My Super God QQ

Chapter 970: Strongly unexpected soldiers

"Wang Badan, is this kid's brain broken?" Liang Rongguo was frightened. It was so angry and anxious that he wished to slap Li Qing.

"Hahahahaha, I laughed to death, and I didn't catch up to death like that!" A black general in the side suddenly laughed out of his stomach, turning back and forth.

"Boring military life, this is fun too~"

As generals in black, they usually supervise the Immortal Prison Army to see if there are immortal soldiers who flee without fighting. If there are any, then they wield the butcher knife mercilessly and kill them. This kind of life is not dangerous and easy for the ordinary fairy soldiers. However, after working for a long time, the generals in black only knew how boring they were, and it was so painful that they were idle year after year, day after day.

There is such a silly kid, that can make them a topic, and laugh and laugh for a day!

"Maybe it's not necessary to be strong?!" A general in black squeezed his eyebrows, but when he was about to say something, his voice suddenly stopped, as if he was pinched by a pair of invisible big hands. Quack afterglow.

I saw his eyes tightened and his face was shocked. He was watching Li Qing rushing out, slapping the monster that was going to attack from the side.

The monster was two stories tall, and the paws were the size of a grinding disc. However, Li Qing just jumped and waved his palm, bursting it like a fly.

The spin, the jump, it was so easy to the extreme, there was no one to die, and the miserable look back to the light, it was as casual as eating and going to the toilet.

"Damn it!"

"Am I dreaming, wasn't he going to die?"

"Impossible, just now that the Earth Dragon Beast hit him, he didn't die, as if he hadn't been injured?"


Liang Rongguo was also stunned for a long time. Then he took a breath and stared at Li Qing with incredible eyes.

"Hello, brother, are you okay?"

Wang Lin followed, and was shocked by his behavior.

"It's okay!"

Li Qing responded casually and continued to rush towards the ground dragon beast in front.

"Don't dare to hit me, then, I must kill you!" Li Qing's heart was irritated, and he would send it on the earth dragon beast.


The earth dragon beast saw that Li Qing was not dead, and his eyes also showed a surprised humanoid look. Then, it seemed to be angry, as if he was just angry that Li Qing had not just killed Li Qing, and jumped up again, spinning into a round shape from the air, Hit Li Qing.

Li Qing stood still, flinched back, put it on his waist, ready to go.

A powerful force surging back and forth like a tsunami in his body first flowed from Dantian to all parts of the river. Then, under Li Qing's idea, all gathered to the right arm.

Seventh Heaven of Bliss!

Li Qing is ready to use triple power to smash it into pieces, so that he can dispel his hatred!

In Li Qing's opinion, he has absolute confidence in this punch.

Because, even if his current strength is a fairy level, but his foundation is still very good, not to mention that he still has that huge power.

But in the eyes of others, Li Qing seemed to be frightened and stood there.

"Wang Ba Dan, avoid it!!!"

Liang Rongguo growled anxiously.

"Hahaha, there are good shows again~" Du Kuanxie laughed.

The other generals in black are also interesting in watching the show.

"You guys are crazy!" Wang Lin saw this scene behind, speechless, but he still believed his brother, he is definitely not a fool, but a person who can do miracles, of course, more What is important is that he has seen Li Qing’s magical and terrifying power.


It rolled over on the ground, the speed was like a sports car, and it rose to the extreme.

First, one hundred kilometers per hour, then, five hundred kilometers, and finally, one thousand kilometers...

Its speed has scratched the space, making the space unbearable, cracking the gap, and making an empty explosion.

Li Qing is still standing there, not moving like a mountain.


Finally, it hit Li Qing's fist.

Then, all the generals in black were dumbfounded, because, in their imagination, Li Qing was smashed and shattered not only did not appear, the other side was also blocked, and a terrifying aftermath of the explosion spread out all around.

As long as it is a monster within 100 meters, or all people fly out.

"my God!"

Someone reacted and exclaimed.

I saw that Li Qing was still in place, but his fists were all blood, and the other party, the earth dragon beast, the guy comparable to the golden fairy had flew out, and then continued to disintegrate in the air, first the leather helmet outside , Then meat...

In the end, a lot of blood was poured down, it was directly smashed by Li Qing.

"I still underestimated him, so careless..."

Li Qing murmured secretly.

Yes, his hand was inevitably injured. At that moment, he still had insufficient strength. His arm shattered directly from the inside, and his five fingers were mostly broken.

But what does it matter?

Li Qing took out a therapeutic blood bottle and drank it directly, and his arm kept recovering at a rate visible to the naked eye.

By the time Wang Lin chased over, he turned around, and he was mostly better.

"I said you're fucking, can't you scare me? The demon is so strong, even I am afraid, you are too risky!" Wang Lin was terrified and anxiously said.

"It's okay, I'm just out of anger~" Li Qing shook his head, after lifting the earth dragon beast, he continued to kill the monster beast again.

He actually killed the monster again? !

Seeing this scene, the generals in black were speechless, how to look strange.

Shouldn’t he be happy or excited? No matter how bad it is, take a few more breaths and continue!


This is what Wang Lin is thinking about now, and Li Qing's costume is still the kind that has to be given a hundred points.

Of course, he also noticed that some people’s eyes are on here, so okay, let him pretend to compare, maybe if he behaves well, he will leave this ghost place soon.

"This kid is terrible, Liang Rongguo, it seems that your team has earned it this time!" A general in black was sour, his eyes full of envy, jealousy and hatred.

Why don't you have such a strong soldier, if there is one, the task will be solved, hey, people are more angry than people!

"With Tianxian's strength and the face of an earth dragon beast like Jinxian, the origin of this kid is definitely not simple!" A black general said solemnly, looking at Li Qing's eyes with suspicion: "He shouldn't be from Above, what has been done is degraded? Is it possible to kill monsters and animals like this?

"Possibly, because he came from the town of Luo Yuanguan..." Liang Rongguo said slowly.

Town Luo Yuanguan? ! !

Upon hearing these four words, the smiles on the faces of the generals in black were relieved.

If this is the case, it is not incomprehensible. It is not surprising to know that Zhenluo Yuanguan is also a very mysterious place in the fairyland.

"It's nothing beautiful, like this kind of fairy soldiers, we haven't seen it before, maybe soon, they will be taken away from the fairy prison army." Suddenly, a general in black said.

The other generals in black were silent, and nodded in agreement.

Kill kill kill kill kill...

Li Qing entered the rhythm again, from the morning to the afternoon, and then from the afternoon to the evening.

His hands have never rested, like a robot, not tired.

It was Liang Rongguo who finally got a little bit of love, and stepped forward to let Li Qing take a rest.

"Take a break~"

This was Liang Rongguo's first conversation with Xianbing on the battlefield for several years. In general, Xianbing is definitely not a life in their eyes, but only a tool. I have to say that in the eyes of others, Li Qing should be honored.

But some generals in black looked at this scene with a smile, and when they praised Liang Rongguo as a strong soldier, he saw Li Qing shaking his head.

"It's okay, thanks for caring!"

Then, he continued to hack and kill without stopping, not paying attention to Liang Rongguo's words at all.


Liang Rongguo was immediately angry.

In his view, a kind reminder, even if you don't accept it, you should have a respectful face when facing Shangguan! He ignored it and didn't even give face.

However, thinking that he is now the strongest soldier in his own hands, which is beneficial to being himself, and is also a person in Zhenluo Yuanguan.

However, he pressed down, but some other generals in black could not stand it, that is Du Kuan.

Immediately, he seemed to be engaged in something. He walked up and dragged his posture like a general, kicking Li Qing's stomach...

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