My Supernatural Life of Leisure

Chapter 1858 Space Fluctuation (two chapters in one)

"There is a small stall selling food over there, and there are many people buying it. Before we go, let's buy some food first!" Li Xiaoxiao suggested.

Afterwards, the three people lined up at a small stall not far away to buy food.

After a while, the three of them ate the snacks in their hands and walked towards the front of the street. They then walked and shopped, first looking at some wholesale products sold on this street, and then walked into a remote alley.

In this trail, there are small vendors on both sides of the street who spread a piece of cloth on the roadside and put some strange items on it.

Wu Yin expanded her senses and found that some of the items on the stalls of many vendors were emitting psychic fluctuations. This made her originally just thinking of coming over for a casual look more serious.

"I didn't expect that there are many items emitting psychic fluctuations here. It seems to be more interesting than I thought..."

"There is a statue over there that looks interesting. Let's go and take a look." Li Xiaoxiao pointed to a stall not far away. There was a wooden statue on it, carved with strange creatures.

Then, a group of three people walked quickly to the stall with wooden statues not far away.


A place thousands of miles away from Tap Rock City, there is an endless vast forest in front of it. Many strange beasts live in this forest. Under normal circumstances, humans do not dare to enter this forest.

At this moment, a human army was stationed on the outskirts of the forest. More than a thousand people were fully equipped, and they seemed to be monitoring something.

Looking into the forest, a few kilometers into the forest, there is an open grassland. In this place, many humans have built wooden houses to live here.

You know, this place is already within the scope of the forest. Once the strange beasts in the forest see humans moving within the scope of the forest, they will gather their friends and attack humans.

It is unimaginable that humans dare to build residences within this forest range.

After many days of training, the injuries on the president of the Poison Fang organization have healed a lot. He stood on the bank of the river, staring into the depths of the forest, as if waiting for something to arrive.

Time passed, the sun in the sky slowly climbed up, the sunlight became more and more intense, and the fast-flowing river surface shone with dazzling light.

Some strange fish jumped up from the river, fell into the river, and swam quickly into the distance. At this time, some humans downstream used their supernatural powers to hit the river. The water suddenly splashed, and some fish were He was so shocked that he fainted and floated from the river.

After a while, these people fishing by the river caught baskets of fish and returned to the camp happily.

The president of the Venomous Fang Organization looked at his subordinates harvesting a large basket of fish, withdrew his gaze and looked deep into the forest again.

After a while, the president of the Venomous Fang Organization, who was looking deep into the forest, seemed to sense something and narrowed his eyes slightly.

The sky in the distance was blue and clear without any clouds. At this moment, a small black spot appeared in the sky.

A few minutes later, this small black spot quickly approached from a distance. At this time, it could be seen that it was a strange beast.

The Black Crocodile Beast fell from the sky and landed in front of the president of the Venomous Fang Organization. At this time, it said to the partners in front of it, "Are you ready to go?"

The president of the Poison Fang Organization nodded, "We're ready to go."

Then, the man and the beast immediately took off into the air and flew out of the forest.

Dozens of kilometers away from where they flew, a human army was stationed there, always monitoring the movements of the group hiding in the forest.

When the president of the Venomous Fang Organization and the Black Crocodile Beast left the forest, they could not fly directly towards the location where the human army was stationed. They chose to take a detour to avoid the human army stationed outside the forest.

After flying out of the forest, Black Crocodile asked his partners, "Where are we going next? Can you tell me now?"

"Tashi City." The president of the Poison Fang Organization said.

"Tashi City is very far away!" Black Crocodile Beast said.

"It's a bit far, but that city has the training resources you need." The president of the Poison Fang Organization said.

After hearing this, the Black Crocodile Beast said nothing more. Although it was far away from Tap Rock City, it would only take a few more days to fly.

Then, the president of the Venomous Fang Organization and the Black Crocodile Beast accelerated their speed and flew towards the location of Tap Rock City.


"Wow, wow, wow..."

A waterfall fell from the sky and hit the bottomless pool, causing huge waves of water.

