My Super God QQ

Chapter 903: Go chant

At first glance, he can still see that the other party is a Chinese character face. But just after he stared at his opponent for the second time, he found that a twisted mist had appeared on his face, and he could not clearly see his face.

Why is that?

It is directly the performance of the level gap in strength!

An inexplicable sense of danger floated on Li Qing's heart, making it extremely urgent, and the thought of eager to become stronger, which had never appeared in a long time, appeared again.

Be stronger!

Otherwise, he will still be pinned to death in this world!

"Something just disappeared just now? Then, everyone is here, no one left?" The old man spoke, his voice faint, and the person was clearly near, but it seemed to be coming down from the top, constantly echoing.

No one could see his expression, even Wang Lin couldn't even see his appearance at first glance.

The question of strength is entirely a question of strength.

"Yes, lord!"

A big Luo Jinxian nodded, they have been guarding here.

"Well, in view of the theft that happened in this shop, I would like to ask you to help clarify and cooperate with our shop, will it work?" He said, although he did not name the surname, the comer knew who he was referring to. .

What Wang Lin wanted to say was definitely worried about Li Qing's accident, but was stopped by Li Qing's eyes to make him restless.

"it is good!"

Li Qing stood up.

Wang Lin had to stand up.

As for the people of the defense forces outside the city, they also came over, dare they not cooperate? They are Taiyi Jinxian, and they can be killed by moving their fingers. Even if they might not dare to say anything, they would have to clap their hands to help~

There was also a guest who, despite reluctance, came over under the deterrent of Taiyi Jinxian.

"Please stand in a row, I will start by scanning the things on your body, rest assured that as long as it is not the stolen item of the shop, anything else I scan will not reveal your personal information." Taiyi Jinxiandao .

Hearing this, one of the guests who had been there for a while suddenly felt a slight shock.

"It's a bit too compelling, doesn't it respect the guests? Isn't that what your shop rules are like?" he protested.

That is how Li Qing frowned slightly.

Judging by the moment, this guy must be a great treasure on his body, afraid of being known by Taiyi Jinxian, and then Taiyi Jinxian might be greedy, and he would have to lose his life.

"I swear by my reputation and my soul that I will never spy on what is in your body, otherwise heaven and earth will give up!" he swore immediately.

In this way, this guest was relieved.

It is impossible to swear in the fairy world, especially the fairy, as long as they swear, they will be sensed by heaven and earth. The oath is 99% absolute. It is magical to say, but in fact, the curvy road There are also traces.

A Taiyi Jinxian actually swears for a Jinxian. It seems that the management system of this shop is indeed very good, and it is enough to respect the guests. It is worthy of being so big.

Everyone lined up!

Li Qing two of them, five of the city defense army, and another guest.

Then, Taiyi Jinxian, who was surnamed Shi, took out a five-sided mirror. A terrifying coercion burst out of him, and the mirror immediately emitted golden light, shining on the headed Wang Lin.

Wang Lin looked worried, but he was not worried.

The mirror scanned his up, down, left, and right, and after turning around, he turned to Li Qing.

At this time, Wang Lin's entire heart was raised, and his breath was almost suffocating, and he was very regretful. Why did he want to breathe with the little watch, this is not to let Li Qing take action for himself, but put Li Qing in danger Is it?

Regret it!

The opponent is Taiyi Jinxian, and he can't even see the other's face. Can this be beaten?

Don't look at them, even the pupils of Cangtian who cultivated the real world have fought, but for Immortal World, I am afraid it is nothing!

Someone may be puzzled? If the world in the cultivation world is not strong, why would the fairy not dare to go down? In fact, it is not that immortals dare not go down, but that this immortal world has powerful and unmatched power that limits the immortal's lower realm, as long as the strength is stronger, the harder it is to continue. Of course, this refers to opening a channel from the fairy realm to the lower realm, which is very difficult, but if it is opening from the lower realm to the fairy realm, it is countless times simpler.

Time passed so slowly, for Wang Lin, it felt like a torment.

Even if Li Qing’s face was light and light, Wang Lin’s heart almost jumped out of his throat, that is, at the moment, he and Li Qing had the same thought, that is, to become stronger and stronger as soon as possible. , So strong that it is impossible to put life in the palm of others at any time.


Just as he was suffocating nervously, the golden light shone again on the next, a sergeant of the City Defense Army.

Wang Lin looked at Li Qing curiously. Li Qing responded to him with a lighthearted smile, as if he was saying something trivial.

"Dase, I'm scared to death, is it better than pretending to be like this?" Wang Lin scolded in his heart.

After sweeping over them one by one, the shape of the lost fairy was not found, which made Taiyi Jinxian frown, so he let the two welcome guests stand out.

As a result, it goes without saying that it still does not.

This is difficult!

Could it be said that the two fairy artifacts have wings and disappeared?

Despite the suspicion, he glanced at the storage rings of these people in front of him, and found no fairy artifact.

what happened? ! !

In the end, Taiyi Jinxian had no choice but to pass this matter to the people above with a phonogram.

Then, after a while, he said: "Guests are sorry, thank you for your cooperation. Now you can go. As for Chen Yu, you are not as optimistic about the two fairy artifacts as the sales staff, and you will compensate. "


The bitter woman screamed suddenly.

"It's none of my business, lord, really I didn't steal it."

"The responsibility of this matter is that you take out the fairy, and if the guest didn't want it, you didn't put it back in the cabinet in time, and punished you like this, don't you agree?" Taiyi Jinxian said.

Immediately, this man named Chen Yu was there for a while, then a little unacceptable, and he sat down and cried.


Such punishment is still very reasonable.

Because, just like on the earth, some gold and silver jewelry stores are like this. If you take a style out for the guests to see, but the guests don’t, you have to put it back in the cabinet and take out another one, otherwise , If you lose it or you will be responsible.

Wang Lin quietly gave Li Qing a thumbs-up gesture, his eyes full of joy.

In this way, his breath was completely vented.

When this happened, Li Qing also used this excuse to leave the Wanshengbao Pavilion.

As soon as he went out, Wang Lin laughed.

However, when he laughed, the five members of the City Defense Army had come over.

"Please come with us!"

"Why, do we have suspicions?" Wang Lin was nervous.

Instead, Li Qing said indifferently: "If I don't go with you?"

He can feel that these five people are the strength of Tianxian, and the highest one is a golden fairy. There is really no need to be afraid.

"Then you will be edited by the city, and in this land of thousands of miles, you will become the object everyone wants to arrest... So I advise you to follow me and follow us best."


Li Qing looked at Wang Lin.

"Let's go, let's go and see, otherwise there is no teleportation array here, how can we go to Dongsheng Shenzhou..." Wang Lin thought for a moment.

"Also!" Li Qing nodded, but it didn't matter, just because he wanted to know more about this fairyland, just walk and go!

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