My Super God QQ

Chapter 967: Enter the battle! Hero monument

The trumpet sounded like a wolf howling, urging people's hearts to panic.

Today's style is big in the field, so big that it's like a ghost crying and howling, and that's the day when their fairy prisoner finally wants to play and gather urgently in the horn.

Li Qing and Wang Lin were like two drops of water in the sea, following Awang, and finally merged into the endless fairy soldiers.

The Immortal Prison Army was lined up in an orderly manner. Li Qing's head turned left, right, and looked back. They were all crowded heads.

There is a saying, "If there are more than ten thousand people, there will be no limit". The millions of immortal prisoners really can't see the side!

A team of people kept moving forward, and finally, it was Li Qing's turn to stop behind a huge city wall.

This city wall was obviously built using Taoist techniques of the earth system, but even temporary, it is extremely high and thousands of thick.

After arriving here, Li Qing had seen the outside through the city gate.

It was another world, the smoke mixed with blood drowned that world.

It’s not a battlefield, it’s a world of killing. There is more air in the air than the ancient battlefield of Cultivation Realm. There are countless creatures fighting on the ground.

There are endless beasts charging towards here, the horns and claws are bright, as long as they penetrate into the opponent's body, sprinkle a string of blood, and take the corpse forward.

Farther away, there was a spear with a broad spear, a sharp light like electricity, people shouted horses, blood flowed into the river, and there were dead bodies everywhere.

The sky continued to explode with gunfire, and then, brought a lot of blood mist...

That is not a fairyland, it is obviously Shura Hell!

Wang Lin looked forward stupidly, a little shocked.

And Li Qing thought of the live broadcast again and started directly...

In one minute, human beings directly reach hundreds of millions.

Li Qing said with a smile: "Welcome everyone to the fairy world, the legendary fairy world, and here is the **** of the fairy world..."



Obviously not a place, until Li Qing turned the virtual lens directly to the gate...


After the crisis of the monsters was lifted, the earth resumed its life again and showed a prosperous posture.

This is how humans can adapt and develop rapidly.

However, in a year, although many cities are still covered, the people's order of life has been restored.

The three eastern provinces, Anjin...

Wang Da was watching TV in the hall. Suddenly, he was startled when he heard a sound.

Turning around, I saw the sound of the computer I had been lying on.

"I didn't do anything, how did it make a noise, would it be poisoned?" He stood up from the sofa, moved the mouse, and the computer woke up from sleep.

Suddenly, he froze for a second, and cried with joy: "Wife, come and see, your old king is publicly broadcast..."


Suddenly a girl came out of the back room, in her twenties. She wore a pair of pants and didn't wear it, so she ran out swaying, causing a wave of turbulence.

"Why don't you wear clothes~" Wang Da carefully looked at the direction of the balcony, noticed if there was anyone on the opposite side, complained, and quickly hugged her with her coat.

If at ordinary times, she would definitely say, husband, you are so nice, but at this moment, she was completely caught in Li Qing's image.


Suddenly, she screamed.

Just wanting to ask, Wang Da heard Li Qing's two words "Xianjie, Hell".

"Is the king's husband in fairyland? Is it fairy? Is this fairyland?"

"Ah, why is it like this..."

The two of them suddenly fell into the live broadcast, their heads crashed, and a blank.

Because it is unscientific. Obviously the fighting scene in the picture is like the fairyland in their thinking, obviously hell.

When the live broadcast bursts, the barrage jumps like a stream of water. If Li Qing is not using the QQ system, but on a platform, it must definitely push the server directly.

Anyway, Li Qing couldn't see what the barrage said, but could only continue to look ahead with Wang Lin.

"Be careful……"

After watching it for a while, Wang Lin told Li Qingdao.

"Huh!" Li Qing focused on: "We are all the same!"

"Those monsters, I am afraid that each end has the strength of a fairy..."

"Well, it's okay, don't we all have our own cards?"

Wang Lin smiled.

Soon, it was their turn.

"The two of you follow me. As soon as the recruits go out, their eyes are very important and important... Don't kill yourself, if you are crazy, you will rush to the opposite side. If you are under siege, you will be dead."

"How could it be so silly..." Wang Lin smiled indifferently.

The same is true for Li Qing.