The sunlight shines into the location of this waterfall, and the diffuse water vapor is illuminated by the sunlight, and a brilliant rainbow immediately appears.

According to the instructions of the spiritual weapon in his hand, Lin Fei tracked the missing location of Ji Xiaoxiao and his party.

When passing by this waterfall, he stopped for a moment because he sensed a violent surge of spiritual energy below the waterfall.

"What's going on with this abnormal surge of spiritual energy?" Lin Fei descended from the sky and hovered in front of a waterfall hundreds of meters high. He began to sense and explore the bottomless pool below the waterfall.

There is a ten-meter-long strange beast deep in the water pool. At this time, this strange beast is at the critical moment of breaking through.

This strange beast is already very old. If it fails to break through this time, it will be killed on the spot.

If an investigator comes here to start sensing, they will find that this strange beast actually has the cultivation level of the first stage of the fourth stage.

It's really surprising that there is such a strange beast in the territory of this mind bird.

This strange beast was originally the overlord of this forest. Later, because its life span was approaching, the mind bird took over its position.

And it was hiding in the depths of this pool, sleeping, accumulating strength, and risking its life at the moment when its life span was about to end, to see if it could break through.

Today is its most critical day. If it can successfully break through and become the middle stage of the fourth stage, its lifespan will be greatly extended. If it cannot successfully break through, then it will completely die at the bottom of the pool.

A large amount of spiritual energy quickly gathered into the pool under the forcible gathering of this strange beast. It quickly absorbed the gathered spiritual energy and impacted the bottleneck that prevented it from breaking through to the middle of the fourth stage.

With a bang, the entire water pool was blown up to the sky, and the pool was completely empty.

The spiritual energy fluctuations in the early stage of the fourth stage were greatly enhanced, and the even more powerful spiritual energy fluctuations in the middle stage of the fourth stage spread out in all directions unbridled.

"Roar... I successfully broke through. The middle stage of the fourth stage. This is the power of the middle stage of the fourth stage. It's so wonderful." After the breakthrough, the body of the alien beast, which was originally ten meters long, actually doubled in size and became two-dimensional. More than ten meters.

This is a strange beast with a slender body, a round head, only one eye on its face, and a mouth full of barbs.

"Eh?" After successfully breaking through, the alien beast flew into the sky and saw a creature with only the third-stage initial spiritual energy fluctuation standing in the sky in the distance.

"In order to break through, I haven't eaten for several years, so I just ate you to fill my stomach..."

The extremely powerful spiritual energy surged towards the prey, and the alien beast that had just broken through launched an attack on Lin Fei.

Facing the attack of this weird-looking beast, Lin Fei chuckled and then disappeared instantly.

After jumping into the air, the alien beast paused with a look of surprise in its eyes. At this time, a voice came from above its head.


Looking up to the sky, I saw a bright silver-white electric light falling from the sky. In mid-air, the electric light turned into a silver javelin, hitting the head of the alien beast with lightning speed.


The javelin turned into thunder and lightning easily penetrated the head of the alien beast, and an earth-shattering explosion occurred. The terrifying explosion could be heard for dozens of kilometers in radius.

The alien beasts living in the surrounding area were frightened by the huge movement and all fell to the ground for a while.

The alien beast that had just successfully broken through and had its lifespan increased died in just three minutes after the successful breakthrough. Its huge body fell from the sky and hit the ground, causing a puff of smoke and dust.

"I didn't expect that there would be such a strange beast here. Fortunately, I happened to find it when I was passing by. Otherwise, they would be in trouble."

Lin Fei casually dealt with this strange beast with mid-level fourth-level strength, muttering to himself, then turned and left, continuing to the place where Ji Xiaoxiao and the others disappeared.

The people he mentioned were naturally referring to the investigators here in the spirit world. If Lin Fei hadn't happened to pass by here this time and killed this strange beast, if those investigators had encountered this strange beast, they would have been in trouble. There is no life in death.

Moreover, if this strange beast discovers the base camp built by humans in the forest and goes to wreak havoc, the casualties will be very heavy.


Lin Fei walked all the way, and according to the instructions of the spiritual weapon in his hand, he spent a whole morning arriving in front of the cave where Ji Xiaoxiao and the others disappeared.

