My Supernatural Life of Leisure

Chapter 1820 The Changing Weather (Two Chapters in One)

Surrounded by mountains, the lake in front of you is like a mirror, embedded in the depression surrounded by mountains.

The clouds and mist drifted away, covering the sky. From time to time, a gust of wind blew up, blowing a crack in the clouds and mist in the sky, allowing the blocked sunlight to shine in.

The water ripples, and the golden sunlight falling from the sky shines on the lake, making it sparkling and very dazzling.

"I didn't expect that the scenery of this lake is very pleasant!" Cheng Ling said.

"Let's go down!" Sun Bin said.

Afterwards, a group of four people went down from the top of the mountain. After reaching the foot of the mountain, they went straight to the lake in the distance.

The further you walk towards the lake in front, the more open the terrain is, and the trees that are tens of meters high become shorter, until only a few trees that are more than ten meters high are left.

Flat grassland appeared in front of Ji Xiaoxiao and his party, with scattered shrubs dotting the wide area in front of them.

Looking around, you can see a long distance at a glance, which made the four people who walked in the misty forest all day yesterday feel a lot more comfortable.

"The two trees in front are next to each other. There is a large shade below. We can rest there at noon." Ji Xiaoxiao pointed to the two leafy trees not far from the shore of the lake in front and looked at the three trees around him. said a companion.

"I'll go over and see if there are any fish in the lake." Wang Chao, who couldn't wait to catch some fish to grill and eat, said.

"Wang Chao and I went to the lake to have a look." Sun Bin agreed.

Afterwards, the four soldiers divided into two groups. Ji Xiaoxiao and Cheng Ling went to the shade of the two big trees next to each other to tidy up the resting place.

Wang Chao and Sun Binzi went to the lake to see if there were any fish in the lake. If there were fish, they would catch some and bring them back.

"Fortunately, it's not a mess here. We can rest after a short rest." Cheng Ling looked at some dead branches and leaves under the tree and some vines with thorns, and said to Ji Xiaoxiao beside him.

The spiritual weapon sword was slashed out as Ji Xiaoxiao raised his hand, and the intertwined vines with thorns were cut off by the sharp spiritual weapon sword.

After a while, with Ji Xiaoxiao and Cheng Ling's help, they cleared out a camping spot large enough for four people to rest.


The wind was getting stronger and stronger, causing the low plants on the shore of the lake to sway constantly.

Cheng Ling dropped some thorny vines in his hand on the ground and looked up at the sky. The fog covering the area was torn open by the strong wind, and the sky outside became cloudy. Heavy.

The weather that was still sunny before suddenly changed its appearance after a while, which really caught people off guard.

"It might rain in a while!" Ji Xiaoxiao said with a serious face as he watched the sky become increasingly gloomy, because there was an unobstructed view of the flat land nearby, and it was a bit troublesome to find a place to hide from the rain.

“I remember that at the foot of the mountain over there, there was a cave several times larger than the cave we rested in last night.

If it rains later, we can go to that cave to take shelter. "Cheng Ling said, pointing in the direction of the mountain they just came down from.

"Really? That's good!" After hearing what Cheng Ling said, Ji Xiaoxiao's serious expression immediately dissipated.

In the distance, Wang Chao and Sun Bin, who came to the lake, stood on the shore of the lake and looked into the distance.

The strong wind picked up, and the wind blowing in front of them caused the hair of the two people to flow back continuously, and the clothes on their bodies made a sound.

"The weather has turned bad, we have to catch the fish quickly." Sun Bin looked up at the changing weather, and then said to Wang Chao next to him.

"Yes." Wang Chao nodded, looking at the fish swimming in the water. He raised the spiritual sword in his hand, preparing to attack.

As they thought, there were indeed fish in this large lake. After observing it, they found that these fish were ordinary creatures.

And there are many types of fish that have been seen in some collected illustrations about species in the spiritual world.

"call out."

Wang Chao, who was ready to go, felt that the spiritual energy brewing in the long sword in his hand was almost full, and then he slashed at the lake six or seven meters away.

The pale golden spiritual light suddenly bloomed, and then a half-arc sword energy shot out from the spiritual weapon long sword.


When the sword energy hit the lake, there was a loud explosion and violent vibrations, causing a huge wave to spread over more than ten square meters of water.

