My Super God QQ

Chapter 901: I haven't discussed

"Oh, immortals are not so good. I thought that when people were so powerful, that is, after they became the strongest immortals, they could change food out of thin air, beautiful women..." On the way, Wang Lin couldn't help himself Mocking, it seems to be laughing at the supreme existence of those pretentious fairies.

"Be quiet!" Li Qing warned.

"Okay! I'm just a little bit emotional, compared to mortals, but it's stronger, and live longer." Wang Lin was a little disappointed.

The fairy in his imagination is the kind of what he wants, and what is directly changed, then it is called a fairy~~ but he didn't think about it, even if the fairy in the fairy world is the most top-notch existence, he can't do it.

Fairy wool, at most it is a strong human!

"I used to think that fairy world should be all fairy, no worries, no worry about food and clothing..." Li Qing said in a small voice.


The fairy world is a bit beyond their expectations. Apart from the spirit of fairy, human beings are more powerful, and it is no different from the real world.

Fairy? Fairies should be omnipotent! Even the mortals in Nanbuzhou can't take care of them, and can't let them worry about food and clothing. What kind of fairy is this?

The two talked about this topic. After reminded by the middle-aged people in the front, they knew they had arrived at the "Wang Sheng Bao Pavilion".

Wanshengbao Pavilion...

There is no plaque on it. According to this middle-aged person, the reputation of this shop is so great in this place that everyone knows it without using a plaque.

As for the difference?

That is, it was formed by two huge jumps.

There is a floor underneath which is magnificent, and there is a void above the head of the floor, and a hundred meters above the void, there is a nine-storey building like a fairy palace, floating slowly.

According to middle-aged people, the next floor is for mortals, and only for mortals, the first floor is enough.

The upper nine layers are the corresponding nine layers of heaven. The treasure is divided into nine layers. The higher the treasure level, the better.

"I heard that the Wanshengbao Pavilion is a branch opened by Xianting, so please don't make trouble, be careful." In the end, the middle-aged people remembered that they were foreign, and could not help but remind them carefully. In the end, he seemed afraid that Li Qing would blame them for being talkative, and his eyes were full of regret.

"Xianting? Fairies also do business?" Li Qing sneered secretly, nodding with eyes, letting the middle-aged people leave.

Li Qing and Wang Lin looked at each other and jumped directly into the nine-story fairy palace in the air.

That is, after they jumped into the air, the middle-aged man and the passers-by all looked envious.

It's a fairy!

Only Tianxian can jump so high in such a restricted field of fairyland.

As for flying, only the level of Daluo Jinxian can fly. Otherwise, it must have a spirit beast with wings or a powerful fairy.


After Li Qing jumped up, they didn't expect that the welcome was not welcome, but bold.

Wang Lin was embarrassed, and he was also embarrassed, just looking at the woman in palace clothes.

"Are you coming from a place? Or the first time we entered our Wanshengbao Pavilion? Come up directly without registering below, don't understand the rules!" The woman looked high and despised.

Angrily Wang Lin slaps and wants to fan over, shooting her into pieces.

"Don't make trouble~" Li Qing persuaded him.

"I'm grumpy, **** it!" Wang Lin gasped in his nostrils, "You didn't look at her, the people who used to look at me like this were all dead!"

"Oh, it's so brave, do you not know where this is? Wanshengbaoge!" The woman listened to these words in her ears, and screamed in her throat, full of disdain and provocation. .

Wang Lin couldn't catch it at all. If Li Qing dragged him down, he must have killed this small watch.

"I can't stand it anymore, I'm so suffocated, I go back to the earth! Without killing him, I can't hold my breath!"

Falling to the ground, Wang Lin shouted angrily.

"Look, isn't it cheap to kill her? After a while, I will make her look good!" Li Qing leaned into his ear and whispered.

"How to make her look good? Are you sure?"

"It should be okay, it's okay. At most, we will come again at night to let you avenge her and kill her. Then, by the way, grab a pass." Li Qing gave him a package ticket again.

In this way, Wang Lin was downright tempered and said: "Okay, when the time comes, I have to poke her mouth, let her be in Bibibi!"


