My Super God QQ

Chapter 902: Go to hero monument

There are not many recreational activities in the Immortal Prison Army. Usually, the most is to take the money that is finally exchanged for life, and find a girl to happily release her pressure. However, watching the heroes monument is also entertainment. One.

Many people, sitting in front of the hero monument, can sit for a day, and it is comfortable enough to brag.

Today, early in the morning, Du Kuan was awakened by his confidants.

"General, general, not good~"

"what happened?"

Being in a military camp always carries a sense of crisis, especially the Immortal Prison, who is closest to the monster, is more likely to be attacked by monsters, so he almost jumped up from the bed.

"Heroes Monument, Heroes Monument..."

The soldiers who came in and reported it seemed a little shocked and kept speechless.

"You said it!"

Du Kuan was so anxious that, looking at his men, he vaguely had a bad hunch, which made him even more anxious.

"That kid was on the hero's stele..." Finally, the soldier straightened his thoughts, pressed hard, and calmed the tunnel.

"Who is that kid?"

Du Kuan was awakened abruptly and was a little ignorant.

"Li Qing!"

"What!" Du Kuan was almost startled to sit on the ground from the bed.

The monument of heroes has a history of many years in the fairyland, especially in the army, as long as it has a record, it will be recorded.

Every legion will have a hero monument.

No matter who you are or whether you are a person, as long as you contribute to Xianting, it will be recorded on it. For example, the ninth place of the Heroes' Monument at this time is a fairy beast, but the fairy rider sat down by the general. Because of his great record, he also went on the Heroes' Monument.

Of course, the hero monument is very difficult to go up, and some people call it harder than climbing the sky.

Because, if you want to go up, the achievements need to be very, very much, many people may be able to go up with a little achievement, but died under the claws of the monster.

How could Li Qing go up?


Du Kuan quickly put on his clothes casually and ran out of his camp to the location of the Heroes' Monument.

The hero monument is under the control of the general. In addition to the necessary days, he sometimes throws it out according to his mood, cultivating the sentiment of the fairy soldiers in the army, and encouraging them to kill more monsters.

At this time, the military barracks especially opened up such a place that can accommodate tens of thousands of people.

After throwing the hero monument here, the general left, because in accordance with usual practice, such a large place was not used at all. However, this time he was miscalculated. After someone found a new character on the hero's stele, one call two, two call ten, more and more people gathered in the square.

In less than half an hour, the square was already watertight and crowded.

People pointed to the name on the hero's stele and spit out excitement. The way they fingered and noisy, they didn't lose at all to the vegetable market.

Really, so shocked!

In the fairy prison army, there actually appeared another character on the hero monument.

If the other army is still good, the Immortal Prison Army has the highest mortality rate, as high as 90% of a legion!

How many people are almost one step away from the hero monument, but they died in the big mouth of the monster beast. It can be said that it is a miracle to be able to climb the hero monument.

"Li Qing, who the **** are you, is it the guy from the seventh team?"

"Yes, yes, when I **** last time, I heard someone saying that the Seventh Team had a ruthless man. That was really ruthless. Even if the general said that the rest had retired, he would not fight back."

"More than that, it seems that I haven't been tired all the time, the fairy spirit on my body will not dry up..."

"Is it so perverted!"

Someone mentioned Li Qing, it seems to have heard of Li Qing, and immediately, attracted a crowd of people to watch and listen carefully.

Suddenly, at this time, someone looked up and dragged into the crowd like 25,800,000.

"Squeeze what squeeze, squeeze your sister!"

"Hey, why are you like this?"

"Squeeze me again and beat you up. Believe it or not, shit, the fairy tiger doesn't show power. Do you think I'm a sick cat?"


He squeezed so much, squeezing a lot of people up and down.

When someone raised his fist to start hitting him, he suddenly said: "I am from the seventh team, and Li Qing is my elder brother!"

Suddenly, there was a quiet moment, everyone looked at him in surprise, and then, all showed their desire for knowledge.

Some people think it is exaggerated? No, no, it’s not an exaggeration at all. In the Immortal Infantry Army, which has no entertainment life at all, gossip and bragging are the most enjoyable activities they enjoy besides Japanese criticism.

If Li Qing can see this person, he must shake his head and smile bitterly.

