My Supernatural Life of Leisure

Chapter 1899 An unknown third-party force? (Two chapters in one)

"Huh..." After listening to his subordinate carefully explain why the goods transported this time were intercepted by investigators again, the middle-aged man with scars on his face exhaled a long breath, and then fell silent.

"..." The young man did not hear the superior speaking on the other side of the phone. He did not dare to say anything for the time being. This failure could be said to be unexpected.

It was only right to act according to the plan and be sure of it, but ended up falling short at the last moment.

At the beginning, he had sworn to his superiors that the probability of success of this plan was 100%, but it turned out to be like this, which was really embarrassing.

Before calling his superior, he had thought that his superior would be furious after hearing what he reported, and would severely scold him for his incompetence. But now his superior's silence surprised him.

"I understand the matter, let's leave it at that! Find a time to make arrangements later and re-deliver a batch of goods..." The middle-aged man with the scar on his face said after being silent for a few minutes.

"Uh...?!!!" A surprised expression appeared on the young man's face. He never expected that the failure of this plan would just pass without any scolding.

"Hang up. If there's nothing particularly important in the next few days, don't call me." The middle-aged man with scars on his face said and hung up the phone.

"What's going on?" The young man was confused as he looked at the dimmed screen. He racked his brains and couldn't figure out why his superior didn't scold him, but instead gave him another chance to arrange the next shipment. Task.

In fact, the young man was relatively lucky this time. His superior had just experienced an attack by a strange beast. Although he was angry that the plan failed, he had not calmed down yet and was in no mood to blame him.


In an abandoned factory on the outskirts of the city, a group of people looked gloomily at the lighting lamps placed on the table.

In order to intercept the belongings of the Black Flag organization, they had been planning for a long time, but when they were about to start the final stage of the operation, such an accident happened, which made their planning fall short. It was really disappointing. People are angry.

Of course, while being angry, many people are also filled with joy.

The scene that happened on the river bank before was not something that everyone could handle. If they had arrived at the target location two or three minutes earlier and fought with the people of the Black Flag organization, they would all have fallen on the river bank at this moment. side.

"Brother, our plan didn't succeed this time. What should we do next?" A younger brother asked the burly bald man sitting on the chair.

"You guys wait a minute, don't be anxious, I'll call and ask." As the eldest brother, the burly bald man was relatively calm and spoke to comfort the bewildered younger brothers.

Then he took his phone out of his pocket and dialed a special number.


The phone rang a few times, then connected, and then a hoarse voice came from the other side of the phone.

"How did things go?"

After the burly bald man connected the phone, he immediately heard the inquiry from the other party. He quickly reported what happened not long ago.

"It seems that a third party is involved." The hoarse voice said.

"Our main purpose is to disrupt the Black Flag organization's business. The enemy of our enemy is our friend. Now that third-party forces are involved to destroy it, we are happy to see the results."

"Then what should we do next? Should we disband on the spot and hide?" asked the burly bald man.

“The Black Flag organization’s operation to transport goods failed this time, and they will definitely do it again.

The time interval should be several days. During this period, you should disband first! Hide well and wait for my news before gathering together for action. "The person on the other side of the phone thought for a few minutes and then gave the order.

"Okay." The burly bald man nodded. After hanging up the phone, he looked at his younger brothers who were watching him and relayed the order given by the higher-ups.

"Huh..." Everyone present felt relieved when they heard that they were temporarily disbanded.

During this period of time, everyone was tense in order to execute the plan. In the end, the success fell short. The mental blow was not small. The temporary disbandment allowed us to take a good rest and recuperate our spirits.

"That's it. Let's disperse first and find a place to rest... During the next period of time, stay safe and don't cause trouble for me." The burly bald man stood up and told his younger brothers.

"Brother, don't worry! We will stay safe during the disbandment period." A younger brother said with a smile. Now he wanted to find a hotel to take a shower and sleep.

