My Supernatural Life of Leisure

Chapter 1317 Another person disappears quietly (two chapters in one)

Seeing the uncles who left to find Old Liu, Lu Xiaoman, who was sitting on a fallen tree stump, scratched his head.

The girl Xiao Zhao came to sit next to Lu Xiaoman, and whispered, "I don't know why, but I can't help but feel a little scared?

In this place, there are barren mountains, wild mountains, and uninhabited villages. Uncle Liu has disappeared inexplicably. "

"Miss Zhao, you're overthinking, what's the time now, how can there be any 'dirty things'." Lu Xiaoman is a good student who believes in science, and smiled calmly in his heart.

A middle-aged aunt wearing a sun hat turned her head and persuaded with a smile.

"Xiao Zhao! Don't be suspicious. Director Liu is gone. In my opinion! He just found a place to go to the toilet.

When we were waiting for departure at the assembly point, didn’t he tell us that he had a stomachache? "

"But Uncle Liu didn't tell us when he went to the toilet." Xiao Zhao said.

"Maybe it's too hasty!"

"Oh." The timid Xiao Zhao nodded, then turned around, and whispered to Lu Xiaoman again.

"Lu Xiaoman, you may not know that there have been a lot of strange rumors recently... For example, someone saw a 'dirty thing' with their own eyes in an unfinished real estate near the university town in the west."


"Ah Choo." The little sparrow who was watching TV suddenly sneezed, and Qisehua hurriedly asked if he had a cold?

"No, maybe someone is talking about me behind my back!"


"Miss Zhao, I also know about the unfinished real estate you mentioned. Now when it's nighttime, some brave people go there to play, and treat it as a free haunted house." Lu Xiaoman still nodded calmly, staring at the front The deserted Luofeng Village.

The village is full of weeds half a person's height everywhere, the walls are covered with vines, and some small trees grow on some roofs. Soon, these small trees will grow up and may collapse the houses.

It has only been a few years since no one has lived there, yet it has become like this.

If it weren't for the time to take pictures now, Lu Xiaoman might have picked up his camera and recorded this dilapidated and lively scene.

Xiao Zhao, who was very timid, said a lot of weird things. Lu Xiaoman was not afraid at first, but after he said this, he became a little scared.

In fact, she still has some doubts in her heart. How can such a timid little sister Zhao know so many weird things? Could it be said that the more timid people are, the more they will learn about these weird things?

The fear in my heart was slowly magnified. Looking at the dilapidated village in front of me, for a while, I didn't feel that those small trees growing on the roof were full of vitality.

Feeling a little scared, Lu Xiaoman took out his phone from his pocket, opened a small game and played, hoping to distract himself.

At the same time, she meditated on prosperity, democracy, freedom, equality, and justice in her heart...

Half an hour later, there was a voice of talking on the mountain road in the distance.

It was the three people who were looking for someone earlier, but judging from the comments from them, the result was not very good. They seemed to be complaining about where Director Liu had gone.

The three of them came in front of everyone, and they saw at a glance that one person was missing from the people who stayed where they were.

"Where's Zhang Feng?"

"Ah?" Xiao Zhao, the most timid girl, was the first to react, turned her head to look to the side, and stammered, "Aunt Zhang was still by my side just now!"

As she said that, her face turned pale all of a sudden, and beads of sweat rolled down his forehead, obviously frightened.

After hearing Xiao Zhao's words, everyone's faces turned a little pale.

Lu Xiaoman, who was distracted by playing a small game, couldn't help but shake the hand holding the phone.

Aunt Zhang who was still persuading them to believe in science just now disappeared without a sound beside them.

"Ah..." Xiao Zhao screamed in fright, even the rest of the men broke out in a cold sweat because of this weird incident.

"Is this caused by a strange beast or something else?"

"This is still a matter of strange beasts! From my point of view, there are nine out of ten 'dirty things' who have entangled us."

"We can't stay here anymore, let's go down the mountain first!"

"Report the crime while going down the mountain, and the lady walks in the middle!"

"I'm here to make a report..."

After finalizing the next action plan, they started immediately.