"I said Awang, these two guys are ignorant at first glance, teach them what to do, maybe they come back at night, they will disappear..." Suddenly, a thin and small fairy beside him said.

Li Qing recognized him as if it were Wang Huiyang, not only killed the family, but also sharpened all the women in the family, including the elderly and children.

Li Qing despised this kind of mercy and was too lazy to take care of him.

But when he came to provoke himself, Li Qing was upset and secretly wrote down the account for him.

"What do you say, slap your uncle!" Li Qing could not bear it, but Wang Lin did not, swearing.

"Dare to scold me, if not for the rest of the first two days, I will kill you!"

"Come, come, grandson!"

Seeing that the two were about to quarrel, a black general in the team leader looked at him coldly. Awang quickly covered Wang Lin's mouth. The man named Wang Huiyang no longer dared to speak.

"Fortunately, fortunately he didn't pursue it, or it would be over..." Until the general in black turned his head and looked no further, Awang was fortunate.

"Oh, who can pay attention to us all the time, we are just cannon fodder, I am afraid that everyone is too lazy to take care of you." The butcher who worked with them sneered with disdain and looked at the eyes of the two as if to say that they were naive and naive.

Suddenly, Wang Lin looked black.

However, he didn't want to say anything, it seemed that he was thinking about **** the king, but it was silent.

"It's impossible, are we going to fight until we die?"

Li Qing murmured, if he didn't escape, he would really have to die here to count.

"No, if you kill a lot of people, there will be a hero's monument record, as long as you can kill it, you may be able to leave this!" Awang said, but his smile seemed to be saying that it was impossible.

Li Qing listened to this, and looked: "What is a hero monument?"

"It is a piece of stone used to reward the example set up by the military. It will record the number of monsters you killed. You can survive the claws of the monsters and survive, and if you can kill more, you will be on the hero list. It’s possible to survive and be promoted to get rich..."

Awang explained.

It turned out that there is also a monument that can be used for statistics, which is simply amazing! However, thinking about this is fairyland, Li Qing took it for granted.

"So, this is not a way to leave this place!" Li Qing brightened before his eyes, and finally clenched his fists, said fiercely: "Good, Zhen Luo Yuanguan, you are waiting for me to go back to revenge!"

"Huh, good~"

Wang Lin also smiled, and even had the mood to learn the tone of a certain star.

Awang was strange. When the two talents just came out, they were a little ignorant and a little lazy. How did they hear the hero monument and they instantly lived and became like another person.

"Could it be that you two want to kill the heroes' monument?"

Awang smiled.

"Idiot dreams!" Wang Huiyang smiled contemptuously.

Even the few people on the side looked at Li Qing and Wang Lin, and they felt that these two guys were newborn calves and were not afraid of tigers. You know, that is the battlefield of the fairy demon army outside, not to mention, the fairy prison army has millions, and it will be supplemented as long as there is a loss.

"I really don't know where you two fools, where's your confidence..." The butcher laughed: "Laughing to death."

"Humph, the bird and the bird know the ambition of Honghu..." Wang Lin responded.

Li Qing laughed and said nothing.

It is useless to say that only action can prove everything. When these people are beaten, they will naturally stop.

"There are a total of 1,000 heroes on the monument. If you can score 1,000, and you are still alive, I will serve you!"

"Where is the hero's monument?"

"When summing up after the war, it will be released by the army to show encouragement and reward..." Awang said: "Sometimes it will be thrown directly at the barracks, but the barracks generally do not let people run around, so as not to cause chaos. "


Finally, it was their turn. The general in black in front waved a big hand coldly, and their battalion rushed out of the city gate.


Everyone shouted and encouraged morale for themselves.

After rushing out of the city gate, Li Qing felt that his heart seemed to be affected by the environment, and jumped wildly, followed by a loud roar of "kill".

Taking a look at Wang Lin, he was even worse than Li Qing. He was already flushed, his neck was swollen and thick, and his voice was loud.

What they didn’t find was that just after they rushed out of the gate, there was a row of celestial beings meditating on the gate above the gate. The spell turned into a golden light. As long as it entered the place covered by the golden dragon, its strength would increase, and its fighting spirit would soar. Murderous.

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(End of this chapter)

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