My Supernatural Life of Leisure

Chapter 1819 Vulgar Bird (two chapters in one)

The darkness that shrouded the earth was broken by the golden sunlight from the slowly rising sun in the sky.

The bright moon and stars, which had been on stage all night, disappeared after the sun rose completely.

The nocturnal beasts saw the dawn, and when they came out to hunt, they had enough to eat and drink, and began to return to their dens.


The chirping of birds came from the outside into the cave, and Ji Xiaoxiao and his group, who were sleeping with their backs against the wall, woke up one after another.

After everyone had a simple portable breakfast that was not very tasty, they picked up their backpacks and came out of the cave, and continued to explore ahead according to the route set at the beginning.

The sun in the sky continues to rise, the temperature of the earth slowly rises, and the thick fog covering the mountains becomes lighter as the temperature rises.

Ji Xiaoxiao and his group of four marched in an orderly manner through the mountains, cutting off thorns and vines blocking the road from time to time.

"If we walk more than ten kilometers ahead, we will see a huge lake." Ji Xiaoxiao, holding a map in his hand, would not be able to determine their current location if he just observed the surroundings with his naked eyes.

Fortunately, when they set off, they had a positioning device equipped by their superiors, so they could know their current location through the positioning device.

The equipped positioning tool is a palm-sized compass. Every time it is activated, the pointer on the compass will show their location and tell them whether the direction they are heading has deviated.

"It seems like we won't be able to reach the lake until noon." Cheng Ling said.

"There should be fish in the lake! We can catch some fish and grill them at noon." Wang Chao's mouth watered at the thought of grilled fish.

"I had a day's worth of dry food yesterday, so it's time for a change." Sun Bin supported.

The group of four people walked and chatted. Unconsciously, they climbed over three or four mountains and walked about six or seven kilometers.

"Did you smell a very fragrant smell?" Coming down from a hill, Cheng Ling sniffed the smell wafting in the air and said to his companions.

"It smells like milk. Strange, why does this place have such a smell?" Sun Bin also sniffed the fragrance in the air and said.

"Would you like to follow the smell and look for something edible?" Wang Chao suggested.

The three people all looked at the leader, Ji Xiaoxiao. She was the captain of the investigation team. Only with her consent could the team change direction.

"Half an hour, no more than this time. After all, our main task is to explore forward.

Although it is okay to temporarily change the route, any deviation from our original plan will disrupt the subsequent course of action..." Ji Xiaoxiao said.

"Okay, let's limit it to half an hour. If we search in the direction of the scent for half an hour without any results, we will immediately return to the original route..." Wang Chao said.

Then, the four people deviated from their original route and headed in the direction where the scent of milk wafted.


A strong wind blew in the mountains, causing thick clouds and mist to surge like a tide. The flowers, plants and trees swayed violently due to the wind, and the branches and leaves collided with each other, making rustling sounds.

Some strange-looking birds were standing on the branches and chirping. Their claws were holding on to the branches beneath them to prevent themselves from being blown to the ground by the strong wind.

Suddenly, the strange-looking bird saw four upright, slender creatures walking towards their location from a distance.

For a moment, the strange-looking bird focused all its attention on the four strange creatures.


The clear chirping of birds came from a distance and soon attracted the attention of Ji Xiaoxiao and his group. When they saw the appearance of those strange-looking birds, they paused slightly.

"These birds have green heads, green faces, orange bodies, and black feathers. They look really funny." Wang Chao said with a smile.

"I think they look good! I just don't know how they taste?" Sun Bin looked at the birds that were over one meter tall with bright eyes, imagining what they would taste like if they were roasted and eaten.

"Going in this direction, the milk fragrance is getting stronger and stronger. It seems that we will soon reach the source of the fragrance." Cheng Ling sniffed the increasingly rich fragrance in the air and said to his companions.

Ji Xiaoxiao looked around. Because of the thick fog, she couldn't see very far away. She focused on the strange-looking birds, felt them, and found that they were just ordinary creatures.

"Let's keep moving forward! We've been walking for more than ten minutes and there's not much time left." Ji Xiaoxiao said to the three people behind him.

Then, they continued to set off. When they passed by the big tree where the strange-looking birds were, the birds standing on the branches immediately made a loud sound.


Cheng Ling looked at the birds that kept chirping and said, "What are they doing? Why are they chirping all of a sudden?"

"Maybe they feel unhappy that we have entered their territory, so they want to drive us away!" Wang Chao said.

"These guys are ordinary creatures, let them be! Let's go our own way..." Sun Bin said.

As soon as he finished speaking, those strange-looking birds standing on the branches flew out from the big tree and hovered above everyone's heads.

"Be careful." Ji Xiaoxiao warned his companions when he saw something falling from the sky.


He quickly dodged, and then something fell to the ground, and it smelled bad. It was bird droppings.

Well, although these strange-looking birds are not alien beasts and pose no threat, they attack through bird droppings, making Ji Xiaoxiao and his group feel as if they were attacked head-on by alien beasts!

"These guys are so rude, they use bird droppings to attack others." Cheng Lingduo opened the bird droppings and carefully observed the strange-looking birds that were still hovering in the sky and refused to leave, and found that they seemed to be still there. Brewing guano attack.

"Let's go, let's get out of this place quickly." Wang Chao didn't want to be hit by bird droppings, so he urged.

"I'm afraid they won't let us go easily!" Sun Bin said casually.

It turned out just as Sun Bin said. A group of four people quickly moved forward for hundreds of meters. As a result, those strange-looking birds followed them and attacked them with bird droppings from time to time.

"Ji Xiaoxiao, please teach them a lesson! If this continues, if we are hit by bird droppings, we will have to find a place to wash clothes!" Wang Chao said.