Li Qing is like coaxing a child, coax him well, and then walk into the first floor with them and register in it.

In the meantime, another fairy walked past them and reached the top.

Write the names of the two of them, of course, pseudonyms, randomly picked, and then the realm also wrote Tianxian, so they came to the upper nine-tier fairy palace again.

At this time, Wang Lin was still afraid to see that the woman just couldn't help but kill her, but it was another woman who didn't want to receive her.

Very gentle and virtuous women, just like young women, they welcome them softly when they come in, so that Wang Lin is not angry.

"What about the woman just now?" Wang Lin finished, seeing her puzzled, and said the situation below.

"Shangxian refers to the welcome just now?"


"I'm so embarrassed, Shangxian, that's what we sent from the headquarters from above. Because the background is a bit big, I came here to mix up seniority. What's wrong with it? Please forgive the two~" she said with a wry smile.

Li Qing and Wang Lin suddenly understood, but did not think that there was such a relationship in the fairyland.

No wonder, this is so fierce, it does not meet the courtesy and qualities of a welcoming guest.

Wang Lin glanced at Li Qing quietly, making a wink.

Li Qing compared with a "OK" gesture with no problem.

So, they looked inside curiously.

"Is the Fairies the first time they come to the Treasure of All Things? Then let the little girl introduce them to the Fairies, how?" she asked.

"it is good!"

"We are the largest chain store in Xianjie, which is distributed in countless cities on four continents. Among them, there are all kinds of treasures, and everything is there. Shopping in us is not only child-friendly, but also pays ten. As long as it is this If the description on the treasure is inconsistent, you will be paid ten times the price of the immortal. Among them, the first to third floors are the most used equipment or heavenly treasures of the heaven, and the fourth to sixth floors are the corresponding golden immortals. From the 7th to the 9th floor, they are the items needed by Daluo Jinxian..."

"What about Taiyi Jinxian?" Wang Lin couldn't help asking.

"Taiyi Jinxian's items are only available in Dongsheng Shenzhou stores. I'm sorry, because such treasures have a higher level value, and the branch's guardian ability is relatively low, so it is impossible to sell such high-level equipment treasures."

Li Qing nodded and said that he understood.

In Nanbuzhou, there is no such thing as a strong man, and there is no need to sell such good things. If it is sold, it will inevitably lead to the strong presence of Taiyi Jinxian, and ran from Dongsheng Shenzhou to South Yanbuzhou. Compared with Li Qing who can't even fly now, Taiyi Jinxian is directly a powerful presence that can teleport, which is very convenient.

The arrangement is very So what are you selling here? "

"There is everything you can't think of, but there is nothing we don't have. Even if we don't have it in our shop, then there is definitely a head office in Dongsheng Shenzhou, and we can dispatch it to you temporarily." She explained with a smile.

Li Qing nodded. While she was explaining, she glanced at the corners of her eyes, and did not find the woman who had just been.

On this floor, there are many counters placed on the counter, which are divided into nine layers and surrounded by a circle. In addition, the protection of these treasures is a transparent shield, which should be guarded by the formation. In addition, there are also five strong men at the same time. Under the induction of Li Qing, they should all be of the golden fairy level.

Corresponding to Tianxian with Jinxian, the odds of winning are stable and very safe.

"I want to go to the fourth floor to see if I can?" Li Qing didn't see the woman, just said.

"Okay, please go to Xian Yijia!"

The three climbed up the stairs, with her in front, Li Qing and Wang Lin in the back.

Looking at her tightly bound palace dress, similar to a hip skirt, walking in front of the stairs, Wang Lin stretched out his hand and wanted to touch it. Li Qing froze and pulled back quickly.

"I just play, just compare..." Wang Lin aggrieved.

Li Qing is speechless.

Walking up to the fourth floor, they happened to see the woman who was just so bitter and mean, and she was still very pretty, but somehow so arrogant.

At this time, she was introducing the contents of the counter to a guest. From time to time, she would take out an object to explain it.

There are also five guards on this floor, with strong pressure fluctuations faintly on his body, and the golden light behind him, which is actually the great Luo Jinxian.


But even so, what about?

Li Qing looked at the woman and the guest and quietly summoned the QQ system.


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