My Supernatural Life of Leisure

Chapter 1318 Repeated defeats and repeated battles (two chapters in one)


After hearing what Lin Fei said, everyone turned their heads and looked at him in surprise. Lu Xiaoman, who was following Lin Fei, also looked at Lin Fei in astonishment.

"Brother Lin Fei can't do anything, why do you say you found the missing Uncle Liu and Aunt Zhang?" Lu Xiaoman thought very puzzled.

"My little brother, what do you mean by that?" A middle-aged aunt asked.

Lin Fei smiled, then pointed to the grass not far away, and said, "The two missing people should be there."

Everyone looked in the direction Lin Fei pointed, but they didn't see any figure on the grass.

"Young man, you..." The leading middle-aged uncle looked at Lin Fei and hesitated to speak, and a group of photographers looked at Lin Fei with caring eyes.

The investigators who came to handle the case knew that Lin Fei was powerful, so naturally they would not question Lin Fei like these ordinary people.

"Mr. Lin Fei, we didn't find any other people around during the inspection of the spiritual weapon. How can we make the two missing persons appear?" asked the investigator with the spiritual inspection weapon in his hand.

Lin Fei took a few steps forward and came to the grassland he was pointing at. Everyone followed after seeing this.

"Within the range of my perception, there are two extremely weak spiritual energy fluctuations." Lin Fei said, stretching out his right hand with the palm facing outward.

Afterwards, everyone saw a pale golden aura glowing from Lin Fei's right hand, and a fist-sized golden ball of light condensed into shape in the blink of an eye. Immediately afterwards, this golden ball of light flew out and hovered two meters away.


The golden ball of light exploded suddenly, which shocked the group of photography enthusiasts. Everyone saw that the exploded light ball turned into a golden raindrop, covering a small area.

"It's so beautiful." Xiao Zhao and some aunts couldn't help saying.

The layman watched the excitement, the expert watched the doorway, and the investigators looked at Lin Fei in shock.

Mobilizing the psionic energy in one's own body to condense the psionic light ball, and by detonating the psionic light ball, causing psionic energy disorder in a small area, this is not something ordinary practitioners can do.

The golden raindrops disappeared before they hit the ground, and then, two figures appeared on the empty grass.

The photographers were extremely surprised, and immediately shouted in unison, "Director Liu, Zhang Feng."

The two lying on the grass seemed to be asleep, but when they heard someone calling themselves, they slowly opened their eyes, put their hands on the ground, sat up, and said in a daze, "Strange, why did I fall asleep? "

The investigators looked at the two missing persons, and they already knew something in their hearts. The two people should have been given supernatural powers to hide their bodies. As for who did it, it remains to be investigated further.

Lu Xiaoman looked at Lin Fei adoringly, and said. "Brother Lin Fei, you are amazing."

"It's okay! Even if I don't make a move, the supernatural powers imposed on these two people should be released by themselves in a short time." Lin Fei smiled and said.

"Who is so wicked! Is it interesting to punish people like this?" an aunt said angrily.

"It doesn't have to be done by humans..." said an investigator.

"Uh..." Everyone couldn't help looking at each other after hearing what the investigator said.


No casualties are the best result, and it is up to the investigators to find the real culprit of this case.

Lin Fei and an investigator sent the group down the mountain, and he walked with Lu Xiaoman.

Ordinary people would be more or less frightened when encountering such a thing. Lin Fei observed her and asked with concern, "Are you afraid?"

"It's a little bit. Later, brother Lin Fei came and found the missing Uncle Liu and Aunt Zhang. I am no longer afraid." Lu Xiaoman laughed.

After descending the mountain, a group of uncles and aunts lamented what happened not long ago, as if they each had countless emotions, and the endless words brought messy voices.

"I'm going back to the mountain." Lin Fei said to Lu Xiaoman.

"Well, I will take the bus back to Rongcheng with the uncles and aunts later." Lu Xiaoman said.

Encountering this kind of thing, these photographers are not in the mood to stay here any longer, and then they will return directly to Rongcheng.


Nanyue Kingdom is a small seaside city located at the southernmost tip of the country.

