My Super God QQ

Chapter 968: QQ game system starts, fight again

This is the gods sent by the temple. They are using special methods to improve their combat power. The lower the strength, the easier it is to lift and the more effective it is. If the strength is high, then the higher strength of the temple fairy is needed to achieve it.

The temple is rumored to be famous for having a large number of such "auxiliary methods".

In the past, when the immortal world was still chaotic and disorderly, they had already risen by this spell. Some people even said that why the master of the immortal court can sit in this position is also due to the great help of the temple.

Under the golden light, the fairy soldiers' fighting intentions soared and rushed to the battlefield.

"Follow me!"

Awang rushed ahead and turned to Wang Lin and Li Qingdao.

Wang Lin ignored him and rushed to the right, because there were the most monsters, and his only thought now is to kill more, as long as he can go to the monument of the hero of Laozi, then he can leave this ghost place.

"Monkey is in a hurry!"

Li Qing saw him rushing there, and could only follow.

Seeing Awang's face flushed with rage, he was so disregarded.

"It doesn't matter to you! Damn it!"

"Hahaha, kindheartedly treated as donkey liver and lungs, let you be a good person, a bottle of medicine can buy you, you are really cheap ~" Butcher sneered at the edge.

Awang almost vomited blood, ignoring him and killed him.

Seeing nowhere, Li Qing and Wang Lin rushed in as they were all monsters.

"Less use your flames, so as not to be seen by anyone!" Li Qing came to the edge of Wang Lin and quickly preached.

Wang Lin quickly put away the milky flame in his hand.

Li Qing is right, if people know, especially those monks who see their own flames, they can definitely feel that the evil Buddha is the sacred bone. You must know that these monks are the second largest forces in the fairy world, and they also founded the Western Buddha. country.

"You follow me!" Li Qing finished speaking, already taking the lead.

In front of him is a monster resembling a rhinoceros, but it is more than three times larger than an ordinary rhinoceros. It is a huge truck!

Seeing its corner with a terrible whirlwind, it was about to stab Li Qing at the whistle, and Li Qing grabbed it by the utterance.


Li Qing actually lifted it up, waved a half circle, and fell to the other monster on the right.

It was not a flick, but a more powerful "pump", which was pumped towards the other monster as a whip.

Immediately, horrible things happened.

Not only the monster in his hand, but also the monster that was hit by him, burst out.

In that case, it was as if the two monsters were glass, bumping against each other and exploding.


The land of ten meters was shocked. When Wang Lin looked at it again, the two monsters had shattered into meat residue.

"Become too much!"

Wang Lin couldn't help it.

"It's okay, it's a waste of energy..." Li Qing said: "Of course, the strength of these two monsters is not high, otherwise, it can't be like this."

"Are you really humble, or are you pretending?" Wang Lin glared at him.

"Be careful!"

Li Qing pulled him over and punched a monster that wanted to attack him.

It was a monster with a height of two floors. However, it was as strong as a gorilla, but it couldn't withstand the force of Li Qing's War Witch. It was directly blown up and then exploded into a blood mist.


Suddenly Li Qing heard a noise in the QQ system.

Eh, he almost forgot that he still has a QQ game to upgrade monsters, and that Ding's voice is a hint to hit the equipment.

Sure enough, a golden blood bottle fell there in the monster beast where it fell.

Li Qing was a little trance, he felt like he entered the game from reality in an instant, otherwise, how could there be such a blood bottle? Killing the past, Li Qing looked at the QQ game system, and his own experience bar began to make new progress.

Every time you kill one, you will jump a little bit. Although small enough to be negligible, but killing too much will also allow Li Qing to upgrade.

"Huh, isn't it a blood bottle?"

When Li Qing picked it up, a prompt appeared in the QQ game system. This is a bottle of potion to restore strength.


If Li Qing really depends on this upgrade strength, then physical strength is really a big deal.

No, if you really have this kind of potion, can you not kill yourself?

Li Qing thought of this and couldn't help showing a pleasant smile.

Wang Lin looked curiously at what Li Qing was playing with, and could not see the potion bottle in his hand.

"What are you doing?"

Wang Lin puzzled.

"Nothing, keep killing!"

Li Qing felt full of strength again, facing the monster monsters in front of him, killing him with bare hands.

