My Supernatural Life of Leisure

Chapter 1857 Departure and Inquiry (two chapters in one)

After dawn, the golden sunlight shines on the heavy curtains, and only a little light appears in the room.

The air conditioner in the room blew warm air, making the whole room warm.

Lin Fei, who was lying on the bed and sleeping soundly, slowly opened his eyes, looked up at the window, and then with a thought in his mind, his telekinesis was activated, and the curtains were dragged open to both sides by invisible hands.

The early morning sunlight immediately poured into the dark room after the curtains disappeared, illuminating the entire room.

Lin Fei lifted the quilt and got out of bed, changed his clothes, left the bedroom, and went to the bathroom to wash up.

Qisehua woke up on the balcony. The weather outside was only six or seven degrees, which would be quite cold for normal people.

But this is nothing to the Seven-Colored Flower who has lived in an environment of dozens of degrees below zero in the spiritual world, and it can also be said to be a bit warm.

Pulling her legs out of the soil, Qisehua stood on the edge of the flower pot and did some radio gymnastics.

There was a movement in the living room. After finishing the radio gymnastics, Qisehua turned back and looked towards the living room. Through the glass on the sliding door, she could see Lin Fei sitting in the living room eating breakfast.

Qisehua did not go to the living room, but stood on the balcony waiting for her little friend.

After a while, three small figures flew out from a large leafy banyan tree in the distant community and flew towards the location of the seven-color flower.

Seeing three little sparrows flying towards him, the colorful flower jumped out and landed steadily on the back of the little sparrows in the air more than ten meters high.

Then three little sparrows soared up, quickly flew hundreds of meters into the air, circled in the sky several times, and then flew away into the distance.

Lin Fei, who was having breakfast, glanced in the direction of the balcony. In his perception, the four little guys were quickly leaving the community and heading towards the university town.

"Jingle Bell……"

Lin Fei raised the phone next to him. He picked up the phone and took a look. It was Ning Yu. He answered the call.


"Good morning! Lin Fei." Ning Yu greeted Lin Fei.

"Good morning, what can I do?" Lin Fei responded with a smile.

"It's like this. My friend has opened a new restaurant, and I want to invite you to go with him at noon." Ning Yu said.

"I have something to deal with right now. I can't go together. I'm sorry." Lin Fei said to Ning Yu.

"Okay, then let's go together when you are free!" Ning Yu said.

"Yes." Lin Fei nodded, and then chatted with her for a few more words. He hung up the phone when he heard his family calling her for breakfast from the other side.

After breakfast, Lin Fei sat on the sofa in the living room and watched TV programs, waiting for Han Xue's reply.


The phone rang again. This time the caller was Han Xue, who was waiting for Lin Fei. After answering the call, Lin Fei asked how things were going.

"I told my superiors that you were going to the spirit world to investigate Ji Xiaoxiao and the others. They have already given me a reply, saying that if you go to the spirit world station, someone will contact you." What Han Xue will get I told Lin Fei about the situation.


“Do I need to arrange a flight?”

"No need, I can just go there."

"Okay, then it's been a smooth journey."


After hanging up the phone, Lin Fei did not set off immediately because the world passage on Blue Star had not yet reached the point of opening.

He can use the space teleportation ability to go directly to the spirit world, but this time he needs to contact other people. If he directly uses the space teleportation ability to enter the spirit world when the world channel is not open here, it will be a bit difficult to explain. .


In the afternoon, the world passage to the spiritual world opened in the first town on Blue Star.

It was at this time that a figure appeared on the outskirts of the first town.

When Lin Fei used his space teleportation ability to appear here, he walked forward for a while, and a guard came to stop him. After Lin Fei showed his ID and explained his purpose, he was allowed to pass by the guard. .

After entering the first town, he found the relevant personnel. With the other party's permission, Lin Fei passed the space channel very smoothly and entered the spiritual world.

"Oh, if it wasn't for contact, there wouldn't be such trouble." Lin Fei muttered in his heart after entering the human station in the spirit world through the space channel.

Soon, he went to the relevant departments to contact the relevant departments based on what he learned during the previous chat with Han Xue.