The sky was overcast with dark clouds, and the streets and houses outside the car windows were immersed in a fine rain curtain, and the light projected by the neon signboards was blurred into a ball under the cover of rain.

People holding umbrellas ran all the way in the rain, wanting to get home as soon as possible.

At the bus stops on both sides of the road, many people were standing under the canopy to hide from the rain. Unfortunately, the rain was so sudden and heavy that many people were still wet.

"This is the address, Lao Qin, please take what's in the trunk."

When it rains in a seaside city, it is inevitable that there will be wind. After the leading young man got off the car, another of his scar-faced subordinates immediately held up an umbrella for him to protect him from the rain.

The middle-aged man called Lao Qin was in his forties with thick hands. He turned to the back of the car and took out a black metal suitcase from the car.

The three walked into a small alley, and after a few minutes, they came to an ordinary house.

Standing at the door, one can vaguely hear the sound of cooking from inside, the other party should be cooking.

The young man stepped forward and knocked on the door, then the sound of cooking inside the door stopped, and a steady voice came out, "Who is it?"

"Li Shun, the person who contacted you before." The young man said.

After a brief silence, with a click, the door in front of them opened, and a figure appeared in front of the three of them.

The man in front of him was about thirty years old, wearing a black short-sleeved shirt on his upper body, jeans on his lower body, and an apron.

With this attire, no one would have guessed that this person was a person who took on dangerous jobs.

"Excuse me, are you Jing Mu?" Li Shun patted the rain on his clothes and asked with a smile.

"It's already here, and I still ask this question... Yes, I am Jing Mu, it's raining outside, come in!"

Jing Mu moved his eyes away from Li Shun, glanced at the haughty scarred man, paused for a while on the middle-aged man next to him, and then smiled and beckoned them to enter the door.

The room is not big, there is a dilapidated sofa in the living room, and there are some cacti and other durable plants on the window.

At this time, the TV in the living room was on, and real-time news was playing on it, about where and where strange beasts appeared again, and how the relevant local departments deal with those strange beasts that broke into human living areas.

"My house is small, and I was cooking again just now, which made the whole room smell like cooking.

So, let's not waste time talking politely, sign the contract quickly, and pay the deposit, so that I can continue to cook my dishes. "Jing Mu glanced at the watch on his wrist and said to the three customers in front of him.

"I'm going to China this time. I want to know how Mr. Jing Mu is going to complete the mission... It is related to the future of our Montenegro organization, so we have to be cautious." Li Shun said.

"I can't say in detail how to accomplish what you told me... After all, I'm going to the country of Hua on this trip.

You all know the situation of the local Ability Management Bureau, I can only adapt to the situation. Jing Mu replied, looking at the three people in front of him.

"Old Qin." Li Shun smiled and said something to his subordinates without looking back.

Hearing this, the middle-aged man immediately took a step forward, put the black metal suitcase on the ground, and then opened the box, which contained 400 crystal clear spirit stones.

"I'll pay you half of the salary directly, but I have a request." Li Shun continued, motioning Lao Qin to take out 200 spirit stones from the suitcase and put them on the table in the living room.

"I need to test your strength...I don't want any surprises in this operation. If you can't meet my requirements, I can only ask your upline to ask for a replacement."

The Montenegro organization sent people to Rongcheng to deal with Qin Shiyu's affairs one after another, but all of them failed without exception, and a lot of backbone forces were recruited.

At present, their organization is being encircled and suppressed by the Supernatural Administration Bureau of various countries around the world, and it is no longer possible to send people to Rongcheng to deal with Qin Shiyu's matter.

Because of this, they can only help themselves by spending money to hire the recently emerging 'Purple Orchid' mercenary organization in the world.

"No problem, this is a reasonable request, but if you want to test my strength, someone must cooperate with me...well, let him cooperate with me!" Jing Mu smiled and pointed at the old Qin middle-aged man.

After finishing speaking, he turned his head to look at the scar-faced man next to him, and said, "Can you please open the door for me?"

Although the scar-faced man didn't know why he asked himself to open the door, he still went to help open the door after being signaled by the young man.

Lao Qin didn't expect that Jing Mu would choose himself as the target of his strength, and a look of overjoyed flashed across his face.