A punch is a monster!

Even if he jumped and stepped on his feet, Li Qing could trample a huge monster.


When he jumped up and stepped on a monster that resembled a saber-toothed tiger, he stepped on his back, and his body was like hundreds of thousands of tons of power, which was directly distributed to the monster with a single point.

Just stepped on it, it was directly exploded.

"Awesome!" Wang Lin enviously said: "Nima, this is what a man should have! Hey, saying that your power is so great, can you eat Shaolin King Kong Dali pills?"

Li Qing didn't want to ignore him, and he cared about killing himself.

After discovering that Wang Lin could cope with it, he fell into his leveling state. In addition to experience in his eyes, it was experience.

Kill kill kill kill kill...

Li Qing is trapped in his own world. There is nothing but killing, killing in the dark and forgetting himself.

His speed is getting faster and faster, and his power is getting bigger and bigger. He unknowingly detached from the human front and slowly penetrated into the monster group.

"Hey, no, brother!"

At this time, Wang Lin followed him instead, constantly vigilant and reminding, in case a powerful monster came over.

However, he didn't know how to remind him, and it hurt a little, because Li Qing had gone through a blood mist and fell countless monsters. Occasionally, he would stop, and seemed to be picking up something, which made Wang Lin confused. .

"What are you looking at?"

Wang Lin kept guessing.

Li Qing killed happily, and also attracted the attention of other fairy prison troops around.

"Boss, look at that guy so fierce! My God, the power is so great!"

"What are you waiting for?!"


"It used to be confusing with him. As long as we follow him, the risk factor drops."

"The boss is the boss, yes, let's follow!"

One followed, then two, and finally came in droves. From the beginning, Wang Lin and Li Qing fought at the forefront, and slowly gathered a group of people.

It was as if Li Qing was the arrow of an arrow, with the arrow body, so torn apart along the way.


Being so desperate, Li Qingneng could tear off a monster with a height of three floors.


Li Qing occasionally punches, and may be able to smash a monster.


Gradually, some monsters didn't dare to approach Li Qing, but let Li Qing burst into the past and killed him.

Li Qing's performance on this side also gradually attracted the attention of the generals in black behind the army.

These generals in black came to supervise the Immortal Prison Army. As long as they fought back with cowardice, they could not escape their eyes and were executed directly.

However, they did not expect that there will be such a guy today, not only did not cowardly fight, but killed in the camp of the monster beast army.

There are very few such people!

Because, some may also kill the brain fever, lose their calm, and kill themselves into the other group, but this kind of people generally can't live for a few minutes.

But Li Qing, not only killed him, but also lived very well. Not only did he live well, he also tore the opponent's line of attack.

"Second Immortal Officer, is this yours?"

In a row of generals in black, someone immediately discussed Li Qinglai.


A general with a Chinese character face couldn't help but laugh with pride in his heart.

Like some management of the earth, they come out with the prison army, there is a reward and punishment mechanism. For example, within a day, how many of the troops they flee flee, and if there are more, they will also be punished, because this proves that their ability to lead and manage troops is not good. If the performance is outstanding and there are many monsters killed, they will be rewarded.

So anyone who sees his own men with such a powerful beater will be unable to help but smile.

"Oh, stunned boy, this is the new battlefield?" On the side, another general in black asked.

"Yes, but what about that? My soldiers are powerful. What's the matter with the new or not?" The general in black in Guozi face sneered.

"Oh, wait for him to be When you can't get supplements, you will know what the problem is... let alone those old nerds often say, Mu Xiu Yu Lin, the wind will urge it , Hehehe..."

Hearing what he said, the general in black with the Chinese character's face only thought of something, his face changed slightly.

"Oh, it's okay, anyway, there are a lot of outstanding soldiers like me, it doesn't matter~" He couldn't help but pretend.


A fairy soldier couldn't even get into the eyes of their general in black, and died when he died, because they still depended on the contribution of the group. If a person kills, kill as many as possible. Can they kill them with their horses?


Therefore, even if Li Qing died, he died just in front of his eyes, at most he only regretted a little, and would never say anything.

"Look, haha, what did I just say? Sure enough, I really admire my mouth, and a big guy is coming..." The general in black suddenly laughed out loud: "This kid will die!"

(End of this chapter)

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