Ji Xiaoxiao nodded when she heard this, then she raised her white palm and slapped dozens of birds in the sky.

A pale golden aura emerged in her palm, and the surrounding air quickly gathered in front of her palm. In the blink of an eye, a tornado was formed that was not too strong, but was enough to frighten the birds that were chasing after her in the sky.


The tornado mixed with rain roared towards the sky. The reaction ability of these ordinary birds was far inferior to that of the alien beasts, and they could not avoid the attack launched by Ji Xiaoxiao.


Frightened bird calls came from the beaks of strange-looking birds, and then they were thrown far away by the tornado.

Fortunately, Ji Xiaoxiao had no intention of killing them all, so the strange-looking birds that were caught in the tornado were only made dizzy.

After getting rid of the tornado, he took off again and fled in a panic into the distance.

The original intention of these strange-looking birds is to drive away these creatures that enter their territory, as previously speculated.

As a result, he unexpectedly kicked the iron plate. Fortunately, the other party had no murderous intentions. Otherwise, these birds, which have been living here for many years, would be killed by Ji Xiaoxiao with one move.

"Now that I know how to escape, I still have some sense..." Cheng Ling looked at the escaped birds and said with a smile.

"I found that these birds in the spirit world like to attack others with their own bird droppings!" Sun Bin muttered after several similar attacks.

"There is no way, they are not strange beasts, apart from attacking in this way, there are not many methods available.

If you fight at close range, you are worried about casualties, and using this annoying long-range strike is the most cost-effective. "Wang Chao speculated.

Ji Xiaoxiao smelled the fragrance wafting in the air and said to his companions. "Let's keep going!"


The body collided with the branches and leaves, making sparse sounds. Just when the promised half hour was about to run out, Ji Xiaoxiao and his group finally arrived at the source of the milk fragrance.

In front of them is a flat area of ​​tens of thousands of square meters. There are many red plants growing on the ground in this area. On the branches of these plants are hanging white fruits similar to coconut fruits.

"It's milk fruit!" Cheng Ling said in surprise when he saw the fruit forest in front of him.

Milk fruit is a relatively common fruit in the spirit world. It is about the size of an adult's fist. The shell is similar to the coconut on Blue Star. It is very hard. If you open a hole on it, you can get the milk-like juice inside. Pour it out and drink it.

The rich fragrance filled the area, and drifted into the distance with the occasional wind. Ji Xiaoxiao and his four people, standing outside the fruit forest, immediately started picking after discovering the entire fruit forest.

"Okay, don't pack so much. Don't you think it's too heavy to carry?" Wang Chao persuaded Cheng Ling when he saw a lot of milk fruit in her backpack.

"Eating while walking on the road can quickly reduce weight." Cheng Ling said, stuffing two more fruits picked from the tree into his backpack.

"That's right!" Wang Chao thought for a while and put a few more fruits into his backpack.

"We're going to rest by the lake at noon. Didn't you say we're going to catch fish and grill it? If you guys eat all the way there, can you still eat grilled fish at noon?"

Sun Bin, who had half filled his backpack with fruits, stopped packing and said to Wang Chao and Cheng Ling, who were still loading fruits into their backpacks.

"This..." Wang Chao felt that what Sun Bin said made sense, so he paused for a moment while loading the fruit into his backpack. At this time, Cheng Ling said nonchalantly, "It's okay. Drinking this kind of thing will make your stomach ache." I’m going to be hungry soon.”

"You guys move faster and don't waste too much time. Don't delay our arrival at the place where we have lunch."

Ji Xiaoxiao put the least number of fruits into her backpack, only more than 20, and then zipped up the backpack.

Wang Chao and the other three heard Ji Xiaoxiao's urging, so they sped up their movements. After a while, they had finished everything they were doing, and then began to return the same way, heading towards the planned route they had deviated from earlier.


At noon, the sun, which is much larger than the one on Blue Star, climbed above the head.

If it were any other place, the sunlight would shine directly on everyone, but in this mountain range, due to the thick white fog, the sunlight was blocked and could not reach the ground.

"Gulu, Gulu..."

Holding a small dagger in his hand, he made a hole in the fruit in his hand, and the white liquid in the fruit could be seen.

Cheng Ling brought the fruit in her hand to her mouth and drank happily. Within a few sips, she finished one fruit and then threw it into the grass aside.

Along the way, Cheng Ling didn't count how many fruits she drank, but it was known that she had already drank half of the entire bag full of fruits in her backpack.

"Climb the mountain in front and you'll reach the place where you can rest at noon." Ji Xiaoxiao, who was leading the way, paused, took out his positioning tool, activated it to confirm his position, and then turned to the three companions behind him. .

"It's finally time to rest. It's really tiring to climb mountains and ridges on the way." Cheng Ling, who was about to open another fruit, heard Ji Xiaoxiao say that it was time to rest, and immediately opened the unopened fruit. Put it back in the bag.

Because there is a lake where we rest at noon, there is a high probability that we can catch fish in the lake. The fragrant grilled fish is very tempting. Now we have to make room for the grilled fish.

"I feel like the dense fog around me has lightened up a lot since I came to this place!" Wang Chao, who was walking at the back of the team, looked at the surrounding fog and said.

"It is indeed a lot lighter, but it may be related to the high temperature at noon!" said Sun Bin, feeling the rising temperature.

"Okay, let's keep going." Ji Xiaoxiao said, then stepped forward, leading his companions to the place where they would rest at noon.

When Ji Xiaoxiao and four others climbed over a hill, they stood on the top of the mountain and looked ahead. A large lake appeared in front of them.

The depths of the lake here are shrouded in fog, so you can't see clearly what's going on, but you can clearly see the waters extending several kilometers away from the shore into the lake.


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