What gave them some comfort was that although it was a barren mountain, the signal was still unblocked, and the call to report the crime was also connected smoothly.

After listening to the reporter's description, the operator of the Public Security Bureau made sure and transferred them once, so the reporter described it again.

The investigator on the other end of the phone said in a calm voice after listening to the report's description, "Try not to disperse, and try to go down the mountain while ensuring safety.

If you are not sure, you can stay in a safe place, hold hands and wait for rescue, we will arrive at the scene as soon as possible. "

In the end, I added, "Don't be too scared, when this happens, either a human or a strange beast is using the ability."

The phone was turned on hands-free, and everyone present looked at each other after listening.

The leading uncle swallowed his saliva, and asked in a trembling voice, "We are not afraid of people, but if it is a strange beast, then we will be in trouble."

"Don't panic, even a strange beast is not much stronger. If a very dangerous strange beast appeared there, we would have had corresponding news..." After finishing speaking, the investigator on the line hung up the phone.

Lu Xiaoman also started to get really scared, but after all, she was quite courageous, and she had other thoughts besides being afraid.

Speaking of investigators, she couldn't help but think of a person, that is, brother Lin Fei, a good friend of the two sisters upstairs. He had easily healed his foot injury before, and he was even on TV as an investigator... …

Afterwards, a group of people walked out of the village holding hands, and stopped involuntarily.

At some point, there was fog on the mountain, which completely covered the way down the mountain.

"What should we do now?"

Someone remembered what the investigator said just now, and suggested, "The mountain is too dangerous in this situation. Let's go back to the village and find a house to hide in... Wait for the investigator to come to the rescue."

"Okay..." Everyone thought about it, and felt that this was the only way to do it now.


In Ping'an Garden Community, Lin Fei, who was sitting on the sofa, was chatting with Han Xue, who had a rare leisure time.

Han Xue: The director went to the capital for another meeting.

Lin Fei: Busy man!

Han Xue: Several mineral veins have been discovered in the sixth town of the spirit world. Unfortunately, there is not enough manpower to mine at the same time.

Lin Fei: How is the first town doing?

Han Xue: Everything is fine. Since that war, there have been no disturbances.

Lin Fei: It seems that those pig-headed people were also hurt after that battle!

Han Xue: Yes! However, the expansion of the spiritual world resident in the first town was slow.

Lin Fei: Are you worried that those pig-headed people will come back after the construction is completed?

Han Xue: It should be the idea, right... In a few days, our Rongcheng Practitioner Academy will send another group of students to the spiritual garrison in the sixth town for further training. Do you want to go to the sixth town of the spiritual world? Take a look at the border resident, the construction there is now very good.

Lin Fei: Forget it, I won't go, I'm busy now.

Han Xue: Looking at your circle of friends, you can see that you have nothing to do other than traveling around with your girlfriend and eating delicious food from all over the world.

Lin Fei: ...

Han Xue: The opportunity is rare, do you really plan to go?

What a rare opportunity? I can go to the spirit world anytime I want... Lin Fei scratched his head and had to pull Zhou Yue out as his shield.

"No, it's my girlfriend's birthday in a few days, and I have to prepare well for the next few days..."

Han Xue: You... wait, let's talk later

A few minutes later, Lin Fei finished a short video, and Han Xue's news came.

Han Xue: I just received news suddenly that there was an accident in a place called Luofeng Village, and many people were trapped...

Lin Fei: Luofeng Village? Is it Luofeng Village on Luofeng Mountain?

Han Xue: Well, what's the matter?

Lin Fei: Didn't someone on Luofeng Mountain a few days ago take a picture of a dragon playing in the rain clouds? Now there is another incident of people being trapped on the mountain. I am very interested. Can I go to the scene to fight?

When Han Xue saw that Lin Fei wanted to go to Luofeng Village, she naturally supported her with all her strength. With such a powerful practitioner going to the scene to help, the safety of those trapped people would be assured.


A white light flashed, and Lin Fei appeared out of nowhere on the outskirts of the city.

The telekinetic ability was activated, his feet lifted off the ground, and he rose to a height of more than 20 meters, and then he flew along the road.