Afterwards, the lights in the abandoned factory went out, and a group of strong men who used this as their base camp left the abandoned factory one after another.


The capital city was shrouded in heavy snow. As the night deepened, the snow falling from the sky became heavier and heavier.

The dim yellow light emitted by the street lamps on both sides of the street reflects on the white snowdrifts, reflecting the hazy light.

"Welcome to come again next time." The restaurant waiter at the cashier said with a smile to the guests who had paid and were about to leave.

"It's snowing so hard!" Zhou Yue sighed as she looked at the snowflakes falling continuously in the sky.

"In another week, the temperature will rise rapidly, and then there won't be such heavy snow again." Wang Xiaoru said.

"It's such a cold day, Xiaoru, please drive home quickly, take a shower, and go to bed to rest!" Lin Fei said.

"Yeah." Wang Xiaoru nodded, and then walked to the parking place not far away.

Lin Fei and Zhou Yue followed. After the three of them arrived at the parking spot, Wang Xiaoru said with a smile, "You guys should go back quickly!"

Then, Wang Xiaoru opened the car door, got in the car, and started the car.

"Be careful when driving on the road, don't drive too fast..." Lin Fei reminded.

"Got it." Wang Xiaoru responded with a smile, then raised her hand and waved. Zhou Yue smiled and waved too. The car window slowly rose and closed completely. Wang Xiaoru drove the car and left the parking space in front of the restaurant. , driving towards home.

Lin Fei watched Wang Xiaoru disappear at the end of the street in the distance. He withdrew his gaze, turned to Zhou Yue who had a bright smile on his face and said, "Let's go back too!"



A white light flashed across the dim living room, and two figures appeared out of thin air in the living room.


Lin Fei raised his hand and snapped his fingers, activating his telekinesis power, and the lights in Zhou Yue's house turned on.

"It's still warm at home!" It was too cold in the capital. Although Rongcheng couldn't be called warm, it was much warmer than the capital with heavy snowfall. Zhou Yue sighed with emotion, and then she took off her coat and handed it to Lin. fly.

"No, give it back to you."

Lin Fei took the coat lent to Zhou Yue and put it into the dimensional space.

"Since I have sent you home, I will go back too." Lin Fei said, and prepared to use the space teleportation ability to return home.

"Why are you in such a hurry to go back? You have nothing to do when you go home, so just sit at my house for a while and watch TV!" Zhou Yue persuaded Liu.

"I can play on the computer when I get home." Lin Fei raised his hand and scratched his head and said.

"You can play on the computer anytime! Let's play games together for a while," Zhou Yue said.

Now that Wang Xiaoru has gone to the capital, Zhou Yue is the only one left at home. At first, she thought it was okay to be alone. However, after living by herself for a few days, Zhou Yue felt a little lonely.

After all, she was used to living with Wang Xiaoru in this home. Now she was the only one left at home, and she had no one to chat with if she wanted to.

Lin Fei looked at Zhou Yue's bright eyes full of expectation. He raised his hand to touch his nose and nodded, "Okay! Then I'll stay for a while and play a few games with you."

"Yeah." Zhou Yue happily responded when she heard that Lin Fei was staying. Then she ran to the kitchen to wash a plate of fruit and brought it to the living room. The two of them ate the fruit and played games.


Under the bright moonlight, several black shadows appeared in the sky.

When passing over a community, these black shadows quickly flew towards the community below.

"Chirping... Qise Hua, we're home." The sparrow boss reminded Qise Hua, who was resting on his back with his eyes closed.

Qisehua heard the sound, opened her eyes, and then jumped into the balcony of Lin Fei's house, "You have worked hard today, go back to bed early!"

The three sparrow brothers turned back in the air and flew towards a large and leafy banyan tree in the community.

Qisehua returned home and saw that the dark living room was quiet. She opened her senses and found no psychic fluctuations, so she knew that Lin Fei and the small stone ball had not returned yet.


