was overjoyed, letting the other villagers go back first and lead the way.

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