In a short while, Lin Fei came to the foot of Luofeng Mountain, looked up at the thick fog that was dissipating, first he followed what Han Xue said, and patiently waited for the investigators who came to handle the case.

The investigators who came to handle the case didn't fly here. They drove here in a hurry, and they arrived seven or eight minutes later than Lin Fei.

"You are Mr. Lin Fei?"

"Well! It's me."

The five investigators who came to handle the case had all fought against spirit world invaders on the battlefield. After seeing Lin Fei's documents, they were all very excited. After all, the young man in front of him had personally killed him. The strongman of the fourth-order pig-headed man.

Although the five investigators wanted to chat with Lin Fei more, but the case was more important, they exchanged a few pleasantries, and then they took Lin Fei up the mountain.

Needless to say, Lin Fei's physical strength, the five experienced investigators are far stronger than ordinary people,

A group of six people climbed the mountain at an extremely fast speed. When they arrived at the abandoned village, the thick fog had just cleared. The investigator quickly found the hiding house chosen by the group by making a phone call.

This is a relatively closed house, with only one door for easy entry, and the door is locked.

An investigator knocked on the door, and Lin Fei followed in the middle of the team and looked inside.

A total of more than a dozen people huddled in the corner, holding hands, the lady was protected in the middle, and the two young girls were in the middle.

"Investigator! It's the investigator!"

"Investigators are here!"

"It's finally here! It's all right now! We're saved."

"Brother Lin Fei!" Lu Xiaoman in the crowd didn't expect to meet an acquaintance, looked at Lin Fei blankly, and shouted in surprise, "Brother Lin Fei, why are you here?"

Xiao Zhao next to Lu Xiaoman frowned suddenly when he heard this, then became vigilant again, and said in a panic.

"Everyone, be careful, and make sure that these people in front of you are alien beasts who use their abilities to deceive us into trusting us, and then launch a sudden attack on us.

I watched an interview with a beast hunter on TV before, and he mentioned that when he and his teammates encountered a beast that could use this method in the wild, the whole team was almost wiped out. "

As soon as Xiao Zhao said this, these photographers immediately screamed.

The saviors who appeared suddenly became less friendly. The few people who were facing the investigator paused, then quickly retreated, looking at each other with serious expressions.

"Everyone, we are really investigators, we have certificates!" An investigator shook his head helplessly, then took out his certificate from his pocket, "You can tell if it is true or not by looking at it."

Hey, this girl Lu Xiaoman is here, what a coincidence... Lin Fei looked at Lu Xiaoman in the crowd in surprise, he didn't expect to meet her here.

The investigator threw his ID to the group of photographers. Several uncles working in the government department checked the ID and confirmed that it was genuine. Everyone in the house breathed a sigh of relief.

Then everyone stepped forward, surrounded the investigator and told each other what happened to them.

Lin Fei came in front of Lu Xiaoman, looked at the little girl, and said with a smile, "Lu Xiaoman, I didn't expect that besides riding a bicycle, you also like to take pictures in the wilderness..."

Meeting acquaintances in such an environment, the fear in Lu Xiaoman's heart completely disappeared, and she whispered, "Brother Lin Fei, this place is so scary."

Lin Fei let out a "hmm", and while chatting with Lu Xiaoman, he expanded his perception and explored the surroundings with mental strength.

After the investigators gained everyone's trust, they took these people out.

"Mr. Investigator, what happened here?"

"Are we going down the mountain now?"

"The whereabouts of our two friends are still unknown?"

With the backing, everyone was no longer afraid, and they were very excited and asked a series of questions.

After activating the spiritual weapon in his hand, an investigator holding a detection tool explained to the group of photographers.

"Don't worry, everyone. We will investigate what happened to you and look for the missing persons. As for what caused it, we will explain it to you when we have results.

I hope everyone can relax now and just follow us down the mountain. At the same time, don't spread the news here, so as not to cause panic. "

This is a common method of handling by the Ability Management Bureau. It reminds the reporter to keep it secret, but it does not force the other party to keep it secret.

"I have found the two missing persons you are looking for." Lin Fei, who was listening to Lu Xiaoman's chatter, suddenly spoke to the people who were about to go down the mountain.


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