The colorful flower yawned, then jumped into the flower pot, buried its lower legs in the soil, and turned into a very ordinary flower.

Usually when Qisehua returns home, she will run to the living room and turn on the TV to watch TV programs for a while, but she doesn't do that now.

The reason is that its dormant period has come and it doesn't have much energy to watch TV.

Now it can enter deep sleep at any time, but I don't know how long it takes for deep sleep.

Before entering deep sleep, it wanted to tell Lin Fei about its situation, so that when it entered deep sleep, Lin Fei, who was unaware, would think something had happened to him.


Spiritual world, the next morning.

The whole forest is covered with white snow, and as far as you can see, most of it is white.

The originally vibrant forest became very deserted due to the sweeping cold wave.

However, careful observation will reveal that compared to the past few days, although the temperature in the forest is still dropping due to the influence of the cold wave, there are many more creatures living in the snow than in the past few days.

A large snow-white butterfly, more than 20 centimeters long, landed on a plant and seemed to be sucking the plant's juice.

The temperature has dropped below zero, and there are creatures like butterflies in such a cold temperature. This is only what happens in the spiritual world.

Just as the big snow-white butterfly was sucking the juice of the plant, a snow-white mantis suddenly shot out of the snow not far from the plant.

Feeling the danger coming, the big snow-white butterfly had no time to avoid the enemy's surprise attack, and fell into the opponent's sickle hand, unable to break free.

The white mantis is twice as big as the butterfly. After catching the prey, it immediately starts eating and eats up the butterfly in two or three strokes.

A butterfly obviously couldn't fill the belly of the white mantis. It spread its wings on its back, flew forward a certain distance, landed in the snow, and then buried its entire body into the snowdrift, leaving only its two eyes exposed. Observing the surrounding situation.

In the following time, the mantis hiding in the snowdrift used the same trick to capture several prey. After filling its stomach, it prepared to sleep in the snow and come out to hunt when it was hungry.


The strong wind blew, and the surrounding trees rustled, and the snow that fell on the leaves was blown to the ground by the gust of wind.

There were many sounds coming from the newly built cabins. If you listen carefully, it was the pig-headed warriors chatting.

"It's such a nice day today."

"Great, the snow has finally stopped."

"Taking advantage of the good weather today, we have to work harder to collect more food."

"Yes! We need to collect more food as soon as possible and fill up the warehouse so that everyone can spend the winter with peace of mind."

After the pig-headed warrior sleeping in the cabin woke up, he did not come out immediately. Instead, he lay on the bed chatting with his roommate, waiting for the time to eat.

The sun in the sky slowly rises, and the white snowflakes reflect the sunlight.

There was a sound of gongs, and the sound of the cook shouting for breakfast came from the pig-headed camp.

The stomachs of the pig-headed warriors waiting for breakfast in the house were already growling with hunger.

After hearing the sound of eating, I immediately ran out of the house and rushed to the place where breakfast was distributed. Everyone was very disciplined and lined up.

The handsome-looking pig-headed logistics captain walked out of the house, stood at the door and stretched.

At this time, the door of the room next to him also opened. He saw his friend coming out of the house and said hello immediately.

"Good morning!"

"Good morning." The pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead responded with a smile, then looked at the big sun in the sky in the distance and said.

"I didn't expect the weather to be so good today. It will be a lot easier for us to collect food now."

"Yes! However, when the cold wave comes, the weather will change at any time. In the morning, the sky will be clear, and the sun will hang high in the sky, but in the afternoon, it will be cloudy, and then heavy snow like goose feathers will begin to fall." The handsome-looking man said. The pig-headed logistics captain said.

"That's right, then we have to take advantage of the good weather to collect food." The pig-headed captain with a brown birthmark on his forehead said with a smile.

"Let's have breakfast first! After eating, I have something to discuss with you." said the handsome pig-headed logistics captain.


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