My Super God QQ

Chapter 901: Can't upgrade?

Although Li Qing is a man of Zhen Luo Yuanguan, this identity will make people have taboos, but Du Kuan believes that his origins are not low.

Qixingyuan is nothing worse than Zhen Luoyuan.

"Do you understand the rules!"

His feet kicked at Li Qing, and he yelled, with a bureaucratic attitude.

If it was changed before, according to this situation, the fairy soldiers converted from death row prisoners in the fairy prison can only bear this record abruptly.

But the next second, he screamed.

Li Qing didn't hide or let him fight, but stretched his legs, and then came up and kicked his leg first.

Suddenly, his feet were steady, he fell face down, and a dog came to eat shit.


Wang Lin laughed.

"You..." Liang Rongguo was embarrassed. How dare he not imagine his soldiers, but dare to fight the generals in black, this is a crime!

However, seeing Li Qing still rushing over, he quickly pulled Li Qing.

"Don't, don't do that. You are the following offender, you have to be caught and beheaded!"

"I don't know what mistake I made. He will hit me as soon as he comes. When I think about it, even if the Celestial Prison is a worthless cannon fodder, it should be the cannon fodder of all of us in the fairy realm, not by anyone. Something." Li Qing's face was covered with cold frost, and she said aloud.

"You haven't made a mistake yet, commit the following and don't listen to the orders of your superiors!"

Du Kuan was lying on the ground, and his legs seemed to be cracked, which made him breathe in pain, but he still scolded loudly.

"Why didn't I listen to your orders? Yes? I clearly didn't see you give me orders, and, even if I give orders, I will only listen to this general! Are you my superior leader? No!" Li Qing's eyes widened with a fiery air.

If it were not a fairy prison order, and he was subject to man again, and he became a realm of heaven, he could directly slap this one called Du Kuan, like a monster killing, and slap his head directly.


For a time, Du Kuan was there, a little speechless, and blocked by Li Qing, his face was iron-green, and then red and white.

He looked at Liang Rongguo, looked at him with his eyes, and wanted him to speak, but only then did he laugh at Liang Rongguo. How could Liang Rongguo help him.

Simply, Liang Rongguo stood on the side in silence.

"Boy, even if I didn't order you, if you hit me, it was a crime. Come on, get caught!" Du Kuan could be beaten like this, how would he mix up in the future, where would he put his face on, so he would face His soldiers shouted not far away.

It's a pity that this is the time to test the character. After he shouted, someone clearly heard it, but the fairy soldiers belonging to him pretended not to hear it, and they tried to kill the monster.


Li Qing laughed directly.

Some other generals in black also wanted to stand up and say something, but after being pulled by others, they returned to the original arrangement.

"Don't you help Du Kuan?"

"Oh, why do you help him? This kid relied on Qixingyuan's people and always looked down on us. Not to mention it was always a superficial one, a secret one, not a good person. Isn't it a waste of our time to help him?"

"Well, don't help him. Moreover, this time, he was too busy with himself. Obviously, he was jealous of Liang Rongguo and wanted to scrap the kid."

"Liang Rongguo looks loyal, but he is not stupid. No matter whether this kid listens to him or not, he has the supremacy of interests and can help him complete his task better. Liang Rongguo will not harm that kid."

"So, even if we wanted to help, it would be useless. In this game, Du Kuantie will lose face."

"It's okay to let him lose. He always has a high face. Last time he also intervened in my team. If I am not good-tempered, I can fight with him. What kind of stuff~"

Du Kuan is really unpopular. It seems that because of this background problem, he always feels that he is superior and acts in an overbearing manner.

No, the retribution is coming, no one wants to stand up and help him speak.

"Well, guess what!"

Seeing that no one came out to speak for himself, Liang Rongguo was also standing on the sidelines. He knew that if he was reasonably afraid this time, if he got into General Bai, he might have to punish him for a lot of blame, no Cost-effective.

He stood up and walked back with his legs.

He thought that he had a forbearing personality like a viper. He thought he was careless this time. If he is injured now, he should not be more impulsive. So, he had already figured out how to engage in Li Qing.

"When I go back, I must let my people find you in an invisible corner to kill you!"


Wang Lin watched him covering his legs, and deliberately laughed deliberately, with laughter in his laughter.

