My Supernatural Life of Leisure

Chapter 1821 Exploration and Occupation (two chapters in one)



"Wow, wow, wow..."

Outside the cave, the wind howled, lightning thundered, and heavy rain poured down. If ordinary people on Blue Star saw this scene, they would feel as if the end of the world was coming.

Ji Xiaoxiao and his four people, who had been living in the spirit world for a long time, only frowned slightly when looking at the scene outside, without too much emotion.


A strong gust of wind blew into the cave, and a large amount of rainwater poured into the cave.

When Ji Xiaoxiao saw this, she immediately raised her hand and struck out. A strong wind erupted from her hand, colliding with the wind blowing in, and then pushed it out of the cave.

It was precisely because of Ji Xiaoxiao's action that Wang Chao and the others were not soaked in the water.

"Let's go, don't stop at the door of the cave anymore."

Wang Chao and the other three nodded when they heard what Ji Xiaoxiao said, and then they took out flashlights inlaid with luminous stones from their backpacks.

Mobilizing the spiritual energy in his body, a pale golden spiritual light bloomed in his hand, and the flashlight inlaid with luminous stones in his hand immediately lit up, creating bright beams of light.

After turning on the lighting equipment, a group of four people began to walk into the cave to take shelter from the rain.

The clouds were as dark as ink, lightning flashed continuously, and endless rain fell from the clouds, as if there was no end, and it was going to flood this area.

The pouring rain outside the cave now had little bearing on Ji Xiaoxiao and his group of four people who were heading into the cave, because after they walked more than a hundred meters, they could barely hear the sound of wind, rain, thunder and lightning outside.

"This cave is so deep! It seems to have no end..." Cheng Ling looked at the dark road ahead and said in a low voice.

"How about we sit down here and rest! There's no need to go further inside." Sun Bin suggested.

Ji Xiaoxiao nodded, "Okay, let's stop here! Wait until the rain stops outside before going out."

Just when the three of them decided to stay where they were and rest, not long after lunch, the energetic Wang Chao raised an objection.

"You guys sit here while I explore inside to see if there is anything interesting..."

Ji Xiaoxiao heard this and persuaded, "Wang Chao, if you go inside alone, if you are in danger, we will not be able to save you in time."

"That's right! Wang Chao, it's dark and scary ahead. If there is any danger ahead and you are accidentally hit, we won't be able to rush to rescue you in time." Cheng Ling agreed.

"Where are there any particularly powerful beasts in the forest now? If there is any powerful creature that can threaten me, it can only be those pig-headed warriors who hide their heads and tails.

And it is obviously impossible for a pig-headed man to exist in this place, so even if there are strange beasts inside, I can deal with it calmly. Wang Chao said, he insisted on exploring the cave.

Seeing Wang Chao's firm attitude, Ji Xiaoxiao shook his head helplessly, and then said, "Okay! You can go if you want, but don't waste too much time, because the rain outside will stop soon, and we will still have to wait until then." Take the time to wait for you.”

"I know, it's the same as before, half an hour! I'll explore inside and be back in half an hour." Wang Chao said.

Then, he looked at Sun Bin, who was sitting on the floor. The latter noticed that the other person was looking at him with a puzzled look on his face.

"Aren't you bored staying here? Let's come together!" Wang Chao invited.

"..." Sun Bin looked at Wang Chao in silence. Then he stood up under the gaze of Ji Xiaoxiao and Cheng Ling. Seeing his move, Wang Chao showed a bright smile on his face, and then the two of them walked into the deep place together. Walk inside the cave.

"Oh, do you think this guy likes exploring so much?" Cheng Ling said as he looked at Wang Chao and Sun Bin who were leaving together.

"Not everyone likes adventure! Some like to stay at home." Ji Xiaoxiao thought of someone and responded.


Blue Star, it was a cold winter day, and it was during the Chinese New Year, so there were very few people on the street.

It was early in the morning, and there were not many people walking outside in the community. No, there were people walking outside, but they were just kids. The adults were all at home watching TV.

Last night, the cold current came to Qingxi Town, causing the temperature in Qingxi Town to drop to close to zero.

After dawn, the cold current that enveloped Qingxi Town came to Rongcheng, causing the city's temperature to drop rapidly.