When the waves fell and the water waves spread around, large fish nearly one meter long emerged from the water.

The fish that were swimming around just now were stunned, and some of them woke up quickly. After waking up, they immediately dived into the water.

"These fish wake up so fast!" Sun Bin exclaimed when he saw many fish waking up and running away.

Wang Chao put the weapon in his hand on the ground and jumped up. A light golden aura appeared under his feet. When he landed on the water, he stepped lightly on the water and jumped a few times to reach the fish that were stunned and had not yet woken up. around.

He reached out and grabbed two large black fish nearly one meter long, then twisted his body and jumped to the shore of the lake.


Wang Chao, who returned to the shore with two big black fish in his hands, dropped the big black fish in his hand on the ground.

The big black fish that fainted after being thrown like this woke up and kept twisting its tail, trying to jump back into the water.

When Sun Bin saw this, it was naturally impossible for them to return to the water, so he quickly stepped forward, waved his fist, and punched the heads of the two big black fish twice.

After taking two punches from Sun Bin, the big black fish immediately stopped struggling and lay motionless on the ground.

"Get rid of them quickly! The weather has become a little gloomy. Eat them early to avoid trouble when it rains." Wang Chao looked at the weather that was getting worse and worse and said to Sun Bin.

Later, two people handled two big black fish on the shore of the lake. They first used daggers to scrape off the scales on the surface, and then processed their internal organs.

"Wow, wow, wow..."

The two big black fish were rinsed in the lake water for a few times to clean off the snow water on them. Then Wang Chao and Sun Bin returned with the two prepared fish.

Under the two lush trees next to each other, when Wang Chao and Sun Bin came under the trees, they saw four large stones in the cleared space. They thought Ji Xiaoxiao and Cheng Ling had moved them to use as stools. use.

"What two big fishes!" Cheng Ling said in surprise when he saw Wang Chao and Sun Bin holding a fish each in their hands.

"Hurry up and make a fire to grill the fish! I'm so hungry!" Wang Chao said, and then Cheng Ling began to pile the collected firewood together, waiting to marinate the fish for a few minutes before lighting it.

Wang Chao and Sun Bin went to cut two branches from a distance, put the fish on them, then took out some seasonings from their backpacks and applied them to the fish, then gently rubbed the fish to marinate it for flavor.

Although the cooking skills of the four of them are not very good, the simple cooking method of grilling fish with coating, no matter how bad the craftsmanship is, the taste will not be outrageous.

Ji Xiaoxiao walked out from under the tree, looked up at the fog above his head that was being blown away by the strong wind, and found that the dark clouds covering this area were getting dark faster.

"It looks like it's going to rain."

Cheng Ling heard what Ji Xiaoxiao said, raised his head and said with a smile, "It's not a big problem. After we eat the fish, we can go to the cave over there to take shelter from the rain."

Ten minutes later, the fish was almost marinated. Wang Chao and Sun Bin grilled the fish stuck on the branches on the fire lit by Cheng Ling.

Turning it over from time to time, oil began to appear on the surface of the big black fish that was roasted by the fire, and then dripped into the fire.


When the oil and water fell into the fire, a cluster of flames immediately appeared. The fire seemed to be getting bigger. In order to prevent the fish from being scorched, Cheng Ling, who was responsible for watching the fire, pulled some firewood out of the fire to control the flames. size.

After more than twenty minutes, the two big black fish were grilled, and the alluring aroma emanated from the fish, making people twitch their fingers and salivate after smelling it.

"It's ready to eat." Cheng Ling looked at the grilled fish and said to Wang Chao and Sun Bin who were still flipping two big black fish.

Wang Chao used chopsticks cut from tree branches to pick up a piece of grilled fish and tasted it. The delicious taste made him smile uncontrollably, "It's indeed cooked. It's ready to start."

Two grilled big black fish, one for each of them, but Ji Xiaoxiao and Cheng Ling can't eat as much as two boys. They can only eat half a fish and their stomachs will be full, so one and a half of the two big black fish belong to Wang Chao. Come and deal with Sun Bin.

While Ji Xiaoxiao and the four of them were eating delicious grilled fish, the weather outside became increasingly bad.