The cold light in Li Qing's eyes flickered frequently, and he tried to kill him several times, but he still didn't take a shot at the environment.

To be honest, this is also a disaster for Li Qing. How can one think that one's performance is good, and it will cause people to be jealous and deliberately trouble.


For Li Qing, this was just a small episode, which was not a big deal at all, so he continued to kill the monsters.

Now that he has killed a lot of monsters, his experience has risen by 8% and he is very motivated.

In this case, within ten days, you will be able to upgrade!

I usually use my fist, which kills me in a wide open manner, and occasionally I use a flying sword to take a break.

It was at this time that Li Qing realized that his flying sword did not know where it came from. It was so good. Even if it killed a monster, it was not soft at all. It was simply a fairy than a fairy.

On the contrary, it is the nine-nine-nine-nine-nine sword. Although the killing range is large, it is the most exhausting and uneconomical.

He still needs more medicine to restore his strength, so that he can kill more.

Li Qing was tirelessly killing the monster and beast. At the end, he forgot the time, the day and the night, that is, when he killed the monster, he did not know that there was some force that was slowly calculating the number for him. .

This battle has been going on for five days!

Li Qing has almost become a blood man, with blood from monsters everywhere, just like a blood man.

Wang Lin's words are mixed days, occasionally helping Li Qingshou to guard against the injury from behind.

Of course, he has been observing the entire battlefield. As time passed, Wang Lin was shocked to find that neither humans nor monsters had reduced the shortage, or so many people and monsters, even the bodies of humans and monsters. It's all piled up like a mountain, and the battlefield is still the same.

There are a lot of people in the fairyland, and there are so many.

Of course, relatively, there are also many monsters and beasts, which are similar to human beings. Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible to support such a long war.

Finally, the war ended with the monster retreat on the tenth day, and Li Qing stayed awake for ten days.

Even so, Wang Lin was tired, but Li Qing, who drank the physical potion, was not tired, and even complained a bit, how could it be over.

"It's a bit weird. Why should people continue to kill monsters and monsters like this, wouldn't it be distressing? There are too many suspects, or too many monsters and monsters, too much waste of resources, to kill a little?" Wang Lin thought so.

"It's very possible!" Li Qing nodded. "If not, it would be better to send the highest-ranking one directly, and it would be better to have a direct battle. Decide quickly and save time."

"Hey, what are we going to do, how can we be a head? For the past few days, I have been thinking about it, or if we rushed over and left this ghost place from the monster, but it was so difficult..."

"No hurry, there will be opportunities!"

In an instant, two months passed...

Li Qing has already fought several battles and small battles, that is how he finally upgraded...

"Upgraded? Then I am Daluo Jinxian? Or Jinxian?"

Li Qing looked at his own situation, but later discovered that he was really a genius. After being sealed by Xianli, he could not even check or feel his current strength.

"I'm going to your uncle..."

Li Qing was so angry that the whole person was angry, and the anger was skyrocketing!

However, what can be done, he still has to continue to kill the monsters, but the accumulated strength is also his own.

In the third month...

Li Qing and Wang Lin killed monsters and beasts again in a large-scale all-out war.

Suddenly, there were two fairy soldiers who took the opportunity to attack Li Qing. If Wang Lin had not been watching, I am afraid that he would succeed.

Now, Liang Rongguo takes Li Qing very seriously, because Li Qing kills many monsters, he has light on his face, and the task can be completed at will. How could someone kill Li Qing, so after investigation, they found that the two were Du Kuan's men.

But Du Kuan didn't admit it, and after looking for the general in white, he didn't care.


In General White What is the matter of dying a few people, no harm, let alone this group of **** prisoners, can only be lost.

But Liang Rongguo, Li Qing and Wang Lin knew that behind this incident, Du Kuan must have been playing tricks.

Wang Lin was a little impulsive, saying that he would be killed.

But it was stopped by Li Qing, because, Liang Rongguo persuaded him, and the reason was very simple. Li Qing killed like this, he would definitely be able to go to the Heroes' Monument. Then, it would be easy to trace Du Kuan later.

Li Qing thinks about it too. In addition to being able to get this Du Kuan, he can leave this ghost place even if he is on the hero monument.

A year has passed...

Finally, just today, Liang Rongguo ran to Li Qing excitedly and said that he saw Li Qing’s name on the Heroes Monument.


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