It took more than half an hour. Lin Fei held a palm-sized round metal object in his hand, took off from the station, and quickly flew to the location where Ji Xiaoxiao and four others disappeared.

Lin Fei, flying hundreds of meters high in the air, felt the warm wind blowing in his face and used his spiritual energy to activate the spiritual weapon in his hand.

Soon, the activated spiritual weapon immediately pointed Lin Fei in a more accurate direction. Next, Lin Fei only had to follow the instructions of this spiritual weapon and go all the way to find Ji Xiaoxiao and the others.


In the warm bedroom of Qingxi Town, Zhou Yue was wearing a thin nightgown, leaning against the bedside, holding her mobile phone and watching short videos.

There was a knock on the bedroom door, and with a click, Lu Yunping opened her daughter's door.

Zhou Yue, who was watching a short video, raised her head and looked towards the door, asking, "Mom? What's the matter?"

"I'm going to make some dumplings for lunch. You call Lin Fei and ask him to come over and eat dumplings together at noon." Lu Yunping said.

"..." Zhou Yue was silent for a moment, blinked, and then nodded. She exited the short video viewing software on her phone and called Lin Fei.

"Sorry, the number you dialed is not within the service area. Please call again later."

After dialing the number but not being able to get through, Zhou Yue realized belatedly that Lin Fei told her yesterday that he had to deal with a task assigned to him by the Superpower Management Bureau.

The call cannot be connected now, it should be in the process of performing a task.

"Mom, the call didn't go through. Lin Fei told me that today and in the next few days, he seems to be going to perform a task assigned to him by the Superpower Management Bureau." Zhou Yue explained the situation.

Hearing this, Lu Yunping looked a little disappointed and nodded helplessly, "Okay, then I can only ask him to come over and eat dumplings together next time."

With a bang, the door was closed. Zhou Yue thought about it, opened the social software, and sent a message to Lin Fei.

"The holiday will end the day after tomorrow. If Lin Fei is still on duty then, I will have no choice but to drive to Rongcheng by myself."

After Zhou Yue sent the message, she thought that the New Year holiday was coming to an end, so she muttered.


Spiritual world, Tap Rock City.

Wu Yin was sitting on the balcony on the second floor, lying on a lounge chair, looking at the slowly moving clouds in the distant sky, slightly lost in thought.

In the flower field not far away, Zhang Xiaohua and three little maids were looking at the flowers planted by Wu Yin.

After these flowers bloom, they attract many colorful butterflies. Every morning, these colorful butterflies come to the flower fields in groups to collect nectar.

At this time, Zhang Xiaohua saw a carriage coming from the gate in the distance. Seeing this, she knew that Wu Yin's two friends were looking for him.

Today, Li Rongrong and Li Xiaoxiao went out early in the morning to look for Wu Yin.

"Good morning, ladies." Zhang Xiaohua greeted Li Xiaoxiao and Li Rongrong with a smile after opening the door for them.

"Good morning to you too..." Li Xiaoxiao and Li Rongrong responded, and then followed Zhang Xiaohua into the manor.

On the balcony of the second floor, Wu Yin, who was lying on the lounge chair, noticed the two people arriving when they arrived at the door. When she saw the two people following Zhang Xiaohua towards the villa, she immediately stood up and walked from the second floor. Jumped off the balcony.

"I haven't seen you for a few days. What have you been busy with recently?" Wu Yin asked the two daughters of the city lord of the city lord's mansion with a smile.

"There is a guest at home, and I have been entertaining her these days..." Li Xiaoxiao explained with a smile.

"The guest left today. After seeing her off, we will come to you to go out and play together." Li Rongrong said to Wu Yin with a smile.

Afterwards, the three people left the manor, got on the carriage, and started heading towards the lively city.

The carriage was driving in an orderly manner. At this time, Wu Yin opened her mouth to ask Li Xiaoxiao and Li Rongrong a question that she had wanted to ask for a long time, but she had been delayed because the two people had not come in the past few days and she had not asked it.

"Do you know about the world passage?"

Li Xiaoxiao and Li Rongrong were stunned for a moment, then nodded.