The drop in temperature has forced many people to stay indoors.

Lin Fei was currently sitting in the study room at home playing on the computer, playing a new stand-alone game.

Due to his poor gaming talent, he couldn't get through many levels of this stand-alone game, which was a bit difficult to get into, after playing it for several hours.

At this time, in order to speed up the progress of passing the level, he chose to go online and read some cheats written by seniors.

"So you have to fight like this after reaching this level! But I remember I tried it before! It seems like I can't get up there."

"I didn't expect there is a little hidden easter egg here. You can't miss it when you play later."

After studying the clearance cheats written by the seniors, Lin Fei restarted the game. This time he was much smoother than before, but the progress of clearance was still not very fast.

"Ding dong..."

The mobile phone placed on the table rang, and someone sent Lin Fei a video voice message.

Lin Fei paused the game, took his phone and looked at it. It was a video voice call from the woman Zhou Yue.


Clicking on the video voice, Zhou Yue appeared on the screen wearing a close-fitting split pajamas. The style of the pajamas showed her clearly curvy lines vividly, making people unable to take their eyes away after watching it.

"Lin Fei, it's snowing here!" An excited Zhou Yue said to Lin Fei while adjusting the camera lens of her phone to point it out the window.

Through Zhou Yue's mobile phone, Lin Fei saw the snow-covered scene in Qingxi Town, and there were snowflakes falling continuously from the sky.

"Does it look good? I felt so cold when I woke up in the morning. I opened the curtains and found that it was covered in heavy snow outside." Zhou Yue said.

For Lin Fei, who had seen thousands of miles of ice fields in the spiritual world, no matter how big the snow scene on the Blue Star was, it could not shake his mind.

However, although I don't think the snow scenery in Qingxi Town is very beautiful or magnificent, I still have to show a surprised expression, otherwise, Zhou Yue, a woman, will definitely express her dissatisfaction with some of her work.

"Well, it's pretty good. When we had barbecue yesterday, you were saying that it might snow, and it really came true." Lin Fei said to Zhou Yue with an expression of admiration.

She originally thought that her performance would satisfy Zhou Yue, but she didn't expect that Zhou Yue looked at him with bright eyes and said angrily.

"I'm telling you, your acting is too bad! Don't act in front of me. Your moral character is not good enough..."

Lin Fei raised his hand and scratched his head in embarrassment when his pretended admiration was discovered on the spot.

Zhou Yue did not hold on to Lin Fei and pretended to admire this matter, but changed the subject and said to Lin Fei, "Would you like to come over and play?"

"We can't go there. It's snowing over there. It's freezing. I'd better stay home and play games!" Lin Fei shook his head and refused. It was such a cold weather and it was still snowing, so he didn't want to go there! Isn’t it good to stay at home and play games?

It seemed that Zhou Yue had expected that Lin Fei would say this, and she did not force it, and then asked casually, "It will be lunch soon. What are you going to eat for lunch?"

Lin Fei, who had long thought about having hot pot for lunch, said, "I plan to have hot pot for lunch."

"Hot pot? Are you going out to eat?" Zhou Yue asked.

“Because of the Chinese New Year, there are not many shops open on the streets outside, and even fewer hotpot shops are open.

I looked at the hot pot restaurants we usually go to and they were all closed, so I decided to have hot pot at home. "Lin Fei explained.

When Zhou Yue heard Lin Fei say that he wanted to eat hot pot at home, she raised the corners of her mouth and said with a smile, "My parents are visiting their friends' houses today, and I am the only one left at home."

"..." Lin Fei was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and then he thought quickly and said, "That's it! Then what do you eat for lunch?"

“I’m getting ready to order takeout!”

"Uh... let's do this. Come and eat hot pot with me, don't order takeout."

"Okay!" Once Lin Fei invited Zhou Yue, he was not polite to him at all and immediately agreed.

Eating hot pot alone will not be as lively as having hot pot with many people, and the taste will be worse. When Lin Fei saw Zhou Yue accepted the invitation, he immediately said, "Then I will pick you up at your home when lunch is about to come. "

"Oops! We have to wait another hour and a half for lunch! It's boring for me to be at home alone now. Come pick me up now." Zhou Yue said.