This area was shrouded in clouds and fog, but it took him a long time to get here.

Looking at the cave in front of him, Lin Fei walked in. It took him about six or seven minutes to reach the deepest part of the cave.

According to what he learned during the previous handover with the investigators, the investigation team sent from the base camp also came here. They did not find any clues here and returned without success.

Lin Fei looked at the footprints on the ground, and then at the stone wall in front of him with no way forward, and he fell into deep thought.

Expand your perception and instantly take all the surrounding situations into your mind.

The perception of the fifth-level high-level is extremely powerful. After Lin Fei carefully searched, he discovered some abnormalities.

"What is this abnormal spatial fluctuation?"

Lin Fei's perception discovered a very special spatial fluctuation. He thought about it carefully and said in surprise.

"It's the fluctuation of the world passage. There has been a world passage here."

In the dim cave, there were several small fireballs suspended in mid-air, dispelling the darkness.

Lin Fei looked at the stone wall in front of him, thoughts in his mind tumbling rapidly. Based on the spatial fluctuations captured by his mental power just now, he already had some speculations in his mind.

"Ji Xiaoxiao and his group probably entered the world passage accidentally, and now they are trapped in another world.

What should I do now? The world passage has been closed. How should I go to the world where they are and rescue them? "

While Lin Fei was meditating, he did not withdraw his expanded perception, and was still aware of the movement around him.

At this time, his perception captured the spatial fluctuations, and they actually became stronger.


Lin Fei, who was meditating, noticed that the spatial fluctuations had increased. He immediately came back to his senses, and then carefully observed the remaining spatial fluctuations.

After a few minutes passed, Lin Fei showed a slight smile on his face, because he discovered through observation that he seemed to have a way to forcibly open the world passage to the world where Ji Xiaoxiao and the others were now.

"Let me try it!" Lin Fei said to himself, then he raised his right hand, palm facing up, and began to mobilize the spiritual energy in his body.

Massive amounts of spiritual energy began to gather in Lin Fei's palm, and an egg-sized group of spiritual energy floated above his palm.

As time passed, when Lin Fei consumed half of his spiritual energy and gathered it in his palm, he stopped mobilizing his spiritual energy, and instead focused on the spiritual light group in his hand, compressing it.

The egg-sized psionic light group contained an unimaginable amount of psionic energy. After being compressed by Lin Fei, it began to gradually become smaller, from the size of an egg at the beginning to the size of a pigeon egg, and then to the size of a fingernail.

In order to compress the spiritual energy in his hand, Lin Fei spent more than ten minutes. The reason why he spent so much time was because if he acted too hastily, it would easily cause the spiritual energy in his hand to become chaotic and collapse uncontrollably on the spot.

That is to say, Lin Fei can compress such a massive amount of spiritual energy in this way. If it were any other practitioner, I am afraid that when the compression is started, the volume in his hand will not be reduced by one third, and the spiritual energy in his hand will collapse.

Under Lin Fei's powerful control, the psychic light group that was initially the size of an egg eventually became the size of a pinhead.

The tiny golden psionic light group exuded an intoxicating brilliance. The spatial fluctuation that Lin Fei had captured earlier was now moving towards Lin Fei's compressed psionic light group.

When it approached Lin Fei's compressed spiritual light group, space fluctuations began to surge violently.


There was a slight noise deep in the quiet cave, as if something was breaking.

I saw a dark crack suddenly appeared in front of Lin Fei, which was a crack in space.

Lin Fei's vast amount of spiritual energy was extremely compressed, and then caused the space to fluctuate violently, causing space cracks.

This space crack is the prerequisite for the emergence of a world passage. Once the crack cracks to a certain extent, it will become a space passage that opens up the two worlds.

"Tsk... This method really works! In this case, can I use this method to bring Wu Yin back to Blue Star from that place?"

Lin Fei saw that the cracks in the space in front of him were getting bigger and bigger, and he immediately thought about whether he could use this method to bring Wu Yin, who was trapped in the spiritual world, back to Blue Star.


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