"who are you?"

"My name is Awang. I thought that on the first day of his coming, I would see that he was not a thing in the pool. One day it would inevitably turn into true love and ride up the wind..." Awang began to blow up, seriously. In order to show his ability to blow, he also used all the words that he would know in his lifetime.

In one sentence, all the attention of everyone was immediately drawn to the past.

Even those who were dissatisfied with Awang were gradually affected by their thinking and moved to other places.

In this way, the crowd could not help but let out a way to let him walk to the monument.

"Is he awesome? Is he simply a god-man? No, no no, you are all wrong. In my opinion, he is a god-man, it is just abnormal! You don’t dare to imagine that he is alone. How terrible it is to rush into the monster beast group, it is simply a weapon dedicated to slaughtering monster monsters, yes, humanoid weapons, as long as they pass by, it is like a whirlwind, monster monsters lie down one after another, Gee, that heartbroken madman, the monster is just like wheat let him cut..."

Talking, he stopped suddenly.

After touching the throat, I won't say anything.

"Go ahead, don't say anything!"

"Yeah, it's wonderful, why don't you say it, soon, I am tickling..."

"You don't understand, he is thirsty!" Suddenly, an older fairy soldier said.

"Come, I have wine..."

"Wine, I have!"


Many people took out the wine and handed it to Awang.

Awangji held it, as if a white swan raised his neck high, looked down, picked a best drink and took a few sips before continuing.

"This is a storyteller, are you telling a story?"

Wang Lindao.

Li Qing also came, they saw this scene from afar, and couldn't help but laugh.

"It's quite good to say that it's not much different from those professional ones. I didn't expect this Awang to be a personal talent."

"Why don't you brag about it? In this ghostly place, you can only play bragging with women at most, but he is quite good. He sells customs and puts on shelves, hahaha..." Wang Lin laughed.

"By the way, how many monsters did you guys kill, how did you get on the hero monument, although it was the last one..." Wang Lin asked again.

Li Qing shook his head, he didn't count them at all, but he didn't expect that it was only the last one, which would set off such a big uproar.

One hundred, the last one he actually entered, can be so sensational, I can't think of it!

He didn't understand that the monument hadn't been updated in a long time, and some of the names on the above were memorized. Naturally, there was a name change and it could be seen casually.

"What are you doing?"

Suddenly, a shout came from a distance.

He was dressed in black and attracted attention just after he came.

Du Kuan was so angry that he was really angry. How could he get that guy on the hero's tablet? How could he get him on? This made him want to engage in Li Qing.

At least, it is impossible to engage him on the surface. The hero is the hero. If he is not treated well, let alone be a general in black, even if he is a general, he dare not treat it indiscriminately. , This is a contribution to Xianting!

Just thinking about this, he became irritable and unbearable, so when he heard Awang talking about Li Qing's heroic deeds, he couldn't help but roar.

People are impulsive, and after Du Kuan finishes roaring, he realizes that he is a bit impulsive, as if roaring like this, it is not appropriate.


Before others said, Wang Lin dug his ears with one hand, impatiently.

Because, Du Kuan just roared, the scene was quiet, so that even if the voice he said was very quiet, it made people hear it clearly.

Straight face!

"Disrespect to Shangguan, find death!"

Du Kuan was so angry that the first Buddha ascended to heaven, and the second Buddha was born. He immediately found a reason to rush over to fight Wang Lin.


Li Qing blocked in front of him and snorted coldly. Du Kuan thought of the last time he was broken his leg, and even more anger rose from his stomach, and he punched Li Qing.

His speed is so fast that 90% of the people present cannot see it. However, before everyone can see it clearly, the person has already flown out.

Looking at Li Qing again, he still maintains a kick-out posture—comparably handsome, overbearing and cool.


Du Kuan gritted his teeth in pain.

He thought he was careless and didn't use his best efforts. A fairy soldier could beat such a golden fairy, so he stood up and rushed to Li Qing again.

The speed is so fast that it has even brought the afterimage!

However, when he rushed to Li Qing's front, he came quickly and quickly, and flew out again.

Li Qing's feet didn't seem to move, and he was still lifted up in the air, maintaining the position of the kicker...

(End of this chapter)

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