The wind kept blowing, and it actually blew away all the fog in this area, and the exposed sky was covered with dark clouds, and thunder exploded from time to time.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

There was lightning and thunder, and the loud sound made people want to cover their ears.

Due to strong winds, the calm lake surface began to surge continuously, rushing towards the shore and lapping against the bank.

It seemed like it was going to rain heavily, and the fish in the lake began to surface one after another to breathe.

Suddenly, the water surface was densely covered with all kinds of fish. Looking around, it felt like if you picked up a stone and threw it into the water, you would hit a fish.

"So full!" Cheng Ling patted his belly and said after eating and drinking.

"This fish tastes really good! It actually has a light fruity aroma, which is really magical." Sun Bin threw the shell of the milk fruit in his hand on the ground and said with a smile.

Wang Chao was chewing the fish head. After he ate the fish head, he threw the huge fish head that was completely eaten away, then took out a tissue from his backpack and wiped his mouth.

"This fish brain is really delicious. It tastes much better than fish meat." Wang Chao, who likes to eat fish heads, had a great time this time. He gnawed on the heads of two big black fish.

"Why do you like eating fish heads?" Cheng Ling said.

"Why don't you like it anymore? I think the fish head is delicious." Wang Chao said.

While the three of them were chatting, Ji Xiaoxiao stood up, walked out of the resting place, and looked up at the sky.

At this moment, the sky was covered with dark clouds and became very bad. Thunder streaked across the sky, shocking people's minds.

"The thunder is getting louder and louder. Let's go to the cave that Cheng Ling just mentioned to avoid the heavy rain that's about to start!"

Wang Chao and the other two who were chatting, heard Ji Xiaoxiao's suggestion to take shelter from the rain. They immediately stood up and picked up their backpacks.


The wind became a little violent, bending some low plants, as if trying to pin them to the ground.

The waves on the lake became bigger and bigger, and many of them hit the shore directly, making the area wet.


Brilliant silver-white electric light flashed through the dark clouds that looked like they were dyed with ink, illuminating the darkened sky and earth.

There were four figures on the ground, walking quickly towards a mountain not far away.

As the wind got stronger and the thunder got louder, Ji Xiaoxiao and the others knew that the rain that was about to fall would be at least a downpour.

"That's the cave." Cheng Ling pointed to a cave about six or seven meters in diameter a hundred meters away and said to his companions.

"Such a big cave, if the wind blows into it later, it will be bad." Wang Chao looked at the size of the entrance of the cave in front and said with some worry.

"It shouldn't be a big problem. If we go inside, we won't be blown inside." Cheng Ling said casually.

"I hope so! Otherwise, we will have to find another place to take shelter from the rain." Sun Bin looked around and found that there seemed to be caves in the distance that could be used to take shelter from the rain.

"Let's walk faster! Go to that cave and have a look. If it doesn't work, move to another place as soon as possible." Ji Xiaoxiao looked up at the clouds in the sky, where thunder and lightning flashed more and more frequently, and said to the three companions who were still discussing.

"Tap tap tap..."

Footsteps sounded quickly on the grass. Ji Xiaoxiao and his four people, who were walking at first, started running in order to confirm as soon as possible whether the cave in front was suitable for shelter from the rain.

The flat terrain made it easy to run, unlike the previous time in the forest where I had to be careful while walking.

A few minutes later, Ji Xiaoxiao and four others arrived at the cave that Cheng Ling mentioned.

The entrance of this cave is really large. The wind blowing outside now will blow inward due to the large entrance of the cave. It is absolutely impossible to take shelter from the rain near the entrance of the cave.

However, this cave seems to be quite deep. You can walk inside and the wind will blow into the cave, but when it blows in, it will stop after reaching a certain distance.

"Let's go in and take a look!" Cheng Ling said.


Then, the four people stepped forward and walked into the depths of the huge cave in front of them.

And when they just stepped into the cave, there was a sudden thunder in the sky that was several times louder than the previous ones. The four people immediately stopped and looked outside.


Thick thunder and lightning seemed to fall from the sky to the ground, appearing in the distance with a terrifying formation that shocked everything on the ground.

"Tick tock, tick tock..."

Heavy raindrops began to fall from the clouds after the thunder.

It's raining. It's been brewing for so long, and this downpour is finally starting to pour onto the earth.


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