"Of course we know about the World Passage! It is said that our ancestors came to this world through the World Passage." Li Xiaoxiao said.

"Sister Wu, why are you asking this?" Li Rongrong asked curiously.

Wu Yin said with a smile, "That's it. Doesn't the World Passage connect different worlds? I want to go to another world through it."

When Li Xiaoxiao and Li Rongrong heard this, their expressions immediately changed, and then they spoke to Wu Yin to persuade them.

"Oh, you must not have this idea, the passages in the world appear irregularly.

No one knows when it appears, and it's unclear how long it lasts each time.

If you go to another world through the world portal, if you are trapped in the other world, it will be difficult to come back. "

Wu Yin nodded and said, "I know this. In other words, is there no way to discover the world passage in advance?"

"As far as I know, there is no way to discover it in advance. According to records in some ancient books, world passages are often discovered by accident." Li Xiaoxiao, who usually likes to read some ancient books, thought for a while and replied.

"I once read a story in an ancient book, saying that there was a cultivator at the peak of the third level who passed by a world passage.

As a result, the environment in the world on the other side was very harsh. She was almost left there after entering. Fortunately, she returned early and did not go deep into the world on the other side. "Li Rongrong said.

Afterwards, Li Xiaoxiao and Li Rongrong talked to each other about their views on the passage of the world.

Emphasis is placed on the dangers of the World Passage. Do not be curious and think that you are fine and go to the World Passage to have a look.

The reason why these two people emphasized the danger of the World Passage was mainly because they were worried that Wu Yin would explore the World Passage.

Although world passages appear irregularly, in fact, once a world passage appears in a place, although it is not known when it will disappear, it will exist for several days.

At that time, when the news of the emergence of this world channel was spread, many people would go to the place where the world channel appeared.

The reason why everyone heard the news about the appearance of the World Passage and immediately went to the place where the World Passage appeared was mainly because there were many practitioners who wanted to explore the unknown world and obtain cultivation resources.

Although everyone knows that exploring unknown worlds is very dangerous, humans are such strange creatures. They know that there are dangers, but as long as they know that dangerous places have amazing rewards, they will inevitably take risks and explore them.

After getting along with Wu Yin during this period, Li Xiaoxiao and Li Rongrong both know that Wu Yin is not the kind of person who is greedy for cultivation resources.

Now when they heard Wu Yin asking about the World Passage, their first thought was that Wu Yin was curious, so they asked about the World Passage.

Even though they were thinking hard, they couldn't imagine that Wu Yin was not motivated by curiosity at all, but simply because she was thinking about whether she could find a way to the world by herself and then find a way to return to Blue Star.

After some chatting, Wu Yin obtained a lot of information about the world passage from Li Xiaoxiao and Li Rongrong that she had never known before.

After that, she decided to obtain more information about the world passage through other channels to see if she could find out information useful to herself through a lot of harvested information.


The carriage stopped, and the three people in the carriage all knew they were there, so they got off the carriage.

In front of him was a bustling street. Compared to the places he had been to before, this street seemed a bit simple.

Both sides of the street are full of small vendors wearing simple clothes and constantly shouting.

All the way along the street is the river that runs through the entire city.

There are many boats parked on the river bank, and these boats are constantly unloading goods on the shore.

Porters move the goods to distant warehouses one by one, and then the people in the warehouse distribute them uniformly according to the needs of the customers and transport them to various places in the city.

The street Wu Yin, Li Xiaoxiao and Li Rongrong came to today mainly wholesales various commodities.

We usually visit very high-end commercial streets, but this time we visited a place similar to the wholesale market on Blue Star, which was quite interesting.

"There are a lot of interesting and cheap things here. Let's see if we can find treasures here." Li Rongrong said with a smile.

"Isn't this the main place for wholesale goods? How can I find any treasures?" Wu Yin also heard her three maids talk about this street, so she had this doubt.

"You don't know this, right? Although this street is mainly for wholesale goods, there is a branch street where there are many strange antiques.

The real purpose of our coming here is to take a look at that street and see if we can find some interesting stuff that we can't find anywhere else..." Li Rongrong laughed.


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