He looked at Jing Mu, and said in a low tone, "I'm in charge of defense, you just take the shot."

Just as the middle-aged man named Lao Qin finished speaking, the scar-faced man also opened the door of Jing Mu's house.


The rain outside was very heavy, and under the rain curtain, I couldn't see too far.

The damp wind rushed into the room, making several people in the room feel a bit cold.

Lao Qin mobilized the psychic energy in his body and put on a defensive posture. When he was thinking about what angle the opponent would attack him from, he found that Jing Mu, who was just an ordinary family cook, changed instantly. temperament.

"I'm here." Jing Mu said softly, and then disappeared in place.

In a blink of an eye, a figure appeared very close to him, and Lao Qin, who felt the danger, stood up all over his body.

He quickly raised his hands, and a pale golden aura appeared on them.

Just when his hands with pale golden aura were about to block the opponent's kick, an unbelievable scene happened, the aura dissipated from the hands with pale golden aura.


There was a dull impact sound, and a figure was seen flying up into the air, flying upside down, landing in the yard, and rolling several times on the ground.

Lao Qin, who was kicked away by Jing Mu, was drenched by the rain. He got up from the ground and looked at Jing Mu who kicked him away with horror.

"Okay, come in quickly! It's raining so hard outside, don't catch a cold." Jing Mu, who kicked his opponent away, smiled slightly at Lao Qin who was standing in the rain, and then asked the young man beside him, "How do you , are you satisfied with my strength?"

"Psychic ban?!...Your Excellency's performance has been fully proved, I think our cooperation this time should go smoothly." Li Shun said very satisfied, while his scar-faced subordinate was stunned. at the door.

He didn't expect that this unattractive person would be able to kick his powerful companion away with one kick.

The next thing was simple. After signing the agreement and paying the deposit, Li Shun and his two subordinates left.

After the guests left, Jing Mu sat alone on the dilapidated sofa, looking at the spiritual stones worth tens of millions of yuan placed on the table in front of him.

"The life of the Black Mountain Organization is very difficult now, and they can still take out so many spirit stones in one go. It seems that the girl named Qin Shiyu is really important to them!"

After speaking, he turned to the kitchen.

After more than 20 minutes, Jing Mu put the dishes he had fried into the lunch box.

Then he changed into a white T-shirt and a blue raincoat, and left the house with a lunch box packed in a plastic bag.

A raincoat is such a good thing! As long as you wear a raincoat, under normal circumstances, you don't have to worry about getting your clothes wet by the rain.

Jing Mu was walking on the street wearing a raincoat, because the weather forecast said that a typhoon was coming, so there were people on the street, and everyone hid at home to avoid the wind.

The windows of many shops on both sides of the street were boarded up with wooden boards. A few of them didn't plan to strengthen their windows, thinking that their windows should be able to withstand the violent typhoon.

Jing Mu, who was wearing a raincoat, looked away and continued walking.

After passing through an alley and turning a street corner, after a few minutes, Jing Mu walked into the only black Internet cafe in this block.

"Boss, turn on a machine for me." As soon as Jing Mu entered the door, he said to a young man sitting behind the counter who was playing with his mobile phone.

"How many hours will it take?" The young man greeted the customer warmly immediately when he saw the customer coming to the door.

"Let's do it for an hour first! Add more if necessary." Jing Mu took the small note from the other party with the login account and password written on it, and walked to the side of the black Internet cafe.

The computers in the black Internet cafe are all second-hand mobile phones that have been transferred many times, and the wiring here is also set up randomly, which is prone to some safety accidents.

Although it is very unsafe here, even so, the black Internet cafe is still full of customers.

Maybe it's because this is one of the few places where minors and some unidentified people can go online!

Jing Mu crossed several seats, walked to his place, turned on the computer very skillfully, and entered the account password.

After logging in to the computer, he opened a special software. This is a chat software developed by four people, and not many people use it.

Jing Mu moved the mouse, clicked on his friend column, and found a friend whose note was 'Online'.

"The Black Mountain organization's list has been signed, and the other party has paid half of the remuneration as a deposit."


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