"Okay! I'll go over now." Lin Fei nodded. He hung up the voice video and put his phone on the table. A flash of inspiration occurred and he disappeared in an instant.

More than a minute later, Lin Fei left and returned, using his space teleportation ability to bring Zhou Yue back home.

"You're playing this game! I've seen it online before! It's said that this game is quite difficult." Zhou Yue, who was wearing pajamas without even changing her clothes, saw the game content displayed on Lin Fei's computer monitor. said in surprise.

Lin Fei originally wanted Zhou Yue to change into her pajamas, but Zhou Yue said it was comfortable in her pajamas, and Lin Fei was also wearing pajamas at home, so he brought Zhou Yue back directly.

"It's quite difficult. I played for a long time and only passed four levels. Now I'm getting ready to move on to the fifth level!" Lin Fei didn't want to appear to Zhou Yue that he was bad at playing games, so he didn't say that he had just studied it. The old-timer’s secrets for clearing the level.

Actually! Zhou Yue and Wang Xiaoru had known for a long time that he was a talented gamer and picked his feet. Covering it up was like covering up one's ears.

"Let me try it! I've wanted to play this game before, but I never had time to download it." Zhou Yue said, without waiting for Lin Fei's consent, he directly pulled out the chair and sat down, then clicked on the game.


"How could you do this? If you want to play, just open a new save file and play! This is my game progress."

Zhou Yue turned her head, looked at Lin Fei, and thought for a moment, "Okay! I'll play the save file again."

Later, Lin Fei came to Zhou Yue's side, took the mouse from her hand, helped her open a new character, and started playing from the first level.

Seeing Zhou Yue clumsily controlling the game characters to play this very difficult game, Lin Fei pulled up another chair and sat down next to her, preparing to watch her make a fool of herself.

You know, when he played the first level as a newcomer, he had to die several times before passing the game. Now he wanted to see if the game characters controlled by Zhou Yue would fail more than himself.

An hour later, Lin Fei looked numbly at Zhou Yue, who was skillfully controlling the game player, chopping melons and vegetables.

Originally, I wanted to see Zhou Yue's jokes, but after seeing how clumsy the operation was at the beginning, and then becoming more and more proficient in control, Lin Fei felt that he was a real joke.

They didn't even read the game guide. They had already reached the same level as themselves in just one hour, and were now charging towards the next level.

After another ten minutes, Zhou Yue controlled the game character to break through the level in front of him, reaching a height that Lin Fei had not reached after spending several hours.

The speed of clearing this level is several times that of Lin Fei. From this, we can see the gap between the two sides' gaming talents.

"Isn't this game said to be quite difficult? Why do I feel it's so easy? It seems that the game's publishers deliberately said this in order to sell the game more easily."

While Zhou Yue was controlling the game character to guide the sixth level, she said something that made Lin Fei very sad.

Lin Fei, who was shocked, suddenly reacted, "That's not right! This guy came here to eat hot pot, how come he took over my computer and played my games?"

Lin Fei, who reacted belatedly, realized something was wrong, and then he spoke to the woman in front of him.

"Okay, you've been playing for so long, it's time for me to play, right?"

"Oh, when my game character dies, why don't you come back and play again!" Zhou Yue responded as he controlled the game character and killed everyone.

"You're going to have to play for a long time!" Lin Fei objected immediately, hoping that Zhou Yue would give up his position quickly.

"It won't take long, don't be so stingy! It's almost lunch. Have you prepared all the ingredients for hot pot?" Zhou Yue moved the mouse and controlled the game character to avoid the attack of a mob. asked.

When Lin Fei saw that Zhou Yue was unwilling to give up his position, he had no choice but to wait for her to kill the game character before asking her to step aside.

"The ingredients are just that. When I want to eat them later, I can just take them out from the dimensional space. There is no need to take them out in a hurry."

Afterwards, Lin Fei watched helplessly as Zhou Yue controlled the characters in the game to pass through the game, but failed.

It wasn't until lunch that Zhou Yue stopped because he was hungry. At this time, Lin Fei couldn't play games because he had to have lunch, which made him a little depressed.


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